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=head1 NAME

FLTK::TextBuffer -

=head1 Description

=head1 Functions

=head2 C<append>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>append( $text );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_append_text_>

Appends C<$text> to the end of the buffer.



=head2 C<$buffer-E<gt>remove( $start, $end )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 167


=head2 C<appendfile>


=item C<my $status = $textbuffer-E<gt>appendfile( $file, $bufferlen );>X<my_status_textbuffer_E_gt_appendfile_file_bufferlen_>

Appends the contents of a C<$file> to the end of the buffer. Optionally, a
second C<$bufferlen> argument is passed which can limit the amount of data
brought in from the C<$file>.

On error, the return value is C<2>. Otherwise, the return value is C<0>.



=head2 C<my $status = $buffer-E<gt>loadfile( file )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 284


=head2 C<canUndo>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>canUndo( $flag );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_canUndo_flag_>

Lets the undo system know if we can undo changes.



=head2 C<my $status = $buffer-E<gt>insertfle( $file, $position )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 250


=head2 C<character>


=item C<my $char = $textbuffer-E<gt>character( $pos );>X<my_char_textbuffer_E_gt_character_pos_>

Returns the character at buffer position C<$pos>. Positions start at C<0>.



=head2 C<my $txt = $buffer-E<gt>text_range( $start, $end )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 103


=head2 C<character_width>


=item C<my $output = $textbuffer-E<gt>character_width( $char, $indent, $tabDist, $nullSubsChar );>X<my_output_textbuffer_E_gt_character_width_char_indent_tabDist_nullSubsChar_>

Returns the length in displayed characters of C<$char> expanded for display.
If the buffer for which the character width is being measured is doing null
substitution, <$nullSubsChar> should be passed as that character.

Optional parameters include:


=item C<$indent>

the number of characters from the start of the line for figuring tabs

=item C<$tabDist>

the number of spaces (C< >) a tab (C<\t>) consumes

=item C<$nullSubsChar>

the character which will be used in place of null (C<\0>) characters, the
typical string terminator in C<C++>




=head2 C<my $width = $buffer-E<gt>count_displayed_characters( $lineStartPos, $targetPos )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 436


=head2 C<copy>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>copy( $from_buffer, $from_start, $from_end, $to_pos );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_copy_from_buffer_from_start_from_end_to_pos_>

Copy the characters between C<$from_start> and C<$from_end> in
C<$from_buffer>, and inserts the string into your object at C<$to_pos>.



=head2 C<my ($okay, $cursorPosition) = $buffer-E<gt>undo( )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 215


=head2 C<count_displayed_characters>


=item C<my $width = $textbuffer-E<gt>count_displayed_characters( $lineStartPos, $targetPos );>X<my_width_textbuffer_E_gt_count_displayed_characters_lineStartPos_targetPos_>

Count the number of displayed characters between buffer position
C<$linestartpos> and C<$targetpos>. Displayed characters are the characters
shown on the screen to represent characters in the buffer, where tabs and
control characters are expanded.



=head2 C<my $width = $buffer-E<gt>count_displayed_characters_utf( $lineStartPos, $targetPos )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 472


=head2 C<count_displayed_characters_utf>


=item C<my $width = $textbuffer-E<gt>count_displayed_characters_utf( $lineStartPos, $targetPos );>X<my_width_textbuffer_E_gt_count_displayed_characters_utf_lineStartPos_targetPos_>

Count the number of displayed characters between buffer position
C<$linestartpos> and C<$targetpos>. Displayed characters are the characters
shown on the screen to represent characters in the buffer, where tabs and
control characters are expanded.

This method is utf8-aware.



=head2 C<my $width = $buffer-E<gt>skip_displayed_characters( $startPos, $nChars )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 490


=head2 C<count_lines>


=item C<my $lines = $textbuffer-E<gt>count_lines( $startPos, $endPos );>X<my_lines_textbuffer_E_gt_count_lines_startPos_endPos_>

Count the number of newlines between C<$startPos> and C<$endPos> in a buffer.
The character at position C<$endPos> is not counted.



=head2 C<my $lines = $buffer-E<gt>skip_lines( $startPos, $nLines )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 546


=head2 C<expand_character>


=item C<my $output = $textbuffer-E<gt>expand_character( $character, $indent, $tabDist, $nullSubsChar );>X<my_output_textbuffer_E_gt_expand_character_character_indent_tabDist_nullSubsChar_>

Expand a single character from the text buffer into it's screen representation
(which may be several characters for a tab or a control code).

Optional parameters include:


=item C<$indent>

the number of characters from the start of the line for figuring tabs

=item C<$tabDist>

the number of spaces (C< >) a tab (C<\t>) consumes

=item C<$nullSubsChar>

the character which will be used in place of null (C<\0>) characters, the
typical string terminator in C<C++>


=head2 C<my $output = $buffer-E<gt>expand_character( $position, $indent )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 360

=item C<my $output = $textbuffer-E<gt>expand_character( $position, $indent );>X<my_output_textbuffer_E_gt_expand_character_position_indent_>

Get a character from the text buffer expanded into it's screen representation
(which may be several characters for a tab or a control code).

Optional parameters include:


=item C<$indent>

the number of characters from the start of the line for figuring tabs




=head2 C<my $width = $buffer-E<gt>character_width( $char, $indent, $tabDist, $nullSubsChar )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 386


=head2 C<insert>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>insert( $pos, $text );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_insert_pos_text_>

Inserts string C<$text> at position C<$pos>.



=head2 C<$buffer-E<gt>append( $text )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 152


=head2 C<insertfile>


=item C<my $status = $textbuffer-E<gt>insertfile( $file, $position, $bufferlen );>X<my_status_textbuffer_E_gt_insertfile_file_position_bufferlen_>

Inserts the contents of a C<$file> at the given C<$position>. Optionally, a
third C<$bufferlen> argument is passed which can limit the amount of data
brought in from the C<$file>.

On error, the return value is C<2>. Otherwise, the return value is C<0>.



=head2 C<my $status = $buffer-E<gt>appendfile( $file )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 265


=head2 C<length>


=item C<my $length = $textbuffer-E<gt>length( );>X<my_length_textbuffer_E_gt_length_>


=head2 C<< my $txt = $buffer->text( ) >>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 62


=head2 C<loadfile>


=item C<my $status = $textbuffer-E<gt>loadfile( $file, $bufferlen );>X<my_status_textbuffer_E_gt_loadfile_file_bufferlen_>

Loads the contents of a C<$file> to fill the buffer (current content is
replaced). Optionally, a second C<$bufferlen> argument is passed which can
limit the amount of data brought in from the C<$file>.

On error, the return value is C<2>. Otherwise, the return value is C<0>.



=head2 C<my $status = $buffer-E<gt>outputfile( $file, $start, $end )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 303


=head2 C<new>


=item C<my $buffer = $textbuffer-E<gt>new( $requested_size );>X<my_buffer_textbuffer_E_gt_new_requested_size_>

Creates an empty text buffer of pre-determined size. Use this to avoid
unnecessary re-allocation if you know exactly how much the buffer will need to

=head2 Usage

=for markdown {%highlight perl%}

    my $buffer   = FLTK::TextBuffer->new( $requested_size );
    my $buffer_2 = FLTK::TextBuffer->new( 1027 * 256 );
    my $buffer_3 = FLTK::TextBuffer->new( );

=for markdown {%endhighlight%}

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 31


=head2 C<outputfile>


=item C<my $status = $textbuffer-E<gt>outputfile( $file, $start, $end, $bufferlen );>X<my_status_textbuffer_E_gt_outputfile_file_start_end_bufferlen_>

Saves the contents of the buffer to a C<$file> starting with the data at the
C<$start> position through the C<$end>. Optionally, a fourth C<$bufferlen> a
rgument is passed which can limit the amount of data written to the C<$file>.

On error, the return value is C<2>. Otherwise, the return value is C<0>.



=head2 C<my $status = $buffer-E<gt>savefile( $file )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 322


=head2 C<remove>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>remove( $start, $end );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_remove_start_end_>

Deletes the text between C<$start> and C<$end> character positions. Positions
are C<0> (zero) based and the range does I<not> include the character pointed
to by C<$end>.



=head2 C<$buffer-E<gt>replace( $start, $end, $text )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 182


=head2 C<replace>


=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>replace( $start, $end, $text );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_replace_start_end_text_>

Deletes the characters between C<$start> and C<$end>, and inserts the string
C<$text> in their place.



=head2 C<$to_buffer-E<gt>copy( $from_buffer, $from_start, $from_end, $to_pos )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 199


=head2 C<rewind_lines>


=item C<my $lines = $textbuffer-E<gt>rewind_lines( $startPos, $nLines );>X<my_lines_textbuffer_E_gt_rewind_lines_startPos_nLines_>

Finds the position of the first character of the line C<$nLines> backwards
from C<$startPos> (not counting the character pointed to by C<$startPos> if
that is a newline). C<$nlines == 0> means find the beginning of the line.


=begin TODO

bool findchar_forward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);
bool findchar_backward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);

bool findchars_forward(int startpos, const char *searchChars, int *foundPos);
bool findchars_backward(int startpos, const char *searchChars, int *foundPos);

bool search_forward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
                    bool matchCase = false);

bool search_backward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
                     bool matchCase = false);

char null_substitution_character() { return nullsubschar_; }
TextSelection* primary_selection() { return &primary_; }
TextSelection* secondary_selection() { return &secondary_; }
TextSelection* highlight_selection() { return &highlight_; }

=end TODO


=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 578


=head2 C<savefile>


=item C<my $status = $textbuffer-E<gt>savefile( $file, $bufferlen );>X<my_status_textbuffer_E_gt_savefile_file_bufferlen_>

Saves the contents of the buffer to a C<$file>. Optionally, a second
C<$bufferlen> argument is passed which can limit the amount of data written to
the C<$file>.

On error, the return value is C<2>. Otherwise, the return value is C<0>.



=head2 C<my $output = $buffer-E<gt>expand_character( $character, $indent, $tabDist, $nullSubsChar )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 341


=head2 C<skip_displayed_characters>


=item C<my $width = $textbuffer-E<gt>skip_displayed_characters( $startPos, $nChars );>X<my_width_textbuffer_E_gt_skip_displayed_characters_startPos_nChars_>

Count forward from buffer position C<$startPos> in displayed characters.
Displayed characters are the characters shown on the screen to represent
characters in the buffer, where tabs and control characters are expanded.



=head2 C<my $width = $buffer-E<gt>skip_displayed_characters_utf( $startPos, $nChars )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 510


=head2 C<skip_displayed_characters_utf>


=item C<my $width = $textbuffer-E<gt>skip_displayed_characters_utf( $startPos, $nChars );>X<my_width_textbuffer_E_gt_skip_displayed_characters_utf_startPos_nChars_>

Count forward from buffer position C<$startPos> in displayed characters.
Displayed characters are the characters shown on the screen to represent
characters in the buffer, where tabs and control characters are expanded.

This method is utf8-aware.



=head2 C<my $lines = $buffer-E<gt>count_lines( $startPos, $endPos )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 527


=head2 C<skip_lines>


=item C<my $lines = $textbuffer-E<gt>skip_lines( $startPos, $nLines );>X<my_lines_textbuffer_E_gt_skip_lines_startPos_nLines_>

Finds the first character of the line C<$nLines> forward from C<$startPos> in
a buffer and returns its position.



=head2 C<my $lines = $buffer-E<gt>rewind_lines( $startPos, $nLines )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 562


=head2 C<text>


=item C<my $txt = $textbuffer-E<gt>text( );>X<my_txt_textbuffer_E_gt_text_>

Return the entire contents of the text buffer.

=head2 C<< $buffer->text( $txt ) >>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 74

=item C<$textbuffer-E<gt>text( $txt );>X<_textbuffer_E_gt_text_txt_>

Replace the entire contents of the text buffer.



=head2 C<< my $char = $buffer->character( $pos ) >>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 80


=head2 C<text_in_rectangle>


=item C<my $txt = $textbuffer-E<gt>text_in_rectangle( $start, $end, $rectStart, $rectEnd );>X<my_txt_textbuffer_E_gt_text_in_rectangle_start_end_rectStart_rectEnd_>

Returns a copy of the text between C<$start> and C<$end> character positions.
Positions are C<0> (zero) based and the range does I<not> include the
character pointed to by C<$end>.



=head2 C<$buffer-E<gt>insert( $pos, $text )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 135


=head2 C<text_range>


=item C<my $txt = $textbuffer-E<gt>text_range( $start, $end );>X<my_txt_textbuffer_E_gt_text_range_start_end_>

Returns a copy of the text between C<$start> and C<$end> character positions.
Positions are C<0> (zero) based and the range does I<not> include the
character pointed to by C<$end>.



=head2 C<my $txt = $buffer-E<gt>text_in_rectangle( $start, $end, $rectStart, $rectEnd )>

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 118


=head2 C<undo>


=item C<my @return = $textbuffer-E<gt>undo( );>X<my_return_textbuffer_E_gt_undo_>

Removes text according to the undo variables or inserts text from the undo

The return value is a list of integers indicating is the process was
successful and the current C<$cursorPosition> after this change.



=head2 C<$buffer-E<gt>canUndo( $flag ) >

=for hackers xs/TextBuffer.xs line 231


=head1 Constructor

=head1 Methods

=head2 C<< my $length = $buffer->length( ) >>

=head1 Author

Sanko Robinson <> -

=head1 License and Legal

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Sanko Robinson <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of
L<The Artistic License 2.0|>.
See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or
L<notes on the Artistic License 2.0|>
for clarification.

When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
covered by the
L<Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|>.
See the
L<clarification of the CCA-SA3.0|>.

=for git $Id: TextBuffer.xs 7483df2 2011-04-09 05:42:22Z $
