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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Sullivan Beck.  All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

# This script is used to harvest data from the various standards and use that
# data to automatically generate the Locale::Codes module containing that data.

require 5.000000;
use YAML;
use IO::File;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Archive::Zip;
use Encode;
use Text::CSV::Slurp;
use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
use Text::Iconv;

use lib "./internal";


# Some required executables
my @exe     = qw( wget xls2csv );


# We need to create the following variables:
#  %ID2Names{COUNTRY_ID}         => [ COUNTRY, COUNTRY, ... ]
#                                   A list of all valid country names that
#                                   correspond to a given COUNTRY_ID.
#                                   The names are all real (i.e. correct
#                                   spelling and capitalization).
#  %Alias{ALIAS}                 => [ COUNTRY_ID, I ]
#                                   A hash of all aliases for a country.
#                                   Aliases are all lowercase.  It is
#                                   the I'th entry in the list of countries.
#  %Code2ID{CODESET}{CODE}       => [ COUNTRY_ID, I ]
#                                   In a given CODESET, CODE corresponds to
#                                   the I'th entry in the list of countries.
#                                   In the given CODESET, the COUNTRY_ID
#                                   corresponds to the given CODE.
# %Data is a complete description of changes that need to be made to the
# raw data to turn it into the form used by the module.
#      TYPE is the type of codeset (i.e. country, language)
#      SOURCE is the source of data (i.e. iso, iana)
#      SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is a hash as described below.
#      KEY is either the name of one of the codesets (i.e. alpha2) or 'name'.
#      ORIG_VALUE is the value exactly as it is read in from the original source.
#      NEW_VALUE is the value expressed the way it should be in this module.
#  $Data{TYPE}{SOURCE}{'ignore'}{KEY}{VALUE} => 1
#      VALUE is one possible value for that KEY.  If an element is read in
#         with KEY having this VALUE, the element is ignored.
#  $Data{TYPE}{SOURCE}{'new'}{NAME} => 1
#      This permits the source to add a new element named NAME.
#      The first source is automatically permitted to add all elements
#      contained in it... all others must be explicitly permitted.
#  $Data{TYPE}{'link'} => [ [ NAME1a, NAME1b, ... ] [ NAME2a, NAME2b, ... ] ... ]
#      Links all of NAMEi together (i.e. they are different names for the
#      same element).
#  $Data{TYPE}{'alias'}{ALIAS} => NAME
#      Generated from 'link'.


$ModDir = "lib/Locale/Codes";


our $country_iso_url    = "";

# IANA publishes a list of codes.  The country names must be looked up in an
# extended list of ISO 3166 codes.
our $country_iana_url   = "";

our $country_un_url     = "";

our $country_genc_url   = "";

require "";


our $language_iso2_url  = "";

our $language_iso5_url  = "";

our $language_iana_url  = "";

require "";


our $currency_iso_url    = "";

require "";


our $script_iso_url    = "";
our $script_iso_zip    = qr/^iso15924/;

our $script_iana_url   = $language_iana_url;

require "";


our $langext_iana_url  = $language_iana_url;

require "";


our $langvar_iana_url   = $language_iana_url;

require "";


our $langfam_iso_url   = "";

require "";

# ########################################

# #
# # IANA language registration
# #
# # Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# # 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# # UTF-8.
# #

# our($region_iana_url,%region_iana_orig,%region_iana_ignore);

# $region_iana_url   = $language_iana_url;

# require "";


my $COM = $0;
$COM =~ s/^.*\///;

  "usage: $COM OPTIONS
      -h/--help       : Print help.

      -a/--all        : Do all steps

      -c/--country    : Get the country codes
      -l/--language   : Get the language codes
      -r/--currency   : Get the currency codes
      -s/--script     : Get the script codes
      -L/--langext    : Get the language extension codes
      -V/--langvar    : Get the language variation codes
      -F/--langfam    : Get the language family codes


my $do_all      = 0;
my $do_country  = 0;
my $do_language = 0;
my $do_currency = 0;
my $do_script   = 0;
my $do_langext  = 0;
my $do_langvar  = 0;
my $do_langfam  = 0;

while ($_ = shift) {

   (print $usage),   exit  if ($_ eq "-h"   ||  $_ eq "--help");

   $do_all = 1,      next  if ($_ eq "-a"   ||  $_ eq "--all");

   $do_country = 1,  next  if ($_ eq "-c"   ||  $_ eq "--country");
   $do_language = 1, next  if ($_ eq "-l"   ||  $_ eq "--language");
   $do_currency = 1, next  if ($_ eq "-r"   ||  $_ eq "--currency");
   $do_script = 1,   next  if ($_ eq "-s"   ||  $_ eq "--script");
   $do_langext = 1,  next  if ($_ eq "-L"   ||  $_ eq "--langext");
   $do_langvar = 1,  next  if ($_ eq "-V"   ||  $_ eq "--langvar");
   $do_langfam = 1,  next  if ($_ eq "-F"   ||  $_ eq "--langfam");


foreach my $exe (@exe) {
   if (system("which $exe > /dev/null") != 0) {
      die "ERROR: required executable not found: $exe\n";

$ID       = "0001";
%ID2Names = ();
%Alias    = ();
%Code2ID  = ();
%ID2Code  = ();
%Std      = ();

do_country()    if ($do_all  ||  $do_country);
do_language()   if ($do_all  ||  $do_language);
do_currency()   if ($do_all  ||  $do_currency);
do_script()     if ($do_all  ||  $do_script);
do_langext()    if ($do_all  ||  $do_langext);
do_langvar()    if ($do_all  ||  $do_langvar);
do_langfam()    if ($do_all  ||  $do_langfam);


sub do_country {
   print "Country codes...\n";
   $Module   = "Country";

   _do_codeset('country','iso',  ['alpha-2','alpha-3','numeric'],
   _do_codeset('country','iana', ['dom'],
   _do_codeset('country','un',   ['un-numeric','un-alpha-3'],
   _do_codeset('country','genc', ['genc-alpha-2','genc-alpha-3','genc-numeric'],



# The GENC web page contains a set of country codes which is very
# similar to the ISO codes, but contains some differences.  As a result,
# this is a separate list.
# File format is:
# <tr ...>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>2-char<br/>Code</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>3-char<br/>Code</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>Numeric<br/>Code</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>Name</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>U.S.&nbsp;Recognition</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
#   <td ...>
#     <table width="100%">
#       <tr>
#         <td ...><a ...><font ...>GENC<br/>Status</a></td>
#         <td ...><a ...><img ...></a></td>
#       </tr>
#     </table>
#   </td>
# </tr>
# <tr ...>
#    <td ...>
#      <a ...><font ...>AF</a>
#    </td>
#    <td ...>
#      <a ...><font ...>AFG</a>
#    </td>
#    <td ...>
#      <a ...><font ...>004</a>
#    </td>
#    <td ...>
#      <a ...><font ...>AFGHANISTAN</a>
#    </td>
#   <td ...><span ...>Independent</span></td>

#   <td ...><span ...>Exception</span></td>
# </tr>

   my $in;

   sub _init_country_genc {
      $in = _read_file('url'        => $country_genc_url,
                       'type'       => 'html',
                       'as_list'    => 0,
                       'html_strip' => [ qw(a font img br span) ],
                       'html_repl'  => [ qw(&nbsp;) ],

      # Look for a table who's first row has the header:
      #    Country or area name

      my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"U.S. Recognition",1);
      if (! $found) {
         die "ERROR [genc]: country code file format changed!\n";

   sub _read_country_genc {
      while (1) {
         my @row = get_row("genc",\$in);
         return ()  if (! @row);

         my($alpha2,$alpha3,$num,$country) = @row;


         if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{lc($alpha2)}) {
            ($id,$i) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{lc($alpha2)} };

         if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha3)}) {
            if (! defined($id)) {
               print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alpha-3 defined, alpha-2 not): $country\n";
            my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha3)} };
            if ($id ne $id2) {
               print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alpha-3 != alpha-2): $country\n";

         if (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
            if (! defined($id)) {
               print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (numeric defined, alpha-2 not): $country\n";
            my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num} };
            if ($id ne $id2) {
               print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (numeric != alpha-2): $country\n";

         my @country;
         if (exists $Alias{lc($country)}) {
            my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Alias{lc($country)} };

            if (! defined($id)) {
               ($id,$i) = ($id2,$i2);
            } elsif ($id ne $id2) {
               print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alias incorrect): $country\n";

            my @name    = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            @country    = ($name[$i]);

         } elsif (defined($id)) {
            my @name    = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            @country    = (_country_name($country),
         } else {
            @country    = _country_name($country);

         return ($alpha2,$alpha3,$num,@country);


# UN
# The United Nations web page contains a set of country codes which is very
# similar to the ISO Alpha-3 codes, but contains some differences.  As a result,
# this is a separate list.
# File format is:
# <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
#   <tbody>
#   <tr>
#     <td align=left valign=top class="theader" width="66"><div align="left"><strong>Numerical<br>
#       code</strong></div></td>
#     <td valign=top class="theader" width="312"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Country
#       or area name</strong></td>
#     <td valign=top class="theader" width="121"><strong>ISO ALPHA-3</strong><strong>
#       code</strong></td>
#   </tr>
#   <tr>
#     <td width="66" align=middle valign=top class="lcont">
#       <p align=left>004 </p>          </td>
#     <td width="312" valign=top class="lcont">
#       <p>Afghanistan </p>          </td>
#     <td width="121" valign=top class="lcont">
#       <p>AFG </p>          </td>
#   </tr>

   my $in;

   sub _init_country_un {
      $in = _read_file('url'        => $country_un_url,
                       'type'       => 'html',
                       'as_list'    => 0,
                       'html_strip' => [ qw(p div strong br) ],
                       'html_repl'  => [ qw(&nbsp;) ],

      # Look for a table who's first row has the header:
      #    Country or area name

      my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"Country or Area");
      if (! $found) {
         die "ERROR [un]: country code file format changed!\n";

   sub _read_country_un {
      while (1) {
         my @row = get_row("un",\$in);
         return ()  if (! @row);

         my($country,$num,$alpha) = @row;

         if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha)}) {
            my($id1,$i1) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha)} };
            if (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
               my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num} };
               if ($id1 ne $id2) {
                  print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code alpha/numeric mismatch: $country\n";
               ($id,$i) = ($id1,$i1);
            } else {
               print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch (alpha defined): $country\n";

         } elsif (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
            print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch (numeric defined): $country\n";

         my @country;
         if (exists $Alias{lc($country)}) {
            my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Alias{lc($country)} };

            if (! defined($id)) {
               ($id,$i) = ($id2,$i2);
            } elsif ($id ne $id2) {
               print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch: $country\n";

            my @name    = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            @country    = ($name[$i]);

         } elsif (defined($id)) {
            my @name    = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            @country    = (_country_name($country),
         } else {
            @country    = _country_name($country);

         return ($num,$alpha,@country);


# ISO 3166-1
# The standard contains the alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric codes.  This
# is the official source of these codes.
# File format:
# =================
#    Country name
#    Country french name
#    alpha-2
#    alpha-3
#    numeric
# =================

   my $in;

   sub _init_country_iso {
      my $inst = qq
(Please download the data manually for ISO 3166 country codes.
Go to the following URL:
Click on:
   'Online Browsing Platform'
   'Officially assigned codes'
   300 results per page
Select the entire chart (not including the header).  If not all of the
countries fit on a single page, do it in multiple steps.

      $in = _read_file('type'      => 'manual',
                       'inst'      => $inst,
                       'as_list'   => 1,

   sub _read_country_iso {
      while (@$in) {
         my $name   = shift(@$in);       shift(@$in);
         shift(@$in);                    shift(@$in);
         my $alpha2 = lc(shift(@$in));   shift(@$in);
         my $alpha3 = lc(shift(@$in));   shift(@$in);
         my $num    = shift(@$in);
         $name      =~ s/\(the/\(The/;
      return ();

# This takes some common country name formats and produces common aliases.
sub _country_name {
   my($name) = @_;
   my @ret;

   if ($name =~ /^(.+), The (.+?) of$/     ||
       $name =~ /^(.+) \(The (.+?) of\)$/) {

      # NAME1, The NAME2 of
      # NAME1 (The NAME2 of) =>
      #   The NAME2 of NAME1
      #   NAME2 of NAME1

      my($n1,$n2) = ($1,$2);
      push(@ret,"$n1, The $n2 of",
                "$n1 (The $n2 of)",
                "$n1, $n2 of",
                "$n1 ($n2 of)",
                "The $n2 of $n1",
                "$n2 of $n1");

   } elsif ($name =~ /^(.+), (.+?) of$/  |\
            $name =~ /^(.+), \((.+?) of\)$/) {

      # NAME1, NAME2 of
      # NAME1, (NAME2 of) =>
      #   NAME2 of NAME1

      my($n1,$n2) = ($1,$2);
      push(@ret,"$n1, $n2 of",
                "$n1 ($n2 of)",
                "$n2 of $n1");

   } elsif ($name =~ /^(.+), The$/ ||
            $name =~ /^(.+) \(The\)$/) {

      # NAME, The
      # NAME (The) =>
      #    The NAME
      #    NAME

      my($n1) = ($1);
                "The $n1",
                "$n1, The",
                "$n1 (The)");

   # } elsif ($name =~ /^The (.+?) of (.+)$/) {

   #    # The NAME2 of NAME1

   #    my($n2,$n1) = ($1,$2);
   #    push(@ret,"$n1, The $n2 of",
   #              "$n1 (The $n2 of)",
   #              "$n1, $n2 of",
   #              "$n1 ($n2 of)",
   #              "The $n2 of $n1",
   #              "$n2 of $n1");

   # } elsif ($name =~ /^(.+?) of (.+)$/) {

   #    # NAME2 of NAME1

   #    my($n2,$n1) = ($1,$2);
   #    push(@ret,"$n1, $n2 of",
   #              "$n1 ($n2 of)",
   #              "$n2 of $n1");

   # } elsif ($name =~ /^The (.+)$/) {

   #    # The NAME

   #    my($n1) = ($1);
   #    push(@ret,$n1,
   #              "The $n1",
   #              "$n1, The",
   #              "$n1 (The)");

   } else {

   return @ret;


# IANA Domain Registry
# The IANA domain registry is the official source of domain management.
# The codes are stored in the IANA URL, but the country names must be
# read from the extended ISO list.
# File format for the IANA URL:
# ============
#    <tr ...>
#       <th>Domain</th>
#       <th>Type</th>
#       <th>Sponsoring Organisation</th>
#    </tr>
#    <tr ...>
#       <td><span ...><a ...>.AD</a></span></td>
#       <td>country-code</td>
#       ...
#    </tr>
# ============
# The extended ISO list is of the format:
# ============
#    <tr ...>
#       <th ...>Code</th>
#       <th ...>Name</th>
#       <th ...>Remark</th>
#       <th ...>Status</th>
#    </tr>
#    <tr ...>
#       <td ...><a ...></a>AD</td>
#       <td ...>NAME</td>
#       <td ...>...</td>
#       <td ...>...</td>
#    </tr>
# ============

   my $in;
   my %codes;

   sub _init_country_iana {

      # Get the extended ISO list first as a hash:
      #   $codes{CODE} = NAME

      foreach my $code (keys %{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'} }) {
         my($id,$idx) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$code} };
         my $name     = $ID2Names{$id}[$idx];
         $codes{$code} = $name;

      # The actual IANA list

      $in = _read_file('url'       => $country_iana_url,
                       'type'      => 'html',
                       'as_list'   => 0,
                       'html_strip' => [ qw(a span) ],

      # Look for a table who's first row has the header:
      #    Sponsoring Organisation

      my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"Sponsoring Organisation");
      if (! $found) {
         die "ERROR [iana]: country code file format changed!\n";

   sub _read_country_iana {
      while (1) {
         my @row = get_row("iana",\$in);
         return ()  if (! @row);

         my($dom,$type,$tmp) = @row;
         next  unless ($type eq "country-code"  &&
                       $dom =~ /^\.[a-z][a-z]/);

         $dom     =~ s/^\.//;

         my @country;

         if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$dom}) {
            my ($id,$i) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$dom} };
            my @name    = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            @country    = ($name[$i]);
         } elsif (exists $codes{$dom}) {
            @country    = _country_name($codes{$dom});
         } else {
         return ($dom,@country);


sub do_language {
   print "Language codes...\n";

   $Module   = "Language";

   _do_codeset('language','iso2',  ['alpha-3','term','alpha-2'],
   _do_codeset('language','iso5',  ['alpha-3'],
   _do_codeset('language','iana',  ['alpha-2','alpha-3'],




# The official ISO 639.
# Data available consists of the language names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Language names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!

   my $in;

   sub _init_language_iso2 {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $language_iso2_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,
                       'encoding'  => 'UTF-8',

   sub _read_language_iso2 {
      # File is a set of lines of fields delimited by "|". Fields are:
      #    alpha3
      #    term
      #    alpha2
      #    English names (semicolon separated list)
      #    French name

      while (@$in) {
         my $line = shift(@$in);
         next  if (! $line);

         my($alpha3,$term,$alpha2,$language,$french) = split(/\|/,$line);

         # The first line has some binary characters at the start.
         if (length($alpha3)>3) {
            $alpha3 = substr($alpha3,length($alpha3)-3);

         my @language = split(/\s*;\s*/,$language);
         $term = $alpha3  if (! $term);

         return ($alpha3,$term,$alpha2,@language);
      return ();

   my $in;

   sub _init_language_iso5 {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $language_iso5_url,
                       'as_list'   => 0,

      # Look for a table who's first row has the header:
      #    Identifier

      my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,'Identifier');
      if (! $found) {
         die "ERROR [iso5]: language code file format changed!\n";

   sub _read_language_iso5 {
      while (1) {
         my @row = get_row("iso5",\$in);
         return ()  if (! @row);

         my($alpha3,$language) = @row;
         next  if (! $language);

         if ($alpha3  &&  $alpha3 !~ /^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$/) {
            print "WARNING [iso5]: Invalid alpha-3 code: $language => $alpha3\n";

         return ($alpha3,$language);

### The IANA language registration data is used to check:
###    alpha-2, alpha-3
# Each entry is of the form:
#   %%
#   Type: language
#   Subtag: aa
#   Description: Afar
#   Description: Afar 2
#   Added: 2005-10-16
#   Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated.  We're only doing type 'language' here.

   my $in;

   sub _init_language_iana {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $language_iana_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,

      shift(@$in)  until ($$in[0] eq '%%');

   sub _read_language_iana {
      while (1) {
         my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'language');
         last  if (! %entry);


         $code     = $entry{'Subtag'};

         foreach my $language (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {

         if (length($code) == 2) {
            $alpha2 = lc($code);
         } else {
            $alpha3 = lc($code);

         return ($alpha2,$alpha3,@language);
      return ();


# Read the next entry from the IANA file
sub _iana_entry {
   my ($in,@type) = @_;
   my %type       = map { $_,1 } @type;

   my %entry;

   while (1) {
      %entry = ();
      return %entry  if (! @$in);

      # Read an entire entry (starting with '%%' and ending
      # just before the next '%%'.
      # Long lines may be split (and all lines but the first
      # are indented)

      my $oldkey;
      while (@$in  &&  $$in[0] ne '%%') {
         my $line      = shift(@$in);
         while (@$in  &&
                $$in[0] =~ /^\s+/) {
            $$in[0]    =~ s/^\s+//;
            $line     .= " $$in[0]";
         $line         =~ /^(.*?):\s*(.*)$/;
         my($key,$val) = ($1,$2);
         if ($key eq 'Description') {
            if (exists $entry{$key}) {
               push( @{ $entry{$key} },$val );
            } else {
               $entry{$key} = [ $val ];
         } else {
            $entry{$key} = $val;

      # If the entry is deprecated, or the wrong type,
      # read the next one.

      next  if (! %entry                     ||
                exists $entry{'Deprecated'}  ||
                ! exists $entry{'Type'}      ||
                ! exists $type{ $entry{'Type'} });
      return %entry;


sub do_currency {
   print "Currency codes...\n";

   $Module   = "Currency";

   _do_codeset('currency','iso',  ['alpha','num'],       ['alpha','num']);



### The first set we'll do is the ISO 4217 codes.

   my $in;

   sub _init_currency_iso {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $currency_iso_url,
                       'head'      => 'ENTITY',
                       'as_list'   => 1,
                       'type'      => 'xls',
                       'join'      => 1,
                       'encoding'  => 'UTF-8',


   sub _read_currency_iso {
      while (@$in) {
         my $ele = shift(@$in);
         next  if (! $ele);

         my $currency = $$ele{'Currency'};
         my $alpha    = $$ele{'Alphabetic Code'};
         my $num      = $$ele{'Numeric Code'};
         $num         = ""  if (! defined($num));
         $currency    = ""  if (! defined($currency));
         $alpha       = ""  if (! defined($alpha));
         $currency    =~ s/\s+$//;

         if ($num) {
            $num  = "0$num"  while (length($num) < 3);
            if ($num !~ /^\d\d\d+$/) {
               print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid numeric code: $currency => $num\n";

         $alpha = uc($alpha);
         if ($alpha  &&  $alpha !~ /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$/) {
            print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid alpha code: $currency => $alpha\n";

         next  if (! $alpha  &&  ! $num);

         return ($alpha,$num,$currency);
      return ();


sub do_script {
   print "Script codes...\n";

   $Module   = "Script";

   _do_codeset('script','iso',  ['alpha','num'],       ['alpha','num']);
   _do_codeset('script','iana', ['alpha'],             ['alpha'],  'allow');




# We'll first read data from the official ISO 15924.
# Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
# The zip file contains a series of lines in the form:
#   alpha;numeric;english;...
# The data is in UTF-8.
# Every line has an unprintable character at the end.

   my $in;

   sub _init_script_iso {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $script_iso_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,
                       'type'      => 'zip',
                       'file'      => $script_iso_zip,
                       'chop'      => 1,

   sub _read_script_iso {
      while (@$in) {
         my $line = shift(@$in);
         next  if (! $line  ||  $line =~ /^\043/);

         my($alpha,$num,$script) = split(/;/,$line);
         return ($alpha,$num,$script);
      return ();


### The IANA script registration data is used to check:
###    alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
#   %%
#   Type: script
#   Subtag: Elba
#   Description: Elbasan
#   Added: 2005-10-16
#   Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated.  We're only doing type 'script' here.

   my $in;

   sub _init_script_iana {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $script_iana_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,

      shift(@$in)  until ($$in[0] eq '%%');

   sub _read_script_iana {
      while (1) {
         my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'script');
         last  if (! %entry);


         $alpha  = $entry{'Subtag'};

         foreach my $script (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {

         return ($alpha,@script);
      return ();


sub do_langext {
   print "LangExt codes...\n";

   $Module   = "LangExt";

   _do_codeset('langext','iana', ['alpha'],             ['alpha']);




# IANA language registration
# Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
### The IANA langext registration data is used to check:
###    alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
#   %%
#   Type: extlang
#   Subtag: aao
#   Description: Algerian Saharan Arabic
#   Prefix: ar
#   Added: 2005-10-16
#   Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated.  We're only doing type 'extlang' here.

   my $in;

   sub _init_langext_iana {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $langext_iana_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,

      shift(@$in)  until ($$in[0] eq '%%');

   sub _read_langext_iana {
      while (1) {
         my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'extlang');
         last  if (! %entry);


         $alpha  = $entry{'Subtag'};

         foreach my $langext (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {

         return ($alpha,@langext);
      return ();


sub do_langvar {
   print "LangVar codes...\n";

   $Module   = "LangVar";

   _do_codeset('langvar','iana', ['alpha'],      ['alpha']);




# IANA language registration
# Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
### The IANA langvar registration data is used to check:
###    alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
#   %%
#   Type: variant
#   Subtag: 1901
#   Description: Traditional German orthography
#   Added: 2005-10-16
#   Prefix: de
#   Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated.  We're only doing type 'variant' here.

   my $in;

   sub _init_langvar_iana {
      $in = _read_file('url'       => $langvar_iana_url,
                       'as_list'   => 1,

      shift(@$in)  until ($$in[0] eq '%%');

   sub _read_langvar_iana {
      while (1) {
         my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'variant');
         last  if (! %entry);


         $alpha  = $entry{'Subtag'};

         foreach my $langvar (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {

         return ($alpha,@langvar);
      return ();


sub do_langfam {
   print "LangFam codes...\n";

   $Module   = "LangFam";

   _do_codeset('langfam','iso', ['alpha'],     ['alpha']);




# ISO 639-5
# <table class="Dynamic639-5OutputTables" ... >
#   <tr valign="top">
#       <th scope="col">Identifier<br />Indicatif</th>
#       <th scope="col">English name<br />Nom anglais</th>
#       <th scope="col">French name<br />Nom français</th>
#       <th scope="col">639-2</th>
#       <th scope="col">Hierarchy<br />Hiérarchie</th>
#       <th scope="col">Notes<br />Notes</th>
#   </tr>
#   <tr>
#       <td scope="row">aav</td>
#       <td>Austro-Asiatic languages</td>
#       <td>austro-asiatiques, langues</td>
#       <td>
#           <br />
#       </td>
#       <td>aav</td>
#       <td>
#           <br />
#       </td>
#   </tr>
# ...
#   <tr valign="top">
#       <td colspan="6">
#            <ol class="loweralpha">

   my $in;

   sub _init_langfam_iso {
      $in = _read_file('url'        => $langfam_iso_url,
                       'type'       => 'html',
                       'as_list'    => 0,
                       'html_strip' => [ qw(br p strong div) ],
                       'html_repl'  => [ qw(&nbsp;) ],

      # Look for a table who's first row has the header:
      #    Identifier

      my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"Identifier");
      if (! $found) {
         die "ERROR [iso]: language family code file format changed!\n";

   sub _read_langfam_iso {
      while (1) {
         my @row = get_row("iso",\$in);
         return ()  if (! @row);

         my($alpha,$langfam) = @row;

         return ()  if ($alpha =~ /class="loweralpha"/);

         if (! $alpha  ||  ! $langfam) {
            $alpha   = ''  if (! $alpha);
            $langfam = ''  if (! $langfam);
            print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid langfam code: $langfam => $alpha\n";

         $alpha = lc($alpha);
         if ($alpha !~ /^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$/) {
            print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid alpha code: $langfam => $alpha\n";



sub _type_hashes {
   my($caller) = @_;



sub check_code {
   my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID,$noprint) = @_;

   # Check to make sure that the code is defined.

   if (exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
      return _check_code_exists($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID);
   } else {
      return _check_code_new($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID,$noprint);

sub _check_code_exists {
   my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID) = @_;

   # Check the currID for the code. It must be the same as the one
   # passed in.

   my $oldID = $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}[0];
   if ($currID != $oldID) {
      print "ERROR [$type]: ID mismatch in code: [$codeset, $name, $code, $currID != $oldID ]\n";
      return 1;

   # If the name is defined, it must be the same ID. If it is not,
   # create a new alias.

   if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {

      my $altID = $Alias{lc($name)}[0];

      if ($currID != $altID) {
         print "ERROR [$type]: ID mismatch: [$codeset, $name, $code, $currID != $altID ]\n";
         return 1;

   } else {
      push @{ $ID2Names{$currID} },$name;
      my $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$currID} };
      $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];

   return 0;

# This is a new code.
sub _check_code_new {
   my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$newID,$noprint) = @_;

   print "INFO [$type]: New code: $codeset [$code] => $name\n"  unless ($noprint);

   # If this code's name isn't defined, create it.

   my $i;
   if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
      $i = $Alias{lc($name)}[1];
   } else {
      push @{ $ID2Names{$newID} },$name;
      $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$newID} };
      $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $newID, $i ];

   # This name is the canonical name for the code.

   $ID2Code{$codeset}{$newID} = $code;
   $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}  = [ $newID, $i ];

   return 0;

sub _get_ID {
   my($op,$type,$name,$no_create) = @_;
   my $type_alias = _type_hashes($op);

   if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
      # The element is the same name as one previously defined
      ($currID,$i) = @{ $Alias{lc($name)} };
      $t = "same";

   } elsif (exists $$type_alias{$name}) {
      # It's a new alias for an existing element
      my $c = $$type_alias{$name};
      if (! exists $Alias{lc($c)}) {
         print "WARNING [$op,$type]: alias referenced before it is defined: $name => $c\n";
         return (1);
      $currID = $Alias{lc($c)}[0];
      push @{ $ID2Names{$currID} },$name;
      $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$currID} };
      $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];
      $t = "alias";

   } else {
      # It's a new element.
      if ($no_create) {
      $currID    = $ID++;
      $i         = 0;
      $ID2Names{$currID} = [ $name ];
      $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];
      $t = "new";


# This takes a list of codes and names and checks to see if we've got
# an ID for this element, or if it is a new element.
# If $second is non-zero, then this is the second (or more) codeset of
# a given type and we are expected to always have an element to match
# with, or that it is flagged in the data files as a known new value.
# This can be overridden if $allow is non-zero.
sub _get_ID_new {
   my($type,$src,$second,$allow,$codes,$names) = @_;
   my($id,$subid) = ('','');

   # Check each of the names to see if it's been previously defined.

   foreach my $name (@$names) {

      # If we've already used this name before, it'll be defined in
      # %Alias.  Make sure that the ID is the same for all names assigned
      # to this element.

      if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {

         my $i = $Alias{lc($name)}[0];
         if ($id  &&  $i ne $id) {
            print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
                  "name refers to multiple elements: $name => $id,$i\n";
            return (1);
         $id = $i;

         next NAME;

      # If we've already got an ID, or if this is the first standard
      # read in, then this is just a new alias.

      next NAME  if ($id  ||  ! $second  ||  $allow);

      # If this is a totally new name, then we need to have explicitly
      # allow it.

      if (! exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'new'}{$name}  &&
          ! exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}) {
         print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
               "new name not allowed: $name\n";
         return (1);

   # If any of the codes entered here are already defined in another
   # data source, make sure they are consistent.  In general, if a
   # codeset only comes from a single source, this should not be a
   # problem.

   foreach my $codeset (keys %$codes) {
      my $code = $$codes{$codeset};

      if (exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
         my($i,$s) = @{ $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code} };
         if ($id  &&  $i ne $id) {
            print "WARNING [$type,$src,$codeset]: " .
                  "code refers to multiple elements: $code => $id,$i\n";
            return (1);
         ($id,$subid) = ($i,$s);

   # If it's a new name for an existing element, add each of the names
   # to %Alias.

   if ($id) {
      my $name = $$names[0];
      if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
         $subid = $Alias{lc($name)}[1];
      } else {
         push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
         $subid = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
         $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $subid ];

      foreach $name (@$names) {
         if (! exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
            push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
            my $s = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
            $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $s ];

   # If it's a new element, create it and all aliases.

   if (! $id) {
      $id     = $ID++;
      $subid  = 0;
      $ID2Names{$id} = [ @$names ];
      my $sid = $subid;
      foreach my $name (@$names) {
         $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $sid++ ];



sub do_aliases {
   my($caller) = @_;

   my ($type_alias) = _type_hashes($caller);

   # Add remaining aliases.

   foreach my $alias (keys %$type_alias) {
      my $type = $$type_alias{$alias};

      next  if (exists $Alias{lc($type)}  &&
                exists $Alias{lc($alias)});

      if (! exists $Alias{lc($type)}  &&
          ! exists $Alias{lc($alias)}) {
         print "WARNING: unused type in alias list: $type\n";
         print "WARNING: unused type in alias list: $alias\n";

      my ($typeID);
      if (exists $Alias{lc($type)}) {
         $typeID = $Alias{lc($type)}[0];
         $type   = $alias;
      } else {
         $typeID = $Alias{lc($alias)}[0];

      push @{ $ID2Names{$typeID} },$type;
      my $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$typeID} };
      $Alias{lc($type)} = [ $typeID, $i ];


sub write_module {
   my($type) = @_;

   my(%hashes) = ("id2names"  => "ID2Names",
                  "alias2id"  => "Alias",
                  "code2id"   => "Code2ID",
                  "id2code"   => "ID2Code");

   my $file = "$ModDir/${Module}";

   my $out = new IO::File;
   binmode $out, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
   my $timestamp   = `date`;

   print $out "package #

# This file was automatically generated.  Any changes to this file will
# be lost the next time 'harvest_data' is run.
#    Generated on: $timestamp

use strict;
require 5.006;
use warnings;
use utf8;


\$Locale::Codes::Data{'$type'}{'id'} = '$ID';


   foreach my $h (qw(id2names alias2id code2id id2code)) {
      my $hash = $hashes{$h};
      print $out "\$Locale::Codes::Data{'$type'}{'$h'} = {\n";

      print $out "};\n\n";

   print $out "1;\n";


sub _write_hash {
   my($out,$hashname) = @_;

   no strict 'refs';
   my %hash = %$hashname;
   use strict 'refs';

sub _write_subhash {
   my($out,$indent,$hashref) = @_;

   my %hash = %$hashref;
   my $ind  = " "x$indent;

   foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
      my $val = $hash{$key};
      if (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
         print $out "${ind}q($key) => {\n";
         print $out "${ind}   },\n";
      } elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
         print $out "${ind}q($key) => [\n";
         print $out "${ind}   ],\n";
      } else {
         print $out "${ind}q($key) => q($val),\n";

sub _write_sublist {
   my($out,$indent,$listref) = @_;

   my @list = @$listref;
   my $ind  = " "x$indent;

   foreach my $val (@list) {
      if (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
         print $out "${ind}{\n";
         print $out "${ind}},\n";
      } elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
         print $out "${ind}[\n";
         print $out "${ind}],\n";
      } else {
         print $out "${ind}q($val),\n";


sub _read_file {
   my(%opts) = @_;

   # Get the URL

   # The temporary file
   my $file;                     # _init_country_iso
   if (exists $opts{'local'}) {
      $file  = $opts{'local'};
   } else {
      $file  = (caller(1))[3];
      $file  =~ s/main:://;

   # The type of file
   my $type  = $opts{'type'};
   $type     = 'text'  if (! $type);
   my $file2 = '';

   if ($type eq 'html') {
      $file .= ".htm";
   } elsif ($type eq 'xls') {
      $file .= ".xls";
   } elsif ($type eq 'xlsx') {
      $file .= ".xlsx";
   } elsif ($type eq 'zip') {
      $file2 = "$file.txt";
      $file .= ".zip";
   } else {
      $file .= ".txt";

   # Get the file
   if ($type eq 'manual') {
      while (! -f $file) {
         my $inst = $opts{'inst'};
         print $inst,"\n";
         print "Put the data into the file:\n";
         print "   $file\n";
         print "Strip out any leading/trailing blank lines.\n\n";
         print "Press any key to continue...\n";
         my $c = getone();
   } else {
      my $url  = $opts{'url'};
      system("wget -N -q --no-check-certificate -O $file '$url'");

   # Read the local file

   if ($type eq 'xls') {
      # Read an XLS file
      my $csv = $file;
      $csv    =~ s/.xls/.csv/;

      # New command
      my $cmd = " $file > $csv; dos2unix $csv";

      @in = `cat $csv`;
      if ($opts{'head'}) {
         my $head = $opts{'head'};
         while ($in[0] !~ /$head/) {

      # The first line (headers) must have the correct number of fields.
      my $n = _csv_count_columns($in[0]);

      if ($opts{'join'}) {
         # Some CSV files have newlines in the value.  This looks
         # for lines without the correct number of fields.  When found,
         # the following line is joined to it.

         my @tmp;

         while (@in) {
            my $line = shift(@in);

            while (1) {
               my $nn = _csv_count_columns($line);
               if ($nn == $n) {
                  next LINE;
               } elsif ($nn > $n) {
                  print "ERROR: Invalid line skipped:\n$line\n";
                  next LINE;
               } else {
                  $line .= " " . shift(@in);

         @in = @tmp;

      my $in = Text::CSV::Slurp->load(string => join("\n",@in));
      @in = @$in;
      $opts{'as_list'} = 1;   # required

   } elsif ($type eq 'xlsx') {
      # Read an XLSX file
      my $excel     = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($file);
      foreach my $sheet (@{$excel->{Worksheet}}) {
         my $name = $sheet->{Name};
         next  if ($opts{'sheet'}  &&  $opts{'sheet'} ne $name);

         $sheet->{MaxRow} ||= $sheet->{MinRow};

         foreach my $row ($sheet->{MinRow} .. $sheet->{MaxRow}) {
            $sheet->{MaxCol} ||= $sheet->{MinCol};

            my @row = ();
            foreach my $col ($sheet->{MinCol} ..  $sheet->{MaxCol}) {
               my $cell = $sheet->{Cells}[$row][$col];
               my $val  = $cell->{Val}  if ($cell);
               $val     = ''  if (! defined $val);

            push(@in,join(',',@row) . "\n");

   } elsif ($type eq 'zip') {
      # Read one file in a zip file
      my $zip  = Archive::Zip->new($file);
      my @file = grep /$opts{'file'}/,$zip->memberNames();
      my $flag = $zip->extractMember($file[0],$file2);
      if (! defined($flag)) {
         die "ERROR [iso]: zip file changed format\n";

      @in = `cat $file2`;

   } elsif ($opts{'encoding'}) {
      # Read an encoded text file
      open(my $in,"<:encoding($opts{encoding})",$file);
      @in = <$in>;

   } else {
      # Read an ASCII text file
      @in = `cat $file`;
   chop(@in)   if ($opts{'chop'});

   # If it was encoded, make sure it's in UTF-8

   if ($opts{'encoding'}  &&  $opts{'encoding'} ne 'UTF-8') {
      my $in = join("\n",@in);
      $in    = encode('UTF-8',$in);
      @in = split("\n",$in);

   # Strip out some problem strings.

   if ($opts{'html_strip'}  ||  $opts{'html_repl'}) {
      my $in = join("\n",@in);
      strip_tags(\$in,@{ $opts{'html_strip'} })  if ($opts{'html_strip'});
      if ($opts{'html_repl'}) {
         foreach my $repl (@{ $opts{'html_repl'} }) {
            if (ref($repl)) {
               $in =~ s/$repl/ /sg;
            } else {
               $in =~ s/\Q$repl\E/ /sg;
         $in =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
      @in = split("\n",$in);

   # Return the contents of the file as a list or a string.

   if ($opts{'as_list'}) {
      return \@in;
   } else {
      return join(" ",@in);

sub _csv_count_columns {
   my($line) = @_;

   my $c     = 0;    # Number of commas found
   while ($line) {

      # "Value"
      # "Value\n continued"
      if ($line =~ /^"/) {
         $line =~ s/^".*?($|")//;
      } else {
         $line =~ s/^[^,]*//;

      $c++  if ($line =~ s/^,//);
   return $c+1;

   my $second;       # This will be set to 1 once the first set is read in.

   # This reads a source of data containing one or more code sets of
   # a given type.
   #    $type          The type of codesets being input (country, language, etc.)
   #    $src           The label for this source of data
   #    $codesets      A listref of code sets that are included in this data
   #                   source.  The order is important.  It tells what order the
   #                   data is stored in the data source.  A data source may
   #                   include data sets for which it is not the standard, and
   #                   these will be used simply to match with existing elements.
   #                   Element names (and links) will be determined using all
   #                   sources, but codes will only be added from codesets for
   #                   which a source is listed as a standard.
   #    $stdcodesets   A listref of code sets.  This is the subset of $codesets
   #                   for which this source is the standard.  The first time a
   #                   codeset it read in, it must be from a standard.  Multiple
   #                   standards can be used (and the data from them will be
   #                   merged) but all standards should be read before other
   #                   sources are read.
   #    $allow         This source is allowed to add new codes without explicit
   #                   allows.  This only applies to the second or higher source.
   sub _do_codeset {
      my($type,$src,$codesets,$stdcodesets,$allow) = @_;
      $allow = 0   if (! $allow);
      if (! defined $second) {
         $second = 0;
      } else {
         $second = 1;
      my %std = map { $_,1 } @$stdcodesets;

      # The _init_TYPE_CAT function gets all of the data from
      # this source and puts it in some sort of list.
      # The _read_TYPE_CAT function reads one element from that list.

      no strict 'refs';

      my $func = "_init_${type}_${src}";
      $func    = "_read_${type}_${src}";

      while (1) {

         # Read the next element.
         # Output is (CODE1, CODE2, ... CODEN, NAME1, NAME2, ... NAMEM)
         # The order of the codes is specified by $codesets.

         my @ele = &$func();
         last  if (! @ele);

         # Store the codes in %codes
         #    %codes = ( CODESET => CODE )
         # If CODE is blank, it is quietly ignored.
         # A code is also ignored if it is in the 'ignore' list.  If a name
         # is ignored, the entire element is skipped.

         my (%codes,@names);
         foreach my $codeset (@$codesets) {
            my $code = shift(@ele);
            next  if (! defined($code)  ||
                      $code eq ''       ||
                      exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'ignore'}{$codeset}{$code});
            $codes{$codeset} = $code;
         foreach my $name (@ele) {
            if ($name) {
               next ELE  if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'ignore'}{'name'}{$name});

         next  if (! @names  &&  ! %codes);
         if (! @names) {
            my @codes = sort values(%codes);
            print "WARNING [$type,$src]: Codes with no name: @codes\n";
         if (! %codes) {
            print "WARNING [$type,$src]: Element with no codes: @names\n";

         # Some codes and/or element names must be rewritten (probably
         # to remove non-ASCII characters, but other reasons also
         # occur).  If a name appears as both ASCII and non-ASCII,
         # make sure it isn't duplicated)

         foreach my $codeset (sort keys %codes) {
            my $code = $codes{$codeset};
            if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
               $codes{$codeset} = $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{$codeset}{$code};

         foreach my $name (@names) {
            if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}{$name}) {
               $name = $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}{$name};
            next  if (exists $tmp{$name});
            $tmp{$name} = 1;
         @names = @tmp;

         # Check that everything is ASCII

         foreach my $codeset (sort keys %codes) {
            my $code = $codes{$codeset};

         foreach my $name (@names) {

         # Get the ID for the current element

         my($err,$id,$subid) = _get_ID_new($type,$src,$second,$allow,
         next  if ($err);

         # Store the codes (but only if we're reading a standard).  If we're
         # not reading from a standard, we'll check to see if this would have
         # been a new code, and warn if it was.

         foreach my $codeset (keys %codes) {
            my $code = $codes{$codeset};

            if ($std{$codeset}) {
               $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}       = [ $id, $subid ];
               $ID2Code{$codeset}{$id}         = $code;

            } elsif (! exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
               print "WARNING [$type,$src,$codeset]: " .
                     "new code not added from a non-standard source: $code\n";

      # Update %Alias with the values in $Data{TYPE}{'link'}.

      my @tmp;
      foreach my $links (@{ $Data{$type}{'link'} }) {

         # Check to see if any of the names in a link group are defined
         # in %Alias.  If any are, they must have the same ID.

         my $id;
         foreach my $link (@$links) {
            if (exists $Alias{lc($link)}) {
               my $i = $Alias{lc($link)}[0];
               if ($id  &&  $i != $id) {
                  print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
                        "alias refers to multiple elements: $link\n";
                  next LINKS;

               $id = $i;

         # If any are defined, add all the rest to %Alias with the same
         # ID.  Otherwise, save this link group for later.

         if ($id) {
            foreach my $name (@$links) {
               if (! exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
                  push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
                  my $subid = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
                  $Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $subid ];
         } else {
      $Data{$type}{'link'} = \@tmp;

sub _ascii_new {
   my($type,$src,$key,$val) = @_;

   if ($val !~ /^[[:ascii:]]*$/) {
      my $tmp = $val;
      $tmp =~ s/[[:ascii:]]//g;
      print "NON-ASCII [$type,$src,$key]: '$val' [$tmp]\n";


sub get_row {
   my($type,$inref) = @_;

   return ()  if ($$inref !~ m,^\s*<tr,);

   if ($$inref !~ s,^(.*?)</tr[^>]*>,,) {
      die "ERROR [$type]: malformed HTML\n";
   my $row = $1;

   if ($row =~ m,<table,) {
      die "ERROR [$type]: embedded table\n";

   my @row;
   while ($row =~ s,(?:.*?)<(td|th)[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</\1[^>]*>,,) {
      my $val = $2;

   return @row;

# If nested is non-zero, then the header row has a table nested in each column
# and we're looking for $header somewhere in that nested table.
sub jump_to_row {
   my($inref,$header,$nested) = @_;

   if ($nested) {
      my $err;

      return 0
        if ($$inref !~ s,^(.*?)\Q$header\E(.*?)</table[^>]*>\s*</td[^>]*>\s*,,);
      while ($$inref =~ m,^<td,) {
         $err = strip_entry($inref);
         return 0  if ($err);
      return 0  if ($$inref !~ s,^\s*</tr[^>]*>,,);
      return 1;

   if ($$inref =~ s,^(.*?)\Q$header\E(.*?)</tr[^>]*>\s*(?=<tr),,) {
      return 1;
   } else {
      return 0;

sub jump_to_entry {
   my($inref,$value) = @_;

   if ($$inref =~ s,(.*?)(?=<(?:td|th)[^>]*>\s*\Q$value\E\s*),,) {
      return 1;
   } else {
      return 0;

sub jump_to_table {
   my($inref) = @_;

   if ($$inref =~ s,(.*?)(?=<table),,) {
      return 1;
   } else {
      return 0;

sub get_entry {
   my($inref) = @_;

   if ($$inref =~ s,.*?<td[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</td[^>]*>,,) {
      return $1;
   return "";

sub strip_tags {
   my($inref,@tags) = @_;

   foreach my $tag (@tags) {
      $$inref =~ s,</?$tag[^>]*>, ,g;

sub strip_token {
   my($inref) = @_;

   $$inref =~ s,^\s*,,;

   if ($$inref =~ s,^</([^>]*)>,,) {
      my $tag = $1;
      $tag =~ s,\s.*$,,;
      return ('close',$tag);

   } elsif ($$inref =~ s,^<([^>]*)>,,) {
      my $tag = $1;
      $tag =~ s,\s.*$,,;
      return ('open',$tag);

   } else {
      $$inref =~ s,^([^<]*),,;
      my $val = $1;
      $val =~ s,\s*$,,;
      return ('val',$val);

# Strip an entire portion of HTML.  If the HTML starts with
#   <TAG>
# it will strip everything up to the matching
#   </TAG>
# correctly handling nested elements.
sub strip_entry {
   my($inref) = @_;


   while (1) {
      my($op,$val) = strip_token($inref);
      if ($op eq 'open') {

      } elsif ($op eq 'close') {
         my $old = pop(@tag);
         if ($old ne $val) {
            return 1;
         last  if (! @tag);

      } else {
         last  if (! @tag);

   return 0;


   use POSIX qw(:termios_h);

   my $fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN);

   my $term     = POSIX::Termios->new();
   my $oterm    = $term->getlflag();

   my $echo     = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON;
   my $noecho   = $oterm & ~$echo;

   sub cbreak {
      $term->setcc(VTIME, 1);
      $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);

   sub cooked {
      $term->setcc(VTIME, 0);
      $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);

   sub getone {
      my $key = '';
      sysread(STDIN, $key, 1);
      return $key;

END { cooked() }

# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: 0
# End: