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    package Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP03::Peer;
    use Moose;
    use lib '../../../../../lib';
    extends 'Net::BitTorrent::Peer';
    use Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP03::Packets qw[:all];
    our $MAJOR = 0.074; our $MINOR = 0; our $DEV = 10; our $VERSION = sprintf('%1.3f%03d' . ($DEV ? (($DEV < 0 ? '' : '_') . '%03d') : ('')), $MAJOR, $MINOR, abs $DEV);

    sub _build_reserved {
        my ($self) = @_;
        my @reserved = qw[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
        $reserved[5] |= 0x10;    # Ext Protocol
        $reserved[7] |= 0x04;    # Fast Ext
        return join '', map {chr} @reserved;

    sub _send_handshake {
        my $s = shift;
        confess 'torrent is undefined' if !$s->_has_torrent;
        my $packet = build_handshake($s->_build_reserved,

        #                 $s->local_connection ? 'REG_THREE' : 'REG_OKAY');
    my %_packet_dispatch;
    sub _handle_packet_handshake  { die '...'; }
    sub _handle_packet_choke      { shift->_set_remote_choked }
    sub _handle_packet_unchoke    { shift->_unset_remote_choked }
    sub _handle_packet_interested { shift->_set_remote_interested }
    after '_unset_remote_choked' => sub {
        my $s = shift;
        return if $s->_has_quest('request_block');
        require Scalar::Util;
        Scalar::Util::weaken $s;
        my $max_requests = 4;    # XXX - max_requests attribute
                3, 10,
                sub {
                    return if !defined $s;
                    return if !$s->_wanted_pieces->Norm;
                    for ($s->_count_requests .. $max_requests) {
                        my $piece = $s->torrent->select_piece($s);
                        next if !$piece;
                        my $b = $piece->_first_unassigned_block();
                        next if !$b;

    sub _handle_packet_have {
        my ($s, $i) = @_;
        my $seed = $s->torrent->piece_count;
        my $have = $s->pieces->Norm;
        my $perc = (($have / $seed) * 100);
            {peer     => $s,
             index    => $i,
             severity => 'debug',
             message  => sprintf
                 '%s:%d (%s) has piece #%d and now claims to have %d out of %d pieces (%3.2f%%) of %s',
             $s->host, $s->port,
             $s->_has_peer_id ? $s->peer_id : '[Unknown peer]',
             $have, $seed, $perc,

    sub _handle_packet_bitfield {
        my ($s, $b) = @_;
        my $seed = $s->torrent->piece_count;
        my $have = $s->pieces->Norm();
        my $perc = (($have / $seed) * 100);
            {peer     => $s,
             severity => 'debug',
             message  => sprintf
                 '%s:%d (%s) claims to have %d out of %d pieces (%3.2f%%) of %s',
             $s->host, $s->port,
             $s->_has_peer_id ? $s->peer_id : '[Unknown peer]',
             $have, $seed, $perc,
    after qw[_handle_packet_bitfield _handle_packet_have] => sub {

    sub _handle_packet_request {
        my ($s, $r) = @_;
        my ($i, $o, $l) = @$r;
            $s->disconnect(sprintf 'Bad piece index in request: %d > %d',
                           $i, $s->torrent->piece_count)
            if $i > $s->torrent->piece_count;
        my $_l
            = ($i == $s->torrent->piece_count - 1)
            ? $s->torrent->size % $s->torrent->piece_length
            : $s->torrent->piece_length;
            $s->disconnect(sprintf 'Bad piece length for index %d: %d > %d',
                           $i, $l, $_l)
            if $l > $_l;
            $s->disconnect(sprintf 'Bad offset for index %d: %d > %d',
                           $i, $o + $l, $_l)
            if $o + $l > $_l;

        # XXX - Choke peer if they have too many requests in queue
        require Scalar::Util;
                5, 15,
                sub {

                    #warn 'HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!';
                    return if !defined $s;

               #warn 'Here...';
               # XXX - return if outgoing data queue is larger than block x 8?
                    my $request = $s->_shift_remote_requests;
                        if !$s->_count_remote_requests;

                    # XXX - make sure we have this piece
                    return $s->_send_piece(@$request);
        ) if !$s->_has_quest('fill_remote_requests');

    sub _handle_packet_piece {
        my ($s, $p) = @_;
        my ($i, $o, $d) = @$p;
        my $req = $s->_find_request($i, $o, length $d);
        return $s->disconnect('Peer sent us a block we were not asking for.')
            if !$req;
        if (!$req->piece->_first_incompete_block) {
                if $s->torrent->hash_check($req->index);

    sub _handle_packet_ext_protocol {
        my ($s, $pid, $p) = @_;
        if ($pid == 0) {    # Setup/handshake
            if (defined $p->{'p'} && $s->client->has_dht) {
                            [join('.', unpack 'C*', $p->{'ipv4'}), $p->{'p'}])
                    if defined $p->{'ipv4'};
                    [   [join ':', (unpack 'H*', $p->{'ipv6'}) =~ m[(....)]g],
                ) if defined $p->{'ipv6'};
        return 1;

    sub _handle_packet {
        my ($s, $p) = @_;
        return if $s->local_connection && !$s->_has_torrent;
        return if !$s->_has_handle;
        %_packet_dispatch = ($HANDSHAKE   => 'handshake',
                             $CHOKE       => 'choke',
                             $UNCHOKE     => 'unchoke',
                             $INTERESTED  => 'interested',
                             $HAVE        => 'have',
                             $BITFIELD    => 'bitfield',
                             $REQUEST     => 'request',
                             $PIECE       => 'piece',
                             $EXTPROTOCOL => 'ext_protocol'
        ) if !keys %_packet_dispatch;
                         {peer     => $s,
                          packet   => $p,
                          severity => 'debug',
                          message  => sprintf 'Recieved %s packet from %s',
                          $_packet_dispatch{$p->{'type'}} // 'unknown packet',
                          $s->_has_peer_id ? $s->peer_id : '[Unknown peer]'
        my $code
            = $s->can('_handle_packet_' . $_packet_dispatch{$p->{'type'}});
        return $code->($s, $p->{'payload'}) if $code;
        return if !eval 'require Data::Dump;';
        ddx $p;
    override 'disconnect' => sub {
        my ($s) = @_;
        if (!$s->_handle->destroyed) {

    # Outgoing packets
    sub _send_interested     { shift->push_write(build_interested()) }
    sub _send_not_interested { shift->push_write(build_not_interested()) }
    sub _send_have           { shift->push_write(build_have(shift)) }
    sub _send_choke          { shift->push_write(build_choke()) }
    sub _send_unchoke        { shift->push_write(build_unchoke()) }

    sub _send_bitfield {
        my $s = shift;

    sub _send_request {
        my ($s, $b) = @_;
        return if $s->remote_choked;

        #warn sprintf 'Sending request for %d:%d:%d to %s', $b->index,
        #    $b->offset, $b->length, $s->peer_id;
        return $s->push_write(
                            build_request($b->index, $b->offset, $b->length));

    sub _send_piece {
        my ($s, $i, $o, $l) = @_;
        return if $s->choked;

        #warn sprintf 'Sending block %d:%d:%d to %s', $i, $o, $l, $s->peer_id;
        return $s->push_write(
                      build_piece($i, $o, $l, $s->torrent->read($i, $o, $l)));

    no Moose;
    no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;


=head1 NAME

Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP03::Peer - Old skool, TCP-based peer

=head1 Description

Go away.

=head1 Author

Sanko Robinson <> -


=head1 License and Legal

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Sanko Robinson <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of
L<The Artistic License 2.0|>.
See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or
L<notes on the Artistic License 2.0|>
for clarification.

When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
covered by the
L<Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|>.
See the
L<clarification of the CCA-SA3.0|>.

Neither this module nor the L<Author|/Author> is affiliated with BitTorrent,

=for rcs $Id: d9b2c6b 2010-09-12 03:05:02Z $
