-*- mode: outline; outline-regexp: "\\s *\\*+" -*-

Jifty::Action::Record::Search should take arguments and return a
FooCollection as the q{search} field of its q{content}.

It will generate arguments for each field, according to the SQL type
of the field:

* text
 * I<field>, I<field>_not
  * Do substring searching on the given field
  * This is case sensitive.

 * I<field_is>
  * ? Does exact matching ?

* time, date, or datetime
 * T<field>_after, I<field>_before
 * T<field> for exact matching?

* int
 * I<field>
  * Exact matching

 * I<field_gt>
 * I<field_lt>
  * Less than/greater than

 * I<field_gte>
 * I<field_lte>
  * These are perhaps superfluous, but could be convenient.
  * (I want auto-loaded arguments ...)

* boolean
 * I<field>
  * Can be true, false, or undefined

* refers_to an object
 * I<field>
 * I<field_not>
 * Accept ids
  * ? Generate valid_values for this ?

* refers_to a collection
 * Do nothing?
 * I<field>_contains ?
 * I<field>_lacks ?


* Validators and canonicalizers
 * Never use validators
 * Use canonicalizers on any "exact match" fields
 * What's the right behaviour on substring/comparison match?

* valid_values
 * valid_values should remain valid_values for any exact match fields,
 * become available_values otherwise