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use Test::More;
use lib './lib', '../lib';

# Shut up, stupid carp!
    $SIG{__WARN__} = (
        $verbose ?
            sub {
            diag(sprintf(q[%02.4f], Time::HiRes::time- $^T), q[ ], shift);
        : sub { }

# Does it return 1?
use_ok 'Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP03::Bencode', ':all';

# integer
is bencode(4),   'i4e',   'integer';
is bencode(0),   'i0e',   'zero';
is bencode(-0),  'i0e',   'zero w/ sign';
is bencode(-10), 'i-10e', 'negative integer';
is bencode(+10), 'i10e',  'positive integer';
is bencode(time x 50), 'i' . (time x 50) . 'e', 'large number';

# From BEP03
is bencode(3),  'i3e',  q[bencode 3];
is bencode(-3), 'i-3e', q[bencode -3];
is bencode('-0'), '2:-0',
    q[bencode '-0' returns valid string-type (is this okay?)];

# string
is bencode('Perl'), '4:Perl', 'string';
is bencode(''),     '0:',     'null string';
is bencode(undef),  undef,    'undef';
is bencode(\undef), '', 'ref to undef';
is bencode('0:0:'), '4:0:0:', 'odd string (malformed bencoded int)';

# From BEP03
is bencode('spam'), '4:spam', q[bencode 'spam'];

# list
is bencode([1, 2, 3]), 'li1ei2ei3ee', 'list (integers)';
is bencode([qw[one two three]]), 'l3:one3:two5:threee', 'list (strings)';
is bencode([qw[three 1 2 3 one two]]), 'l5:threei1ei2ei3e3:one3:twoe',
    'list (mixed scalars)';
is bencode([]), 'le', 'empty list';
is bencode([[qw[Alice Bob]], [2, 3]]), 'll5:Alice3:Bobeli2ei3eee',

# From BEP03
is bencode(['spam', 'eggs']), 'l4:spam4:eggse', q[bencode ['spam', 'eggs']];

# dictionary
is bencode({date => {month => 'January', year => 2009}}),
    'd4:dated5:month7:January4:yeari2009eee', 'dictionary';
is bencode({}), 'de', 'dictionary from empty hash';
is bencode({age => 25, eyes => 'blue'}), 'd3:agei25e4:eyes4:bluee',
    'dictionary from anon hash';
    length bencode(
      {join('', map(chr($_), 0 .. 255)) => join('', map(chr($_), 0 .. 255))}),
    522, 'anon hash with long key/value pair';

# From BEP03
is bencode({'cow' => 'moo', 'spam' => 'eggs'}),
    q[bencode {'cow' => 'moo', 'spam' => 'eggs'}];
is bencode({'spam' => ['a', 'b']}), 'd4:spaml1:a1:bee',
    q[bencode {'spam'=> ['a', 'b']}];

# complex
is bencode({e => 0, m => {}, p => 48536, v => "\xC2\xB5Torrent 1.7.7"}),
    'd1:ei0e1:mde1:pi48536e1:v15:µTorrent 1.7.7e',
    'bencode complex structure (empty dictionary, "safe" hex chars';

# unsupported
is bencode(
    {key => sub { return 'value' }
    'd3:keye', 'coderefs';

sub _string_for_bdecode {
    'd7:Integeri42e4:Listl6:item 1i2ei3ee6:String9:The Valuee';

# integer
is bdecode('i4e'),   4,   'integer';
is bdecode('i-10e'), -10, 'negative integer';
is_deeply [bdecode('i')],           [], 'aborted integer';
is_deeply [bdecode('i0')],          [], 'unterminated integer';
is_deeply [bdecode('ie')],          [], 'empty integer';
is_deeply [bdecode('i341foo382e')], [], 'malformed integer';
is_deeply [bdecode('i123')],        [], 'unterminated integer';

# From BEP03
is bdecode('i-3e'), -3,    'bdecode i-3e';
is bdecode('i-0e'), undef, 'bdecode i-0e';
is bdecode('i03e'), undef, 'bdecode i03e';
is bdecode('i0e'),  0,     'bdecode i0e';

# string
is bdecode(''),              undef,        'Empty string';
is bdecode('0:'),            '',           'zero length string';
is bdecode('3:abc'),         'abc',        'string';
is bdecode('10:1234567890'), '1234567890', 'integer cast as string';
is bdecode('02:xy'), undef, 'string with leading zero in length';
is bdecode('0:0:'),  '',    'trailing junk at end of valid bencoded string';

# From BEP03
is bdecode('4:spam'), 'spam', 'bdecode 4:spam';

# Error handling
is_deeply [bdecode('35208734823ljdahflajhdf')], [],
    'garbage looking vaguely like a string, with large count';
is_deeply [bdecode('1:')], [], 'string longer than data';
is_deeply [bdecode('i6easd', 1)], [6, 'asd'], 'string with trailing junk';
is_deeply [bdecode('2:abfdjslhfld', 1)], ['ab', 'fdjslhfld'],
    'string with trailing garbage';
is_deeply [bdecode('02:xy')], [], 'string with extra leading zero in count';

# list
is_deeply scalar bdecode(bencode([qw[this that and the other]])),
    [qw[this that and the other]], 'list in scalar context';

# From BEP03
is_deeply [bdecode('l4:spam4:eggse')], [['spam', 'eggs']],
    'bdecode l4:spam4:eggse';

# Error handling
is_deeply [bdecode('l')], [[]], 'unclosed empty list';
is_deeply [bdecode('leanfdldjfh', 1)], [[], 'anfdldjfh'],
    'empty list with trailing garbage';

# dictionary
my $s = shift;
my ($hashref) = bdecode(_string_for_bdecode);
ok defined $hashref, 'bdecode() returned something';
is ref $hashref, 'HASH', 'bdecode() returned a valid hash ref';
ok defined $hashref->{'Integer'}, 'Integer key present';
is $hashref->{'Integer'}, 42, '  and its the correct value';
ok defined $hashref->{'String'}, 'String key present';
is ${$hashref;}{'String'}, 'The Value', '  and its the correct value';
ok defined $hashref->{'List'}, 'List key present';
is @{$hashref->{'List'}}, 3, '  list has 3 elements';
is ${$hashref->{'List'}}[0], 'item 1', '    first element correct';
is ${$hashref->{'List'}}[1], 2,        '    second element correct';
is ${$hashref->{'List'}}[2], 3,        '    third element correct';
my ($encoded_string) = bencode($hashref);
ok defined $encoded_string, 'bencode() returned something';
is $encoded_string, _string_for_bdecode,
    '  and it appears to be the correct value';
is_deeply scalar bdecode(bencode({qw[this that the other]})),
    {qw[this that the other]}, 'dictionary in scalar context';

# From BEP03
is_deeply [bdecode('d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse')],
    [{'cow' => 'moo', 'spam' => 'eggs'}],
    'bdecode d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse';
is_deeply [bdecode('d4:spaml1:a1:bee')], [{'spam' => ['a', 'b']}],
    'bdecode d4:spaml1:a1:bee';

# Error handling
is_deeply [bdecode('d')], [{}], 'unclosed empty dict';
is_deeply [bdecode('defoobar', 1)], [{}, 'foobar'],
    'Catch invalid format (empty dictionary w/ trailing garbage)';
is_deeply [bdecode('d3:fooe', 1)], [{foo => undef}, undef],
    'Catch invalid format (dictionary w/ empty key)';

# complex
is_deeply [bdecode('d1:ei0e1:mde1:pi48536e1:v15:µTorrent 1.7.7e')],
    [{e => 0, m => {}, p => 48536, v => "\xC2\xB5Torrent 1.7.7"}],
    'bdecode complex structure (empty dictionary, "safe" hex chars';

# unsupported
is_deeply [bdecode('relwjhrlewjh')], [], 'complete garbage';
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