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# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Sullivan Beck.  All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

# This script will analyze a list of perl modules to get either the list
# of packages that it provides, or a list or requirements that it has.
# Some of the script is taken from the RPM tools perl.prov and perl.req.
# Unfortunately, these tools are not always available, or do not always
# work, so I provide my own version for cpantorpm.


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;

our $VERSION    = "1.00";

#use re 'debug';


my $COM = $0;
$COM =~ s/^.*\///;

  "usage: $COM OPTIONS FILE FILE ...

      -h/--help        : Print help.
      -v/--version     : Print out the version of this program

      -p/--provides    : Print out a list of packages provided
      -r/--requires    : Print out a list of requirements

      -m/--modlist     : By default, it the list is in a format
                         used by rpm:
                         With this option, it is just a list of

Only one of -p and -r should be given, and it defaults to -p.


our $OP     = 'prov';
our $LIST   = 'rpm';
our @FILES;

while ($_ = shift) {
   (print $usage),          exit  if ($_ eq '-h'  ||  $_ eq '--help');
   print "$VERSION\n",      exit  if ($_ eq '-v'  ||  $_ eq '--version');

   $OP = 'prov',            next  if ($_ eq '-p'  ||  $_ eq '--provides');
   $OP = 'req',             next  if ($_ eq '-r'  ||  $_ eq '--requires');
   $LIST = 'mod',           next  if ($_ eq '-m'  ||  $_ eq '--modlist');

   @FILES = ($_,@ARGV);

die "ERROR: no files given:\n\n$usage"  if (! @FILES);

my @tmp;
foreach my $file (@FILES) {
   if (-r $file) {
   } else {
      warn "WARNING: file not readable: $file\n";

die "ERROR: no readable files given:\n\n$usage"  if (! @tmp);
@FILES = @tmp;


our %result;
my $in = new IO::File;

# Some regular expressions for identifying module names and versions.
# A package name is any number of names separated by double colons (::).
# Each name is alphanumeric plus underscore.  The first name must not
# start with a digit.
#   $modrx    : a regexp matching and capturing a valid module name
# A version is either: v1.2.3 ... (minimum of three components) or
# a decimal number 1.2_3_4
#   $vrx      : a regexp matching a valid version, with no capture
#   $verrx    : a regexp matching and capturing a valid version
#   $verqrx   : a regexp matching a quoted version number
# package NAME lines:
#   $endvrx   : a regexp matching what can come after a version in
#               a good package line
#   $endmrx   : a regexp matching what can come after a module name
#               in a good package line not containing a version
# $VERSION = VERS lines:
#   $verqrx   : a regexp matching version numbers either alone, enclosed
#               in quotes, or enclosed in q() or qq() (the general form
#               of q#...# is not yet supported)

#   $vprrx    : a "prefix" that might be used before the version number
#               'VERS', "VERS", q(VERS), qq(VERS)

#   $endrx    : a regexp matching what can come after a module name or
#               a version in a 'package' line
#   $begrx    : matches an optional 'BEGIN {'
#   $seprx    : matches the string that can separate portions of a perl
#               command (including whitespace, newlines, and trailing
#               comments) in a multi-line form

my $modrx  = qr/([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*(?:::[A-Za-z0-9_]+)*)/;
my $vrx    = qr/v\d+(?:\.\d+){2,}|\d*\.\d+(?:_\d+)*|\d+\.?/;
my $verrx  = qr/($vrx)/;
my $verqrx = qr/(?:($vrx)|'($vrx)'|"($vrx)"|q\(($vrx)\)|qq\(($vrx)\))/;

my $endvrx = qr/(?:;|\s|\{|\#|$)/;
my $endmrx = qr/(?:\s*;|\s*\{)/;

my $vprrx  = qr/(?:'|"|qq.|q.)/;
my $begrx  = qr/(?:BEGIN\s*\{\s*)?/;
my $seprx  = qr/(?:\#.*?\n|\s+|\n)+/;

my $endrx  = qr/(?:;|\s|\{|\(|\#|$)/;

foreach my $file (@FILES) {
   if (! $in->open($file)) {
      warn "Unable to open file: $file: $!\n";

   my $inpod   = 0;
   my $inhere  = '';

   # The following are for searching for packages being provided by this file
   my $package = '';   # package currently being provided

   while (<$in>) {

      # Skip all the POD stuff.  POD stuff SHOULD start with
      # =pod, but most of the pod commands actually trigger the
      # start of POD documentation.

      $inpod=0, next if (/^=cut/);
      $inpod=1, next if (/^=(pod|head[1-4]|over|item|back|begin|end|for|encoding)/);
      next           if ($inpod);

      # The automatic RPM tools try to skip here documents and quoted
      # strings.  That would be nice... but they make too many assumptions
      # about how the perl is written.  There are way too many ways to
      # specify these in a perl module, so I'm not going to do this.  Once
      # we've got a list of provides or requires, we'll need to manually
      # filter out any bad ones.

      # Skip everything after __DATA__ or __END__
      last  if (m/^__(DATA|END)__$/);

      if ($OP eq 'prov') {

         # Get the packages provided by this file.

         # Lines of the form:
         #    package NAME;
         #    package NAME VERS;
         #    package NAME { ... };
         #    package NAME VERS { ... };
         # (which may be split across lines)

         if (/^\s*package/) {

            while (1) {
               if      (/\A\s*package$seprx$modrx$seprx$verrx$endvrx/s) {
                  ($pack,$ver) = ($1,$2);
               } elsif (/\A\s*package$seprx$modrx$endmrx/s) {
                  ($pack,$ver) = ($1,'');
               } elsif (/\A\s*package$seprx?\z/s  ||
                        /\A\s*package$seprx$modrx$seprx?\z/s) {
                  $_ .= <$in>;
               } else {
                  warn "Malformed package line\n";
                  next LINE;

            $result{$pack} = $ver;
            $package       = $pack;

            next LINE;

         # Lines containing:
         #    $[NAME::]VERSION = VERS;
         #                    or 'VERS', "VERS", q(VERS), qq(VERS)
         #    $[NAME::]VERSION = .* $Revision: VERS $
         # Currently, we'll only support single-line defintions.

         next LINE  if (! $package);
         my @m;
         if (@m = (/\$(?:${package}::)?VERSION\s*=\s*$verqrx/s)) {
            foreach my $m (@m) {
               next  if (! defined $m);
               $result{$package} = $m;
               next LINE;
            next LINE;

      } else {

         # Get the modules required by this file.

         # Lines of the form:
         #   require VERSION
         #   require MODULE
         #   use VERSION
         #   use MODULE
         #   use MODULE VERSION
         #   BEGIN { any_of_the_above .* }

         # The standard tool ignores indented require statements as
         # they are very often inside an 'if' statement and by including
         # them, there are too many false positives.  This might be worth
         # adding.

         my ($mod,$ver);

         if      (/^\s*$begrx(?:use)$seprx$modrx$seprx$verrx$endrx/s) {
            ($mod,$ver) = ($1,$2);

         } elsif (/^\s*$begrx(?:use|require)$seprx$modrx$endrx/s) {
            ($mod,$ver) = ($1,0);

         } elsif (/^\s*$begrx(?:use|require)$seprx$verrx$endrx/s) {
            ($mod,$ver) = ('',$1);

         } else {
            next LINE;

         next LINE  if ($mod eq 'vars'     ||
                        $mod eq 'strict'   ||
                        $mod eq 'integer'  ||
                        $mod eq 'warnings' ||
                        $mod eq 'feature'  ||
                        $mod eq 'constant' ||
                        $mod eq 'base'     ||
                        $mod eq 're'       ||
                        $mod eq 'Exporter'

         if ($mod) {
            $result{$mod} = $ver
              unless (exists $result{$mod}  &&
                      $result{$mod}         &&
                      ! $ver);
         } else {
            $result{'perl'} = $ver;

foreach my $mod (sort keys %result) {
   my $obj = $mod;
   $obj    = "perl($mod)"  if ($LIST eq 'rpm'  &&  $mod ne 'perl');
   my $vers = $result{$mod};
   if ($vers) {
      if ($OP eq 'prov') {
         print "$obj = $vers\n";
      } else {
         print "$obj >= $vers\n";
   } else {
      print "$obj\n";

# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: 0
# End: