use warnings;
use strict;

package Jifty::Test;
use base qw/Test::More/;

use Jifty::Util;
use Email::LocalDelivery;
use Email::Folder;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;
use Hash::Merge;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
use Cwd qw/abs_path cwd/;

# Mechanize uses Test::LongString to report mismatches.  Increase the
# limit so we can see where errors come from more easily.
use Test::LongString;
$Test::LongString::Max = 128;

=head1 NAME

Jifty::Test - Jifty's test module


    use Jifty::Test tests => 5;
    # to load po for test:
    # use Jifty::Test tests => 5, l10n => 1;

    # ...all of Test::More's functionality...
    my $model = MyApp::Model::MyModel->new;
    ok($model->id, 'model works');
    is($model->foo, 'some default', 'default works');

    # Startup an external server (see Jifty::TestServer)
    my $server = Jifty::Test->make_server;
    my $server_url = $server->started_ok;
    # You're probably also interested in Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize


Jifty::Test is a superset of L<Test::More>.  It provides all of
Test::More's functionality in addition to the class methods defined

=head1 METHODS

=head2 is_passing

    my $is_passing = Jifty::Test->is_passing;

Check if the test is currently in a passing state.


=item * 

All tests run so far have passed

=item * 

We have run at least one test

=item * 

We have not run more than we planned (if we planned at all)



sub is_passing {
    my $tb = Jifty::Test->builder;

    my $is_failing = grep {not $_} $tb->summary;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    $is_failing ||= $tb->has_plan eq 'no_plan'
                      ? 0
                      : $tb->expected_tests < $tb->current_test;

    return !$is_failing;

=head2 is_done

    my $is_done = Jifty::Test->is_done;

Check if we have run all the tests we've planned.

If the plan is 'no_plan' then is_done() will return true if at least
one test has run.


sub is_done {
    my $tb = Jifty::Test->builder;

    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    if( $tb->has_plan eq 'no_plan' ) {
        return $tb->current_test > 0;
    else {
        return $tb->expected_tests == $tb->current_test;

=begin private

=head2 import_extra

Called by L<Test::More>'s C<import> code when L<Jifty::Test> is first
C<use>'d, it calls L</setup>, and asks Test::More to export its
symbols to the namespace that C<use>'d this one.

=end private


our $imported = 0;

sub import_extra {
    my $class = shift;
    my $args  = shift;

    $imported = 1;


    # Now, clobber Test::Builder::plan (if we were given a plan) so 
    # Test::Builder::Module doesn't plan for us
    if ($class->builder->has_plan) {
        no warnings 'redefine';
        *Test::Builder::plan = sub {};

    # the modified $args is then passed to Test::Builder's plan.  we should 
    # strip our custom items.
    # XXX: this should probably be done in _strip_imports
    # we check for multiple args because of 'no_plan'
    if (@$args > 1) {
        my %args = @$args;
        @$args = map { $args{$_} ? ($_ => $args{$_ }) : () } qw(tests skip_all);

=head2 setup ARGS

This method is passed a single argument. This is a reference to the array of parameters passed in to the import statement.

Merges the L</test_config> into the default configuration, resets the
database, and resets the fake "outgoing mail" folder.  

This is the method to override if you wish to do custom setup work, such as
insert test data into your database.

  package MyApp::Test;
  use base qw/ Jifty::Test /;

  sub setup {
      my $self = shift;
      my $args = shift;

      # Make sure to call the super-class version

      # Now that we have the database and such...
      my %test_args = @$args;

      if ($test_arg{something_special}) {
          # do something special...

And later in your tests, you may do the following:

  use MyApp::Test tests => 14, something_special => 1;

  # 14 tests with some special setup...



sub setup {
    my $class = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    $args ||= [];
    my %args = @{$args} % 2 ? (@{$args}, 1) : @{$args};

    my $root = Jifty::Util->app_root;

    require Jifty::YAML;
    # naive detect of configfileversion before jifty->new, since you
    # probably don't want to override it in site_config or other places.
    my $config = eval { Jifty::YAML::LoadFile("$root/etc/config.yml") };
    if ($config && $config->{framework}{ConfigFileVersion} &&
                   $config->{framework}{ConfigFileVersion} < 5) {
        $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_SERVER} ||= 'Standalone';

    my $server = $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_SERVER} ||=
        $args{actual_server} ? 'Standalone' : 'Inline';

    if ($server eq 'Inline') {
        require Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize;
        require Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI;
        unshift @Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize::ISA, 'Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI';

    if ($args{actual_server}) {
        $class->builder->plan(skip_all => "This test requires an actual test server to run.  Run with JIFTY_TEST_SERVER=Standalone instead")
            if $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_SERVER} eq 'Inline';

    # Spit out a plan (if we got one) *before* we load modules, in
    # case of compilation errors
    unless ($class->builder->has_plan) {
        $class->builder->plan(map { $_ => $args{$_ } } qw(tests skip_all))
            if $args{tests} || $args{skip_all};

    # Require the things we need
    require Jifty::Script::Schema;

    $class->builder->{no_handle} = $args{no_handle};
    $WARNINGS_ARE_FATAL = 1 if $args{strict};
    my $test_config = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0 );
    Jifty::YAML::DumpFile("$test_config", $class->test_config(Jifty::Config->new, \%args));
    # Invoking bin/jifty and friends will now have the test config ready.
    $ENV{'JIFTY_TEST_CONFIG'} ||= "$test_config";
    $class->builder->{test_config} = $test_config;
        # Cache::Memcached stores things. And doesn't let them expire
        # from the cache easily. This is fine in production, but
        # during testing each test script needs its own namespace.  we
        # use the pid of the current process, and save it so the keys
        # stays the same when we fork
          package Jifty::Record;
          no warnings qw/redefine/;

          use vars qw/$cache_key_prefix/;

          $cache_key_prefix = "jifty-test-" . $$;
          *Jifty::Record::cache_key_prefix = sub {
    # Mason's disk caching sometimes causes false tests
    rmtree([ File::Spec->canonpath("$root/var/mason") ], 0, 1);



=head2 setup_test_database

Create the test database. This can be overloaded if you do your databases in a
different way.


sub setup_test_database {
    my $class = shift;

    if ($class->builder->{no_handle}) {
        Jifty->new( no_handle => 1 );

    if ($ENV{JIFTY_FAST_TEST}) {
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
        eval { Jifty->new( no_version_check => 1 ); Jifty->handle->check_schema_version };
        my $booted;
        if (Jifty->handle && !$@) {
            my $baseclass = Jifty->app_class;
            for my $model_class ( grep {/^\Q$baseclass\E::Model::/} Jifty::Schema->new->models ) {
                # We don't want to get the Collections, for example.
                next unless $model_class->isa('Jifty::DBI::Record');
                Jifty->handle->simple_query('TRUNCATE '.$model_class->table );
                Jifty->handle->simple_query('ALTER SEQUENCE '.$model_class->table.'_id_seq RESTART 1');
            # Load initial data
            eval {
                my $bootstrapper = Jifty->app_class("Bootstrap");
                $bootstrapper->run() if $bootstrapper->can('run');
            die $@ if $@;
            $booted = 1;
        if (Jifty->handle) {
        if ($booted) {

    Jifty->new( no_handle => 1, pre_init => 1 );

    my $schema = Jifty::Script::Schema->new;
    $schema->{drop_database} = 1;
    $schema->{setup_tables}  = 1;


=head2 load_test_configs FILENAME

This will load all the test config files that apply to FILENAME (default:
C<$0>, the current test script file). Say you are running the test script
C</home/bob/MyApp/t/user/12-delete.t>. The files that will be loaded are:

=over 4

=item C</home/bob/MyApp/t/user/12-delete.t-config.yml>

=item C</home/bob/MyApp/t/user/test_config.yml>

=item C</home/bob/MyApp/t/test_config.yml>


..followed by the usual Jifty configuration files (such as
C<MyApp/etc/config.yml> and C<MyApp/etc/site_config.yml>). The options in a
more specific test file override the options in a less specific test file.

The options are returned in a single hashref.


sub load_test_configs {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($test_config_file) = @_;

    # Jifty::Test::Dist uses chdir which screws up $0, so to be nice
    # it also makes available the cwd was before it uses chdir.
    my $cwd = $Jifty::Test::Dist::OrigCwd;

    # get the initial test config file, which is the input . "-config.yml"
    $test_config_file = $0 if !defined($test_config_file);
    $test_config_file .= "-config.yml";
    $test_config_file = File::Spec->rel2abs($test_config_file, $cwd);

    my $test_options = _read_and_merge_config_file($test_config_file, {});

    # get the directory of the input, so we can recurse upwards
    my ($volume, $directories) = File::Spec->splitpath($test_config_file);
    my $directory = File::Spec->catdir($volume, $directories);

    my $depth = $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_DEPTH} || 30;

    for (1 .. $depth)
        my $file = File::Spec->catfile($directory, "test_config.yml");
        $test_options = _read_and_merge_config_file($file, $test_options);

        # are we at the app root? if so, then we can stop moving up
        # did abs_path return undef? if so, there's not much we can do from here
        $directory = abs_path(File::Spec->catdir($directory, File::Spec->updir($directory)));
        return $test_options
            if not defined $directory
            or Jifty::Util->is_app_root($directory);

    Jifty->log->fatal("Stopping looking for test config files after recursing upwards $depth times. Either you have a nonstandard layout or an incredibly deep test hierarchy. If you really do have an incredibly deep test hierarchy, you can set the environment variable JIFTY_TEST_DEPTH to a larger value.") if (Jifty->logger);

    return $test_options;

sub _read_and_merge_config_file {
    my $file = shift;
    my $config = shift;

    my $file_options = Jifty::Config->load_file($file);


    # merge the new options into what we have so far
    return Hash::Merge::merge($file_options, $config);

=head2 test_config

Returns a hash which overrides parts of the application's
configuration for testing.  By default, this changes the database name
by appending a 'test', as well as setting the port to a random port
between 10000 and 15000. Individual test configurations may override these
defaults (see C<load_test_configs>).

It is passed the current configuration before any test config is loaded.

You can override this to provide application-specific test
configuration, e.g:

    sub test_config {
        my $class = shift;
        my ($config) = @_;
        my $hash = $class->SUPER::test_config($config);
        $hash->{framework}{LogConfig} = "etc/log-test.conf"
        return $hash;

Note that this is deprecated in favor of having real config files in your
test directory.


sub test_config {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($config, $args) = @_;

    my $defaults = {
        framework => {
            Database => {
                Database => $config->framework('Database')->{Database} . $class->_testfile_to_dbname(),
            L10N => {
                Disable => $args->{l10n} ? 0 : 1,
            Web => {
                Port => ($$ % 5000) + 10000,
                DataDir => File::Temp::tempdir('masonXXXXXXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1)
            Plugins => [
                { TestServerWarnings => {} },
            Mailer => 'Jifty::Test',
            MailerArgs => [],
            LogLevel => $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_LOGLEVEL} || 'FATAL',
            TestMode => 1,

    if ($INC{'Devel/'}) {
        $defaults->{framework}{DevelMode} = 0;
        $defaults->{framework}{Web}{MasonConfig}{named_component_subs} = 1;
        $defaults->{framework}{Web}{DataDir} = Jifty::Util->absolute_path( 'var/mason-cover' );

    return Hash::Merge::merge($defaults, $class->load_test_configs);

sub _testfile_to_dbname {
    return 'fasttest' if $ENV{JIFTY_FAST_TEST};
    my $dbname = lc($0);
    $dbname =~ s/\.t$//;
    $dbname =~ s/(\W|[_-])+//g;
    $dbname .= substr(md5_hex(cwd()), 0, 8);
    $dbname = substr($dbname,-32,32);
    return $dbname;

=head2 make_server

Creates a new L<Jifty::TestServer> depending on the value of
C<$ENV{JIFTY_TEST_SERVER}>.  If the environment variable is C<Inline>,
we run tests using PSGI inline without spawning an actual server.
Otherwise, we fork off a L<Plack::Server> to run tests against.


sub make_server {
    my $class = shift;
    use Jifty::TestServer;

    my $server_class = $ENV{JIFTY_TEST_SERVER} eq 'Inline'
        ? 'Jifty::TestServer::Inline' : 'Jifty::TestServer';
    Jifty::Util->require($server_class) or die $!;

    $Jifty::SERVER = $server_class->new;

=head2 web

Like calling C<<Jifty->web>>.

C<<Jifty::Test->web>> does the necessary Jifty->web initialization for
it to be usable in a test.


sub web {
    my $class = shift;

    Jifty->web->request(Jifty::Request->new)   unless Jifty->web->request;
    Jifty->web->response(Jifty::Response->new) unless Jifty->web->response;

    return Jifty->web;

=head2 mailbox

A mailbox used for testing mail sending.


sub mailbox {
    return Jifty::Util->absolute_path("t/mailbox_" . _testfile_to_dbname());

=head2 setup_mailbox

Clears the mailbox.


sub setup_mailbox {
    my $class = shift;

    open my $f, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $class->mailbox;
    close $f;

=head2 teardown_mailbox

Deletes the mailbox.


sub teardown_mailbox {
    unlink mailbox();

=head2 is_available

Informs L<Email::Send> that L<Jifty::Test> is always available as a mailer.


sub is_available { 1 }

=head2 send

Should not be called manually, but is
automatically called by L<Email::Send> when using L<Jifty::Test> as a mailer.

(Note that it is a class method.)


sub send {
    my $class = shift;
    my $message = shift;

    Email::LocalDelivery->deliver($message->as_string, mailbox());

=head2 messages

Returns the messages in the test mailbox, as a list of
L<Email::Simple> objects.  You may have to use a module like
L<Email::MIME> to parse multi-part messages stored in the mailbox.


sub messages {
    return () unless -f mailbox();
    return Email::Folder->new(mailbox())->messages;

=head2 test_file

  my $files = Jifty::Test->test_file($file);

Register $file as having been created by the test.  It will be
cleaned up at the end of the test run I<if and only if> the test
passes.  Otherwise it will be left alone.

It returns $file so you can do this:

  my $file = Jifty::Test->test_file( Jifty::Util->absolute_path("t/foo") );


my @Test_Files_To_Cleanup;
sub test_file {
    my $class = shift;
    my $file = shift;

    push @Test_Files_To_Cleanup, $file;

    return $file;

=head2 test_in_isolation

  my $return = Jifty::Test->test_in_isolation( sub {
      ...your testing code...

For testing testing modules so you can run testing code (which perhaps
fail) without effecting the outer test.

Saves the state of Jifty::Test's Test::Builder object and redirects
all output to dev null before running your testing code.  It then
restores the Test::Builder object back to its original state.

    # Test that fail() returns 0
    ok !Jifty::Test->test_in_isolation sub {
        return fail;


sub test_in_isolation {
    my $class = shift;
    my $code  = shift;

    my $tb = Jifty::Test->builder;

    my $output         = $tb->output;
    my $failure_output = $tb->failure_output;
    my $todo_output    = $tb->todo_output;
    my $current_test   = $tb->current_test;

    $tb->output( File::Spec->devnull );
    $tb->failure_output( File::Spec->devnull );
    $tb->todo_output( File::Spec->devnull );

    my $result = $code->();


    return $result;

# Stick the END block in a method so we can test it.
END { Jifty::Test->_ending }

sub _ending {
    # only run the teardown code if we were responsible for setup
    return unless $imported;

    my $Test = Jifty::Test->builder;

    # Such a hack -- try to detect if this is a forked child process and don't
    # do cleanup in that case.
    # TODO: note that this check fails if you're forking off multiple
    # children that all do similar things, say running RT and Jifty tests
    # in the same process
    # XXX TODO - This makes assumptions about Test::Builder internals
    return if $Test->{Original_Pid} != $$;

    my $should_die = 0;
    if ($Jifty::SERVER &&
        (my $plugin = Jifty->find_plugin("Jifty::Plugin::TestServerWarnings")) &&
        grep { $_ eq 'Jifty::View::Declare::Handler' } Jifty->handler->view_handlers) { # testserverwarnings plugin requires TD handler to work properly.
        my @warnings = $plugin->decoded_warnings( 'http://localhost:'.$Jifty::SERVER->port );

        $Test->diag("Uncaught warning: $_") for @warnings;
        if ($WARNINGS_ARE_FATAL && @warnings) {
            $Test->diag('Warnings not accepted in strict mode.');
            $should_die = 1;

    # Turn off the server
    undef $Jifty::SERVER;

    # If all tests passed..
    if (Jifty::Test->is_passing && Jifty::Test->is_done) {
        # Clean up mailbox

        # Disconnect the PubSub bus, if need be; otherwise we may not
        # be able to drop the testing database.  Calling ->bus, if we
        # never dealt with PubSub in the test, can actually _do_ the
        # connect now, unless we explicitly tell it not to.
          if Jifty->config and Jifty->bus( connect => 0 );

        # Remove testing db
        if (Jifty->handle && !$ENV{JIFTY_FAST_TEST}) {
            my $schema = Jifty::Script::Schema->new;
            $schema->{drop_database} = 1;

            # The schema dropper dies when it can't drop the database
            # this shouldn't kill tests
            local $@; 
            eval { $schema->run };
            if (my $err = $@) { 
                warn $err;

        # Unlink test files
        unlink @Test_Files_To_Cleanup;

    # Cleanup the tempdirs

    # Unlink test file
    unlink $Test->{test_config} if $Test->{test_config};
    exit -1 if $should_die;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize>, L<Jifty::TestServer>

