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package Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under;
use Any::Moose;
use Any::Moose '::Util::TypeConstraints';

extends 'Path::Dispatcher::Rule';
with 'Path::Dispatcher::Role::Rules';

subtype 'Path::Dispatcher::PrefixRule'
     => as 'Path::Dispatcher::Rule'
     => where { $_->prefix }
     => message { "This rule ($_) does not match just prefixes!" };

has predicate => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Path::Dispatcher::PrefixRule',

sub match {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;

    my $prefix_match = $self->predicate->match($path)
        or return;

    my $leftover = $prefix_match->leftover;
    $leftover = '' if !defined($leftover);

    my $new_path = $path->clone_path($leftover);

    # Pop off @matches until we have a last rule that is not ::Chain
    # A better technique than isa might be to use the concept of 'endpoint', 'midpoint', or 'anypoint' rules and
    # add a method to ::Rule that lets evaluate whether any rule is of the right kind (i.e. ->is_endpoint)
    # Because the checking for ::Chain endpointedness is here, this means that outside of an ::Under, ::Chain behaves like
    # an ::Always (one that will always trigger next_rule if it's block is ran)
    my @matches = map {
            extra_constructor_args => {
                parent => $prefix_match,
    } $self->rules;
    pop @matches while @matches && $matches[-1]->rule->isa('Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain');
    return @matches;

sub complete {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;

    my $predicate = $self->predicate;

    my $prefix_match = $predicate->match($path)
        or return $predicate->complete($path);

    my $new_path = $path->clone_path($prefix_match->leftover);

    my $prefix = substr($path->path, 0, length($path->path) - length($new_path->path));

    my @completions = map { $_->complete($new_path) } $self->rules;

    if ($predicate->can('untokenize')) {
        return map { $predicate->untokenize($prefix, $_) } @completions;
    else {
        return map { "$prefix$_" } @completions;

no Any::Moose;



=head1 NAME

Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under - rules under a predicate


    my $ticket = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
        tokens => [ 'ticket' ],
        prefix => 1,

    my $create = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
        tokens => [ 'create' ],
        block  => sub { create_ticket() },

    my $delete = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
        tokens => [ 'delete', qr/^\d+$/ ],
        block  => sub { delete_ticket(shift->pos(2)) },

    my $rule = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under->new(
        predicate => $ticket,
        rules     => [ $create, $delete ],

    $rule->match("ticket create");
    $rule->match("ticket delete 3");


Rules of this class have two-phase matching: if the predicate is matched, then
the contained rules are matched. The benefit of this is less repetition of the
predicate, both in terms of code and in matching it.


=head2 predicate

A rule (which I<must> match prefixes) whose match determines whether the
contained rules are considered. The leftover path of the predicate is used
as the path for the contained rules.

=head2 rules

A list of rules that will be try to be matched only if the predicate is
