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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'


# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';

use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 18 };

$| = 1;

title("Tested module loadability.");
ok(1); # If we made it this far, the module is loadable.

#my $i = XML::IODEF::in("");
#print $i->toString;


sub check {
    $error = shift;
    if ($error) {
	print "\nerror: $error\n";
    } else {

sub title {
    print "=> ".shift(@_)."                  \t";

my($iodef, $str_iodef, $iodef2, $type);

# dev tests

#$iodef = XML::IODEF::in({}, "iodef.example.2");

my $ST_IODEF = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<!DOCTYPE IODEF-Document PUBLIC '-//IETF//DTD RFC 5070 IODEF v1.0//EN' 'IODEF-Document.dtd'>\n<IODEF-Document version='1.0' xmlns:iodef='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0' xsi:schemaLocation='urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0'>\n<Incident purpose='reporting' restriction='need-to-know'>\n<IncidentID>#1234</IncidentID>\n<Description>Some IncidentData</Description>\n</Incident>\n</IODEF-Document>";

## test: create new message

title "Test creating new iodef message...";
eval {
    $iodef = new XML::IODEF();

    check("new XML::IODEF did not return a proper IODEF message.")
    if($iodef->out() !~ '<IODEF-Document version="1.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0"/>');


## test parsing iodef string

title "Test parsing IODEF string...";
eval {
    $iodef = new XML::IODEF();

## test get_type & get_root

title "Testing return value of get_root & get_type...";

check("get_root did not return right root name.")
    if ($iodef->get_root ne "IODEF-Document");

check("get_type did not return right message type.")
    if ($iodef->get_type ne "Incident");


## test: contain key
title "Testing contains()...";

print "*";
check("contains() says existing node does not exists.")
    if ($iodef->contains("IncidentDescription") != 1);

print "*";
check("contains() says existing tag does not exists.")
    if ($iodef->contains("IncidentIncidentID") != 1);

print "* ";
check("contains() says non-existing tag exists.")
    if ($iodef->contains("IncidentAlternativeID") != 0);

## test: add attributes

$iodef = new XML::IODEF;

title "Test adding attributes to empty message...";
eval {
    $iodef->add("Incidentpurpose", "reporting");
    $iodef->add("Incidentrestriction", "need-to-know");
    $iodef->add("IncidentContactrole", "admin");
    check("add() did not perform as expected when adding attributes.")
        if($iodef->out() !~ '<IODEF-Document version="1.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0"><Incident purpose="reporting" restriction="need-to-know"><Contact role="admin"/></Incident></IODEF-Document>');

## test: add nodes

title "Test adding nodes...";
eval {
    check("add() did not perform as expected when adding nodes.")
	if ($iodef->out !~ '.*Incident purpose="reporting" restriction="need-to-know"><Contact role="admin"/><EventData/><EventData><Contact/></EventData></Incident>.*');

## test: add content

title "Test adding contents...";
eval {
    $iodef->add("IncidentContactContactName","Joe Bloggs");
    $iodef->add("IncidentEventDataExpectationDescription","Do something");
    check("add() did not perform as expected when adding contents.")
	if ($iodef->out !~ '.*<Incident purpose="reporting" restriction="need-to-know"><IncidentID>#12345</IncidentID><Contact role="admin"><ContactName>Joe Bloggs</ContactName></Contact><EventData><Expectation><Description>Do something</Description></Expectation></EventData><EventData><Contact/></EventData></Incident>.*')

## test: adding id 

title "Test create_ident()...";
eval {

## test to_hash
title("Test to_hash()...");

eval {

## test: create time

title "Test create_time()...";
eval {
    $iodef = new XML::IODEF;

    check("create_time() returned a wrong time tag.")
    if ($iodef->out() !~ '.*<Incident><ReportTime>1970-01-02T10:51:40Z</ReportTime></Incident>.*')

## test additionaldata

title "Test add() with AdditionalData...";

$iodef = new XML::IODEF;

$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalData", "value0"); 
$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalData", "value1");
$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalDatameaning", "data1");
$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalData", "value2", "data2");
$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalData", "value3", "data3", "string");
check("add() did not handle AdditionalData properly.")
    if($iodef->out() !~ '<IODEF-Document version="1.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0"><Incident><AdditionalData meaning="data3" dtype="string">value3</AdditionalData><AdditionalData meaning="data2" dtype="string">value2</AdditionalData><AdditionalData meaning="data1">value1</AdditionalData><AdditionalData>value0</AdditionalData></Incident></IODEF-Document>');


## test set()

title "Test set()...";

my $err;

# change existing tag
eval {
    $iodef->set("IncidentAdditionalData", "this is a new value changed with set()");

if ($@) {
    print "error: set raised exception when it should not while setting tag.\n";
    print "exception: $@\n";

# change existing attribute
eval {
    $iodef->set("IncidentAdditionalDatameaning", "this is a new meaning changed with set()");

if ($@) {
    print "error: set raised exception when it should not while setting attribute.\n";
    print "exception: $@\n";

# changing non-existing tag
eval {
    $iodef->set("IncidentContactAddress", "blob");

check("set: did not raise error when setting non existent content node.\n")
    if (!$@);

# changing non content node
eval {
    $iodef->set("Incident", "blob");

check("set: did not raise error when setting node that does not accept content.\n")
    if (!$@);


## test get()

my $v;

# get existing content
title "Test get() on existing content...";
eval {
    $v =  $iodef->get("IncidentAdditionalData");

check("get: returned wrong content when getting content.\n")
    if ($v ne "this is a new value changed with set()");

# get existing attribute
title "Test get() on existing attribute...";
eval {
    $v =  $iodef->get("IncidentAdditionalDatameaning");

check("get: returned wrong content when getting attribute.\n")
    if ($v ne "this is a new meaning changed with set()");

# get non existing content
title "Test get() on non-existing content...";
eval {
    $v =  $iodef->get("IncidentEventDataFlowSystemNodeAddress");

check("get: returned wrong content when getting non existent content.\n")
    if (defined($v));

## test encoding of special characters

title("Test encoding of special characters...");

my $string1 = "hi bob&\"&amp;&#x0065";
my $check1 = '<IODEF-Document version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0"><Incident><AdditionalData>hi bob&amp;&quot;&amp;amp;&amp;#x0065</AdditionalData></Incident></IODEF-Document>';

$iodef = new XML::IODEF;

$iodef->add("IncidentAdditionalData", "$string1");
check("add() did not handle special characters encoding according to XML specs.")
    if($iodef->out() !~ $check1);

## test adding 2 similar nodes

title("Testing multiple add() calls bug...");

$iodef = new XML::IODEF;

$iodef->add("IncidentDescription", "The first description");
$iodef->add("IncidentEventDataExpectationDescription",  "Do Something");

$iodef->add("IncidentDescription", "The second description");
$iodef->add("IncidentEventDataExpectationDescription",  "Please, and again");
$check1 = '<IODEF-Document version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xmls:schema:iodef-1.0"><Incident><Description>The second description</Description><Description>The first description</Description><EventData><Expectation><Description>Please, and again</Description><Description>Do Something</Description></Expectation></EventData></Incident></IODEF-Document>';

check("add() call bug still here!")
    if($iodef->out() !~ $check1);


#$iodef = $iodef->in("iodef.example.1");
#print Dumper($iodef->to_hash);