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=head1 NAME



See L<Bio::DB::Das::Chado>.


Not yet written

=head1 API


package Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature;

use strict;

use Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment;
use Bio::SeqFeatureI;
use Bio::Root::Root;
use Bio::LocationI;
use Data::Dumper;
use URI::Escape;

use constant DEBUG => 0;

@ISA = qw(Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment Bio::SeqFeatureI
$VERSION = 0.34;


use overload '""' => 'asString';

=head2 new

 Title   : new
 Usage   : $f = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new(@args);
 Function: create a new feature object
 Returns : new Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature object
 Args    : see below
 Status  : Internal

This method is called by Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment to create a new
feature using information obtained from the chado database.

The 11 arguments are positional:

  $factory      a Bio::DB::Das::Chado adaptor object (or descendent)
  $parent       the parent feature object (if it exists)
  $srcseq       the source sequence
  $start        start of this feature
  $stop         stop of this feature
  $type         a Bio::DB::GFF::Typename (containing a method and source)
  $score        the feature's score
  $strand       this feature's strand (relative to the source
                sequence, which has its own strandedness!)
  $phase        this feature's phase (often with respect to the 
                previous feature in a group of related features)
  $group        this feature's featureloc.locgroup (NOT a GFF holdover)
  $uniquename   this feature's internal unique database
                     name (feature.uniquename)
  $feature_id   the feature's feature_id

This is called when creating a feature from scratch.  It does not have
an inherited coordinate system.


sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  my ($factory,
      $feature_id) = @_;

  my $self = bless { },$package;

  #check that this is what you want!
  #($start,$end) = ($end,$start) if defined($strand) and $strand == -1;

  $self->parent($parent) if $parent;
#  $self->absolute($factory->absolute);


  if ($srcseq && !$parent) {
    $parent = $factory->segment( -name => $srcseq,
                                 -start=> $start,
                                 -stop => $end,

  $self->srcfeature_id($parent->srcfeature_id() ) 
           if (ref $parent && $parent->can('srcfeature_id'));

  return $self;

# feature and featureloc db value slots

=head1 feature and featureloc accessors

Methods below are accessors for data that is drawn directly from the
Chado database and can be considered "primary" accessors for this


=head2 feature_id()

  Title   : feature_id
  Usage   : $obj->feature_id($newval)
  Function: holds feature.feature_id
  Returns : value of feature_id (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)

Implemented in Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment


=head2 organism


=item Usage

  $obj->organism()        #get existing value
  $obj->organism($newval) #set new value

=item Function

=item Returns

value of organism (a scalar)

=item Arguments

new value of organism (to set)



sub organism {
    my $self = shift;
    my $organism = shift if defined(@_);
    return $self->{'organism'} = $organism if defined($organism);

    #if it isn't passed in, we need to try to go get it

    my $dbh = $self->factory->dbh;

    my $organism_query = $dbh->prepare("
        SELECT genus, species FROM organism WHERE organism_id IN
          (SELECT organism_id FROM feature WHERE feature_id = ?)

    my ($genus, $species) = $organism_query->fetchrow_array;

    $self->{'organism'} = "$genus $species";
    return $self->{'organism'};

=head2 group()

  Title   : group
  Usage   : $group = $f->group([$new_group]);
  Function: Returns a feature name--this is here to maintain backward 
            compatibility with GFF and gbrowse.
  Returns : value of group (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub group {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'group'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'group'};

=head2 srcfeature_id()

  Title   : srcfeature_id
  Usage   : $obj->srcfeature_id($newval)
  Function: ???
  Returns : value of srcfeature_id (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub srcfeature_id {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'srcfeature_id'} = shift if @_;

  my $feature_id = $self->feature_id;
  my $sf_query = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("select srcfeature_id from featureloc where feature_id = ? and rank=0");
  my ($sf) = $sf_query->fetchrow_array;

  return $self->{'srcfeature_id'} = $sf;

=head2 strand()

  Title   : strand
  Usage   : $obj->strand()
  Function: Returns the strand of the feature.  Unlike the other
            methods, the strand cannot be changed once the object is
            created (due to coordinate considerations).
            corresponds to featureloc.strand
  Returns : -1, 0, or 1
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub strand {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'strand'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'strand'} || 0;

=head2 phase


=item Usage

  $obj->phase()        #get existing value
  $obj->phase($newval) #set new value

=item Function

=item Returns

value of phase (a scalar)

=item Arguments

new value of phase (to set)



sub phase {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'phase'} = shift if defined($_[0]);
    return $self->{'phase'};

=head2 type()

  Title   : type
  Usage   : $obj->type($newval)
  Function: holds a Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object
  Returns : returns a Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object
  Args    : on set, new value


sub type {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'type'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'type'};

=head2 uniquename()

  Title   : uniquename
  Usage   : $obj->uniquename($newval)
  Function: holds feature.uniquename
  Returns : value of uniquename (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub uniquename {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'uniquename'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'uniquename'};

=head2 is_analysis()

  Title   : is_analysis
  Usage   : $obj->is_analysis($newval)
  Function: holds feature.is_analysis
  Returns : value of is_analysis (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub is_analysis {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'is_analysis'} = shift if defined($_[0]);

  my $dbh = $self->factory->dbh;
  my $fid = $self->feature_id;
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT is_analysis FROM feature WHERE feature_id =?");

  my ($is_analysis) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

  return $self->{'is_analysis'} = $is_analysis;

# ISA Bio::SeqFeatureI

=head1 SeqFeatureI methods

Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature implements the Bio::SeqFeatureI
interface.  Methods described below, see Bio:SeqFeatureI for more


=head2 attach_seq()

 Title   : attach_seq
 Usage   : $sf->attach_seq($seq)
 Function: Attaches a Bio::Seq object to this feature. This
           Bio::Seq object is for the *entire* sequence: ie
           from 1 to 10000
 Example :
 Returns : TRUE on success
 Args    : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object


sub attach_seq {
  my ($self) = @_;


=head2 display_name()

  Title   : display_name
  Function: aliased to uniquename() for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility


*display_name = \&group;

=head2 entire_seq()

 Title   : entire_seq
 Usage   : $whole_seq = $sf->entire_seq()
 Function: gives the entire sequence that this seqfeature is attached to
 Example :
 Returns : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object, or undef if there is no
           sequence attached
 Args    : none


sub entire_seq {
    my $self = shift;

=head2 get_all_tags()

  Title   : get_all_tags
  Function: aliased to all_tags() for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility


*get_all_tags = \&all_tags;

=head2 get_SeqFeatures()

  Title   : get_SeqFeatures
  Function: aliased to sub_SeqFeature() for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility


*get_SeqFeatures = \&sub_SeqFeature;

=head2 get_tag_values()

  Title   : get_tag_values
  Usage   : $feature->get_tag_values
  Function: Returns values associated with a particular tag
  Returns : A list of values
  Args    : A string (the name of the tag)


sub get_tag_values {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tag  = shift;

  my @return = $self->attributes($tag);
  return @return;

=head2 get_tagset_values()

  Title   : get_tagset_values
  Usage   :
  Function: ???
  Returns :
  Args    :


sub get_tagset_values {
  my ($self,%arg) = @_;


=head2 gff_string()

  Title   : gff_string
  Usage   :
  Function: ???
  Returns :
  Args    :


sub gff_string {
  my $self = shift;
  my $recurse = shift;
  my $feature_id=$self->feature_id; 

  my $gff_init_query = "SELECT ref,source,type,fstart,fend,score,strand,phase FROM gff3view WHERE feature_id=$feature_id"; 
  my @row_ary = $self->factory->dbh->selectrow_array($gff_init_query);
  my $string = join("\t",@row_ary)."\t";

  my $gff_atts_query = "SELECT type,attribute from gff3atts where feature_id=?";
  my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare($gff_atts_query);

  while (my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
      my $attribute = uri_escape($$hashref{'attribute'});
      next unless $attribute;
      $string .= "$$hashref{'type'}=$attribute;";

  if ($recurse) {
      foreach($self->sub_SeqFeature) {
          $string .= "\n";
          $string .= $_->gff_string(1);

  return $string;

=head2 has_tag()

  Title   : has_tag
  Usage   :
  Function: ???
  Returns :
  Args    :


sub has_tag { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $tag  = shift;
  my %tags = map {$_=>1} $self->all_tags;
  return $tags{$tag};

=head2 primary_tag()

  Title   : primary_tag
  Function: aliased to type() for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility


*primary_tag = \&method;

=head2 seq()

  Title   : seq
  Usage   :
  Function: ???
  Returns :
  Args    :


#sub seq {
#  my ($self,%arg) = @_;
#  $self->throw_not_implemented();

=head2 seq_id()

  Title   : seq_id
  Usage   : $obj->seq_id($newval)
  Function: Set or get the name of the reference sequence that the feature 
            resides on.
  Returns : value of seq_id (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub seq_id {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'seq_id'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'seq_id'} if defined $self->{'seq_id'};

  #OK, no seq_id found, we'll try to find one.

  my $feature_id = $self->feature_id;
  return unless $feature_id;

  my $query =<<END
  SELECT COALESCE(,f.uniquename) AS seq_id
  FROM feature f join featureloc fl ON (f.feature_id = fl.srcfeature_id) 
  WHERE fl.feature_id = $feature_id AND fl.rank = 0

  my ($seq_id) = $self->factory->dbh->selectrow_array($query);

  return $self->{'seq_id'} = $seq_id;

# ISA Bio::SeqFeatureI

=head1 Bio::RangeI methods

Bio::SeqFeatureI in turn ISA Bio::RangeI.  Bio::RangeI interface
methods described below, L<Bio::RangeI> for details.


=head2 end()

  Title   : end
  Function: inherited, L<Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment>


=head2 start()

  Title   : start
  Function: inherited, L<Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment>


=head2 strand()

  Title   : strand
  Function: inherited, L<Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment>


# get/setters and their composites, alphabetical

=head1 other get/setters


=head2 abs_strand()

  Title   : abs_strand
  Usage   : $obj->abs_strand($newval)
  Function: aliased to strand() for backward compatibility


*abs_strand = \&strand;

=head2 db_id()

  Title   : db_id
  Function: aliased to uniquename() for backward compatibility


*db_id = \&uniquename;

=head2 factory()

  Title   : factory
  Usage   : $obj->factory($newval)
  Function: ???
  Returns : value of factory (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub factory {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'factory'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'factory'};

=head2 id()

  Title   : id
  Function: aliased to uniquename() for backward compatibility


*id  = \&uniquename;

=head2 info()

  Title   : info
  Function: aliased to uniquename() for backward compatibility
            with broken generic glyphs primarily


*info = \&uniquename;

=head2 length()

  Title   : length
  Usage   : $obj->length()
  Function: convenience for end - start + 1
  Returns : length of feature in basepairs
  Args    : none


sub length {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $len = $self->end() - $self->start() +1;
  return $len;

=head2 method()

 Title   : method
 Usage   : $obj->method
 Function: returns a Feature's method (SOFA type)
 Returns : the Features SOFA type
 Args    : none


sub method {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->type->method();

=head2 name()

  Title   : name
  Function: aliased to group for backward compatibility


*name = \&group;

=head2 parent()

  Title   : parent
  Usage   : $obj->parent($newval)
  Function: ???
  Returns : value of parent (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub parent {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'parent'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'parent'};

=head2 score()

  Title   : score
  Usage   : $obj->score($newval)
  Function: holds the (alignment?) feature's score
  Returns : value of score (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub score {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'score'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'score'};

=head2 target()

  Title   : target
  Usage   : $feature->target
  Function: returns a Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment that corresponds
            to the target of a similarity pair
  Returns : a Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment object
  Args    : none


sub target {
  my ($self) = shift;

  my $self_id = $self->feature_id;

#so, we need to construct a segment that corresponds to to the 
#target sequence.  So, what do I need from chado:
#  - the feature_id of the target (from featureloc.srcfeature_id
#      where featureloc.rank > 0 ; when rank = 0, it corresponds
#      to the feature's coords on the 'main' sequence)
#  - featureloc.fmin and fmax for the target
#  -

  my $query = "SELECT fl.srcfeature_id,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,,f.uniquename
               FROM featureloc fl JOIN feature f 
                    ON (fl.feature_id = ? AND fl.srcfeature_id=f.feature_id)
               WHERE fl.rank > 0";

  my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare($query);

# While it is theoretically possible for there to be more than 
# on target per feature, Bio::Graphics::Browser doesn't support it

  my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;

  if ($$hashref{'name'}) {
      my $segment = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment->new(
                1,  #new arg to tell Segment this is a Target
      return $segment;
  return; #didn't get anything

*hit = \&target;

# other methods

=head1 Other methods


=head2 all_tags()

  Title   : all_tags
  Usage   :
  Function: ???
  Returns :
  Args    :


sub all_tags {
  my $self = shift;
  my $feature_id = $self->feature_id;

  my $tag_query = $self->factory->dbh->prepare(
    "SELECT distinct type FROM gffatts WHERE feature_id=?"


  my @tags;
  while (my @tag = $tag_query->fetchrow_array) {
    push @tags, $tag[0];

  return @tags;

=head2 source()

  Title   : source
  Usage   : $f->source();
  Function: caches and returns the source from a GFF file, this is stored
            in dbxref with a db of 'GFF_Source'
  Returns : See above
  Args    : none


sub source {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->type->source();

=head2 segments()

  Title   : segments
  Function: aliased to sub_SeqFeature() for compatibility


*segments = \&sub_SeqFeature;

=head2 subfeatures

  Title   : subfeatures
  Usage   : $obj->subfeatures($newval)
  Function: returns a list of subfeatures
  Returns : value of subfeatures (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


sub subfeatures {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'subfeatures'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'subfeatures'};

=head2 sub_SeqFeature()

 Title   : sub_SeqFeature
 Usage   : @feat = $feature->sub_SeqFeature([$type])
 Function: This method returns a list of any subfeatures
           that belong to the main feature.  For those
           features that contain heterogeneous subfeatures,
           you can retrieve a subset of the subfeatures by
           providing an array of types to filter on.

           For AcePerl compatibility, this method may also
           be called as segments().
 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature objects
 Args    : a feature method (optional)
 Status  : Public


sub sub_SeqFeature {
  my($self,@type) = @_;

  my @features;

  #warn "starting subfeatures";

  #first call, cache subfeatures
  #like SeqFeature::Generic?

#  if(!$self->subfeatures ){

    my $parent_id = $self->feature_id();
    my $inferCDS = $self->factory->inferCDS;

    #warn "inferCDS:$inferCDS";

    ##URGI - We get the reference_class feature_id to filter out the sub_features results
    my $refclass_feature_id = $self->factory->refclass_feature_id() || undef;
    my($join_part, $where_part);
      $join_part = " inner join featureloc as parentloc on (parent.feature_id = parentloc.feature_id) ";
      $where_part = "and childloc.srcfeature_id = $refclass_feature_id and parentloc.srcfeature_id = $refclass_feature_id ";

    my $typewhere = '';

    if (@type > 0) {
      my @id_list = map { $self->factory->name2term($_) } @type;

      # if CDS features were requested, and inferCDS is set, add
      # polypeptide and exon features to the list so they can be fetched too
      if ($inferCDS &&  grep {'CDS|UTR'} @type ) {
          #warn "adding exon and polypeptide to type list\n";
          push @id_list, 
               ( $self->factory->name2term('exon'), 
                 $self->factory->name2term('polypeptide') ); 

      $typewhere = " and child.type_id in (". join(',',@id_list)  .")" ;

      #warn $typewhere;

      warn "type:@type, type_id:@id_list" if DEBUG;

    my $handle = $self->factory->dbh();

    #$self->factory->dbh->trace(2) if DEBUG;

    my $partof =  $self->factory->name2term('part_of');
    my $derivesfrom = $self->factory->name2term('derives_from');
    $self->throw("part_of cvterm wasn't found.  is DB sane?") unless $partof;
    $partof      = join ',', @$partof      if ref($partof)      eq 'ARRAY';
    $derivesfrom = join ',', @$derivesfrom if ref($derivesfrom) eq 'ARRAY';
    $partof .= ",$derivesfrom";

    #deal with Tripal oddness
    my $analsysfeature_part ='';
    my $score_part = 0;
    unless ($self->factory->tripal()) {
        $analsysfeature_part = <<END
    left join
       analysisfeature as af on
        (child.feature_id = af.feature_id)
        $score_part = 'COALESCE(af.significance,af.identity,af.normscore,af.rawscore)';

    warn "partof = $partof" if DEBUG;

    #silencing unit warnings
    $typewhere ||='';
    $where_part ||='';
    $join_part ||='';

    my $sql = "
    select child.feature_id,, child.type_id, child.uniquename, as pname, child.is_obsolete,
      childloc.fmin, childloc.fmax, childloc.strand, childloc.locgroup, childloc.phase, $score_part as score,
    from feature as parent
    inner join
      feature_relationship as fr0 on
        (parent.feature_id = fr0.object_id)
    inner join
      feature as child on
        (child.feature_id = fr0.subject_id)
    inner join
      featureloc as childloc on
        (child.feature_id = childloc.feature_id)
    where parent.feature_id = $parent_id
          and childloc.rank = 0
          and fr0.type_id in ($partof)

#Recursive Mapping
#Construct a query that recursively maps clone's features on the underlying chromosome
  if ($self->factory->recursivMapping){

    #Notes on the interbase computation :
    #$self->start is already converted to base coordinates, so  we need to substract the unit which has been added by this conversion
   select child.feature_id,, child.type_id, child.uniquename, as pname,child.is_obsolete,
         (childloc.fmin + ".$self->start." - parentloc.fmin -1)  AS fmin,
        (childloc.fmax + ".$self->start." - parentloc.fmin -1)  AS fmax,
          (childloc.strand * ".$self->strand." * parentloc.strand)  AS strand,
         childloc.locgroup, childloc.phase, af.significance as score,
          CASE WHEN  (
                           (select distinct srcfeature_id from featureloc where feature_id=".$self->feature_id." and rank=0)
               THEN ".$self->srcfeature_id."
               ELSE childloc.srcfeature_id  END as srcfeature_id
       from feature as parent
       inner join
         feature_relationship as fr0 on
           (parent.feature_id = fr0.object_id)
       inner join
         feature as child on
           (child.feature_id = fr0.subject_id)
       inner join
         featureloc as childloc on
           (child.feature_id = childloc.feature_id)
       inner join
         featureloc as parentloc on
           (parent.feature_id = parentloc.feature_id)
       where parent.feature_id = $parent_id
             and childloc.rank = 0
             and fr0.type_id in ($partof)

#END Recursive Mapping

    $sql =~ s/\s+/ /gs if DEBUG;
    warn $sql if DEBUG;

    my $subfeature_query = $self->factory->dbh->prepare($sql);
        or $self->throw("subfeature query failed; here's the sql:$sql");

    #$self->factory->dbh->trace(0) if DEBUG;

    my $rows = $subfeature_query->rows;
    ($subfeature_query->finish && return) 
        if ($rows<1);    #nothing retrieve during query

    my @p_e_cache;
    while (my $hashref = $subfeature_query->fetchrow_hashref) {

      next if ($$hashref{is_obsolete} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
      next unless $$hashref{srcfeature_id} == $self->srcfeature_id;

      # this problem can't be solved this way--group really needs to return 'name'
      # in order for the adaptor to work with gbrowse
      # next unless $$hashref{locgroup} eq $self->group; #look out, subfeatures may reside on other segments

      my $stop  = $$hashref{fmax};
      my $interbase_start = $$hashref{fmin};
      my $base_start = $interbase_start +1;

      my $source_query = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
            select d.accession from dbxref d,feature_dbxref fd
            where fd.feature_id = ? and
                  fd.dbxref_id  = d.dbxref_id and
                  d.db_id = ?");
      $source_query->execute($$hashref{feature_id}, $self->factory->gff_source_db_id);

      my ($source) = $source_query->fetchrow_array;
      my $type_obj = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new(

      warn "creating new subfeat, $$hashref{name}, $base_start, $stop, $$hashref{phase}" if DEBUG;

      my $feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new (
      push @features, $feat;

      if ($inferCDS && ($feat->type =~ /exon/ or $feat->type =~ /polypeptide/ )) {
          #saving an object to an array saves a reference to the object--
          #we don't want that, so we have to use the clone method to make a copy
          push @p_e_cache, $feat->clone;

    #now deal with converting polypeptide and exons to CDS

    my @cds_utr_features 
          = $self->_do_the_inferring(@p_e_cache) if (@p_e_cache > 0);
    push @features, @cds_utr_features;
#this shouldn't be necessary, as filtering took place via the query
#except that is now that infering of CDS features is a possibility

  if(@type && $inferCDS){
    my @ok_feats;
    my $type_str = join("|", @type);
    for my $feat (@features) {
        if ($feat->method =~ /$type_str/) {
            push @ok_feats, $feat;
    warn @ok_feats if DEBUG;
    return @ok_feats;

  dgg: polypeptide or protein is a most important feature, don't drop it!
  This is the part of a gene that has lots of attached critical info:
  protein ID, translation, GO terms, Dbxrefs to other proteins)
  While this exclusion fixes a display bug, e.g. Glyph/processed_transcript 
  it is much less problematic to patch the glyph displayers.
  elsif ( 0 && $inferCDS) {
    #just remove polypeptide features
    my @ok_feats = grep {$_->type->method ne 'polypeptide'} @features;
    warn @ok_feats if DEBUG;
    return @ok_feats;

  return  @features;

=head2 _do_the_inferring


=item Usage


=item Function

Takes a list of polypeptide and exon features and infers CDS and UTR 
features from them.

=item Returns

A list of CDS and UTR features

=item Arguments

A list of polypeptide and exon features

=item Caveats

This function will break with polycistronic genes, as there
will be more than one polypeptide per set of exons, and this
function assumes that there is only one.



sub _do_the_inferring {
    my ($self, @p_e_feats) = @_;

    #get the polypeptide at the top of the list
    #and get the exons in translation order
    my @sorted = sort {
                   $b->type cmp $a->type
                   || $a->start * $a->strand <=> $b->start * $b->strand
                      } @p_e_feats;

    my ($start,$stop);
    my $poly = shift @sorted;

    if ($poly->type->method =~ /poly/) {
        $start = $poly->start;
        $stop  = $poly->end;
    else {
        #if there's no polypeptide feature, there's no point in continuing

    warn "poly:$poly,start:$start, stop:$stop" if DEBUG;
    warn $poly->start if DEBUG;
    warn $poly->end   if DEBUG;

    #keep two arrays: one with exons that are coding, one noncoding
    my @coding_array;
    my @noncoding_array;
    for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @sorted; $i++) {
        my $feat = $sorted[$i];

        if ($feat->start < $start and $feat->end < $start) {
        #this is a 'left' utr
            if ( $feat->strand ) {
                if ( $feat->strand > 0 ) {
                elsif ( $feat->strand < 0 ) {
            else {
            push @noncoding_array, $feat;
        elsif ($feat->start > $stop  and $feat->end > $stop) {
        #this is a 'right' utr
            if ( $feat->strand ) {
                if ( $feat->strand > 0 ) {
                elsif ( $feat->strand < 0 ) {
            else {
            push @noncoding_array, $feat;
        elsif ($feat->start >= $start and $feat->end <= $stop) {
        #this is an 'internal' cds
            push @coding_array, $feat;
        else {
        #this exon needs to be split into two features (CDS & UTR)
            my $utr = $feat->clone;
            #check for left utr/CDS split
            if ( $feat->start < $start and $feat->end >= $start  ) {
            #this on stradles the left end
                if ( $utr->strand ) {
                    if ( $utr->strand > 0 ) {
                    elsif ( $utr->strand < 0 ) {
                else {
                $utr->end($start -1);

            elsif ( $feat->start >= $start and $feat->end > $stop  ) {
            #this one stradles the right end
                if ( $utr->strand ) {
                    if ( $feat->strand > 0 ) {
                    elsif ( $feat->strand < 0 ) {
                else {
            else {
                warn "this should never happen";
            push @noncoding_array, $utr;
            push @coding_array, $feat;

    return unless (@coding_array > 0 or @noncoding_array > 0);

    my @features;
    if (defined $coding_array[0]->phase) {
        push @features, @coding_array;
    else {
        push @features, $self->_calc_phases(@coding_array);

    push @features, @noncoding_array;

    return @features;

=head2 _calc_phases

 Title   : _calc_phases
 Usage   : $feature->_calc_phases(@exons)
 Function: calculstes phases for exons without phases 
 Returns : a list of exon feature objects with phases
 Args    : a list of sorted (by transcription order) exons
 Status  : private


sub _calc_phases {
  my $self = shift;
  my @exons = @_;

      #  L0 is length of the first segment measured from the start site
      #  Li is length of the current segment measured from its splice start
      #  P0 is the phase of the first segment, always 0
      #  Pi is the phase of the current segment
      #  P(i+1) = 3 - (Li - Pi) mod 3


  for (my $i = 0; $i < (scalar @exons) -1; $i++) {
    next unless defined $exons[$i];
    my $phase = (3 - ($exons[$i]->length - $exons[$i]->phase) % 3) % 3;

    warn $exons[$i]->parent." ".$exons[$i]." ".$exons[$i]->start." ".$exons[$i]->phase." ".$exons[$i+1]->phase() if DEBUG;

  return @exons;

=head2 notes

 Title   : notes
 Usage   : @notes = $feature->notes
 Function: get the "notes" on a particular feature
 Returns : an array of string
 Args    : feature ID
 Status  : public


sub notes {
  my $self = shift;

=head2 add_subfeature()

 Title   : add_subfeature
 Usage   : $feature->add_subfeature($feature)
 Function: This method adds a new subfeature to the object.
           It is used internally by aggregators, but is
           available for public use as well.
 Returns : nothing
 Args    : a Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature object
 Status  : Public


sub add_subfeature {
  my $self    = shift;
  my $subfeature = shift;

   #  warn "in add_subfeat:$subfeature";

  return undef unless ref($subfeature);
  return undef unless $subfeature->isa('Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature');

  push @{$self->{subfeatures}}, $subfeature;
  return $subfeature;

=head2 location()

 Title   : location
 Usage   : my $location = $seqfeature->location()
 Function: returns a location object suitable for identifying location 
	   of feature on sequence or parent feature  
 Returns : Bio::LocationI object
 Args    : none


sub location { 
   my $self = shift;
   require Bio::Location::Split unless Bio::Location::Split->can('new');
   require Bio::Location::Simple unless Bio::Location::Simple->can('new');

   my $location;
   if (my @segments = $self->sub_SeqFeature) {
       $location = Bio::Location::Split->new(-seq_id => $self->seq_id);
       foreach (@segments) {
   } else {
       $location = Bio::Location::Simple->new(-start  => $self->start,
					      -end    => $self->stop,
					      -strand => $self->strand,
					      -seq_id => $self->seq_id);

*merged_segments = \&sub_SeqFeature;

=head2 clone()

 Title   : clone
 Usage   : $feature = $f->clone
 Function: make a copy of the feature
 Returns : a new Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature object
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

This method returns a copy of the feature.


sub clone { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone;

  if (ref(my $t = $clone->type)) {
    my $type = $t->can('clone') ? $t->clone : bless {%$t},ref $t;

  if (ref(my $g = $clone->group)) {
    my $group = $g->can('clone') ? $g->clone : bless {%$g},ref $g;

  if (my $merged = $self->{merged_segs}) {
    $clone->{merged_segs} = { %$merged };


=head2 sub_types()

 Title   : sub_types
 Usage   : @methods = $feature->sub_types
 Function: get methods of all sub-seqfeatures
 Returns : a list of method names
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

For those features that contain subfeatures, this method will return a
unique list of method names of those subfeatures, suitable for use
with sub_SeqFeature().


sub sub_types {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->warn("this method appears to be broken, check subfeatures() return value");
  my $subfeat = $self->subfeatures or return;
  return keys %$subfeat;

=head2 Autogenerated Methods

 Title   : AUTOLOAD
 Usage   : @subfeat = $feature->Method
 Function: Return subfeatures using autogenerated methods
 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature objects
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

Any method that begins with an initial capital letter will be passed
to AUTOLOAD and treated as a call to sub_SeqFeature with the method
name used as the method argument.  For instance, this call:

  @exons = $feature->Exon;

is equivalent to this call:

  @exons = $feature->sub_SeqFeature('exon');


  my($pack,$func_name) = $AUTOLOAD=~/(.+)::([^:]+)$/;
  my $sub = $AUTOLOAD;
  my $self = $_[0];

  # ignore DESTROY calls
  return if $func_name eq 'DESTROY';

  # fetch subfeatures if func_name has an initial cap
  #return sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} $self->sub_SeqFeature($func_name) if $func_name =~ /^[A-Z]/;
  return $self->sub_SeqFeature($func_name) if $func_name =~ /^[A-Z]/;

  # error message of last resort
  #$self->throw(qq(Can't locate object method "$func_name" via package "$pack"));

=head2 adjust_bounds()

 Title   : adjust_bounds
 Usage   : $feature->adjust_bounds
 Function: adjust the bounds of a feature
 Returns : ($start,$stop,$strand)
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

This method adjusts the boundaries of the feature to enclose all its
subfeatures.  It returns the new start, stop and strand of the
enclosing feature.


# adjust a feature so that its boundaries are synched with its subparts' boundaries.
# this works recursively, so subfeatures can contain other features
sub adjust_bounds { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $g = $self->{group};

  $self->warn("this method appears to be broken, check subfeatures() return value");

  if (my $subfeat = $self->subfeatures) {
    for my $list (values %$subfeat) {
      for my $feat (@$list) {

	# fix up our bounds to hold largest subfeature
	my($start,$stop,$strand) = $feat->adjust_bounds;
	$self->{strand} = $strand unless defined $self->{strand};
	if ($start <= $stop) {
	  $self->{start} = $start if !defined($self->{start}) || $start < $self->{start};
	  $self->{stop}  = $stop  if !defined($self->{stop})  || $stop  > $self->{stop};
	} else {
	  $self->{start} = $start if !defined($self->{start}) || $start > $self->{start};
	  $self->{stop}  = $stop  if !defined($self->{stop})  || $stop  < $self->{stop};

	# fix up endpoints of targets too (for homologies only)
#	my $h = $feat->group;
#	next unless $h && $h->isa('Bio::DB::GFF::Homol'); # always false (for now)
#	next unless $g && $g->isa('Bio::DB::GFF::Homol');
#	($start,$stop) = ($h->{start},$h->{stop});
#	if ($h->strand >= 0) {
#	  $g->{start} = $start if !defined($g->{start}) || $start < $g->{start};
#	  $g->{stop}  = $stop  if !defined($g->{stop})  || $stop  > $g->{stop};
#	} else {
#	  $g->{start} = $start if !defined($g->{start}) || $start > $g->{start};
#	  $g->{stop}  = $stop  if !defined($g->{stop})  || $stop  < $g->{stop};
#	}

  ( $self->start(),$self->stop(),$self->strand() );

=head2 sort_features()

 Title   : sort_features
 Usage   : $feature->sort_features
 Function: sort features
 Returns : nothing
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

This method sorts subfeatures in ascending order by their start
position.  For reverse strand features, it sorts subfeatures in
descending order.  After this is called sub_SeqFeature will return the
features in order.

This method is called internally by merged_segments().


# sort features
sub sort_features { 
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->{sorted}++;
  my $strand = $self->strand or return;
  my $subfeat = $self->subfeatures or return;
  for my $type (keys %$subfeat) {
      $subfeat->{$type} = [map { $_->[0] }
			   sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
			   map { [$_,$_->start] }
			   @{$subfeat->{$type}}] if $strand > 0;
      $subfeat->{$type} = [map { $_->[0] }
			   sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]}
			   map { [$_,$_->start] }
			   @{$subfeat->{$type}}] if $strand < 0;

=head2 asString()

 Title   : asString
 Usage   : $string = $feature->asString
 Function: return human-readabled representation of feature
 Returns : a string
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

This method returns a human-readable representation of the feature and
is called by the overloaded "" operator.


sub asString { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = $self->type;
  my $name = $self->uniquename;

  return "$type($name)" if $name;
  return $type;
#  my $type = $self->method;
#  my $id   = $self->group || 'unidentified';
#  return join '/',$id,$type,$self->SUPER::asString;

=head2 synonyms()

 Title   : synonyms
 Usage   : @synonyms = $feature->synonyms
 Function: return a list of synonyms for a feature
 Returns : a list of strings
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

Looks in the synonym table to collect all synonyms of a feature.


sub synonyms {
  #returns an array with synonyms
  my $self = shift;
  my $dbh = $self->factory->dbh();
  my $sth;
  if ($self->factory->use_all_feature_names()) {
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("
    select name from all_feature_names where ? = feature_id
  else {
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("
    select from synonym s, feature_synonym fs
    where ? = fs.feature_id and
          fs.synonym_id = s.synonym_id
  $sth->execute($self->feature_id()) or $self->throw("synonym query failed");
  my $name = $self->display_name;
  my @synonyms;
  while (my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    push @synonyms, $$hashref{name} if ($$hashref{name} ne $name);

  return @synonyms;

=head2 cmap_link()

 Title   : cmap_link
 Usage   : $link = $feature->cmap_link
 Function: returns a URL link to the corresponding feature in cmap
 Returns : a string
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public

Returns a link to a cmap installation (which is assumed to be on the
same host as gbrowse).  In addition to the cmap tables being present
in chado, this method also assumes the presence of a link table called
feature_to_cmap.  See the cmap documentation for more information.

This function is intended primarily to be used in gbrowse conf files. 
For example:

  link       = sub {my $self = shift; return $self->cmap_link();}


sub cmap_link {
  # Use ONLY if CMap is installed in chado and
  # the feature_to_cmap table is also installed
  # This table is provided with CMap.
  my $self = shift;
  my $data_source = shift;
  my $dbh = $self->factory->dbh();

  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
    select  cm_f.feature_name,
            cm_m.accession_id as map_aid
    from    cmap_feature cm_f,
            cmap_map cm_m,
            feature_to_cmap ftc
    where   ? = ftc.feature_id
            and cm_f.accession_id=ftc.cmap_feature_aid
            and cm_f.map_id=cm_m.map_id
  $sth->execute($self->feature_id()) or $self->throw("cmap link query
  my $link_str='';
  if (my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {

  return $link_str;
