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=head1 NAME

MediaWiki::EditFramework::Page - a MediaWiki page object.


 use MediaWiki::EditFramework;

 my $wiki = MediaWiki::EditFramework->new('', 'wiki');
 my $page = $wiki->get_page('Main_Page');
 my $text = $page->get_text;
 $text =~ s/old thing/new update/g;
 $page->edit($text, 'update page');


This module represents a MediaWiki page.  When instantiated, it gets the
page information from the site.  The last modified timestamp is stored when
the page is retrieved, and passed back via the I<edit> method to allow the
server to properly detect edit conflicts.

=head2 METHODS



package MediaWiki::EditFramework::Page;
use strict;
use warnings;	
use Data::Dumper;

sub new ($$$) {
	my ($class,$api,$title) = @_;
	my $page = $api->{0}->get_page({title=>$title});
	bless [$api,$page], $class;

=item B<get_text>

Get the current page text.


sub get_text( $ ) {
	return $_[0][1]{'*'};

=item B<edit>(I<TEXT>,I<SUMMARY>)

Replace the text of the page with the specified I<TEXT>.  Using the
specified I<SUMMARY> as the edit summary to describe the edit.

The original timestamp will be passed back; if the page was editing between
when it was retrieved and when edit is called, and the server cannot
automatically merge our edit, then the edit will be rejected in order to
prevent clobbering the other edit.

If the L<MediaWiki::EditFramework> object has an I<edit_prefix> in effect,
that will be prepended to the page name.  This allow redirecting the output
from an edit into user space, to facilitate testing bot code.


sub edit( $$$ ) {
	my ($self,$text,$summary) = @_;
	my $mw = $self->[0];
	my $page = $self->[1];
	my $p = $mw->{write_prefix};

	my %qh = (

	$qh{basetimestamp}=$page->{timestamp} if $p eq '';

	eval {
		warn "edit $qh{title}";
		  or croak $mw->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
	die "Edit failed: ". Data::Dumper::Dumper($@) if $@;
=item B<exists>

Returns true if the underlying page existed on the server when the page was
rretrieved, false if it is a new page.



sub exists {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return exists $self->[1]->{'*'};


Copyright (C) 2012 by Steve Sanbeg

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

