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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util      qw< max >;
use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use RackMan;
use RackMan::Config;
use RackMan::Device::Switch::Cisco_Catalyst;
use Term::ANSIColor qw< :constants >;

$::PROGRAM = "Cisco switch status";
$::VERSION = "1.02";
$::COMMAND = basename($0);

use constant {
    CONFIG_SECTION  => RackMan::Device::Switch::Cisco_Catalyst->CONFIG_SECTION,

# main
    if (not caller()) {
        exit RackMan->status;

# run()
# ---
sub run {
    # detect if stdout is connected to a terminal

    # default options
    my %options = (
        config  => "/usr/local/etc/rack.conf",

    # parse options
    Getopt::Long::Configure(qw< no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case >);
    GetOptions(\%options, qw{
        help|usage|h!  man!  version|V!
        verbose|v!  config|c=s
        device_login|device-login=s  device_password|device-password=s
    }) or pod2usage(0);

    # handle --version, --help and --man
    $options{man}       and pod2usage(2);
    $options{help}      and pod2usage(1);
    $options{version}   and print "$::PROGRAM v$::VERSION\n" and exit;

    # if there's no argument, print the usage
    pod2usage(1) if @ARGV == 0;

    # read configuration file
    my $config = RackMan::Config->new(-file => $options{config});

    # instanciate the backend object
    my $rackman = RackMan->new({ options => \%options, config => $config });

    # do the actual work
    process($rackman, @ARGV);

# pod2usage()
# ---------
sub pod2usage {
    my ($n) = @_;
    require Pod::Usage;
    Pod::Usage::pod2usage({ -exitval => 0, -verbose => $n, -noperldoc => 1 });

# process()
# -------
sub process {
    my ($rackman, @args) = @_;

    my $device_name = shift @args;
    my $racktables = $rackman->racktables;

    # fetch the corresponding RackObject
    my $rackobj = $rackman->device($device_name);

    # check that the device is actually a Cisco switch
    print STDERR "error: '$device_name' is not a Cisco device\n" and return
        unless $rackobj->DOES("RackMan::Device::Switch::Cisco_Catalyst");

    # fetch the access password
    my $ios_password = $rackman->options->{device_password}
        || $rackman->config->val(CONFIG_SECTION, "ios_password")
        or RackMan->error("missing IOS access password");

    # connect to the device
    my $host = $rackobj->attributes->{FQDN} || $rackobj->object_name;
    print $rackobj->object_name, " ($host, ";
    my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(Host => $host);
    $session->login(Password => $ios_password);
    $session->cmd("terminal length 0");

    # fetch and parse information from the device
    my @out = $session->cmd("show version");
    my %version = parse_version(@out);
    print "$version{model}, IOS $version{ios})\n";

    @out = $session->cmd("show etherchannel summary");
    my %group = parse_etherchannels(@out);

    @out = $session->cmd("show mac address-table dynamic");
    my %addr = parse_mac_address_table(@out);

    @out = $session->cmd("show interfaces status");
    my %interface = parse_interfaces_status(@out);

    # associate the MAC addresses of a channel with the physical
    # interfaces that compose the channel
    for my $channel (keys %group) {
        for my $port (keys %{ $group{$channel}{ports} }) {
            $addr{$port} = $addr{$channel}
                if not $addr{$port} or not @{ $addr{$port} };

    my $m = max map length, keys %interface;
    my %port_status = (
        connected   => GREEN ("[+]"),
        disabled    => RED   ("[X]"),
        notconnect  => YELLOW("[ ]"),

    for my $name (sort by_interface keys %interface) {
        next if $group{$name};  # skip port channels
        my $n = ref $addr{$name} ? @{ $addr{$name} } : 0;
        my $hilight = $interface{$name}{status} eq "connected" ? BOLD : "";

        printf "- %-${m}s %s%s %s%-7s %6s/%-6s%s  ",
            $port_status{ $interface{$name}{status} },
            $interface{$name}{vlan} eq "trunk" ? "trunk"
                : "vlan:$interface{$name}{vlan}",
            $interface{$name}{status} eq "connected" ? RESET : "",

        if (0 < $n and $n <= 2) {
            # fetch the MAC address associated to the interface
            my $peer_mac = lc shift @{ $addr{$name} };
            my ($peer_name, $peer_iface) = ("", "");

            if (index($peer_mac, "00005e0001") == 0) {
                # detect VRRP addresses
                $peer_name = "(VRRP)";
            else {
                # find the corresponding device
                my $peer_obj = $racktables->resultset("RackObject")->search(
                    { l2address => $peer_mac },
                    { join => "ports" },
                $peer_name = eval { $peer_obj->name };

                if ($peer_name) {
                    my $peer = $rackman->device($peer_name);
                    my ($peer_port)
                        = grep { lc($_->{l2address} || "") eq $peer_mac }
                            @{ $peer->ports };
                    $peer_iface = "[$peer_port->{name}]";

            # format the MAC address in the usual way
            my $peer_addr = $peer_mac;
            $peer_addr =~ s/(\w\w)/$1:/g;
            $peer_addr =~ s/:$//;

            $peer_name ||= YELLOW("unknown");
            print "$peer_addr = $peer_name $peer_iface ";

        print $/;

# by_interface()
# ------------
sub by_interface {
    my @a = split "/", $a;
    my @b = split "/", $b;
    $a[0] cmp $b[0] || $a[1] <=> $b[1] || $a[2] <=> $b[2]

# parse_version()
# -------------
sub parse_version {
    my (@out) = @_;

    chomp @out;
    my %version = ( ios => "unkown", model => "unkown" );

    for (@out) {
        /Cisco IOS Software.*Version (\S+),/ and $version{ios} = $1;
        /Model number\s*:\s*(\S+)/ and $version{model} = $1;

    return %version

# parse_etherchannels()
# -------------------
sub parse_etherchannels {
    my (@out) = @_;

    chomp @out;
    my %channel;

    for (@out) {
        s/^ *//;  # remove leading blanks
        next if /^Flags/ .. /^----/;  # skip the header
        my ($num, $name, $proto, @ports) = split / +/;
        next unless $num and $num =~ /^\d+$/;

        # extract the group name and flags
        $name =~ s/\((\w+)\)$//;
        my %flags = map { $_ => 1 } split //, $1;

        my %ports;

        # extract each port name and flags
        for my $port (@ports) {
            (my $name = $port) =~ s/\((\w+)\)$//;
            my %flags = map { $_ => 1 } split //, $1;
            $ports{$name} = { flags => \%flags };

        $channel{$name} = {
            flags => \%flags,
            proto => $proto,
            ports => \%ports,

    return %channel

# parse_mac_address_table()
# -----------------------
sub parse_mac_address_table {
    my (@out) = @_;

    chomp @out;
    my %table;

    for (@out) {
        s/^ *//;  # remove leading blanks
        next if /^Mac/ .. /^---- /;  # skip the header
        my ($num, $addr, $type, $port) = split / +/;
        next unless $num and $num =~ /^\d+$/;

        $addr =~ s/\W//g;  # normalize MAC address
        push @{ $table{$port} ||= [] }, $addr;

    return %table

# parse_interfaces_status()
# -----------------------
sub parse_interfaces_status {
    my (@out) = @_;

    chomp @out;
    my %interface;

    for my $line (@out) {
        $line =~ s/^ *//;  # remove leading blanks
        next if $line =~ /^$/;

        # extract the port name
        $line =~ s/^(\S+)\s+//;
        my $name = $1 or next;

        # extract the fixed fields
        $line =~ s/\s*((?:connected|disabled|notconnect).*)$// or next;
        my $rest = $1;
        my ($status, $vlan, $duplex, $speed, $type) = split / +/, $rest, 5;

        # what's left should be the port description, if any
        my $desc = length $line ? $line : "";
        $line =~ s/^(\S+)\s+//;

        $interface{$name} = {
            desc => $desc,  status => $status,  vlan => $vlan,
            duplex => $duplex,  speed => $speed,  type => $type,

    return %interface



=head1 NAME

cisco-status - Display the status of a Cisco network switch


    cisco-status [--config /etc/rack.conf] <switch-name>
    cisco-status { --help | --man | --version }

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 Standard options


=item B<-c>, B<--config> I<path>

Specify the path to the configuration file.
Default to F</usr/local/etc/rack.conf>

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Run the program in verbose mode.


=head2 Program options


=item B<--device-login> I<username>

Specify an alternate login for connecting onto the device.

=item B<--device-password> I<password>

Specify an alternate password for connecting onto the device.


=head2 Help options


=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print a short usage description, then exit.

=item B<--man>

Print the manual page of the program, then exit.

=item B<-V>, B<--version>

Print the program name and version, then exit.



This program prints the status of a Cisco network switch, displaying,
whenever possible, for each physical interface, the MAC address of the
device connected onto it, with its name and interface name (resolved
from the RackTables database).


See L<rack(1)>

=head1 AUTHOR

Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni (
