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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#swap line 1 and 3 to use the perl debugger
#!/usr/bin/perl -w -d:ptkdb

use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
require 5.006;
our $VERSION = '2.0';
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Cwd;
use File::Basename; 
use Tk;
use Tk::WaitBox; 
use Tk::HList; 
use Tk::ProgressBar;
use Tk::Scale;
use GDS2;
    use constant TRUE  => 1;
    use constant FALSE => 0;

## subs used
sub printUsage(;$);
sub printVersion();
sub getHomeDir($);
sub dumpGds($$;$);

our $BGCOLOR='#99ccff';
our $BGCOLOR2='#ffff00';
our $BGCOLOR3='#ffffcc';
our $FGCOLOR='#000000';
our $FileImg;
our $TextFileImg;
our $FoldImg;
our $G_percentDone=0;
our $G_ECHO=1,
our $ActFoldImg;
my $compact = FALSE;
our $MW;

my $gui=FALSE;
my $G_outputBufferSize=10000;
my $G_useStatusBar=FALSE;
## process command line...
           'compact!'               => \$compact,
           'debug!'                 => \$DEBUG,
           'gdt!'                   => \$compact,
           'gui!'                   => \$gui,
           'help!'                  => \&printUsage,
           'obs|outputbuffersize:i' => \$G_outputBufferSize,
           'pb|progressbar'         => \$G_useStatusBar,
           'version'                => \&printVersion,
          ) || printUsage();

my $G_statusBar;
if ($G_useStatusBar)
    require Term::StatusBar;
my $fileNameIn = '';
$fileNameIn = shift if ($#ARGV >= 0);
printUsage() if ($#ARGV >= 0);

my $G_header = '';
if ($compact)
    $G_header = <<'EOH';
# first line needs to stay as is (read by other tools)
# Key: <required> [optional]
# File format:
# gds2{<ver>
# m=<modificationTimeStamp> a=<acessTimeStamp>
# lib '<libName>' <userUnits> <dataUnits>
# <cellDefine>
# }
# - - - - -
# cellDefine is one of more of:
# cell { c=<creationTimeStamp> m=<modificationTimeStamp> '<cellName>'
# <cellStuff>
# }
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## <cellStuff>
# cellStuff is one or more of:
# boundary:
# b{<layer> [dt<dataType>] xy(<xyList>)}
# path:
# p{<layer> [dt<dataType>] [pt<pathType>] [w<real>] [bx<real>] [ex<real>] xy(<xyList>)}
# text:
# t{<layer> [tt<textType>] [f<fontType>] [<textJust>] [pt<pathType>] [fx] [w<real>] [m<magification>] [a<angle>] xy(<xyList>) <'text'> }
# sref:
# s{<'cellName'> [fx] [a<angle>] xy(<xyList>)}
# aref:
# a{<'cellName'> [fx] [a<angle>] cr(<columns> <rows>) xy(<xyList>)}
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# <textJust> two letter combination of bmt (bottom,middle,top) and rcl (right,center,left) e.g. bl (default is tl)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# # as first character on a line is a comment


if (! $gui)
    ## take care of things we need from user that were not 
    ## supplied on command line
    if ($fileNameIn eq '')
        my $notDone = 9; #limit for how many times we will ask
        while ($notDone)
            printf("GDS2 file to read: ");
            $fileNameIn = <STDIN>;
            chomp $fileNameIn;
            $notDone = 0 if ($fileNameIn ne '');
        printUsage() if ($fileNameIn eq '');
    my @packList1 = (-side => 'left',  -padx => 0, -pady => 3, -fill => 'x');
    my @packList2 = (-side => 'left',  -padx => 3, -pady => 2, -fill => 'x');
    my @packList3 = (-side => 'top',   -padx => 0, -pady => 3, -fill => 'x');
    my @packList4 = (-side => 'right', -padx => 3, -pady => 3, -fill => 'x');
    my @packList5 = (-side => 'top',   -padx => 3, -pady => 3, -fill => 'x');

    #### create the MainWindow (MW)
    $MW = MainWindow -> new(
        -background => $BGCOLOR,
        -foreground => $FGCOLOR, 
    $MW -> title('dumpgds'); 
    $MW -> iconname('dumpgds'); 
    $MW -> minsize(1, 1); 

    ###### start top menu bar #####
    my $wMenu = $MW -> Frame(
        -relief => 'raised', 
        -background => $BGCOLOR,
        -borderwidth => 2,
    $wMenu -> pack(-fill => 'x');

    ##### options menu #####
    my $optionsMenu = $wMenu -> Menubutton(
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2,
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -text             => 'Options', 
        -underline        => FALSE,

    $optionsMenu -> separator(
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,

    $optionsMenu -> radiobutton(
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR, 
        -variable         => \$G_ECHO,
        -label            => 'Echo to terminal',
        -value            => TRUE,

    $optionsMenu -> radiobutton(
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR, 
        -variable         => \$G_ECHO,
        -label            => 'do not echo to terminal',
        -value            => FALSE,

    ### quit
    $optionsMenu -> command(
        -activebackground => 'Red',
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -label            => 'Exit',
        -command          => sub { $MW -> destroy; exit(1); },
    $optionsMenu -> pack(-side=>'left');

    ##### Help menu #####
    my $textArea;
    my $helpMenu = $wMenu -> Menubutton(
        -text             => 'Help', 
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2,
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -underline        => 0
    $helpMenu -> command(
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2,
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -label            => 'Program Version',
        -command          => sub {
            $textArea -> delete('0.0', 'end');
            $textArea -> insert('end', "dumpgds $VERSION\n");
            $textArea -> insert('end', "Using Perl $]\n");
    $helpMenu -> separator(
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
    $helpMenu -> command(
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2,
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -label            => 'Print help in text window',
        -command          => sub { \&printUsage($textArea); },
        -activebackground => 'purple',
    $helpMenu -> pack(-side=>'right');
    #### end top menu bar #####################################

    my $progress = $MW -> ProgressBar(
        -anchor => 'w',
        -width  => 20,
        -length => 400,
        -from   => 0,
        -to     => 98,
        -troughcolor => '#000000',
        -blocks => 20,
        -colors => [0 => 'red',14 => 'orange',28 => 'yellow',42 => 'green',56 => 'blue',70 => 'purple',84 => 'violet'],
        -resolution => 5,
        -variable => \$G_percentDone,
    $progress -> pack();
    #$progress -> pack(@packList5);

    ##### Create file selection areas #### 
    ## Create Frame for left side 
    my $mwLeft = $MW -> Frame(
        -relief      => 'raised', 
        -background  => $BGCOLOR,
        -borderwidth => 2,
    $mwLeft -> pack(@packList1); 

    $FileImg     = $mwLeft -> Pixmap(-file => Tk->findINC('file.xpm'));
    $TextFileImg = $mwLeft -> Pixmap(-file => Tk->findINC('textfile.xpm'));
    $FoldImg     = $mwLeft -> Pixmap(-file => Tk->findINC('folder.xpm'));
    $ActFoldImg  = $mwLeft -> Pixmap(-file => Tk->findINC('act_folder.xpm'));

    #### directory entry
    my $directoryLabel = $mwLeft -> Label( 
        -background  => $BGCOLOR,
        -text        => 'PWD:', 
        -font        => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -anchor      => 'w', 
    $directoryLabel -> pack(@packList3); 

    my $G_DIRECTORY = ''; 
    my $entryDirectory = $mwLeft -> Entry( 
        -background     => '#cccccc', 
        -font           => "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -foreground     => $FGCOLOR, 
        -relief         => 'sunken', 
        -state          => 'disabled', 
        -textvariable   => \$G_DIRECTORY, 
        -width          => 20, 
    $entryDirectory -> pack(@packList3); 
    my $localDir = cwd(); 

    #### spacer label 
    my $spacerLabel_1 = $mwLeft -> Label( 
        -background => $BGCOLOR,
        -text       => '    ', 
        -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -anchor     => 'w', 
    $spacerLabel_1 -> pack(@packList3);; 

    #### graphics file entry 
    my $graphicsFileLabel = $mwLeft -> Label( 
        -text       => 'Gds2 File: ', 
        -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -background => $BGCOLOR, 
        -anchor     => 'w', 
    $graphicsFileLabel -> pack(@packList3); 

    ##### Create graphics text display area  ##### 
    my $G_GDS2FILE = $fileNameIn;
    my $entryGraphicsFile = $mwLeft -> Entry( 
        -background     => '#cccccc', 
        -font           => "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -foreground     => $FGCOLOR, 
        -relief         => 'sunken', 
        -state          => 'disabled', 
        -textvariable   => \$G_GDS2FILE, 
        -width          => 22, 
    $entryGraphicsFile -> pack(@packList3); 
    ##$entryGraphicsFile -> focus; 

    #### spacer label 
    my $spacerLabel_2 = $mwLeft -> Label( 
        -background => $BGCOLOR,
        -text       => '    ', 
        -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -anchor     => 'w', 
    $spacerLabel_2 -> pack(@packList3);; 

    #### gds2 label 
    my $graphicsFileLabel_1 = $mwLeft -> Label( 
        -text       => " Select Gds2 File:  'double click'", 
        -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -background => $BGCOLOR, 
        -anchor     => 'w', 
    $graphicsFileLabel_1 -> pack(@packList3);; 

    ### -- graphics file listing -- ##
    my $graphicsFileList;
    $graphicsFileList = $mwLeft -> Scrolled(
        -scrollbars   => 'sw',
        -itemtype     => 'imagetext',
        -separator    => '/',
        -selectmode   => 'single',
        -indent       => 25,

        -background     => $BGCOLOR, 
        -bd             => '2', 
        -font           => "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
        -foreground     => $FGCOLOR, 
        -height         => 16, 
        -relief         => 'sunken', 
        -width          => 25, 

        -command      => sub {
            my $localDir = cwd(); 
            my $name=setFileName($_[0]); 
            chomp $G_GDS2FILE; 
            my $rootName = $G_GDS2FILE;
            $rootName =~ s|\.\w*||;
            if ($_[0] eq '.')
                my $waitBox = $graphicsFileList -> WaitBox; 
                $waitBox -> configure( 
                    -txt1       => "Please wait while I list items", 
                    -txt2       => "Thank you", 
                    -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*", 
                    -foreground => $FGCOLOR, 
                    -background => $BGCOLOR, 
                $waitBox -> Show; 

                $graphicsFileList -> delete('entry', $_[0]);
                $graphicsFileList -> add(
                    -text  => $localDir, 
                    -image => $ActFoldImg,
                my $displayName=basename($localDir);
                showGdsFiles('.', $displayName, $graphicsFileList);

                $waitBox -> unShow; 
            chdir $localDir;
    $graphicsFileList -> grid(qw/-sticky nsew/);

    $localDir = cwd();
    $graphicsFileList -> add(
        -text  => $localDir, 
        -image => $FoldImg,

    $graphicsFileList -> pack(@packList3);
    ### -- end Graphics listing -- ##

    #### text areaa 
    $textArea = $MW -> Text( 
        -bd             => '2', 
        -font           => '-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', 
        -height         => 25, 
        -relief         => 'sunken', 
        -setgrid        => 'true', 
        -width          => 93, 
        -wrap           => 'word', 
        -background     => $BGCOLOR3, 
        -foreground     => $FGCOLOR, 

    #### text scrollbar...attached to MW 
    my $textScroll = $MW -> Scrollbar( 
        -command    => [$textArea => 'yview'], 
        -background => $BGCOLOR, 
    $textArea -> configure( 
        -yscrollcommand => ['set', $textScroll], 

    #### scrollbar goes on the left side 
    $textScroll -> pack( 
        -side => 'left', 
        -fill => 'y', 
    #### display 
    $textArea -> pack( 
        -expand => 'yes', 
        -fill => 'both', 

    #### Create Frame for bottom 
    my $mwBottom = $MW -> Frame(
        -relief      => 'raised', 
        -background  => $BGCOLOR,
        -borderwidth => 2,
    $mwBottom -> pack(@packList1); 

    #### Create 'Dump' Button widget ###### 
    my $dumpButton  = $mwBottom -> Button( 
        -font             => '-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', 
        -text             => 'Dump', 
        -height           => 1, 
        -width            => 8, 
        -command          => sub { \&dumpGds($G_GDS2FILE,$compact,$textArea); }, 
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2, 
    $dumpButton -> pack(@packList2);

    #### Create 'Clear' Button widget ###### 
    my $clearButton  = $mwBottom -> Button( 
        -font             => '-*-times-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*', 
        -text             => ' Clear ', 
        -height           => 1, 
        -width            => 8, 
        -command          => sub { \&clear($textArea); }, 
        -background       => $BGCOLOR,
        -activebackground => $BGCOLOR2, 
    $clearButton -> pack(@packList2); 

    $progress -> value($G_percentDone);
    my $fileSize = (stat $fileNameIn)[7];


## subroutines...
sub dumpGds($$;$)
    my $fileNameIn = shift;
    my $compact = shift;
    my $widget = shift;
    my $fileSize = (stat $fileNameIn)[7];
    my $statusNum = 0;
    my $gds2FileIn = new GDS2(-fileName => $fileNameIn);
    if (defined $widget)
        $G_percentDone = 0;
        $MW -> update;
    if ($G_useStatusBar)
        $G_statusBar = new Term::StatusBar (
                        fh         => \*STDERR,
                        label      => "dumpgds of $fileNameIn",
                        showTime   => TRUE,
                        startPos   => 'bottom',
                        totalItems => 100,
        $G_statusBar -> start;

    my $buffer = '';
    my $printString = '';
    my $printIt = TRUE;
    my $bufferSize = 0;
    while ($gds2FileIn -> readGds2Record) 
        $bufferSize += $gds2FileIn -> recordSize;
        $printIt = FALSE;
        my $tmpString = $gds2FileIn -> returnRecordAsString(-compact=>$compact);
        $printString .= $tmpString;
        if ($compact)
            if ( ##{
                    ($printString =~ m/}$/)             ||
                    ($printString =~ m/cell\s*{.*'$/)   || ##}
                    ($printString =~ m/^gds2\s*{\s*\d/) || ##}
                    ($printString =~ m/^lib\s+'\S+'\s+\S+\s+\S+/) ||
                    ($printString =~ m/^[cm]=\d/)
                if ($printString =~ m/^lib\s/)
                    $printString .= "\n$G_header";
                    $printString .= "\n";
                $printIt = TRUE;
            $printString .= "\n";
            $printIt = TRUE;
        my $filePos = $gds2FileIn -> tellSize;
        print STDERR "GDSLENGTH==$filePos bufferSize==$bufferSize" if ($DEBUG);
        if ($printIt)
            if ($compact)
                $printString =~ s/ m1 cr/ cr/;
                $printString =~ s/ m1 xy/ xy/;
                $printString =~ s/ m1 a/ a/;
                $printString =~ s/ 0 pt/ pt/;
                $printString =~ s/ 0 xy/ xy/;
                $printString =~ s/ 0 (f[0-3])/ $1/;
                $printString =~ s/ pt0 / /;
                $printString =~ s/ f0 / /;
                $printString =~ s/ tl / /;
                $printString =~ s/ w0 / /;
                $printString =~ s/ cr (\d+) (\d+)/ cr($1 $2)/;
                $printString =~ s/{ /{/; ##}}
                $printString =~ s/(\d) (d|t)t0 /$1 /; ##}}
            if (defined $widget)
                $widget -> insert('end',"$printString");
                $widget -> update;
            if ($G_ECHO)
                $buffer .= $printString;
            $printString = '';
            if ($G_ECHO && ($bufferSize > $G_outputBufferSize))
                printf $buffer;
                $buffer = '';
                $bufferSize = 0;
        $G_percentDone = int($filePos * 100 / $fileSize);
        if ($G_useStatusBar && ($G_percentDone - $statusNum > 1))
            $G_statusBar -> update($G_percentDone - $statusNum);
            $statusNum = $G_percentDone;
    printf $buffer if ($buffer ne '');
    $buffer = '';
    $bufferSize = 0;
    $G_statusBar -> update(100) if ($G_useStatusBar);

sub setFileName($)
    my $file = $_[0]; 
    my $returnString=''; 
    $file =~ s|\./||; ## for now...
    chomp $file;
    if (-f $file)
    return $returnString; 

sub showGdsFiles 
    my($entryPath, $text, $widget) = @_;

    opendir(DIR, $entryPath);
    my(@dirent_1) = grep ! /^\.\.?$/, sort(readdir DIR);
    closedir DIR;
    my(@dirent_2) = grep ! /~$/, @dirent_1;
    my(@dirent) = grep ! /\.swp$/, @dirent_2;

    if ($entryPath ne '.')
        $widget -> add(
            -text  => $text, 
            -image => $ActFoldImg,
    my $file;
    my $cnt=0;
    while ($file = shift @dirent) 
        my $filePath = "$entryPath/$file";
        if (! -d $filePath) 
            if ( ($file =~ /\.gds[2i]*$/i) or ($file =~ /\.sf$/i) )
                my $size = -s $filePath;
                if (-T $file)
                    $widget -> add(
                        -text  => $file, 
                        -image => $TextFileImg, 
                        -data  => $size,
                    $widget -> add(
                        -text  => $file, 
                        -image => $FileImg, 
                        -data  => $size,
    if (! $cnt)
        print "In order to be seen, graphics files must end in \".gds\", \".gds2\", \".gdsii\", \".sf\" ";
} # end showGdsFiles

sub clear($;$)
    my $widget = shift;

    $widget -> delete('0.0', 'end'); 
    $G_percentDone = 0;
    $widget -> update;

sub printVersion()
    print $main::VERSION;
    exit 0;

sub printUsage(;$)
    my $widget = shift;
    my $printMethodFront = 'printf("'; 
    my $printMethodBack = '\n");'; 
    if (defined $widget && ($widget ne 'help')) 
        $widget -> delete('0.0', 'end'); 
        $widget -> yview('end'); 
        $widget -> insert('end', "Calling help ....\n"); 
        $widget -> update;
        $printMethodFront = "\$widget -> insert(\'end\', \""; 
        $printMethodBack = '\n"); $widget -> update;'; 
        undef $widget;
    eval $printMethodFront." ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  dumpgds rev $main::VERSION".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."Usage:".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  dumpgds [options] gds_file_to_read > outputFile".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."      ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."Synopsis:".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  Dumps GDS2 file out in an ascii format that preserves the data contained ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  therein.".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."Options:".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -compact".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    or".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -gdt".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    output compact gdt format".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -gui".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    run in GUI mode".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -help".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    print help and exit".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -outputbuffersize [integer]".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    or".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -obs [integer] ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    set output buffer size. Default is $G_outputBufferSize".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -progressBar".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    or".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -pb".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    display progress bar if able".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  -version".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."    print version and exit".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  ".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."Examples:".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  dumpgds test.gds > test.gdstxt".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront."  dumpgds -c test.gds > test.gdt".$printMethodBack; 
    eval $printMethodFront." ".$printMethodBack; 
    exit 1 if (! defined $widget);
