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package Time::Duration::fr;
use encoding 'utf-8';
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.01';

use base qw< Exporter >;

our @EXPORT = qw<
    later  later_exact  earlier  earlier_exact
    ago  ago_exact  from_now  from_now_exact
    duration  duration_exact  concise
our @EXPORT_OK = ( "interval", @EXPORT );

use constant DEBUG => 0;
use Time::Duration ();

my %en2fr = (
    second => ["seconde", "secondes"],
    minute => ["minute" , "minutes" ],
    hour   => ["heure"  , "heures"  ],
    day    => ["jour"   , "jours"   ],
    year   => ["année"  , "années"  ],

my %short   = map { $_=> substr($_, 0, 1) } map { @$_ } values %en2fr;
my $comp_re = join "|", map { $_->[0] } values %en2fr;

sub concise ($) {
    my $string = $_[0];

    #print "in : $string\n";
    $string =~ tr/,//d;
    $string =~ s/\bet\b//;
    $string =~ s/\b($comp_re)s?\b/$short{$1}/g;
    $string =~ s/\s*(\d+)\s*/$1/g;

    # restore prefixed intervals
    $string =~ s/dans/dans /;
    $string =~ s/il y a/il y a /; 

    return $string;

sub later {
    interval(      $_[0], $_[1], "%s plus tôt", "%s plus tard", "maintenant");

sub later_exact {
    interval_exact($_[0], $_[1], "%s plus tôt", "%s plus tard", "maintenant");

sub earlier {
    interval(      $_[0], $_[1], "%s plus tard", "%s plus tôt", "maintenant");

sub earlier_exact {
    interval_exact($_[0], $_[1], "%s plus tard", "%s plus tôt", "maintenant");

sub ago {
    interval(      $_[0], $_[1], 'dans %s', 'il y a %s', "maintenant");

sub ago_exact {
    interval_exact($_[0], $_[1], 'dans %s', 'il y a %s', "maintenant");

sub from_now {
    interval(      $_[0], $_[1], 'il y a %s', 'dans %s', "maintenant");

sub from_now_exact {
    interval_exact($_[0], $_[1], 'il y a %s', 'dans %s', "maintenant");

sub duration_exact {
    my $span = $_[0];   # interval in seconds
    my $precision = int($_[1] || 0) || 2;  # precision (default: 2)
    return '0 seconde' unless $span;
        Time::Duration::_separate(abs $span));

sub duration {
    my $span = $_[0];   # interval in seconds
    my $precision = int($_[1] || 0) || 2;  # precision (default: 2)
    return '0 seconde' unless $span;
            Time::Duration::_separate(abs $span)));

sub interval_exact {
    my $span = $_[0];                       # interval, in seconds
                                            # precision is ignored
    my $direction = ($span <= -1) ? $_[2]   # what a neg number gets
                  : ($span >=  1) ? $_[3]   # what a pos number gets
                  : return          $_[4];  # what zero gets

sub interval {
    my $span = $_[0];                       # interval, in seconds
    my $precision = int($_[1] || 0) || 2;   # precision (default: 2)
    my $direction = ($span <= -1) ? $_[2]   # what a neg number gets
                  : ($span >=  1) ? $_[3]   # what a pos number gets
                  : return          $_[4];  # what zero gets

sub _render {
    # Make it into French
    my $direction = shift @_;
    my @wheel = map {
        ( $_->[1] == 0 ) ? ()  # zero wheels
            : $_->[1] . " " . $en2fr{ $_->[0] }[ $_->[1] == 1 ? 0 : 1 ]
        } @_;

    return "maintenant" unless @wheel; # sanity

    my $result;
    if (@wheel == 1) {
        $result = $wheel[0];
    elsif (@wheel == 2) {
        $result = "$wheel[0] et $wheel[1]";
    else {
        $wheel[-1] = "et $wheel[-1]";
        $result = join q{, }, @wheel;

    return sprintf($direction, $result);



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Time::Duration::fr - describe time duration in French

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


    use Time::Duration::fr;

    my $duration = duration(time() - $start_time);


C<Time::Duration::fr> is a localized version of C<Time::Duration>.



=item duration($seconds)

=item duration($seconds, $precision)

Returns English text expressing the approximate time duration
of C<abs($seconds)>, with at most S<C<$precision || 2>> expressed units.


    duration(130)       => "2 minutes et 10 secondes"

    duration(243550)    => "2 jours et 20 heures"
    duration(243550, 1) => "3 jours"
    duration(243550, 3) => "2 jours, 19 heures, et 39 minutes"
    duration(243550, 4) => "2 jours, 19 heures, 39 minutes, et 10 secondes"

=item duration_exact($seconds)

Same as C<duration($seconds)>, except that the returned value is an exact
(unrounded) expression of C<$seconds>.


    duration_exact(31629659) => "1 année, 1 jour, 2 heures, et 59 secondes"

=item ago($seconds)

=item ago($seconds, $precision)

=item ago_exact($seconds)

Negative values are passed to C<from_now()> / C< from_now_exact()>.


    ago(243550)         => "il y a 2 jours et 20 heures"
    ago(243550, 1)      => "il y a 3 jours"
    ago_exact(243550)   => "il y a 2 jours, 19 heures, 39 minutes, et 10 secondes"

    ago(0)              => "maintenant"

    ago(-243550)        => "dans 2 jours et 20 heures"
    ago(-243550, 1)     => "dans 3 jours"

=item from_now($seconds)

=item from_now($seconds, $precision)

=item from_now_exact($seconds)

Negative values are passed to C<ago()> / C< ago_exact()>.


    from_now(243550)    => "dans 2 jours et 20 heures"
    from_now(243550, 1) => "dans 3 jours"

    from_now(0)         => "maintenant"

    from_now(-243550)   => "il y a 2 jours et 20 heures"
    from_now(-243550, 1)=> "il y a 3 jours"

=item later($seconds)

=item later($seconds, $precision)

=item later_exact($seconds)

Negative values are passed to C<ago()> / C< ago_exact()>.


    later(243550)       => "2 jours et 20 heures plus tard"
    later(243550, 1)    => "3 jours plus tard"

    later(0)            => "maintenant"

    later(-243550)      => "2 jours et 20 heures plus tôt"
    later(-243550, 1)   => "3 jours plus tôt"

=item earlier($seconds)

=item earlier($seconds, $precision)

=item earlier_exact($seconds)

Negative values are passed to C<ago()> / C< ago_exact()>.


    earlier(243550)     => "2 jours et 20 heures plus tôt"
    earlier(243550, 1)  => "3 jours plus tôt"

    earlier(0)          => "maintenant"

    earlier(-243550)    => "2 jours et 20 heures plus tard"
    earlier(-243550, 1) => "3 jours plus tard"

=item concise( I<function(> ... ) )

C<concise()> takes the string output of one of the above functions
and makes it more concise.


    ago(4567)           => "il y a 1 heure et 16 minutes"
    concise(ago(4567))  => "il y a 1h16m"

    earlier(31629659)           => "1 année et 1 jour plus tôt"
    concise(earlier(31629659))  => "1a1j plus tôt"


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Time::Duration>, L<Time::Duration::Locale>

=head1 AUTHOR

SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni C<< <sebastien at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-time-duration-fr at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Time::Duration::fr

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2010 SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
