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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
$VERSION = 1.0;
use strict;
require 5.006;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use GDS2;
## subs used
sub printUsage();
sub printVersion();
    use constant TRUE  => 1; 
    use constant FALSE => 0; 

## process command line...
my $convertType4Paths=1; ## TODO 
    'help|?'   => \&printUsage,
    'version'  => \&printVersion,
) || printUsage();
my $fileNameIn  = '';
my $fileNameOut = '';
$fileNameIn = shift if ($#ARGV >= 0);
$fileNameOut = shift if ($#ARGV >= 0);
printUsage() if ($#ARGV >= 0);

## take care of things we need from user that were not 
## supplied on command line
if ($fileNameIn eq '')
    my $notDone = 9; #limit for how many times we will ask
    while ($notDone)
        printf("GDS2 file to read: ");
        $fileNameIn = <STDIN>;
        chomp $fileNameIn;
        $notDone = 0 if ($fileNameIn ne '');
    printUsage() if ($fileNameIn eq '');

if ($fileNameOut eq '')
    my $notDone = 9; #limit for how many times we will ask
    while ($notDone)
        printf("GDS2 file to create: ");
        $fileNameOut = <STDIN>;
        chomp $fileNameOut;
        $notDone = 0 if ($fileNameOut ne '');
    printUsage() if ($fileNameOut eq '');

if ($fileNameIn eq $fileNameOut)
    print "ERROR: *** input and output files can not be the same."; 
    print "       For safety this program does not support edit-in-place.";

######## OK we are finally ready to go to work... :-)
my $gds2FileIn = new GDS2(-fileName => $fileNameIn);
my $gds2FileOut = new GDS2(-fileName => ">$fileNameOut");
my $fileSize = (stat $fileNameIn)[7];
my $G_percentDone = 0;
printf STDERR "  0%% done-",$G_percentDone;
my $cnt=0;
my @spinner=('-','\\','|','/');
my $spinCnt=0;
my $numConverted=0;
while (my $record = $gds2FileIn -> readGds2Record()) 
    if ($gds2FileIn -> isPath)
        #  <path>::=          PATH [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER DATATYPE [PATHTYPE]          #
        #                     [WIDTH] [BGNEXTN] [ENDEXTN] [XY]                         #
        my @records=();
        my $layer    = 0;
        my $dataType = 0;
        my $pathType = 0;
        my $width    = 0;
        my $bgnExtn = 0; ## type 4 PATHS
        my $endExtn = 0; ## type 4 PATHS
        my @xyArray=();
        until ($gds2FileIn -> isEndel)
            $layer    = $gds2FileIn -> returnLayer    if ($gds2FileIn -> isLayer);
            $dataType = $gds2FileIn -> returnDatatype if ($gds2FileIn -> isDatatype);
            $pathType = $gds2FileIn -> returnPathtype if ($gds2FileIn -> isPathtype);
            $width    = $gds2FileIn -> returnWidth    if ($gds2FileIn -> isWidth);
            @xyArray  = $gds2FileIn -> returnXyAsArray(-asInteger => 1) if ($gds2FileIn -> isXy);
            if ($convertType4Paths)
                $bgnExtn = $gds2FileIn -> returnBgnextn if ($gds2FileIn -> isBgnextn);
                $endExtn = $gds2FileIn -> returnEndextn if ($gds2FileIn -> isEndextn);
            $record = $gds2FileIn -> readGds2Record();
        $numConverted++ if ($bgnExtn || $endExtn);
        $gds2FileOut -> printPath(
                            -layer    => $layer,
                            -dataType => $dataType,
                            -pathType => 0,#TODO
                            -width    => $width,
                            -bgnExtn  => $bgnExtn,
                            -endExtn  => $endExtn,
                            -xyInt    => \@xyArray,
        $gds2FileOut -> printGds2Record(-type=>'record',-data=>$record);
    if ((++$cnt % 150) == 0)
        $G_percentDone = int($gds2FileIn -> tellSize * 100 / $fileSize);
        printf STDERR "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%3s%% done%s",$G_percentDone,$spinner[$spinCnt % 4];
printf STDERR "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\bDONE. Converted $numConverted path%s.\n",$numConverted==1?'':'s';

## subroutines...
sub printVersion()
    print $main::VERSION;
    exit 1;

sub printUsage()
    print <<EOHELP;
  gdspath4topath0 rev $main::VERSION
  gdspath4topath0 [options] gds_file_to_read gds_file_to_write
  Many programs can not handle the rare use of type 4 paths.
  Creates a new modified GDS2 file that has path type 4s converted to path type 0s.

    print help and exit
    print version and exit
  gdspath4topath0  test.gds  test_xyz.gds


    exit 1;
