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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use RackMan;
use RackMan::Config;
use Term::ANSIColor;

$::PROGRAM = "RackManager";
$::COMMAND = basename($0);

# main
    if (not caller()) {
        exit RackMan->status;

# run()
# ---
sub run {
    # detect if stdout is connected to a terminal

    # default options
    my %options = (
        config  => "/etc/rack.conf",
        scm     => 1,

    # parse options
    Getopt::Long::Configure(qw< no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case >);
    GetOptions(\%options, qw{
        help|usage|h!  man!  version|V!
        verbose|v!  config|c=s  scm|S!
        formats|F=s  only_formats|only-formats|G=s
        device_login|device-login=s  device_password|device-password=s
        read_community|read-community=s  write_community|write-community=s
        template|t=s  output|o=s
    }) or pod2usage(0);

    # handle --version, --usage and --help
    $options{man}       and pod2usage(2);
    $options{help}      and pod2usage(1);
    $options{version}   and print "$::PROGRAM v$::VERSION\n" and exit;

    # if there's no argument, print the usage
    pod2usage(1) if @ARGV == 0;

    # handle some specific options
    if ($options{only_formats}) {
        $options{formats} = $options{only_formats};
        $options{no_write_dev_cfg} = 1;

    # read configuration file
    my $config = RackMan::Config->new(-file => $options{config});

    # instanciate the backend object
    my $rackman = RackMan->new({ options => \%options, config => $config });

    # process the command

# pod2usage()
# ---------
sub pod2usage {
    my ($n) = @_;
    require Pod::Usage;
    Pod::Usage::pod2usage({ -exitval => 0, -verbose => $n, -noperldoc => 1 });



=head1 NAME

rack - Fetch information and generate config files for RackObjects


    rack [--config /etc/rack.conf] <action> <action options> <object>
    rack { --help | --man | --version }

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 Standard options


=item B<-c>, B<--config> I<path>

Specify the path to the configuration file. Default to F</etc/rack.conf>

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Run the program in verbose mode.


=head2 Program options


=item B<--device-login> I<username>

Specify an alternate login for connecting onto the device.

=item B<--device-password> I<password>

Specify an alternate password for connecting onto the device.

=item B<--dhcp-template> I<path>

Specify an alternate template path for RackMan::Format::DHCP.

=item B<-F>, B<--formats> I<list of formats>

Specify a comma-separated list of formats, overriding the corresponding
C<[device:*]/formats> parameters in F<rack.conf>

=item B<--ks>, B<--kickstart-template> I<path>

Specify an alternate template path for RackMan::Format::Kickstart.

=item B<--no-write-device-config>

Do not write the device specific file of the given RackObject.

=item B<-G>, B<--only-formats> I<list of formats>

Alias for the C<--formats> and C<--no-write-device-config> options.

=item B<-o>, B<--output> I<path>

Specify the path of the output file for the Generic format.

=item B<--pxe-template> I<path>

Specify an alternate template path for RackMan::Format::PXE.

=item B<--read-community> I<community>

Specify an alternate SNMP read community.

=item B<-S>, B<--scm>

Use a SCM program to version generated files.
Enabled by default (use C<--no-scm> to disable).

=item B<-t>, B<--template> I<path>

Specify the path of the template file for the Generic format.

=item B<--write-community> I<community>

Specify an alternate SNMP write community.


=head2 Help options


=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print a short usage description, then exit.

=item B<--man>

Print the manual page of the program, then exit.

=item B<-V>, B<--version>

Print the program name and version, then exit.



Arguments are expected to be:


=item *

the action name: diff, dump, info, list, push, write

=item *

optional action options

=item *

the RackObject name



B<rack> is a command for fetching information from a RackTables
database about selected RackObjects, generate the corresponding
configuration files and talk with the corresponding devices to
set them up accordingly.

=head1 ACTIONS


=item list

Print the list of RackObjects of the given type (C<server>, C<pdu>,
C<switch> or C<all>)



=item *

C<as> - specify the format: C<ldif>, C<simple> (default)


=item info

Print information about the RackObject

=item dump

Print the structure of the RackObject



=item *

C<as> - specify the format: C<json>, C<ldif>, C<perl>, C<yaml> (default)


=item diff

Print the differences between the actual and expected configuration
of the device. Set exit status to 1 if there are differences, 0 otherwise.

=item write

Generate and write the configuration files corresponding to the RackObject

=item push

Push the configuration to the device corresponding to the RackObject.



List all the PDUs:

    rack list pdu

List all the servers in LDIF format:

    rack list servers as ldif

Print information about "" in default format (YAML):

    rack info

Dump information about "" in JSON format:

    rack dump as json
    rack dump as json

Write all the configuration files for "":

    rack write

Only write the DHCP file for "":

    rack write -G DHCP

Process the template F<input.tmpl> with the information about
"" and print the result on screen:

    rack write -G Generic -t input.tmpl

Process the template F<input.tmpl> with the information about
"" and write the result on disk, in a file
named after the device:

    rack write -G Generic -t input.tmpl -o %name%.conf


The configuration file is expected to be in the C<.INI> format, with the
following sections and parameters.

All parameters can be overridden in a per-device file named 
F<rack.local.conf>, read from C<[general]/path> (read below).

Parameters can contain placeholders that will be replaced with values
corresponding to the given RackObjet:


=item *

C<%name%> - name of the RackObject, or C<"unknown"> if it is undefined


=head2 Section [general]


=item *

C<default_scm> - specify the default SCM program

=item *

C<dns_servers> - specify the list of default DNS servers (space separated)

=item *

C<mail_server> - specify the default SMTP server

=item *

C<management_interfaces> - specify the regular expression which matches the
names of management interfaces. Default is C</(areca|ilo|ipmi)/>

=item *

C<nagios_url> - specify the URL of the Nagios web application

=item *

C<ntp_servers> - specify the list of default NTP servers (space separated)

=item *

C<path> - I<(mandatory)> specify the path for device-specific
configuration files, including F<rack.local.conf>; it is therefore
strongly suggested to use the C<%name%> placeholder somewhere in
the value

=item *

C<racktables_url> - specify the URL of the RackTables web application

=item *

C<timezone> - specify the default timezone

=item *

C<virtual_interfaces> - specify the regular expression which matches the
names of virtual interfaces. Default is C</(carp|lagg|vlan)\d+/>


=head2 Section [database]


=item *

C<dsn> - DBI data source name (e.g.: C<dbi:mysql:racktables>)

=item *

C<user> - database user name

=item *

C<password> - database password


=head2 Section [device:pdu]


=item *

C<formats> - specify the formats associated with a PDU object as a
space seperated list. Default is C<"Cacti Nagios">


=head2 Section [device:pdu:apc_rackpdu]


=item *

C<ftp_login> - specify the FTP login; can be overridden with the
C<--device-login> option

=item *

C<ftp_password> - specify the FTP password; can be overridden with the
C<--device-password> option

=item *

C<mail_address> - specify the contact address for the device

=item *

C<write_community> - specify the SNMP write community (needed to restart
the device); can be overridden with the C<--write-community> option


=head2 Section [device:server]


=item *

C<formats> - specify the formats associated with a Server object as a
space seperated list. Default is C<"DHCP PXE Kickstart Cacti Nagios Bacula">


=head2 Section [device:server:hp_proliant]


=item *

C<admin_password> - I<(mandatory)> specify the iLO password for the
custom account "admin"; can be overridden with the
C<--device-password> option

=item *

C<ilo_password> - I<(mandatory)> specify the iLO password for the
factory account "Administrator"

=item *

C<license_key> - specify the license key

=item *

C<serial_cli_speed> - specify the serial CLI speed; the value can
be one of the following: 1 (9,600 bps), 2 (19,200 bps), 3 (38,400 bps),
4 (57,600 bps), 5 (115,200 bps).


=head2 Section [device:switch]


=item *

C<formats> - specify the formats associated with a Switch object as a
space seperated list. Default is C<"Cacti Nagios">


=head2 Section [device:switch:cisco_catalyst]


=item *

C<ios_password> - specify the IOS access password; can be overridden
with the C<--device-password> option

=item *

C<enable_password> - specify the IOS admin password


=head2 Section [format:bacula]


=item *

C<password> - specify Bacula password

=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files


=head2 Section [format:cacti]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location of Cacti CLI programs

=item *

C<php> - specify the path of the php(1) CLI interpreter

=item *

C<sudo_as> - specify an optional user account to execute the Cacti
programs under, using sudo(8)


=head2 Section [format:dhcp]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files

=item *

C<template> - specify the path of the template.
See L<RackMan::Template/"TEMPLATE PARAMETERS"> for the supported parameters.


=head2 Section [format:kickstart]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files

=item *

C<template> - specify the path of the template.
See L<RackMan::Template/"TEMPLATE PARAMETERS"> for the supported parameters.


=head2 Section [format:ldap]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files


=head2 Section [format:nagios]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files


=head2 Section [format:pxe]


=item *

C<path> - specify the location to store the generated files

=item *

C<template> - specify the path of the template.
See L<RackMan::Template/"TEMPLATE PARAMETERS"> for the supported parameters.


=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Sys::Syslog

You can also look for information at:


=item * MetaCPAN


=item * Search CPAN


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker



The source code is available on Git Hub:

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or
later: L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni (
