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package Solution::Tag::For;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our $VERSION = '0.9.1';
    use lib '../../../lib';
    use Solution::Error;
    use Solution::Utility;
    our @ISA = qw[Solution::Tag::If];
    my $Help_String = 'TODO';
    Solution->register_tag('for', __PACKAGE__) if $Solution::VERSION;

    sub new {
        my ($class, $args) = @_;
        raise Solution::ContextError {message => 'Missing template argument',
                                      fatal   => 1
            if !defined $args->{'template'};
        raise Solution::ContextError {message => 'Missing parent argument',
                                      fatal   => 1
            if !defined $args->{'parent'};
        raise Solution::SyntaxError {
                   message => 'Missing argument list in ' . $args->{'markup'},
                   fatal   => 1
            if !defined $args->{'attrs'};
        if ($args->{'attrs'} !~ qr[^([\w\.]+)\s+in\s+(.+?)(?:\s+(.*)\s*?)?$])
        {   raise Solution::SyntaxError {
                       message => 'Bad argument list in ' . $args->{'markup'},
                       fatal   => 1
        my ($var, $range, $attr) = ($1, $2, $3 || '');
        my $reversed = $attr =~ s[^reversed\b][] ? 1 : 0;
        my %attr = map {
            my ($k, $v)
                = split($Solution::Utility::FilterArgumentSeparator, $_, 2);
            { $k => $v };
        } grep { defined && length } split qr[\s+], $attr || '';
        my $self = bless {attributes      => \%attr,
                          collection_name => $range,
                          name            => $var . '-' . $range,
                          blocks          => [],
                          conditional_tag => 'else',
                          reversed        => $reversed,
                          tag_name        => $args->{'tag_name'},
                          variable_name   => $var,
                          end_tag         => 'end' . $args->{'tag_name'},
                          template        => $args->{'template'},
                          parent          => $args->{'parent'},
                          markup          => $args->{'markup'}
        }, $class;
        return $self;

    sub render {
        my ($self)   = @_;
        my $range    = $self->{'collection_name'};
        my $attr     = $self->{'attributes'};
        my $reversed = $self->{'reversed'};
        my $sorted
            = exists $attr->{'sorted'} ?
            $self->resolve($attr->{'sorted'}) || $attr->{'sorted'} || 'key'
            : ();
        $sorted = 'key'
            if (defined $sorted
                && (($sorted ne 'key') && ($sorted ne 'value')));
        my $offset
            = defined $attr->{'offset'} ?
            : ();
        my $limit
            = defined $attr->{'limit'} ?
            : ();
        my $list = $self->resolve($range);
        my $type = 'ARRAY';

        my $_undef_list = 0;
        if (ref $list eq 'HASH') {
            $list = [map { {key => $_, value => $list->{$_}} } keys %$list];
            @$list = sort {
                $a->{$sorted} =~ m[^\d+$] && $b->{$sorted} =~ m[^\d+$]
                    ($a->{$sorted} <=> $b->{$sorted})
                    : ($a->{$sorted} cmp $b->{$sorted})
            } @$list if defined $sorted;
            $type = 'HASH';
        elsif (defined $sorted) {
            @$list = sort {
                $a =~ m[^\d+$] && $b =~ m[^\d+$] ?
                    ($a <=> $b)
                    : ($a cmp $b)
            } @$list;
        if (!defined $list || !$list || !@$list) {
            $_undef_list = 1;
            $list        = [1];
        else {    # Break it down to only the items we plan on using
            my $min = (defined $offset ? $offset : 0);
            my $max = (defined $limit ?
                           $limit + (defined $offset ? $offset : 0) - 1
                       : $#$list
            $max    = $#$list if $max > $#$list;
            @$list  = @{$list}[$min .. $max];
            @$list  = reverse @$list if $reversed;
            $limit  = defined $limit ? $limit : scalar @$list;
            $offset = defined $offset ? $offset : 0;
        return $self->template->context->stack(
            sub {
                my $return = '';
                my $steps  = $#$list;
                $_undef_list = 1 if $steps == -1;
                my $nodes = $self->{'blocks'}[$_undef_list]{'nodelist'};
                for my $index (0 .. $steps) {
                        ->{$self->{'variable_name'}} = $list->[$index];
                    $self->template->context->scope->{'forloop'} = {
                                        length => $steps + 1,
                                        limit  => $limit,
                                        offset => $offset,
                                        name   => $self->{'name'},
                                        first  => ($index == 0 ? !!1 : !1),
                                        last => ($index == $steps ? !!1 : !1),
                                        index   => $index + 1,
                                        index0  => $index,
                                        rindex  => $steps - $index + 1,
                                        rindex0 => $steps - $index,
                                        type    => $type,
                                        sorted  => $sorted
                    for my $node (@$nodes) {
                        my $rendering = ref $node ? $node->render() : $node;
                        $return .= defined $rendering ? $rendering : '';
                return $return;


=head1 NAME

Solution::Tag::For - Simple loop construct

=head1 Synopsis

    {% for x in (1..10) %}
        x = {{ x }}
    {% endfor %}

=head1 Description

L<Solution|Solution> allows for loops over collections.

=head2 Loop-scope Variables

During every for loop, the following helper variables are available for extra
styling needs:


=item * C<forloop.length>

length of the entire for loop

=item * C<forloop.index>

index of the current iteration

=item * C<forloop.index0>

index of the current iteration (zero based)

=item * C<forloop.rindex>

how many items are still left?

=item * C<forloop.rindex0>

how many items are still left? (zero based)

=item * C<forloop.first>

is this the first iteration?

=item * C<forloop.last>

is this the last iternation?

=item * C<forloop.type>

are we looping through an C<ARRAY> or a C<HASH>?


=head2 Attributes

There are several attributes you can use to influence which items you receive
in your loop:


=item C<limit:int>

lets you restrict how many items you get.

=item C<offset:int>

lets you start the collection with the nth item.


    # array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    {% for item in array limit:2 offset:2 %}
        {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
    # results in 3,4

=head3 Reversing the Loop

You can reverse the direction the loop works with the C<reversed> attribute.
To comply with the Ruby lib's functionality, C<reversed> B<must> be the first

    {% for item in collection reversed %} {{item}} {% endfor %}

=head3 Sorting

You can sort the variable with the C<sorted> attribute. This is an extention
beyond the scope of Liquid's syntax and thus incompatible but it's useful.

    {% for item in collection sorted %} {{item}} {% endfor %}

If you are sorting a hash, the values are sorted by keys by default. You may
decide to sort by values like so:

    {% for item in hash sorted:value %} {{item.value}} {% endfor %}

...or make the default obvious with...

    {% for item in hash sorted:key %} {{item.key}} {% endfor %}

=head2 Numeric Ranges

Instead of looping over an existing collection, you can define a range of
numbers to loop through. The range can be defined by both literal and variable

    # if item.quantity is 4...
    {% for i in (1..item.quantity) %}
        {{ i }}
    {% endfor %}
    # results in 1,2,3,4

=head2 Hashes

To deal with the possibility of looping through hash references, Solution
extends the Liquid Engine's functionality. When looping through a hash, each
item is made a single key/value pair. The item's actual key and value are in
the C<item.key> and C<item.value> variables.'s an example:

    # where var = {A => 1, B => 2, C => 3}
    { {% for x in var %}
        {{ x.key }} => {{ x.value }},
    {% endfor %} }
    # results in {  A => 1, C => 3, B => 2, }

The C<forloop.type> variable will contain C<HASH> if the looped variable is a
hashref. Also note that the keys/value pairs are left unsorted.

=head2 C<else> tag

The else tag allows us to do this:

    {% for item in collection %}
        Item {{ forloop.index }}: {{ }}
    {% else %}
        There is nothing in the collection.
    {% endfor %}

The C<else> branch is executed whenever the for branch will never be executed
(e.g. collection is blank or not an iterable or out of iteration scope).

=for basis

=head1 TODO

Since this is a customer facing template engine, Liquid should provide some
way to limit L<ranges|Solution::Tag::For/"Numeric Ranges"> and/or depth to avoid
(functionally) infinite loops with code like...

    {% for w in (1..10000000000) %}
        {% for x in (1..10000000000) %}
            {% for y in (1..10000000000) %}
                {% for z in (1..10000000000) %}
                    {{ 'own' | replace:'o','p' }}

=head1 See Also

Liquid for Designers:

L<Solution|Solution/"Create your own filters">'s docs on custom filter creation

=head1 Author

Sanko Robinson <> -


=head1 License and Legal

Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of
L<The Artistic License 2.0|>.
See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or
L<notes on the Artistic License 2.0|>
for clarification.

When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
covered by the
L<Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|>.
See the
L<clarification of the CCA-SA3.0|>.
