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#!perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch


=for license Artistic License 2.0 | Copyright (C) 2009,2010 by Sanko Robinson

=for author Sanko Robinson <> -

=for abstract Tests for xs/Image.xsi

=for git $Id: 60006_Image.t 6858aff 2011-01-29 05:17:25Z $


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.82;
use Module::Build qw[];
use Time::HiRes qw[];
use Test::NeedsDisplay ':skip_all';
plan tests => 10;
my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
BEGIN { chdir '../..' if not -d '_build'; }
use lib 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch', 'lib';
my $build           = Module::Build->current;
my $release_testing = $build->notes('release_testing');
my $verbose         = $build->notes('verbose');
my $interactive     = $build->notes('interactive');

use FLTK;

# Set some typical values to use in this next section...
my ($name, $w, $h, $data, $linedelta) = qw[Name 100 150 RANDOMDATA 300];

# Testing new( char * name = 0 )
my $image_a = new_ok('FLTK::Image', [],      'FLTK::Image->new( )');
my $image_b = new_ok('FLTK::Image', [$name], "FLTK::Image->new( '$name' )");

# Testing new( int w, int h, char * name = 0 )
my $image_c = new_ok('FLTK::Image', [$w, $h], "FLTK::Image->new( $w, $h )");
my $image_d = new_ok('FLTK::Image',
                     [$w, $h, $name],
                     "FLTK::Image->new( $w, $h, '$name' )");

# Testing new( FLTK::PixelType, int w, int h, char * name = 0 )
my $image_e = new_ok('FLTK::Image',
                     [$image_a->pixeltype(), $w, $h],
                     "FLTK::Image->new( PixelType, $w, $h )");
my $image_f = new_ok('FLTK::Image',
                     [$image_a->pixeltype(), $w, $h, $name],
                     "FLTK::Image->new( PixelType, $w, $h, '$name' )");

is($image_c->width(),  100, '$image_c->width( ) == 100');
is($image_c->height(), 150, '$image_c->height( ) == 150');
note '$image_c->setsize( 200, 300 )';
$image_c->setsize(200, 300);
is($image_c->width(),  200, '$image_c->width( ) == 200');
is($image_c->height(), 300, '$image_c->height( ) == 300');

#use Data::Dump qw[dd pp];
#note pp $image_c->linebuffer( 1 );
#note pp $image_c->buffer( );
#note $image_a->pixeltype;
#note $image_b->pixeltype;
note 'TODO: Everything';