The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

# Copyright 2005-2008, Sam Vilain.  All rights reserved.  This program
# is free software; you can use it and/or distribute it under the same
# terms as Perl itself; either the latest stable release of Perl when
# the module was written, or any subsequent stable release.
# Please note that this applies retrospectively to all Scriptalicious
# releases; apologies for the lack of an explicit license.

package Scriptalicious;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak);

our $VERSION = "1.17";

use Getopt::Long;
use base qw(Exporter);

    # export groups, phtoey!

    our @EXPORT = qw(say mutter whisper abort moan barf run run_err
		     capture capture_err getopt $VERBOSE $PROGNAME
		     start_timer show_delta show_elapsed getconf
		     getconf_f sci_unit prompt_for prompt_passwd
		     prompt_yn prompt_Yn prompt_yN prompt_string
		     prompt_nY prompt_Ny prompt_ny
		     prompt_int tsay anydump prompt_regex prompt_sub
		     prompt_file hush_exec unhush_exec
		     getopt_lenient time_unit

# define this in subclasses where appropriate
sub __package__ { __PACKAGE__ }

our ($VERBOSE, $closure, $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE, $gotconf);

#  parse import arguments and export symbols
sub import {
    my $pkg = shift;
    no strict 'refs';

    # look for options in the importer arguments
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#_; $i++ ) {
	if ( $_[$i] =~ m/^-(.*)/ ) {
	    die "Bad option `$1' from $pkg"
		unless *{uc($1)}{SCALAR};
	    my $x = uc($1); ($x eq "VERSION") && ($x="main::$x");
	    ${$x} = $_[$i+1];
	    (@_) = (@_[0..($i-1)], @_[($i+2)..$#_]);

    unshift @_, $pkg;
    goto &Exporter::import;

# automatically guess the program name if called for
(our $PROGNAME = $0) =~ s{.*/}{} unless $PROGNAME;
our $CONFIG;

    Getopt::Long::config("bundling", "pass_through");

END { $closure->() if $closure }

sub getopt_lenient {
    local($closure) = \&show_usage;

    $gotconf = 1;
	     'help|h' => \&show_help,
	     'verbose|v' => sub { $VERBOSE++ },
	     'quiet|q' => sub { $VERBOSE = -1 },
	     'debug|d' => sub { $VERBOSE = 2 },
	     'version|V' => \&show_version,

    # check for unknown arguments and print a nice error message
    # instead of the nasty default Getopt::Long message

    shift @ARGV, return if $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] eq "--";


sub getopt {
    local($closure) = \&show_usage;


    abort("unrecognised option: $ARGV[0]")
	if $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/;

sub say { _autoconf() unless $gotconf;
	  print "$PROGNAME: @_\n" unless $VERBOSE < 0 }
sub mutter { say @_ if $VERBOSE }
sub whisper { say @_ if $VERBOSE > 1 }
sub _err_say { _autoconf() unless $gotconf;
	       print STDERR "$PROGNAME: @_\n" }
sub abort { _err_say "aborting: @_"; &show_usage; }
sub moan { _err_say "warning: @_" }
sub protest { _err_say "error: @_" }
sub barf { if($^S){die @_}else{ _err_say "ERROR: @_"; exit(1); } }
sub _autoconf { getopt_lenient( eval{ my @x = getconf(@_); @x } ) }

#  helpers for running commands and/or capturing their output
our (@output, $next_cmd_no_hide, $next_cmd_capture);

# use Shell::QuoteEscape?  nah :-)
my %map = ((map { chr($_) => sprintf("\\%.3o",$_) } (0..31, 127..255)),
           " "=>" ","\t"=>"\\t","\r"=>"\\r","\n"=>"\\n",
sub shellquote {
    return join(" ",map { m/[\s\']/ && do {
        $_ = "\"$_\"";
    }; $_ } map { $_ } @_);

sub hush_exec {
sub unhush_exec {

our @last_cmd;
sub run {
    @_ = @last_cmd;
    my $start = $#output - 10;
    chomp($output[$#output]) if @output;
    $start = 0 if $start < 0;
         (ref $_[0] ? "Sub-process " : "Command `".shellquote(@_)."' ").
         (($? >> 8)
          ? "exited with error code ".($?>>8)
          : "killed by signal $?")
         .(($VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE or $next_cmd_no_hide) ? ""
           : (($start != 0
	       ? "\nlast lines of output:\n"
	       : "\nprogram output:\n")
              .join("", @output[$start .. $#output])
	      .($start != 0
		? "(use -v to show complete program output)"
		: "")))
        ) if ($?);

sub do_fork {
    @output = ();
    if (not $next_cmd_capture and
	( $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE or $next_cmd_no_hide )) {
        return fork()
    } else {
        my $pid = open CHILD, "-|";
        if (defined($pid) && !$pid) {
            open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
        return $pid;

sub _waitpid {
    my $pid = shift;

    if (not $next_cmd_capture and
	($VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE or $next_cmd_no_hide)) {
        waitpid($pid, 0);
    } else {
        while (my $line = <CHILD>) {
            push @output, $line;
        close CHILD;

sub _load_hires {
    return if defined &gettimeofday;
    eval "use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval)";
    *gettimeofday = sub { return time() }
	unless defined &gettimeofday;
    *tv_interval = sub { return ${$_[0]}[0] - ${$_[1]}[0] }
	unless defined &tv_interval;

sub run_err {
    my %fds;
    my $fd_desc = "";
    while ( $_[0] and !ref $_[0] and $_[0]=~/^-(in|out|rw)(\d+)?$/ ) {
	my $mode = ($1 eq "in" ? "<" : ($1 eq "out" ? ">" : "+<") );
	my $fd = $2 || ($1 eq "out" ? 1 : 0);
	$fds{"$fd"} = [ $mode, shift ];
	$fd_desc .= ($fd_desc ? ", " : "") . "fd$fd=$mode$fds{$fd}";
    @last_cmd = @_;
    if ( $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE ) {
	say("running `".shellquote(@last_cmd)."'"
	      ? " (captured)"
	      : "")
	   ) unless ref($_[0]);

    my $start = start_timer();
    my $output;

    if (my $pid = do_fork) {

        local $SIG{INT} = sub { kill 2, $pid };
        $output = &_waitpid($pid);

    } else {
        barf "Fork failed; $!" if not defined $pid;
	setup_fds(\%fds) if $fd_desc;
        if (ref $_[0]) {
            my $code = shift;
        } else {
            exec(@_) ||
            barf "exec failed; $!";

    if ( $VERBOSE >= $SHOW_CMD_VERBOSE ) {
	say sprintf("command completed in ".show_elapsed($start))

    return $?


sub capture {
    local($next_cmd_capture) = 1;
    return (wantarray ? @output : join("", @output));

sub capture_err {
    local($next_cmd_capture) = 1;
    my $rv = run_err(@_);
    return ($rv, @output)

sub capture2 {
    die "capture2 not implemented yet"

our $DATA = join "", <DATA>;  close DATA;
our ($AUTOLOAD, $l);sub AUTOLOAD{croak"No such function $AUTOLOAD"if
$l;(undef,my($f,$n))=ll();$n+=1;eval"package ".__PACKAGE__.";\n"
."# line $n \"$f\"\n$DATA"; $@&&die"Error in autoload: $@";
$l=1;goto &{$AUTOLOAD};}sub ll{sub{caller()}->();}     "P E A C E";


#  get the synopsis, etc, from the calling script.
sub _get_pod_usage {
	return if $SYNOPSIS;
	our $level;
	open SCR_POD, $0 or warn "failed to open $0 for reading; $!";
	my $targ;
	my $in_options;
	my $name_desc;
	while (<SCR_POD>) {
		if ( !m{^=} and $targ ) {
			$$targ .= $_;
		if ( m{^=encoding (\w+)} ) {
			binmode SCR_POD, ":$1";
		elsif ( m{^=head\w\s+SYNOPSIS\s*$} ) {
			$targ = \$Scriptalicious::SYNOPSIS;
		elsif ( m{^=head\w\s+DESCRIPTION\s*$} ) {
			$targ = \$Scriptalicious::DESCRIPTION;
		elsif ( m{^=head\w\s+NAME\s*$} ) {
			$targ = \$name_desc;
		elsif ( m{^=head\w\s+COMMAND[\- ]LINE OPTIONS\s*$} ) {
			$in_options = 1;
		elsif ( $in_options ) {
			if ( m{^=over} ) {
			elsif ( m{^=item\s+(.*)} ) {
				next unless $level == 1;
				my $switches = $1;
				$switches =~ s{[BCI]<([^>]*)>}{$1}g;
				my (@switches, $longest);
				$longest = "";
				for my $switch
					($switches =~ m/\G
						       /gx) {
					push @switches, $switch;
					if ( length $switch > length $longest) {
						$longest = $switch;
				$longest =~ s/^-*//;
				my $opt_hash = {
					options => \@switches,
					description => "",
				$targ = \$opt_hash->{description};
				push @options, $longest, $opt_hash;
			elsif ( m{^=back} ) {
				if ( --$level == 0 ) {
	if ( $name_desc ) {
		$name_desc =~ m{^(\S+)(?:\s+-\s+(.*))?$};
		$PROGNAME ||= $1;
		$SHORT_DESC ||= $2;

	    $_ ||= "(not found in POD)";

sub short_usage {
    return ("Usage: $SYNOPSIS\n"
	    ."Try "
	      ? "`$PROGNAME --help' for a summary of options."
	      : "`perldoc $0' for more information")

sub usage {
    if ( !$SHORT_DESC ) {
	moan("failed to extract usage information from POD; calling "
	exec("perldoc", $0) ||
	barf "exec failed; $!";

    eval "use Text::Wrap qw(wrap fill)";
    *wrap = sub { return join "", @_ } unless defined &wrap;
    *fill = sub { return join "", @_ } unless defined &fill;

    my $TOTAL_WIDTH;
    eval "use Term::ReadKey;";
    if ( defined &GetTerminalSize ) {
	$TOTAL_WIDTH = (GetTerminalSize())[0] - 10;
    $TOTAL_WIDTH ||= 70;

    my $options_string;
    my $OPTIONS_INDENT = 2;
    my $OPTIONS_WIDTH = 20;
    my $OPTIONS_GAP = 2;


    # go through each option, and format it for the screen

    for ( my $i = 0; $i < (@options>>1); $i ++ ) {
	my $option = $options[$i*2 + 1];

	$Text::Wrap::huge = "overflow";
	$Text::Wrap::columns = $OPTIONS_WIDTH;
	my @lhs = map { split /\n/ }
	    wrap("","",join ", ",
		 sort { length $a <=> length $b }

	$Text::Wrap::huge = "wrap";
	$Text::Wrap::columns = $DESCRIPTION_WIDTH;
	my @rhs = map { split /\n/ }

	while ( @lhs or @rhs ) {
	    my $left = shift @lhs;
	    my $right = shift @rhs;
	    $left ||= "";
	    $right ||= "";
	    $options_string .= join
		 $left . (" " x ($OPTIONS_WIDTH - length $left)),
		 " " x $OPTIONS_GAP,

    $Text::Wrap::huge = "overflow";
    $Text::Wrap::columns = $TOTAL_WIDTH;

    $DESCRIPTION =~ s{\n\n}{\n\n<-->\n\n}gs;
    $DESCRIPTION = fill("  ", " ", $DESCRIPTION);
    $DESCRIPTION =~ s{^.*<-->.*$}{}mg;

    return (fill("","",$PROGNAME . " - " . $SHORT_DESC)
	    ."Usage: ".$SYNOPSIS."\n\n"
	    .fill("","  ","Command line options:")
	    ."See `perldoc $0' for more information.\n\n");


sub show_usage {
    print STDERR &short_usage;

sub show_version {
    print "This is ".$PROGNAME.", "
	.( defined($main::VERSION)
	   ? "version ".$main::VERSION."\n"
	   : "with no version, so stick it up your source repository!\n" );


sub show_help {
    print &usage;

my ($start, $last);
sub start_timer {

    if ( !defined wantarray ) {
	$last = $start = [gettimeofday()];
    } else {
	return [gettimeofday()];

sub show_elapsed {
     my $e = tv_interval($_[0]||$start, [gettimeofday()]);

     return time_unit($e, 3);

sub show_delta {
    my $now;
    my $e = tv_interval($_[0]||$last, $now = [gettimeofday()]);
    $last = $now;
    return time_unit($e, 3);

use POSIX qw(ceil);
my @time_mul = (["w", 7*86400], ["d", 86400, " "], ["h", 3600, ":"],
		["m", 60, ":" ], ["s", 1, 0],
		[ "ms", 0.001 ], [ "us", 1e-6 ], ["ns", 1e-9]);
sub time_unit {
    my $scalar = shift;
    my $neg = $scalar < 0;
    if ($neg) { 
        $scalar = -$scalar;
    my $d = (shift) || 4;
    if ($scalar == 0) {
        return "0s";
    my $quanta = exp(log($scalar)-2.3025851*$d);
    my $rem = $scalar+0;
    my $rv = "";
    for my $i (0..$#time_mul) {
    	my $unit = $time_mul[$i];
	if ($rv or $unit->[1] <= $rem ) {
	   my $x = int($rem/$unit->[1]);
	   my $new_rem = ($x ? $rem - ($x*$unit->[1]) : $rem);
	   my $last = ($time_mul[$i+1][1]<$quanta);
    	   if ($last and $new_rem >= $unit->[1]/2) {
	   if (!$last and $unit->[2]) {
	       $rv .= $x.$unit->[0].$unit->[2];
	   elsif (defined $unit->[2] and !$unit->[2]) {
	       # stop at seconds
	       my $prec = ceil(-log($quanta)/log(10)-1.01);
	       if ( $prec >= 1 ) {
		       $rv .= sprintf("%.${prec}f", $rem).$unit->[0];
	       else {
		       $rv .= sprintf("%d", $rem).$unit->[0];
	   else {
	       $rv .= $x.$unit->[0];
	   last if $last;
	   $rem = $new_rem;

my %prefixes=(18=>"E",15=>"P",12=>"T",9=>"G",6=>"M",3=>"k",0=>"",

sub sci_unit {
    my $scalar = shift;
    my $neg = $scalar < 0 ? "-" : "";
    if ($neg) {
        $scalar = -$scalar;
    my $unit = (shift) || "";
    my $d = (shift) || 4;
    my $e = 0;
    #scale value
    while ( abs($scalar) > 1000 ) { $scalar /= 1000; $e += 3; }
    while ( $scalar and abs($scalar) < 1 ) {$scalar*=1000;$e-=3}

    # round the number to the right number of digits with sprintf
    if (exists $prefixes{$e}) {
	$d -= ceil(log($scalar)/log(10));
	$d = 0 if $d < 0;
	my $a = sprintf("%s%.${d}f", $neg, $scalar);
	return $a.$prefixes{$e}.$unit;
    } else {
	return sprintf("%s%${d}e", $neg, $scalar).$unit;


sub getconf {
    my $conf_obj;
    eval 'use YAML';
    if ($@) {
    	local($gotconf) = 1;
        moan "failed to include YAML; not able to load config";
	return @_;
    for my $loc ( $CONFIG,
		) {
	next if not defined $loc;
	eval {
	    $conf_obj = getconf_f($loc, @_);
	if ( $@ ) {
	    if ( $@ =~ /^no such config/ ) {
	    } else {
		barf "error processing config file $loc; $@";
	} else {
	    $CONFIG = $loc;
    if ( wantarray ) {
	return @_;
    } else {
	return $conf_obj;

sub getconf_f {
    my $filename = shift;
    eval 'use YAML';
    if ($@) {
    	local($gotconf) = 1;
        moan "failed to include YAML; not able to load config";
	return @_;
    my $conf_obj;

    if ( $filename eq "POD" ) {
	eval "use Pod::Constants";
	barf "no such config file <POD>" if $@;

	my $conf;
		($0, "DEFAULT CONFIG FILE" => \$conf);
	$conf or barf "no such config section";
	eval { $conf_obj = YAML::Load($conf) };

    } else {
	barf "no such config file $filename" unless -f $filename;

	open CONF, "<$filename"
	    or barf "failed to open config file $filename; $!";
	whisper "about to set YAML on config file $filename";
	eval { $conf_obj = YAML::Load(join "", <CONF>); };
	close CONF;
    barf "YAML exception parsing config file $filename: $@" if $@;
    whisper "YAML on config file $filename complete";

    return _process_conf($filename, $conf_obj, @_);

sub _process_conf {
    my $filename = shift;
    my $conf_obj = shift;
    my @save__ = @_ if wantarray;
    while ( my ($opt, $target) = splice @_, 0, 2 ) {

	# wheels, reinvented daily, around the world.
	my ($opt_list, $type) = ($opt =~ m{^([^!+=:]*)([!+=:].*)?$});
	$type ||= "";
	my @names = split /\|/, $opt_list;

	for my $name ( @names ) {
	    if ( exists $conf_obj->{$name} ) {
		whisper "found config option `$name'";

		my $val = $conf_obj->{$name};

		# if its a hash or a list, don't beat around the bush,
		# just assign it.
		if ( $type =~ m{\@$} ) {
		    ref $target eq "ARRAY" or
			croak("$opt: list options must be assigned "
			      ."to an array ref, not `$target'");

		    ref $val eq "ARRAY"
			or barf("list specified in config options, "
				."but `$val' found in config file "
				." $filename for option $name"
				.($name ne $names[0]
				  ? " (synonym for $names[0])" : ""));
		    @{$target} = @{$val};
		elsif ( $type =~ m{\%$} ) {
		    ref $target eq "HASH" or
			croak("$opt: hash options must be assigned "
			      ."to a hash ref, not `$target'");

		    ref $val eq "HASH"
			or barf("hash specified in config options, "
				."but `$val' found in config file "
				." $filename for option $name"
				.($name ne $names[0]
				  ? " (synonym for $names[0])" : ""));
		    %{$target} = %{$val};

		# check its type
		elsif ( $type =~ m{^=s} ) {
		    # nominally a string, but actually allow anything.
		elsif ( $type =~ m{^=i} ) {
		    $val =~ m/^\d+$/ or barf
			("option `$name' in config file $filename "
			 ."must be an integer, not `$val'");
		elsif ( $type =~ m{^=f} ) {
		    $val =~ m/^[+-]?(\d+\.?|\d*\.)(\d+)/ or barf
			("option `$name' in config file $filename "
			 ."must be a real number, not `$val'");
		    $val += 0;
		elsif ( $type =~ m{!} ) {

		    my ($is_true, $is_false) =
			($val =~ m/^(?:(y|yes|true|on|1|yang)
			    or barf
			("option `$name' in config file $filename "
			 ."must be yin or yang, not a suffusion of "

		    $val = $is_true ? 1 : 0;

		} else {
		    $val = 1;

		# process it
		croak("$opt: simple options must be assigned "
		      ."to a scalar or code ref, not `$target'")
		    unless (ref $target and
			    (ref $target)=~ /CODE|SCALAR|REF/);

		if ( ref $target eq "CODE" ) {
		    $target->($names[0], $val);
		} else {
		    $$target = $val;


    if ( wantarray ) {
	return @save__;
    } else {
	return $conf_obj

our $term;
our $APPEND;

sub term {
    #print "PACKAGE is ".__PACKAGE__."\n";
    $term ||= do {
	eval { -t STDIN or die;
	       require Term::ReadLine;
	       } || (bless { IN => \*STDIN,
			     OUT => \*STDOUT }, __PACKAGE__);
    #print "TERM is $term\n";
    return $term;

sub OUT { $_[0]->{OUT} }
sub IN  { $_[0]->{IN} }

sub readline {
    my $self = shift;
    my $prompt = shift;

    my $OUT = $self->OUT;
    my $IN = $self->IN;

    print $OUT "$prompt? ";
    my $res = readline $IN;

    return $res;

sub prompt_passwd {
    my $prompt = shift || "Password: ";

    eval {
	require Term::ReadKey;
    barf "cannot load Term::ReadKey" if $@;

    my $passwd;
    eval { $passwd = prompt_sub($prompt, @_) };
    die $@ if $@;

sub prompt_sub {
    my $prompt = shift;
    # I'm a whitespace nazi! :)
    $prompt =~ s{$}{ } unless $prompt =~ /\s$/;
    my $sub = shift;
    my $moan = shift;
    while ( defined ($_ = term->readline($prompt)) ) {
	if ( $sub ) {
	    if ( defined(my $res = $sub->($_)) ) {
		return $res;
	    } else {
		protest ($moan || "bad response `$_'");
	} else {
	    return $_;
    barf "EOF on input";

sub prompt_regex {
    my $prompt = shift;
    my $re = shift;
    prompt_sub($prompt, (ref $re eq "CODE" ?
			   $re : sub {
		   if ( my ($match) = m/$re/ ) {
		       return (defined($match) ? $match : $_)
		   } else {
		       return undef;
	       }), @_);

sub prompt_for {
    my $type;
    if (@_ > 1 and $_[0]=~/^-(.*)/) { $type = $1; shift; };
    $type ||= "string";
    my $ref = __package__->can("prompt_$type")
	or croak "don't know how to prompt for $type";

    my $what = shift;
    my $default = shift;
    $ref->( "Value for $what:", $default, ),

sub prompt_string {
    my $prompt = shift;
    my $default = shift;
    prompt_sub($prompt.(defined($default)?" [$default]":""),
		 sub { $_ || $default || $_ });

sub prompt_int {
    my $prompt = shift;
    my $default = shift;
    prompt_sub($prompt.(defined($default)?" [$default]":""),
		 sub { my($i) = /^(\d+)$/;
		       defined ($i) ? $i : (length($_)?undef:$default) });

sub prompt_nY { prompt_Yn(@_) }
sub prompt_Yn {
    prompt_sub ($_[0]." [Yn]",
		sub { ( /^\s*(?: (?:(y.*))? | (n.*))\s*$/ix
			? ($2 ? 0 : 1)
			: undef )},
sub prompt_ny { prompt_yn(@_) }
sub prompt_yn {
    prompt_sub ($_[0]." [yn]",
		sub {( /^\s*(?: (y.*) | (n.*))\s*$/ix
		       ? ($2 ? 0 : ($1 ? 1 : undef))
		       : undef
		"please enter `yes', or `no'" );
sub prompt_Ny { prompt_yN(@_) }
sub prompt_yN {
    prompt_sub ($_[0]." [Ny]",
		sub {( /^\s*(?: (y.*)? | (?:(n.*))? )\s*$/ix
		       ? ($1 ? 1 : 0)
		       : undef )} );

sub prompt_file {
    my $prompt = shift;
    my $sub = shift || sub {
	s{[\n/ ]$}{};
	return (-e $_ ? $_ : die "File `$_' does not exist!")
    my $moan = shift || "Specified file does not exist!";
    my $term = term;
    my $attr;
    if ( $term->can("Attribs") ) {
	$attr = $term->Attribs;
	$attr->{completion_function} = \&complete_file;
	# yes, this is an awful hack.
	if ( $term =~ /Stub/ ) {
	    $APPEND = undef;
	elsif ( $term =~ /HASH/ and $term->{gnu_readline_p} ) {
	    $APPEND = "completion_append_character"; # gnu
	} else {
	    $APPEND = "completer_terminator_character"; #perl 
    my $file = prompt_sub($prompt, $sub, $moan, @_);
    if ( $attr ) {
	$attr->{completion_function} = undef;
    return $file;

# ReadLine completion function.  Don't use the built-in one because it
# sucks arse.
sub complete_file {
    my ($text, $line, $start) = @_;
    (my $dir = $line) =~ s{[^/]*$}{};
    (my $file = $line) =~ s{.*/}{};
    ($line =~ m/^(.*\s)/g);
    $start = (defined($1) ? length($1) : 0);
    if ( !defined $dir or !length $dir ) {
	$dir = "./";
	$start += 2;
    $file ||= "";
    #print STDERR "Completing: DIR='$dir' FILE='$file'\n";
    if ( -d $dir ) {
	opendir DIR, $dir or return;
	my @files = (map { $dir.$_ }
		     grep { !/^\.\.?$/ && m/^\Q$file\E/ }
 		     readdir DIR);
	closedir DIR;
	if ( @files == 1 && -d $files[0] ) {
	    term->Attribs->{$APPEND} = "/";
	} else {
	    term->Attribs->{$APPEND} = " ";
	#print STDERR "Completions: ".join(":",@files)."\n";
	return map { substr $_, $start } @files;

no strict 'refs';

# sets up file descriptors for `run' et al.
sub setup_fds {
    my $fdset = shift;

    my (@fds) = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$fdset;
    $^F = $fds[$#fds] if $fds[$#fds] > 2;

    # there is a slight problem with this - for instance, if the user
    # supplies a closure that is reading from a file, and that file
    # happens to be opened on a filehandle that they want to use, then
    # it will be closed and the code break.  Ho hum.
    for ( 3..$fds[$#fds] ) {
	open BAM, "<&=$_";
	if ( fileno(BAM) ) {
	    close BAM;
	} else {
	    open BAM, ">&=$_";
	    if ( fileno(BAM) ) {
		close BAM;

    while ( my ($fnum, $spec) = each %$fdset ) {
	my ($mode, $where) = @$spec;
	my $fd;

	if ( !ref $where ) {
	    open($fd, "$mode$where")
		or barf "failed to re-open fd $fnum $mode$where; $!";
	elsif ( ref $where eq "GLOB" ) {
	    open($fd, "$mode&".fileno($where))
		or barf "failed to re-open fd $fnum $mode &fd(".fileno($where)."; $!";
	elsif ( ref $where eq "CODE" ) {
	    pipe(\*{"FD${fnum}_R"}, \*{"FD${fnum}_W"});

	    if ( my $pid = fork ) {
		my $rw = ($mode eq ">" ? "W" : "R");
		my $wr = ($mode eq ">" ? "R" : "W");
		open($fd, "$mode&FD${fnum}_$rw")
		    or barf "failed to re-open fd $fnum $mode CODE; $!";
	    } elsif ( !defined $pid ) {
		barf "fork failed; $!";
	    } else {
		if ( $mode eq "<" ) {
		    close STDOUT;
		    open STDOUT, ">&FD${fnum}_W";
		    select STDOUT;
		    $| = 1;
		else {
		    close STDIN;
		    open STDIN, "<&FD${fnum}_R";
	else {
	    barf "bad spec for FD $fnum";

	# don't use a lex here otherwise it gets auto-closed
	open (\*{"FD${fnum}"}, "$mode&=$fnum");
	open \*{"FD${fnum}"}, "$mode&".fileno($fd);
	fileno(\*{"FD${fnum}"}) == $fnum
	    or do {
		barf ("tried to setup on FD $fnum, but got "
		      .fileno(\*{"FD$fnum"})."(spec: $mode $where)");

sub tsay {
    my $template = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    eval {
	&templater->process($template, $data)
	    or die (&templater->error || "died");

    if ( $@ ) {
	moan "Error trying template response using template `$template'; $@";
	say "template variables:";
	print anydump($data);

our $provider;
our $templater;

sub templater {
    $provider ||= bless { }, "Scriptalicious::DataLoad";
    our $templater ||= Scriptalicious::Template->new
	   POST_CHOMP => 0,
	   EVAL_PERL => 1,
	   TRIM => 0,
	   RECURSION => 1,
	   LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $provider ],

sub anydump {
    my $var = shift;
    eval {
	eval "use YAML"; die $@ if $@;
	local $YAML::UseHeader = 0
	    unless (!ref $var or ref $var !~ m/^(ARRAY|HASH)$/);
	local $YAML::UseVersion = 0;
	return YAML::Dump($var);
    } || do {
	eval "use Data::Dumper"; die $@ if $@;
	local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
	return Data::Dumper->Dump([$var], ["x"]);

package Scriptalicious::Template;

our $template_ok;
our @ISA;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    eval "use Template";
    if ( !$@ ) {
	@ISA = qw(Template);
	@Scriptalicious::DataLoad::ISA = qw(Template::Provider);
	$_[0]->{LOAD_TEMPLATES} = Scriptalicious::DataLoad->new();
	$template_ok = 1;
	return $class->SUPER::new(@_);
    } else {
	Scriptalicious::moan "install Template Toolkit for prettier messages";
	return bless shift, $class;

sub process {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($template_ok) {
	no strict 'refs';
	my $template = shift;
	my $vars = shift;
	$vars->{$_} = ${"Scriptalicious::$_"}
	return $self->SUPER::process($template, $vars, @_);

    my $template = shift;
    my $vars = shift;
    my $provider = eval { $self->{LOAD_TEMPLATES}[0] }
	|| bless { }, "Scriptalicious::DataLoad";

    my ($data, $rc) = $provider->fetch($template);
    if ( !$rc ) {
	Scriptalicious::say "----- Template `$template' -----";
	print $data;
    Scriptalicious::say "------ Template variables ------";
    print Scriptalicious::anydump $vars;
    Scriptalicious::say "-------- end of message --------";

package Scriptalicious::DataLoad;

our @ISA;

sub fetch {
    my ($self, $name, $alias) = @_;

    # get the source file/template
    my $section = shift;

    my $found = 0;
    my @data;
    if ( open(my $script, $0) ) {
	"" =~ m{()};  # clear $1
	while ( <$script> ) {
	    if ( m{^__\Q$name\E__$} .. (m{^__(?!\Q$name\E)(\w+)__$}||eof $script) ) {
		$found++ or next;
		next if $1;
		push @data, $_;
	close $script;
    if ( !$found and -e $name ) {
	$found = 1;
	if (open TEMPLATE, $name) {
	    @data = <TEMPLATE>;
	    close TEMPLATE;
	} else {
	    Scriptalicious::moan "failed to open template `$name' for reading; $!";
	    $found = 0;

    if ( @ISA ) {
	#print STDERR "Returning for template `$name':\n", @data,"...\n";
	return $self->SUPER::fetch(\(join "", @data));
    } else {
	return ((join "", @data), $found ? 0 : 255 );
    #return (, ($found ? $ok : $error) );
