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package GDS2;
require 5.008001;
$GDS2::VERSION = '3.33';
## Note: '@ ( # )' used by the what command  E.g. what
$GDS2::revision = '@(#) $Id:,v $ $Revision: 3.33 $ $Date: 2014-09-15 03:27:57-06 $';


=head1 NAME

GDS2 - GDS2 stream module


This is GDS2, a module for creating programs to read and/or write GDS2 files.

Send feedback/suggestions to
perl -le '$_=q(Zpbhgnpe@pvnt.uxa);$_=~tr/n-sa-gt-zh-mZ/a-zS/;print;'


Author: Ken Schumack (c) 1999-2014. All rights reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License.
( see )
 Have fun, Ken


GDS2 allows you to read and write GDS2 files record by record in a
stream fashion which inherently uses little memory. It is capable but
not fast. If you have large files you may be happier using


# Contributor Modification: Toby Schaffer 2004-01-21
# returnUnitsAsArray() added which returns user units and database
# units as a 2 element array.
# Contributor Modification: Peter Baumbach 2002-01-11
# returnRecordAsPerl() was created to facilitate the creation of
# parameterized gds2 data with perl. -Years later Andreas Pawlak
# pointed out a endian problem that needed to be addressed.
# POD documentation is sprinkled throughout the file in an
# attempt at Literate Programming style (which Perl partly supports ...
# see )
# Search for the strings '=head' or run perldoc on this file.

# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce
# documentation in manual or html file format

use strict;
use warnings;
    use constant TRUE    => 1;
    use constant FALSE   => 0;
    use constant UNKNOWN => -1;

    use constant HAVE_FLOCK => TRUE;  ## some systems still may not have this...manually change
    use Config;
    use IO::File;

    use Fcntl q(:flock);  # import LOCK_* constants

no strict qw( refs );

my $isLittleEndian = FALSE; #default - was developed on a BigEndian machine
$isLittleEndian = TRUE if ($Config{'byteorder'} =~ m/^1/); ## Linux mswin32 cygwin vms

use constant NO_REC_DATA  => 0;
use constant BIT_ARRAY    => 1;
use constant INTEGER_2    => 2;
use constant INTEGER_4    => 3;
use constant REAL_4       => 4; ## NOT supported, should not be found in any GDS2
use constant REAL_8       => 5;
use constant ACSII_STRING => 6;

use constant HEADER       =>  0;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant BGNLIB       =>  1;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant LIBNAME      =>  2;   ## ASCII String
use constant UNITS        =>  3;   ## 8-byte Real
use constant ENDLIB       =>  4;   ## no data present
use constant BGNSTR       =>  5;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant STRNAME      =>  6;   ## ASCII String
use constant ENDSTR       =>  7;   ## no data present
use constant BOUNDARY     =>  8;   ## no data present
use constant PATH         =>  9;   ## no data present
use constant SREF         => 10;   ## no data present
use constant AREF         => 11;   ## no data present
use constant TEXT         => 12;   ## no data present
use constant LAYER        => 13;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant DATATYPE     => 14;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant WIDTH        => 15;   ## 4-byte Signed Integer
use constant XY           => 16;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant ENDEL        => 17;   ## no data present
use constant SNAME        => 18;   ## ASCII String
use constant COLROW       => 19;   ## 2 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant TEXTNODE     => 20;   ## no data present
use constant NODE         => 21;   ## no data present
use constant TEXTTYPE     => 22;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant PRESENTATION => 23;   ## Bit Array
use constant SPACING      => 24;   ## discontinued
use constant STRING       => 25;   ## ASCII String
use constant STRANS       => 26;   ## Bit Array
use constant MAG          => 27;   ## 8-byte Real
use constant ANGLE        => 28;   ## 8-byte Real
use constant UINTEGER     => 29;   ## UNKNOWN User int, used only in Calma V2.0
use constant USTRING      => 30;   ## UNKNOWN User string, used only in Calma V2.0
use constant REFLIBS      => 31;   ## ASCII String
use constant FONTS        => 32;   ## ASCII String
use constant PATHTYPE     => 33;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant GENERATIONS  => 34;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
use constant ATTRTABLE    => 35;   ## ASCII String
use constant STYPTABLE    => 36;   ## ASCII String "Unreleased feature"
use constant STRTYPE      => 37;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer "Unreleased feature"
use constant EFLAGS       => 38;   ## BIT_ARRAY  Flags for template and exterior data.  bits 15 to 0, l to r 0=template,
                                   ##   1=external data, others unused
use constant ELKEY        => 39;   ## INTEGER_4  "Unreleased feature"
use constant LINKTYPE     => 40;   ## UNKNOWN    "Unreleased feature"
use constant LINKKEYS     => 41;   ## UNKNOWN    "Unreleased feature"
use constant NODETYPE     => 42;   ## INTEGER_2  Nodetype specification. On Calma this could be 0 to 63, GDSII allows 0 to 255.
                                   ##   Of course a 2 byte integer allows up to 65535...
use constant PROPATTR     => 43;   ## INTEGER_2  Property number.
use constant PROPVALUE    => 44;   ## STRING     Property value. On GDSII, 128 characters max, unless an SREF, AREF, or NODE,
                                   ##   which may have 512 characters.
use constant BOX          => 45;   ## NO_DATA    The beginning of a BOX element.
use constant BOXTYPE      => 46;   ## INTEGER_2  Boxtype specification.
use constant PLEX         => 47;   ## INTEGER_4  Plex number and plexhead flag. The least significant bit of the most significant
                                   ##    byte is the plexhead flag.
use constant BGNEXTN      => 48;   ## INTEGER_4  Path extension beginning for pathtype 4 in Calma CustomPlus. In database units,
                                   ##    may be negative.
use constant ENDEXTN      => 49;   ## INTEGER_4  Path extension end for pathtype 4 in Calma CustomPlus. In database units, may be negative.
use constant TAPENUM      => 50;   ## INTEGER_2  Tape number for multi-reel stream file.
use constant TAPECODE     => 51;   ## INTEGER_2  Tape code to verify that the reel is from the proper set. 12 bytes that are
                                   ##   supposed to form a unique tape code.
use constant STRCLASS     => 52;   ## BIT_ARRAY  Calma use only.
use constant RESERVED     => 53;   ## INTEGER_4  Used to be NUMTYPES per Calma GDSII Stream Format Manual, v6.0.
use constant FORMAT       => 54;   ## INTEGER_2  Archive or Filtered flag.  0: Archive 1: filtered
use constant MASK         => 55;   ## STRING     Only in filtered streams. Layers and datatypes used for mask in a filtered
                                   ##   stream file. A string giving ranges of layers and datatypes separated by a semicolon.
                                   ##   There may be more than one mask in a stream file.
use constant ENDMASKS     => 56;   ## NO_DATA    The end of mask descriptions.
use constant LIBDIRSIZE   => 57;   ## INTEGER_2  Number of pages in library director, a GDSII thing, it seems to have only been
                                   ##   used when Calma INFORM was creating a new library.
use constant SRFNAME      => 58;   ## STRING     Calma "Sticks"(c) rule file name.
use constant LIBSECUR     => 59;   ## INTEGER_2  Access control list stuff for CalmaDOS, ancient. INFORM used this when creating
                                   ##   a new library. Had 1 to 32 entries with group numbers, user numbers and access rights.
use vars '$StrSpace';
use vars '$ElmSpace';

my %RecordTypeNumbers=(
'HEADER'      => HEADER,
'BGNLIB'      => BGNLIB,
'UNITS'       => UNITS,
'ENDLIB'      => ENDLIB,
'BGNSTR'      => BGNSTR,
'ENDSTR'      => ENDSTR,
'PATH'        => PATH,
'SREF'        => SREF,
'AREF'        => AREF,
'TEXT'        => TEXT,
'LAYER'       => LAYER,
'WIDTH'       => WIDTH,
'XY'          => XY,
'ENDEL'       => ENDEL,
'SNAME'       => SNAME,
'COLROW'      => COLROW,
'NODE'        => NODE,
'STRING'      => STRING,
'STRANS'      => STRANS,
'MAG'         => MAG,
'ANGLE'       => ANGLE,
'FONTS'       => FONTS,
'EFLAGS'      => EFLAGS,
'ELKEY'       => ELKEY,
'BOX'         => BOX,
'PLEX'        => PLEX,
'FORMAT'      => FORMAT,
'MASK'        => MASK,

my @RecordTypeStrings=( ## for ascii print of GDS
my @CompactRecordTypeStrings=( ## for compact ascii print of GDS (GDT format) see
'gds2{',          #HEADER
'',               #BGNLIB
'lib',            #LIBNAME
'',               #UNITS
'}',              #ENDLIB
'cell{',          #BGNSTR
'',               #STRNAME
'}',              #ENDSTR
'b{',             #BOUNDARY
'p{',             #PATH
's{',             #SREF
'a{',             #AREF
't{',             #TEXT
'',               #LAYER
' dt',            #DATATYPE
' w',             #WIDTH
' xy(',           #XY  #)
'}',              #ENDEL
'',               #SNAME
' cr',            #COLROW
' tn',            #TEXTNODE
' no',            #NODE
' tt',            #TEXTTYPE
'',               #PRESENTATION'
' sp',            #SPACING
'',               #STRING
'',               #STRANS
' m',             #MAG
' a',             #ANGLE
' ui',            #UINTEGER
' us',            #USTRING
' rl',            #REFLIBS
' f',             #FONTS
' pt',            #PATHTYPE
' gen',           #GENERATIONS
' at',            #ATTRTABLE
' st',            #STYPTABLE
' strt',          #STRTYPE
' ef',            #EFLAGS
' ek',            #ELKEY
' lt',            #LINKTYPE
' lk',            #LINKKEYS
' nt',            #NODETYPE
' ptr',           #PROPATTR
' pv',            #PROPVALUE
' bx',            #BOX
' bt',            #BOXTYPE
' px',            #PLEX
' bx',            #BGNEXTN
' ex',            #ENDEXTN
' tnum',          #TAPENUM
' tcode',         #TAPECODE
' strc',          #STRCLASS
' resv',          #RESERVED
' fmt',           #FORMAT
' msk',           #MASK
' emsk',          #ENDMASKS
' lds',           #LIBDIRSIZE
' srfn',          #SRFNAME
' libs',          #LIBSECUR

my %RecordTypeData=(
'HEADER'       => INTEGER_2,
'BGNLIB'       => INTEGER_2,
'UNITS'        => REAL_8,
'ENDLIB'       => NO_REC_DATA,
'BGNSTR'       => INTEGER_2,
'ENDSTR'       => NO_REC_DATA,
'PATH'         => NO_REC_DATA,
'SREF'         => NO_REC_DATA,
'AREF'         => NO_REC_DATA,
'TEXT'         => NO_REC_DATA,
'LAYER'        => INTEGER_2,
'WIDTH'        => INTEGER_4,
'XY'           => INTEGER_4,
'ENDEL'        => NO_REC_DATA,
'COLROW'       => INTEGER_2,
'NODE'         => NO_REC_DATA,
'SPACING'      => UNKNOWN, #INTEGER_4, discontinued
'STRANS'       => BIT_ARRAY,
'MAG'          => REAL_8,
'ANGLE'        => REAL_8,
'UINTEGER'     => UNKNOWN, #INTEGER_4, no longer used
'USTRING'      => UNKNOWN, #ACSII_STRING, no longer used
'STYPTABLE'    => ACSII_STRING, # unreleased feature
'STRTYPE'      => INTEGER_2, #INTEGER_2, unreleased feature
'EFLAGS'       => BIT_ARRAY,
'ELKEY'        => INTEGER_4, #INTEGER_4, unreleased feature
'LINKTYPE'     => INTEGER_2, #unreleased feature
'LINKKEYS'     => INTEGER_4, #unreleased feature
'BOX'          => NO_REC_DATA,
'BOXTYPE'      => INTEGER_2,
'PLEX'         => INTEGER_4,
'BGNEXTN'      => INTEGER_4,
'ENDEXTN'      => INTEGER_4,
'TAPENUM'      => INTEGER_2,
'FORMAT'       => INTEGER_2,
'MASK'         => ACSII_STRING,

# This is the default class for the GDS2 object to use when all else fails.
$GDS2::DefaultClass = 'GDS2' unless defined $GDS2::DefaultClass;

my $G_gdtString="";
my $G_epsilon="0.001"; ## to take care of floating point representation problems
my $G_fltLen=3;
{ #it's own name space...
    my $fltLenTmp = sprintf("%0.99f",(1.0/3.0)); $fltLenTmp=~s/^0.(3+).*/$1/; $fltLenTmp = length($fltLenTmp) - 10;
    if ($fltLenTmp > length($G_epsilon)) # try to make smaller if we can...
        $G_epsilon = sprintf("%0.${fltLenTmp}f1",0);
        $G_fltLen = $fltLenTmp;
$G_epsilon *= 1; #ensure it's a number


=head1 Examples

  Layer change:
    here's a bare bones script to change all layer 59 to 66 given a file to
    read and a new file to create.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use GDS2;
    my $fileName1 = $ARGV[0];
    my $fileName2 = $ARGV[1];
    my $gds2File1 = new GDS2(-fileName => $fileName1);
    my $gds2File2 = new GDS2(-fileName => ">$fileName2");
    while (my $record = $gds2File1 -> readGds2Record)
        if ($gds2File1 -> returnLayer == 59)
            $gds2File2 -> printLayer(-num=>66);
            $gds2File2 -> printRecord(-data=>$record);

  Gds2 dump:
    here's a complete program to dump the contents of a stream file.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use GDS2;
    my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName=>$ARGV[0]);
    while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
        print $gds2File -> returnRecordAsString;

  Gds2 dump in GDT format: which is smaller and easier to parse -
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use GDS2;
    my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName=>$ARGV[0]);
    while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
        print $gds2File -> returnRecordAsString(-compact=>1);

  Dump from the command line of a bzip2 compressed file:
  perl -MGDS2 -MFileHandle -MIPC::Open3 -e '$f1=new FileHandle;$f0=new FileHandle;open3($f0,$f1,$f1,"bzcat test.gds.bz2");$gds=new GDS2(-fileHandle=>$f1);while($gds->readGds2Record){print $gds->returnRecordAsString(-compact=>1)}'

  Create a complete GDS2 stream file from scratch:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use GDS2;
    my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName=>'>test.gds');
    $gds2File -> printInitLib(-name=>'testlib');
    $gds2File -> printBgnstr(-name=>'test');
    $gds2File -> printPath(
                    -xy=>[0,0, 10.5,0, 10.5,3.3],
    $gds2File -> printSref(
    $gds2File -> printAref(
                    -xy=>[0,0, 10,0, 0,15],
    $gds2File -> printEndstr;
    $gds2File -> printBgnstr(-name => 'contact');
    $gds2File -> printBoundary(
                    -xy=>[0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1],
    $gds2File -> printEndstr;
    $gds2File -> printEndlib();


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new - open gds2 file

  my $gds2File  = new GDS2(-fileName => "filename.gds2"); ## to read
  my $gds2File2 = new GDS2(-fileName => ">filename.gds2"); ## to write

  -or- provide your own fileHandle:

  my $gds2File  = new GDS2(-fileHandle => $fh); ## e.g. to attach to a compression/decompression pipe


sub new
    my($class,%arg) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self,$class || ref $class || $GDS2::DefaultClass;

    my $fileName = $arg{'-fileName'};
    $fileName = "" unless (defined $fileName);

    my $fileHandle = $arg{'-fileHandle'};
    $fileHandle = "" unless (defined $fileHandle);
    if ($fileName && $fileHandle)
        die "new expects a gds2 file name -OR- a file handle. Do not give both.";
    unless ($fileName || $fileHandle)
        die "new expects a -fileName => 'name' OR and -fileHandle => fh $!";
    my $lockMode = LOCK_SH;   ## default
    if ($fileName)
        my $openModStr = substr($fileName,0,2);  ### looking for > or >>
        $openModStr =~ s|^\s+||;
        $openModStr =~ s|[^\+>]+||g;
        my $openModeNum = O_RDONLY;
        if ($openModStr =~ m|^\+|)
            warn("Ignoring '+' in open mode"); ## not handling this yet...
            $openModStr =~ s|\++||;
        if ($openModStr eq '>')
            $openModeNum = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT;
            $lockMode = LOCK_EX;
            $fileName =~ s|^$openModStr||;
        elsif ($openModStr eq '>>')
            $openModeNum = O_WRONLY|O_APPEND;
            $lockMode = LOCK_EX;
            $fileName =~ s|^$openModStr||;
        $fileHandle = new IO::File;
        $fileHandle -> open("$fileName",$openModeNum) or die "Unable to open $fileName because $!";
        if (HAVE_FLOCK)
            flock($fileHandle,$lockMode) or die "File lock on $fileName failed because $!";
    my $resolution = $arg{'-resolution'};
    unless (defined $resolution)
    die "new expects a positive integer resolution. ($resolution) $!" if (($resolution <= 0) || ($resolution !~ m|^\d+$|));
    binmode $fileHandle,':raw';
    $self -> {'Fd'}         = $fileHandle -> fileno;
    $self -> {'FileHandle'} = $fileHandle;
    $self -> {'FileName'}   = $fileName; ## the gds2 filename
    $self -> {'BytesDone'}  = 0;         ## total file size so far
    $self -> {'EOLIB'}      = FALSE;     ## end of library flag
    $self -> {'INHEADER'}   = UNKNOWN;   ## in header? flag TRUE | FALSE | UNKNOWN
    $self -> {'INDATA'}     = FALSE;     ## in data? flag TRUE | FALSE
    $self -> {'Length'}     = 0;         ## length of data
    $self -> {'DataType'}   = UNKNOWN;   ## one of 7 gds datatypes
    $self -> {'UUnits'}     = -1.0;      ## for gds2 file  e.g. 0.001
    $self -> {'DBUnits'}    = -1.0;      ## for gds2 file  e.g. 1e-9
    $self -> {'Record'}     = '';        ## the whole record as found in gds2 file
    $self -> {'RecordType'} = UNKNOWN;
    $self -> {'DataIndex'}  = 0;
    $self -> {'RecordData'} = ();
    $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = '';
    $self -> {'InBoundary'} = FALSE;     ##
    $self -> {'InTxt'}      = FALSE;     ##
    $self -> {'DateFld'}    = 0;     ##
    $self -> {'Resolution'} = $resolution;
    $self -> {'UsingPrettyPrint'} = FALSE; ## print as string ...

#private method to check how accurately users perl can do math
sub getG_epsilon
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

#private method to check how accurately users perl can do math
sub getG_fltLen
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

#private method to report Endianness
sub endianness
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

#private method to clean up number
sub cleanExpNum($)
    my $num = shift;
    $num = sprintf("%0.${G_fltLen}e",$num);
    $num =~ s/([1-9])0+e/$1e/;
    $num =~ s/(\d)\.0+e/$1e/;

#private method to clean up number
sub cleanFloatNum($)
    my $num = shift;
    $num = sprintf("%0.${G_fltLen}f",$num);
    $num =~ s/([1-9])0+$/$1/;
    $num =~ s/(\d)\.0+$/$1/;

=head2 fileNum - file number...



sub fileNum
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    int($self -> {'Fd'});

=head2 close - close gds2 file

  $gds2File -> close;
  $gds2File -> close(-markEnd=>1); ## -- some systems have trouble closing files
  $gds2File -> close(-pad=>2048);  ## -- pad end with \0's till file size is a
                                   ## multiple of number. Note: old reel to reel tapes on Calma
                                   ## systems used 2048 byte blocks


sub close
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $markEnd = $arg{'-markEnd'};
    my $pad = $arg{'-pad'};
    if ((defined $markEnd)&&($markEnd))
        my $fh = $self -> {'FileHandle'};
        print $fh "\x1a\x04"; # a ^Z and a ^D
        $self -> {'BytesDone'} += 2;
    if ((defined $pad)&&($pad > 0))
        my $fh = $self -> {'FileHandle'};
        $fh -> flush;
        my $fileSize = tell($fh);
        my $padSize = $pad - ($fileSize % $pad);
        $padSize=0 if ($padSize == $pad);
        for (my $i=0; $i < $padSize; $i++)
            print $fh "\0"; ## a null
    $self -> {'FileHandle'} -> close;


=head1 High Level Write Methods



=head2 printInitLib() - Does all the things needed to start a library, writes HEADER,BGNLIB,LIBNAME,and UNITS records

The default is to create a library with a default unit of 1 micron that has a resolution of 1000. To get this set uUnit to 0.001 (1/1000) and the dbUnit to 1/1000th of a micron (1e-9).
     $gds2File -> printInitLib(-name    => "testlib",  ## required
                               -isoDate => 0|1         ## (optional) use ISO 4 digit date 2001 vs 101
                               -uUnit   => real number ## (optional) default is 0.001
                               -dbUnit  => real number ## (optional) default is 1e-9

     ## defaults to current date for library date

     remember to close library with printEndlib()


sub printInitLib
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $libName = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $libName)
        die "printInitLib expects a library name. Missing -name => 'name' $!";
    my $isoDate = $arg{'-isoDate'};
    if (! defined $isoDate)
        $isoDate = FALSE;
    elsif ($isoDate != 0)
        $isoDate = TRUE;

    my $uUnit = $arg{'-uUnit'};
    if (! defined $uUnit)
        $uUnit = 0.001;
        $self -> {'Resolution'} = cleanFloatNum(1 / $uUnit); ## default is 1000 - already set in new()
    $self -> {'UUnits'} = $uUnit;

    my $dbUnit = $arg{'-dbUnit'};
    $dbUnit = 1e-9 unless (defined $dbUnit);
    $self -> {'DBUnits'} = $dbUnit;

    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    $year += 1900 if ($isoDate); ## Cadence likes year left "as is". GDS format supports year number up to 65535 -- 101 vs 2001
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'HEADER',-data => 3); ## GDS2 HEADER
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BGNLIB',-data => [$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec]);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LIBNAME',-data => $libName);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'UNITS',-data => [$uUnit,$dbUnit]);

=head2 printBgnstr - Does all the things needed to start a structure definition

    $gds2File -> printBgnstr(-name => "nand3" ## writes BGNSTR and STRNAME records
                             -isoDate => 1|0  ## (optional) use ISO 4 digit date 2001 vs 101

     remember to close with printEndstr()


sub printBgnstr
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

    my $strName = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $strName)
        die "bgnStr expects a structure name. Missing -name => 'name' $!";
    my $createTime = $arg{'-createTime'};
    my $isoDate = $arg{'-isoDate'};
    if (! defined $isoDate)
        $isoDate = FALSE;
    elsif ($isoDate != 0)
        $isoDate = TRUE;
    my ($csec,$cmin,$chour,$cmday,$cmon,$cyear,$cwday,$cyday,$cisdst);
    if (defined $createTime)
        ($csec,$cmin,$chour,$cmday,$cmon,$cyear,$cwday,$cyday,$cisdst) = localtime($createTime);
        ($csec,$cmin,$chour,$cmday,$cmon,$cyear,$cwday,$cyday,$cisdst) = localtime(time);

    my $modTime = $arg{'-modTime'};
    my ($msec,$mmin,$mhour,$mmday,$mmon,$myear,$mwday,$myday,$misdst);
    if (defined $modTime)
        ($msec,$mmin,$mhour,$mmday,$mmon,$myear,$mwday,$myday,$misdst) = localtime($modTime);
        ($msec,$mmin,$mhour,$mmday,$mmon,$myear,$mwday,$myday,$misdst) = localtime(time);

    if ($isoDate)
        $cyear += 1900;  ## 2001 vs 101
        $myear += 1900;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BGNSTR',-data => [$cyear,$cmon,$cmday,$chour,$cmin,$csec,$myear,$mmon,$mmday,$mhour,$mmin,$msec]);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRNAME',-data => $strName);

=head2 printPath - prints a gds2 path

    $gds2File -> printPath(
                    -dataType=>#,     ##optional
                    -unitWidth=>#,    ## (optional) directly specify width in data base units (vs -width which is multipled by resolution)

                    -xy=>\@array,     ## array of reals
                      # -or-
                    -xyInt=>\@array,  ## array of internal ints (optional -wks better if you are modifying an existing GDS2 file)

    layer defaults to 0 if -layer not used
    pathType defaults to 0 if -pathType not used
      pathType 0 = square end
               1 = round end
               2 = square - extended 1/2 width
               4 = custom plus variable path extension...
    width defaults to 0.0 if -width not used


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
sub printPath
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    my $layer = $arg{'-layer'};
    $layer=0 unless ( defined $layer);

    my $dataType = $arg{'-dataType'};
    $dataType=0 unless (defined $dataType);

    my $pathType = $arg{'-pathType'};
    $pathType=0 unless (defined $pathType);

    my $bgnExtn = $arg{'-bgnExtn'};
    $bgnExtn=0 unless (defined $bgnExtn);

    my $endExtn = $arg{'-endExtn'};
    $endExtn=0 unless (defined $endExtn);

    my $unitWidth = $arg{'-unitWidth'};
    my $widthReal = $arg{'-width'};
    my $width = 0;
    if ((defined $unitWidth)&&($unitWidth >= 0))
    if ((defined $widthReal)&&($widthReal >= 0.0))
        $width = int(($widthReal*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'};       ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    my @xyTmp=();               ##don't pollute array passed in
    if (! ((defined $xy) || (defined $xyInt)))
        die "printPath expects an xy array reference. Missing -xy => \\\@array $!";
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PATH');
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LAYER',-data => $layer);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'DATATYPE',-data => $dataType);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PATHTYPE',-data => $pathType) if ($pathType);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'WIDTH',-data => $width) if ($width);
    if ($pathType == 4)
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BGNEXTN',-data => $bgnExtn); ## int used with resolution
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEXTN',-data => $endExtn); ## int used with resolution
    for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$xy;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
        if ($xy -> [$i] >= 0) { push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                  { push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    if ($bgnExtn || $endExtn) ## we have to convert
        my $bgnX1 = $xyTmp[0];
        my $bgnY1 = $xyTmp[1];
        my $bgnX2 = $xyTmp[2];
        my $bgnY2 = $xyTmp[3];
        my $endX1 = $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 1];
        my $endY1 = $xyTmp[$#xyTmp];
        my $endX2 = $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 3];
        my $endY2 = $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 2];
        if ($bgnExtn)
            if ($bgnX1 == $bgnX2) #vertical ...modify 1st Y
                if ($bgnY1 < $bgnY2) ## points down
                    $xyTmp[1] -= $bgnExtn;
                    $xyTmp[1] += int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
                else ## points up
                    $xyTmp[1] += $bgnExtn;
                    $xyTmp[1] -= int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
            elsif ($bgnY1 == $bgnY2) #horizontal ...modify 1st X
                if ($bgnX1 < $bgnX2) ## points left
                    $xyTmp[0] -= $bgnExtn;
                    $xyTmp[0] += int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
                else ## points up
                    $xyTmp[0] += $bgnExtn;
                    $xyTmp[0] -= int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);

        if ($endExtn)
            if ($endX1 == $endX2) #vertical ...modify last Y
                if ($endY1 < $endY2) ## points down
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp] -= $endExtn;
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp] += int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
                else ## points up
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp] += $endExtn;
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp] -= int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
            elsif ($endY1 == $endY2) #horizontal ...modify last X
                if ($endX1 < $endX2) ## points left
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 1] -= $endExtn;
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 1] += int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
                else ## points up
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 1] += $endExtn;
                    $xyTmp[$#xyTmp - 1] -= int($width/2) if ($pathType != 0);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'XY',-data => \@xyTmp);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEL');

=head2 printBoundary - prints a gds2 boundary

    $gds2File -> printBoundary(

                    -xy=>\@array,     ## ref to array of reals
                      # -or-
                    -xyInt=>\@array,  ## ref to array of internal ints (optional -wks better if you are modifying an existing GDS2 file)

    layer defaults to 0 if -layer not used
    dataType defaults to 0 if -dataType not used


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
sub printBoundary
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    my $layer = $arg{'-layer'};
    $layer=0 unless (defined $layer);
    my $dataType = $arg{'-dataType'};
    $dataType=0 unless (defined $dataType);
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'}; ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    my @xyTmp=(); ##don't pollute array passed in
    unless (defined($xy) || defined($xyInt))
        die "printBoundary expects an xy array reference. Missing -xy => \\\@array $!";
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BOUNDARY');
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LAYER',-data => $layer);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'DATATYPE',-data => $dataType);
    if (my $numPoints=$#$xy+1 < 6)
        die "printBoundary expects an xy array of at leasts 3 coordinates $!";
    for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$xy;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
        if ($xy -> [$i] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                  {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    ## gds expects square to have 5 coords (closure)
    if (($xy -> [0] != ($xy -> [($#$xy - 1)])) || ($xy -> [1] != ($xy -> [$#$xy])))
        if ($xy -> [0] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [0])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                 {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [0])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
        if ($xy -> [1] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [1])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                 {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [1])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'XY',-data => \@xyTmp);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEL');

=head2 printSref - prints a gds2 Structure REFerence

    $gds2File -> printSref(
                    -name=>string,   ## Name of structure

                    -xy=>\@array,    ## ref to array of reals
                      # -or-
                    -xyInt=>\@array, ## ref to array of internal ints (optional -wks better than -xy if you are modifying an existing GDS2 file)

                    -angle=>#.#,     ## (optional) Default is 0.0
                    -mag=>#.#,       ## (optional) Default is 1.0
                    -reflect=>0|1    ## (optional)

    best not to specify angle or mag if not needed


#<SREF>::= SREF [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] SNAME [<strans>] XY
#  <strans>::=   STRANS [MAG] [ANGLE]
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
sub printSref
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $useSTRANS=FALSE;
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    my $sname = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $sname)
        die "printSref expects a name string. Missing -name => 'text' $!";
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'}; ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    unless (defined($xy) || defined($xyInt))
        die "printSref expects an xy array reference. Missing -xy => \\\@array $!";
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'SREF');
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'SNAME',-data => $sname);
    my $reflect = $arg{'-reflect'};
    if ((! defined $reflect)||($reflect <= 0))
    my $mag = $arg{'-mag'};
    if ((! defined $mag)||($mag <= 0))
        $mag = cleanFloatNum($mag);
    my $angle = $arg{'-angle'};
    if (! defined $angle)
        $angle = -1; #not really... just means not specified
    if ($useSTRANS)
        my $data=$reflect.'0'x15; ## 16 'bit' string
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRANS',-data => $data);
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'MAG',-data => $mag) if ($mag);
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ANGLE',-data => $angle) if ($angle >= 0);
    my @xyTmp=(); ##don't pollute array passed in
    for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$xy;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
        if ($xy -> [$i] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                  {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'XY',-data => \@xyTmp);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEL');

=head2 printAref - prints a gds2 Array REFerence

    $gds2File -> printAref(
                    -name=>string,   ## Name of structure
                    -columns=>#,     ## Default is 1
                    -rows=>#,        ## Default is 1

                    -xy=>\@array,    ## ref to array of reals
                      # -or-
                    -xyInt=>\@array, ## ref to array of internal ints (optional -wks better if you are modifying an existing GDS2 file)

                    -angle=>#.#,     ## (optional) Default is 0.0
                    -mag=>#.#,       ## (optional) Default is 1.0
                    -reflect=>0|1    ## (optional)

    best not to specify angle or mag if not needed
    xyList: 1st coord: origin, 2nd coord: X of col * xSpacing + origin, 3rd coord: Y of row * ySpacing + origin


#  <strans>::= STRANS [MAG] [ANGLE]
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
sub printAref
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $useSTRANS=FALSE;
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    my $sname = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $sname)
        die "printAref expects a sname string. Missing -name => 'text' $!";
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'}; ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    unless (defined($xy) || defined($xyInt))
        die "printAref expects an xy array reference. Missing -xy => \\\@array $!";
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'AREF');
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'SNAME',-data => $sname);
    my $reflect = $arg{'-reflect'};
    if ((! defined $reflect)||($reflect <= 0))
    my $mag = $arg{'-mag'};
    if ((! defined $mag)||($mag <= 0))
        $mag = cleanFloatNum($mag);
    my $angle = $arg{'-angle'};
    if (! defined $angle)
        $angle = -1; #not really... just means not specified
    if ($useSTRANS)
        my $data=$reflect.'0'x15; ## 16 'bit' string
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRANS',-data => $data);
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'MAG',-data => $mag) if ($mag);
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ANGLE',-data => $angle) if ($angle >= 0);
    my $columns = $arg{'-columns'};
    if ((! defined $columns)||($columns <= 0))
        $columns = int($columns);
    my $rows = $arg{'-rows'};
    if ((! defined $rows)||($rows <= 0))
        $rows = int($rows);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'COLROW',-data => [$columns,$rows]);
    my @xyTmp=(); ##don't pollute array passed in
    for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$xy;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
        if ($xy -> [$i] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                  {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'XY',-data => \@xyTmp);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEL');

=head2 printText - prints a gds2 Text

    $gds2File -> printText(
                    -layer=>#,      ## Default is 0
                    -textType=>#,   ## Default is 0
                    -font=>#,       ## 0-3
                    -top, or -middle, -bottom,     ##optional vertical presentation
                    -left, or -center, or -right,  ##optional horizontal presentation

                    -xy=>\@array,     ## ref to array of reals
                      # -or-
                    -xyInt=>\@array,  ## ref to array of internal ints (optional -wks better if you are modifying an existing GDS2 file)

                    -x=>#.#,          ## optional way of passing in x value
                    -y=>#.#,          ## optional way of passing in y value
                    -angle=>#.#,      ## (optional) Default is 0.0
                    -mag=>#.#,        ## (optional) Default is 1.0
                    -reflect=>#,      ## (optional) Default is 0

    best not to specify reflect, angle or mag if not needed


#<text>::= TEXT [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER <textbody>
#    <strans>::= STRANS [MAG] [ANGLE]
sub printText
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $useSTRANS=FALSE;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printText expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    my $x = $arg{'-x'};
    my $y = $arg{'-y'};
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'}; ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    if (defined $xy)
        $x = $xy -> [0];
        $y = $xy -> [1];

    my $x2 = $arg{'-x'};
    if (defined $x2)
        $x = $x2;
    unless (defined $x)
        die "printText expects a x coord. Missing -xy=>\@array or -x => 'num' $!";
    if ($x>=0) {$x = int(($x*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
    else       {$x = int(($x*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}

    my $y2 = $arg{'-y'};
    if (defined $y2)
        $y = $y2;
    unless (defined $y)
        die "printText expects a y coord. Missing -xy=>\@array or -y => 'num' $!";
    if ($y>=0) {$y = int(($y*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
    else       {$y = int(($y*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}

    my $layer = $arg{'-layer'};
    $layer=0 unless (defined $layer);
    my $textType = $arg{'-textType'};
    $textType=0 unless (defined $textType);
    my $reflect = $arg{'-reflect'};
    if ((! defined $reflect)||($reflect <= 0))

    my $font = $arg{'-font'};
    if ((! defined $font) || ($font < 0) || ($font > 3))
    $font = sprintf("%02d",$font);

    my $vertical;
    my $top = $arg{'-top'};
    my $middle = $arg{'-middle'};
    my $bottom = $arg{'-bottom'};
    if    (defined $top)    {$vertical = '00';}
    elsif (defined $bottom) {$vertical = '10';}
    else                    {$vertical = '01';} ## middle
    my $horizontal;
    my $left   = $arg{'-left'};
    my $center = $arg{'-center'};
    my $right  = $arg{'-right'};
    if    (defined $left)  {$horizontal = '00';}
    elsif (defined $right) {$horizontal = '10';}
    else                   {$horizontal = '01';} ## center
    my $presString = '0'x10;
    $presString .= "$font$vertical$horizontal";

    my $mag = $arg{'-mag'};
    if ((! defined $mag)||($mag <= 0))
        $mag = cleanFloatNum($mag);
    my $angle = $arg{'-angle'};
    if (! defined $angle)
        $angle = -1; #not really... just means not specified
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'TEXT');
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'LAYER',-data=>$layer);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'TEXTTYPE',-data=>$textType);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PRESENTATION',-data => $presString) if (defined $font || defined $top || defined $middle || defined $bottom || defined $bottom || defined $left || defined $center || defined $right);
    if ($useSTRANS)
        my $data=$reflect.'0'x15; ## 16 'bit' string
        $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'STRANS',-data=>$data);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'MAG',-data=>$mag) if ($mag);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'ANGLE',-data=>$angle) if ($angle >= 0);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'XY',-data=>[$x,$y]);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'STRING',-data=>$string);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'ENDEL');

=head1 Low Level Generic Write Methods



=head2  saveGds2Record() - low level method to create a gds2 record given record type
  and data (if required). Data of more than one item should be given as a list.


            -data=>data_If_Needed, ##optional for some types
            -scale=>#.#,           ##optional number to scale data to. I.E -scale=>0.5 #default is NOT to scale
            -snap=>#.#,            ##optional number to snap data to I.E. -snap=>0.005 #default is 1 resolution unit, typically 0.001

    my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName => ">$fileName");
    my $record = $gds2File -> saveGds2Record(-type=>'header',-data=>3);
    $gds2FileOut -> printGds2Record(-type=>'record',-data=>$record);


sub saveGds2Record
    my ($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $record='';

    my $type = $arg{'-type'};
    if (! defined $type)
        die "saveGds2Record expects a type name. Missing -type => 'name' $!";
        $type = uc $type;

    my $saveEnd=$\;

    my @data = $arg{'-data'};
    my $dataString = $arg{'-asciiData'};
    die "saveGds2Record can not handle both -data and -asciiData options $!" if ((defined $dataString)&&((defined $data[0])&&($data[0] ne '')));

    my $data = '';
    if ($type eq 'RECORD') ## special case...
        return $data[0];
        my $numDataElements = 0;
        my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};

        my $scale = $arg{'-scale'};
        if (! defined $scale)
        if ($scale <= 0)
            die "saveGds2Record expects a positive scale -scale => $scale $!";

        my $snap = $arg{'-snap'};
        if (! defined $snap) ## default is one resolution unit
            $snap = 1;
            $snap = $snap*$resolution; ## i.e. 0.001 -> 1
        if ($snap < 1)
            die "saveGds2Record expects a snap >= 1/resolution -snap => $snap $!";

        if ((defined $data[0])&&($data[0] ne ''))
            $data = $data[0];
            $numDataElements = @$data;
            if ($numDataElements) ## passed in anonymous array
                @data = @$data; ## deref
                $numDataElements = @data;

        my $recordDataType = $RecordTypeData{$type};
        if (defined $dataString)
            $dataString=~s|^\s+||; ## clean-up
            $dataString=~s|\s+| |g if ($dataString !~ m|'|); ## don't compress spaces in strings...
            $dataString=~s|'$||; #'for strings
            $dataString=~s|^'||; #'for strings
            if (($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)||($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING))
                $data = $dataString;
                $dataString=~s|\s*[\s,;:/\\]+\s*| |g; ## incase commas etc... (non-std) were added by hand
                @data = split(' ',$dataString);
                $numDataElements = @data;
                if ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)
                    my @xyTmp=();
                    for(my $i=0;$i<$numDataElements;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
                        if ($data[$i]>=0) {push @xyTmp,int((($data[$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
                        else              {push @xyTmp,int((($data[$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
        my $byte;
        my $length = 0;
        if ($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)
            $length = 2;
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_2)
            $length = 2 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)
            $length = 4 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_8)
            $length = 8 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING)
            my $slen = length $data;
            $length = $slen + ($slen % 2); ## needs to be an even number

        my $recordLength = pack 'S',($length + 4); #1 2 bytes for length 3rd for recordType 4th for dataType
        $record .= $recordLength;
        my $recordType = pack 'C',$RecordTypeNumbers{$type};
        $record .= $recordType;

        my $dataType   = pack 'C',$RecordTypeData{$type};
        $record .= $dataType;

        if ($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)     ## bit array
            my $bitLength = $length * 8;
            $record .= pack("B$bitLength",$data);
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_2)  ## 2 byte signed integer
            foreach my $num (@data)
                $record .= pack('s',$num);
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)  ## 4 byte signed integer
            foreach my $num (@data)
                $num = scaleNum($num,$scale) if ($scale != 1);
                $num = snapNum($num,$snap) if ($snap != 1);
                $record .= pack('i',$num);
        elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_8)  ## 8 byte real
            foreach my $num (@data)
                my $real = $num;
                my $negative = FALSE;
                if($num < 0.0)
                    $negative = TRUE;
                    $real = 0 - $num;

                my $exponent = 0;
                while($real >= 1.0)
                    $real = ($real / 16.0);

                if ($real != 0)
                    while($real < 0.0625)
                        $real = ($real * 16.0);

                if($negative) { $exponent += 192; }
                else          { $exponent += 64; }
                $record .= pack('C',$exponent);

                for (my $i=1; $i<=7; $i++)
                    if ($real>=0) {$byte = int(($real*256.0)+$G_epsilon);}
                    else          {$byte = int(($real*256.0)-$G_epsilon);}
                    $record .= pack('C',$byte);
                    $real = $real * 256.0 - ($byte + 0.0);
        elsif ($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING)  ## ascii string (null padded)
            $record .= pack("a$length",$data);

=head2  printGds2Record() - low level method to print a gds2 record given record type
  and data (if required). Data of more than one item should be given as a list.

            -data=>data_If_Needed, ##optional for some types
            -scale=>#.#,           ##optional number to scale data to. I.E -scale=>0.5 #default is NOT to scale
            -snap=>#.#,            ##optional number to snap data to I.E. -snap=>0.005 #default is 1 resolution unit, typically 0.001

    my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName => ">$fileName");

    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'header',-data=>3);
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'bgnlib',-data=>[99,12,1,22,33,0,99,12,1,22,33,9]);
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'libname',-data=>"testlib");
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'units',-data=>[0.001, 1e-9]);
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'bgnstr',-data=>[99,12,1,22,33,0,99,12,1,22,33,9]);
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'endstr');
    $gds2File -> printGds2Record(-type=>'endlib');

  Note: the special record type of 'record' can be used to copy a complete record
  just read in:
    while (my $record = $gds2FileIn -> readGds2Record())
        $gds2FileOut -> printGds2Record(-type=>'record',-data=>$record);


sub printGds2Record
    my ($self,%arg) = @_;

    my $type = $arg{'-type'};
    unless (defined $type)
        die "printGds2Record expects a type name. Missing -type => 'name' $!";
        $type = uc $type;
    my @data = $arg{'-data'};
    my $dataString = $arg{'-asciiData'};
    die "printGds2Record can not handle both -data and -asciiData options $!" if ((defined $dataString)&&((defined $data[0])&&($data[0] ne '')));

    my $fh = $self -> {'FileHandle'};
    my $saveEnd=$\;

    my $data = '';
    @data = () unless (defined $data[0]);
    my $recordLength; ## 1st 2 bytes for length 3rd for recordType 4th for dataType
    if ($type eq 'RECORD') ## special case...
        if ($isLittleEndian)
            my $length = substr($data[0],0,2);
            $recordLength = unpack 'v',$length;
            $self -> {'BytesDone'} += $recordLength;
            $length = reverse $length;
            print($fh $length);

            my $recordType = substr($data[0],2,1);
            print($fh $recordType);
            $recordType = unpack 'C',$recordType;
            $type = $RecordTypeStrings[$recordType]; ## will use code below.....

            my $dataType = substr($data[0],3,1);
            print($fh $dataType);
            $dataType = unpack 'C',$dataType;
            if ($recordLength > 4)
                my $lengthLeft = $recordLength - 4; ## length left
                my $recordDataType = $RecordTypeData{$type};

                if (($recordDataType == INTEGER_2) || ($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY))
                    my $binData = unpack 'b*',$data[0];
                    my $intData = substr($binData,32); #skip 1st 4 bytes (length, recordType dataType)

                    my ($byteInt2String,$byte2);
                    for(my $i=0; $i<($lengthLeft/2); $i++)
                        $byteInt2String = reverse(substr($intData,0,16,''));
                        $byte2=pack 'B16',reverse($byteInt2String);
                        print($fh $byte2);
                elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)
                    my $binData = unpack 'b*',$data[0];
                    my $intData = substr($binData,32); #skip 1st 4 bytes (length, recordType dataType)
                    my ($byteInt4String,$byte4);
                    for(my $i=0; $i<($lengthLeft/4); $i++)
                        $byteInt4String = reverse(substr($intData,0,32,''));
                        $byte4=pack 'B32',reverse($byteInt4String);
                        print($fh $byte4);
                elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_8)
                    my $binData = unpack 'b*',$data[0];
                    my $realData = substr($binData,32); #skip 1st 4 bytes (length, recordType dataType)
                    my ($bit64String,$mantissa,$byteString,$byte);
                    for(my $i=0; $i<($lengthLeft/8); $i++)
                        $bit64String = substr($realData,($i*64),64);
                        print($fh pack 'b8',$bit64String);
                        $mantissa = substr($bit64String,8,56);
                        for(my $j=0; $j<7; $j++)
                            $byteString = substr($mantissa,($j*8),8);
                            $byte=pack 'b8',$byteString;
                            print($fh $byte);
                elsif ($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING)  ## ascii string (null padded)
                    print($fh pack("a$lengthLeft",substr($data[0],4)));
                elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_4)  ## 4 byte real
                    die "4-byte reals are not supported $!";
            print($fh $data[0]);
            $recordLength = length $data[0];
            $self -> {'BytesDone'} += $recordLength;
    else #if ($type ne 'RECORD')
        my $numDataElements = 0;
        my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
        my $uUnits = $self -> {'UUnits'};

        my $scale = $arg{'-scale'};
        if (! defined $scale)
        if ($scale <= 0)
            die "printGds2Record expects a positive scale -scale => $scale $!";

        my $snap = $arg{'-snap'};
        if (! defined $snap) ## default is one resolution unit
            $snap = 1;
            $snap = int(($snap*$resolution)+$G_epsilon); ## i.e. 0.001 -> 1
        if ($snap < 1)
            die "printGds2Record expects a snap >= 1/resolution -snap => $snap $!";

        if ((defined $data[0])&&($data[0] ne ''))
            $data = $data[0];
            $numDataElements = @$data;
            if ($numDataElements) ## passed in anonymous array
                @data = @$data; ## deref
                $numDataElements = @data;

        my $recordDataType = $RecordTypeData{$type};

        if (defined $dataString)
            $dataString=~s|^\s+||; ## clean-up
            $dataString=~s|\s+| |g if ($dataString !~ m|'|); ## don't compress spaces in strings...
            $dataString=~s|'$||; #'# for strings
            $dataString=~s|^'||; #'# for strings
            if (($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)||($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING))
                $data = $dataString;
                $dataString=~s|\s*[\s,;:/\\]+\s*| |g; ## in case commas etc... (non-std) were added by hand
                @data = split(' ',$dataString);
                $numDataElements = @data;
                if ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)
                    my @xyTmp=();
                    for(my $i=0;$i<$numDataElements;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
                        if ($data[$i]>=0) {push @xyTmp,int((($data[$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
                        else              {push @xyTmp,int((($data[$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
        my $byte;
        my $length = 0;
        if ($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)
            $length = 2;
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_2)
            $length = 2 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)
            $length = 4 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_8)
            $length = 8 * $numDataElements;
        elsif ($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING)
            my $slen = length $data;
            $length = $slen + ($slen % 2); ## needs to be an even number
        $self -> {'BytesDone'} += $length;
        if ($isLittleEndian)
            $recordLength = pack 'v',($length + 4);
            $recordLength = reverse $recordLength;
            $recordLength = pack 'S',($length + 4);
        print($fh $recordLength);

        my $recordType = pack 'C',$RecordTypeNumbers{$type};
        $recordType = reverse $recordType if ($isLittleEndian);
        print($fh $recordType);

        my $dataType   = pack 'C',$RecordTypeData{$type};
        $dataType = reverse $dataType if ($isLittleEndian);
        print($fh $dataType);

        if ($recordDataType == BIT_ARRAY)     ## bit array
            my $bitLength = $length * 8;
            my $value = pack("B$bitLength",$data);
            print($fh $value);
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_2)  ## 2 byte signed integer
            my $value;
            foreach my $num (@data)
                $value = pack('s',$num);
                $value = reverse $value if ($isLittleEndian);
                print($fh $value);
        elsif ($recordDataType == INTEGER_4)  ## 4 byte signed integer
            my $value;
            foreach my $num (@data)
                $num = scaleNum($num,$scale) if ($scale != 1);
                $num = snapNum($num,$snap) if ($snap != 1);
                $value = pack('i',$num);
                $value = reverse $value if ($isLittleEndian);
                print($fh $value);
        elsif ($recordDataType == REAL_8)  ## 8 byte real
            my ($real,$negative,$exponent,$value);
            foreach my $num (@data)
                $real = $num;
                $negative = FALSE;
                if($num < 0.0)
                    $negative = TRUE;
                    $real = 0 - $num;

                $exponent = 0;
                while($real >= 1.0)
                    $real = ($real / 16.0);

                if ($real != 0)
                    while($real < 0.0625)
                        $real = ($real * 16.0);
                if($negative) { $exponent += 192; }
                else          { $exponent += 64; }
                $value = pack('C',$exponent);
                $value = reverse $value if ($isLittleEndian);
                print($fh $value);

                for (my $i=1; $i<=7; $i++)
                    if ($real>=0) {$byte = int(($real*256.0)+$G_epsilon);}
                    else          {$byte = int(($real*256.0)-$G_epsilon);}
                    my $value = pack('C',$byte);
                    $value = reverse $value if ($isLittleEndian);
                    print($fh $value);
                    $real = $real * 256.0 - ($byte + 0.0);
        elsif ($recordDataType == ACSII_STRING)  ## ascii string (null padded)
            print($fh pack("a$length",$data));

=head2 printRecord - prints a record just read

    $gds2File -> printRecord(
                  -data => $record


sub printRecord
    my ($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $record = $arg{'-data'};
    if (! defined $record)
        die "printGds2Record expects a data record. Missing -data => \$record $!";
    my $type = $arg{'-type'};
    if (defined $type)
        die "printRecord does not take -type. Perhaps you meant to use printGds2Record? $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'record',-data=>$record);


=head1 Low Level Generic Read Methods



=head2 readGds2Record - reads record header and data section

  while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
      if ($gds2File -> returnRecordTypeString eq 'LAYER')
          $layersFound[$gds2File -> layer] = 1;


sub readGds2Record
    my $self = shift;
    return "" if ($self -> {'EOLIB'});
    $self -> readGds2RecordHeader();
    $self -> readGds2RecordData();
    $self -> {'INHEADER'} = FALSE;
    $self -> {'INDATA'}   = TRUE; ## actually just done w/ it
    $self -> {'Record'};

=head2 readGds2RecordHeader - only reads gds2 record header section (2 bytes)

  slightly faster if you just want a certain thing...
  while ($gds2File -> readGds2RecordHeader)
      if ($gds2File -> returnRecordTypeString eq 'LAYER')
          $gds2File -> readGds2RecordData;
          $layersFound[$gds2File -> returnLayer] = 1;


sub readGds2RecordHeader
    my $self = shift;

    $self -> skipGds2RecordData() if ((! $self -> {'INDATA'}) && ($self -> {'INHEADER'} != UNKNOWN)) ; # need to read record data before header unless 1st time
    $self -> {'Record'} = '';
    $self -> {'RecordType'} = UNKNOWN;
    $self -> {'INHEADER'} = TRUE; ## will actually be just just done with it by the time we can check this ...
    $self -> {'INDATA'}   = FALSE;
    return '' if ($self -> {'EOLIB'}); ## no sense reading null padding..

    my $buffer = '';
    return 0 if (! read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$buffer,4));
    my $data;
    #if (read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,2)) ### length
    $data = substr($buffer,0,2);
        $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
        $self -> {'Record'} = $data;
        $self -> {'Length'} = unpack 'S',$data;
        $self -> {'BytesDone'} += $self -> {'Length'};

    #if (read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,1)) ## record type
    $data = substr($buffer,2,1);
        $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
        $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
        $self -> {'RecordType'} = unpack 'C',$data;
        $self -> {'EOLIB'} = TRUE if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == ENDLIB);

        if ($self -> {'UsingPrettyPrint'})
            putStrSpace('')   if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == ENDSTR);
            putStrSpace('  ') if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == BGNSTR);

            putElmSpace('  ') if ((($self -> {'RecordType'}) == TEXT) || (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == PATH) ||
                                 (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == BOUNDARY) || (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == SREF) ||
                                 (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == AREF));
            if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == ENDEL)
                $self -> {'InTxt'} = FALSE;
                $self -> {'InBoundary'} = FALSE;
            $self -> {'InTxt'} = TRUE if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == TEXT);
            $self -> {'InBoundary'} = TRUE if (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == BOUNDARY);
            if ((($self -> {'RecordType'}) == LIBNAME) || (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == STRNAME))

                $self -> {'DateFld'} = 0;
            $self -> {'DateFld'} = 1 if ((($self -> {'RecordType'}) == BGNLIB) || (($self -> {'RecordType'}) == BGNSTR));

    #if (read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,1)) ## data type
    $data = substr($buffer,3,1);
        $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
        $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
        $self -> {'DataType'} = unpack 'C',$data;
    #printf("P:Length=%-5d RecordType=%-2d DataType=%-2d\n",$self -> {'Length'},$self -> {'RecordType'},$self -> {'DataType'}); ##DEBUG
    return 1;

=head2 readGds2RecordData - only reads record data section

  slightly faster if you just want a certain thing...
  while ($gds2File -> readGds2RecordHeader)
      if ($gds2File -> returnRecordTypeString eq 'LAYER')
          $gds2File -> readGds2RecordData;
          $layersFound[$gds2File -> returnLayer] = 1;


sub readGds2RecordData
    my $self = shift;

    $self -> readGds2RecordHeader() if ($self -> {'INHEADER'} != TRUE); # program did not read HEADER - needs to...
    return $self -> {'Record'} if ($self -> {'DataType'} == NO_REC_DATA); # no sense going on...
    $self -> {'INHEADER'} = FALSE; # not in HEADER - need to read HEADER next time around...
    $self -> {'INDATA'}   = TRUE;  # rather in DATA - actually will be at the end of data by the time we test this...
    $self -> {'RecordData'} = '';
    $self -> {'RecordData'} = ();
    $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = '';
    my $bytesLeft = $self -> {'Length'} - 4; ## 4 should have been just read by readGds2RecordHeader
    my $data;
    if ($self -> {'DataType'} == BIT_ARRAY)     ## bit array
        $self -> {'DataIndex'}=0;
        read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,$bytesLeft);
        $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
        my $bitsLeft = $bytesLeft * 8;
        $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
        $self -> {'RecordData'}[0] = unpack "B$bitsLeft",$data;
        $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = ($self -> {'RecordData'}[0]);
    elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_2)  ## 2 byte signed integer
        my $tmpListString = '';
        my $i = 0;
        while ($bytesLeft)
            read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,2);
            $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
            $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
            $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i] = unpack 's',$data;
            $tmpListString .= ',';
            $tmpListString .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            $bytesLeft -= 2;
        $self -> {'DataIndex'} = $i - 1;
        $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = $tmpListString;
    elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_4)  ## 4 byte signed integer
        my $tmpListString = '';
        my $i = 0;
        my $buffer = '';
        read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$buffer,$bytesLeft); ## try fewer reads
        for(my $start=0; $start < $bytesLeft; $start += 4)
            $data = substr($buffer,$start,4);
            $data = reverse $data if ($isLittleEndian);
            $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
            $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i] = unpack 'i',$data;
            $tmpListString .= ',';
            $tmpListString .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
        $self -> {'DataIndex'} = $i - 1;
        $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = $tmpListString;
    elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == REAL_4)  ## 4 byte real
        die "4-byte reals are not supported $!";
    elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == REAL_8)  ## 8 byte real - UNITS, MAG, ANGLE
        my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
        my $tmpListString = '';
        my $i = 0;
        my ($negative,$exponent,$mantdata,$byteString,$byte,$mantissa,$real);
        while ($bytesLeft)
            read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,1); ## sign bit and 7 exponent bits
            $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
            $negative = unpack 'B',$data; ## sign bit
            $exponent = unpack 'C',$data;
            if ($negative)
                $exponent -= 192; ## 128 + 64
                $exponent -= 64;
            read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,7); ## mantissa bits
            $mantdata = unpack 'b*',$data;
            $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
            $mantissa = 0.0;
            for(my $j=0; $j<7; $j++)
                $byteString = substr($mantdata,0,8,'');
                $byte = pack 'b*',$byteString;
                $byte = unpack 'C',$byte;
                $mantissa += $byte / (256.0**($j+1));
            $real = $mantissa * (16**$exponent);
            $real = (0 - $real) if ($negative);
            if ($RecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}] eq 'UNITS')
                if ($self -> {'UUnits'} == -1.0)
                    $self -> {'UUnits'} = $real;
                elsif ($self -> {'DBUnits'} == -1.0)
                    $self -> {'DBUnits'} = $real;
                ### this works because UUnits and DBUnits are 1st reals in GDS2 file
                $real = int(($real+($self -> {'UUnits'}/$resolution))/$self -> {'UUnits'})*$self -> {'UUnits'} if ($self -> {'UUnits'} != 0); ## "rounds" off
            $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i] = $real;
            $tmpListString .= ',';
            $tmpListString .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            $bytesLeft -= 8;
        $self -> {'DataIndex'} = $i - 1;
        $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = $tmpListString;
    elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == ACSII_STRING)  ## ascii string (null padded)
        $self -> {'DataIndex'} = 0;
        read($self -> {'FileHandle'},$data,$bytesLeft);
        $self -> {'Record'} .= $data;
        $self -> {'RecordData'}[0] = unpack "a$bytesLeft",$data;
        $self -> {'RecordData'}[0] =~ s|\0||g; ## take off ending nulls
        $self -> {'CurrentDataList'} = ($self -> {'RecordData'}[0]);
    return 1;

=head1 Low Level Generic Evaluation Methods



=head2 returnRecordType - returns current (read) record type as integer

  if ($gds2File -> returnRecordType == 6)
      print "found STRNAME";


sub returnRecordType
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> {'RecordType'};

=head2 returnRecordTypeString - returns current (read) record type as string

  if ($gds2File -> returnRecordTypeString eq 'LAYER')
      code goes here...


sub returnRecordTypeString
    my $self = shift;
    $RecordTypeStrings[($self -> {'RecordType'})];

=head2 returnRecordAsString - returns current (read) record as a string

  while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
      print $gds2File -> returnRecordAsString(-compact=>1);


sub returnRecordAsString()
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $compact = $arg{'-compact'};
    $compact = FALSE if (! defined $compact);
    my $string = '';
    $self -> {'UsingPrettyPrint'} = TRUE;
    my $inText = $self -> {'InTxt'};
    my $inBoundary = $self -> {'InBoundary'};
    my $dateFld = $self -> {'DateFld'};
    if (! $compact)
        $string .= getStrSpace() if ($self -> {'RecordType'} != BGNSTR);
        $string .= getElmSpace() if (!(
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOUNDARY) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PATH) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXT) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SREF) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == AREF)
    my $recordType = $RecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}];
    if ($compact)
        $string .= $CompactRecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}];
        $string .= $recordType;
    my $i = 0;
    while ($i <= $self -> {'DataIndex'})
        if ($self -> {'DataType'} == BIT_ARRAY)
            my $bitString = $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            if ($isLittleEndian)
                $bitString =~ m|(........)(........)|;
                $bitString = "$2$1";
            if ($compact)
                $string .= ' fx' if($bitString =~ m/^1/);
                if ($inText && ($self -> {'RecordType'} != STRANS))
                    $string .= ' f';
                    $string .= '0' if ($bitString =~ m/00....$/);
                    $string .= '1' if ($bitString =~ m/01....$/);
                    $string .= '2' if ($bitString =~ m/10....$/);
                    $string .= '3' if ($bitString =~ m/11....$/);
                    $string .= ' t' if ($bitString =~ m/00..$/);
                    $string .= ' m' if ($bitString =~ m/01..$/);
                    $string .= ' b' if ($bitString =~ m/10..$/);
                    $string .= 'l' if ($bitString =~ m/00$/);
                    $string .= 'c' if ($bitString =~ m/01$/);
                    $string .= 'r' if ($bitString =~ m/10$/);
                $string .= '  '.$bitString;
        elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_2)
            if ($compact)
                if ($dateFld)
                    my $num = $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
                    if ($dateFld =~ m/^[17]$/)
                        if ($dateFld eq '1')
                            if ($recordType eq 'BGNLIB')
                               $string .= 'm=';
                               $string .= 'c=';
                        elsif ($dateFld eq '7')
                            if ($recordType eq 'BGNLIB')
                               $string .= ' a=';
                               $string .= ' m=';
                        $num += 1900 if ($num < 1900);
                    $num = sprintf("%02d",$num);
                    $string .= '-' if ($dateFld =~ m/^[2389]/);
                    $string .= ':' if ($dateFld =~ m/^[56]/);
                    $string .= ':' if ($dateFld =~ m/^1[12]/);
                    $string .= ' ' if (($dateFld eq '4') || ($dateFld eq '10'));
                    $string .= $num;
                    $string .= ' ' unless ($string =~ m/ (a|m|pt|dt|tt)$/i);
                    $string .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
                $string .= '  ';
                $string .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            if ($recordType eq 'UNITS')
                $string =~ s|(\d)\.e|$1e|; ## perl on Cygwin prints "1.e-9" others "1e-9"
                $string =~ s|(\d)e\-0+|$1e-|; ## different perls print 1e-9 1e-09 1e-009 etc... standardize to 1e-9
        elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_4)
            if ($compact)
                $string .= ' ' if ($i);
                $string .= '  ';
            $string .= cleanFloatNum($self -> {'RecordData'}[$i]*($self -> {'UUnits'}));
            if ($compact && $i && ($i == $#{$self -> {'RecordData'}}))
                $string =~ s/ +[\d\.\-]+ +[\d\.\-]+$// if ($inBoundary); #remove last point
                $string .= ')';
        elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == REAL_8)
            if ($compact)
                $string .= ' ' unless ($string =~ m/ (a|m|pt|dt|tt)$/i);
                $string .= '  ';
            my $num = $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            if ($num =~ m/e/i)
                $num = cleanExpNum($num);
                $num = cleanFloatNum($num);
            $string .= $num;
            if ($recordType eq 'UNITS')
                $string =~ s|(\d)\.e|$1e|; ## perl on Cygwin prints "1.e-9" others "1e-9"
                $string =~ s|(\d)e\-0+|$1e-|; ## different perls print 1e-9 1e-09 1e-009 etc... standardize to shorter 1e-9
        elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == ACSII_STRING)
            $string .= ' ' if (! $compact);
            $string .= " '".$self -> {'RecordData'}[$i]."'";
        $dateFld++ if ($dateFld);

    if ($compact)
        $G_gdtString .= $string;
        if (($G_gdtString =~ m/}$/ || $G_gdtString =~ m/^(gds2|lib|m).*\d$/) || ($G_gdtString =~ m/^cell.*'$/))
            $string = "$G_gdtString\n";
            $string =~ s/{ /{/; #a little more compact
            $string =~ s/(dt0|pt0|tt0|m1|w0|f0) //g; #these are all default in true GDT format
            $G_gdtString = "";
            $string = "";


=head2 returnXyAsArray - returns current (read) XY record as an array

    $gds2File -> returnXyAsArray(
                    -asInteger => 0|1    ## (optional) default is true. Return integer
                                         ## array or if false return array of reals.
                    -withClosure => 0|1  ## (optional) default is true. Whether to
                                         ##return a rectangle with 5 or 4 points.

  while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
      my @xy = $gds2File -> returnXyAsArray if ($gds2File -> isXy);


sub returnXyAsArray()
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $asInteger = $arg{'-asInteger'};
    $asInteger = TRUE unless (defined $asInteger);
    my $withClosure = $arg{'-withClosure'};
    $withClosure = TRUE unless (defined $withClosure);
    my @xys=();
    if ($self -> isXy)
        my $i = 0;
        my $stopPoint = $self -> {'DataIndex'};
        if ($withClosure)
            return @{$self -> {'RecordData'}} if ($asInteger);
            $stopPoint -= 2;
        my $num=0;
        while ($i <= $stopPoint)
            if ($asInteger)
                $num = $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
                $num = cleanFloatNum($self -> {'RecordData'}[$i]*($self -> {'UUnits'}));
            push @xys,$num;

=head2 returnRecordAsPerl - returns current (read) record as a perl command to facilitate the creation of parameterized gds2 data with perl.

  use GDS2;
  my $gds2File = new GDS2(-fileName=>"test.gds");
  while ($gds2File -> readGds2Record)
      print $gds2File -> returnRecordAsPerl;


sub returnRecordAsPerl()
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

    my $gds2File = $arg{'-gds2File'};
    $gds2File = '$gds2File' unless (defined $gds2File);

    my $PGR = $arg{'-printGds2Record'};
    $PGR = 'printGds2Record' unless (defined $PGR);

    my $string = '';
    $self -> {'UsingPrettyPrint'} = TRUE;
    $string .= getStrSpace() if ($self -> {'RecordType'} != BGNSTR);
    $string .= getElmSpace() if (!(
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXT) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PATH) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOUNDARY) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SREF) ||
                        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == AREF)
    if (
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXT) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PATH) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOUNDARY) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SREF) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == AREF) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDEL) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDSTR) ||
        ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDLIB)
        $string .= $gds2File.'->'.$PGR.'(-type=>'."'".$RecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}]."'".');';
        $string .= $gds2File.'->'.$PGR.'(-type=>'."'".$RecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}]."',-data=>";
        my $i = 0;
        my $maxi = $self -> {'DataIndex'};
        if ($maxi >= 1) {$string .= '['}
        while ($i <= $maxi)
            if ($self -> {'DataType'} == BIT_ARRAY)
                my $bitString = $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
                if ($isLittleEndian)
                    $bitString =~ m|(........)(........)|;
                    $bitString = "$2$1";
                $string .= "'$bitString'";
            elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_2)
                $string .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == INTEGER_4)
                $string .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == REAL_8)
                $string .= $self -> {'RecordData'}[$i];
            elsif ($self -> {'DataType'} == ACSII_STRING)
                $string .= "'".$self -> {'RecordData'}[$i]."'";
            if ($i < $maxi) {$string .= ', '}
        if ($maxi >= 1) {$string .= ']'}
        $string .= ');';

=head1 Low Level Specific Write Methods



=head2 printAngle - prints ANGLE record

    $gds2File -> printAngle(-num=>#.#);


sub printAngle
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $angle = $arg{'-num'};
    if (defined $angle)
        $angle = -1; #not really... just means not specified
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ANGLE',-data => $angle) if ($angle >= 0);

=head2 printAttrtable - prints ATTRTABLE record

    $gds2File -> printAttrtable(-string=>$string);


sub printAttrtable
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printAttrtable expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ATTRTABLE',-data => $string);

=head2 printBgnextn - prints BGNEXTN record

    $gds2File -> printBgnextn(-num=>#.#);


sub printBgnextn
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printBgnextn expects a extension number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    if ($num >= 0) {$num = int(($num*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
    else           {$num = int(($num*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BGNEXTN',-data => $num);

=head2 printBgnlib - prints BGNLIB record

    $gds2File -> printBgnlib(
                            -isoDate => 0|1 ## (optional) use ISO 4 digit date 2001 vs 101


sub printBgnlib
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $isoDate = $arg{'-isoDate'};
    if (! defined $isoDate)
        $isoDate = 0;
    elsif ($isoDate != 0)
        $isoDate = 1;
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    $year += 1900 if ($isoDate); ## Cadence likes year left "as is". GDS format supports year number up to 65535 -- 101 vs 2001
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'BGNLIB',-data=>[$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec]);

=head2 printBox - prints BOX record

    $gds2File -> printBox;


sub printBox
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BOX');

=head2 printBoxtype - prints BOXTYPE record

    $gds2File -> printBoxtype(-num=>#);


sub printBoxtype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printBoxtype expects a number. Missing -num => # $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'BOXTYPE',-data => $num);

=head2 printColrow - prints COLROW record

    $gds2File -> printBoxtype(-columns=>#, -rows=>#);


sub printColrow
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $columns = $arg{'-columns'};
    if ((! defined $columns)||($columns <= 0))
    my $rows = $arg{'-rows'};
    if ((! defined $rows)||($rows <= 0))
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'COLROW',-data => [$columns,$rows]);

=head2 printDatatype - prints DATATYPE record

    $gds2File -> printDatatype(-num=>#);


sub printDatatype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $dataType = $arg{'-num'};
    $dataType=0 unless (defined $dataType);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'DATATYPE',-data => $dataType);

sub printEflags
    my $self = shift;
    die "EFLAGS type not supported $!";

=head2 printElkey - prints ELKEY record

    $gds2File -> printElkey(-num=>#);


sub printElkey
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printElkey expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ELKEY',-data => $num);

=head2 printEndel - closes an element definition


sub printEndel
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEL');

=head2 printEndextn - prints path end extension record

    $gds2File printEndextn -> (-num=>#.#);


sub printEndextn
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printEndextn expects a extension number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    if ($num >= 0) {$num = int(($num*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
    else           {$num = int(($num*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDEXTN',-data => $num);

=head2 printEndlib - closes a library definition


sub printEndlib
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDLIB');

=head2 printEndstr - closes a structure definition


sub printEndstr
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDSTR');

=head2 printEndmasks - prints a ENDMASKS


sub printEndmasks
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'ENDMASKS');

=head2 printFonts - prints a FONTS record

    $gds2File -> printFonts(-string=>'names_of_font_files');


sub printFonts
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printFonts expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'FONTS',-data => $string);

sub printFormat
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printFormat expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'FORMAT',-data => $num);

sub printGenerations
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'GENERATIONS');

=head2 printHeader - Prints a rev 3 header

    $gds2File -> printHeader(
                  -num => #  ## optional, defaults to 3. valid revs are 0,3,4,5,and 600


sub printHeader
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $rev = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $rev)
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type=>'HEADER',-data=>$rev);

=head2 printLayer - prints a LAYER number

    $gds2File -> printLayer(
                  -num => #  ## optional, defaults to 0.


sub printLayer
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $layer = $arg{'-num'};
    $layer = 0 unless (defined $layer);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LAYER',-data => $layer);

sub printLibdirsize
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LIBDIRSIZE');

=head2 printLibname - Prints library name



sub printLibname
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $libName = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $libName)
        die "printLibname expects a library name. Missing -name => 'name' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LIBNAME',-data => $libName);

sub printLibsecur
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LIBSECUR');

sub printLinkkeys
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printLinkkeys expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LINKKEYS',-data => $num);

sub printLinktype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printLinktype expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'LINKTYPE',-data => $num);

=head2 printPathtype - prints a PATHTYPE number

    $gds2File -> printPathtype(
                  -num => #  ## optional, defaults to 0.


sub printPathtype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $pathType = $arg{'-num'};
    $pathType=0 if (! defined $pathType);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PATHTYPE',-data => $pathType) if ($pathType);

=head2 printMag - prints a MAG number

    $gds2File -> printMag(
                  -num => #.#  ## optional, defaults to 0.0


sub printMag
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $mag = $arg{'-num'};
    $mag=0 if ((! defined $mag)||($mag <= 0));
    $mag = cleanFloatNum($mag);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'MAG',-data => $mag) if ($mag);

sub printMask
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printMask expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'MASK',-data => $string);

sub printNode
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'NODE');

=head2 printNodetype - prints a NODETYPE number

    $gds2File -> printNodetype(
                  -num => #


sub printNodetype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printNodetype expects a number. Missing -num => # $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'NODETYPE',-data => $num);

sub printPlex
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printPlex expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PLEX',-data => $num);

=head2 printPresentation - prints a text presentation record

    $gds2File -> printPresentation(
                  -font => #,  ##optional, defaults to 0, valid numbers are 0-3
                  -top, ||-middle, || -bottom, ## vertical justification
                  -left, ||-center, || -right, ## horizontal justification

    gds2File -> printPresentation(-font=>0,-top,-left);


sub printPresentation
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $font = $arg{'-font'};
    if ((! defined $font) || ($font < 0) || ($font > 3))
    $font = sprintf("%02d",$font);

    my $vertical;
    my $top = $arg{'-top'};
    my $middle = $arg{'-middle'};
    my $bottom = $arg{'-bottom'};
    if    (defined $top)    {$vertical = '00';}
    elsif (defined $bottom) {$vertical = '10';}
    else                    {$vertical = '01';} ## middle
    my $horizontal;
    my $left   = $arg{'-left'};
    my $center = $arg{'-center'};
    my $right  = $arg{'-right'};
    if    (defined $left)  {$horizontal = '00';}
    elsif (defined $right) {$horizontal = '10';}
    else                   {$horizontal = '01';} ## center

    my $bitstring = '0'x10;
    $bitstring .= "$font$vertical$horizontal";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PRESENTATION',-data => $bitstring);

=head2 printPropattr - prints a property id number

    $gds2File -> printPropattr( -num => # );


sub printPropattr
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printPropattr expects a number. Missing -num => # $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PROPATTR',-data => $num);

=head2 printPropvalue - prints a property value string

    $gds2File -> printPropvalue( -string => $string );


sub printPropvalue
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printPropvalue expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'PROPVALUE',-data => $string);

sub printReflibs
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printReflibs expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'REFLIBS',-data => $string);

sub printReserved
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printReserved expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'RESERVED',-data => $num);

=head2 printSname - prints a SNAME string

    $gds2File -> printSname( -name => $cellName );


sub printSname
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-name'};
    if (! defined $string)
        die "printSname expects a cell name. Missing -name => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'SNAME',-data => $string);

sub printSpacing
    my $self = shift;
    die "SPACING type not supported $!";

sub printSrfname
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'SRFNAME');

=head2 printStrans - prints a STRANS record

    $gds2File -> printStrans( -reflect );


sub printStrans
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $reflect = $arg{'-reflect'};
    if ((! defined $reflect)||($reflect <= 0))
    my $data=$reflect.'0'x15; ## 16 'bit' string
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRANS',-data => $data);

sub printStrclass
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRCLASS');

=head2 printString - prints a STRING record

    $gds2File -> printSname( -string => $text );


sub printString
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printString expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRING',-data => $string);

=head2 printStrname - prints a structure name string

    $gds2File -> printStrname( -name => $cellName );


sub printStrname
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $strName = $arg{'-name'};
    unless (defined $strName)
        die "printStrname expects a structure name. Missing -name => 'name' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STRNAME',-data => $strName);

sub printStrtype
    my $self = shift;
    die "STRTYPE type not supported $!";

sub printStyptable
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $string = $arg{'-string'};
    unless (defined $string)
        die "printStyptable expects a string. Missing -string => 'text' $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'STYPTABLE',-data => $string);

sub printTapecode
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printTapecode expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'TAPECODE',-data => $num);

sub printTapenum
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printTapenum expects a number. Missing -num => #.# $!";
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'TAPENUM',-data => $num);

sub printTextnode
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'TEXTNODE');

=head2 printTexttype - prints a text type number

    $gds2File -> printTexttype( -num => # );


sub printTexttype
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $num = $arg{'-num'};
    unless (defined $num)
        die "printTexttype expects a number. Missing -num => # $!";
    $num = 0 if ($num < 0);
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'TEXTTYPE',-data => $num);

sub printUinteger
    my $self = shift;
    die "UINTEGER type not supported $!";

=head2 printUnits - Prints units record.

    -uUnit   => real number ## (optional) default is 0.001
    -dbUnit  => real number ## (optional) default is 1e-9


sub printUnits
    my($self,%arg) = @_;

    my $uUnit = $arg{'-uUnit'};
    if (! defined $uUnit)
        $uUnit = 0.001;
        $self -> {'Resolution'} = (1 / $uUnit); ## default is 1000 - already set in new()
    $self -> {'UUnits'} = $uUnit;
    my $dbUnit = $arg{'-dbUnit'};
    unless (defined $dbUnit)
        $dbUnit = 1e-9;
    $self -> {'DBUnits'} = $dbUnit;

    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'UNITS',-data => [$uUnit,$dbUnit]);

sub printUstring
    my $self = shift;
    die "USTRING type not supported $!";

=head2 printWidth - prints a width number

    $gds2File -> printWidth( -num => # );


sub printWidth
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    my $width = $arg{'-num'};
    if ((! defined $width)||($width <= 0))
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'WIDTH',-data => $width) if ($width);

=head2 printXy - prints an XY array

    $gds2File -> printXy( -xyInt => \@arrayGds2Ints );
    $gds2File -> printXy( -xy => \@arrayReals );

    -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch


sub printXy
    my($self,%arg) = @_;
    #### -xyInt most useful if reading and modifying... -xy if creating from scratch
    my $xyInt = $arg{'-xyInt'}; ## $xyInt should be a reference to an array of internal GDS2 format integers
    my $xy = $arg{'-xy'}; ## $xy should be a reference to an array of reals
    my $resolution = $self -> {'Resolution'};
    if (! ((defined $xy) || (defined $xyInt)))
        die "printXy expects an xy array reference. Missing -xy => \\\@array $!";
    if (defined $xyInt)
        $xy = $xyInt;
    my @xyTmp=(); ##don't pollute array passed in
    for(my $i=0;$i<=$#$xy;$i++) ## e.g. 3.4 in -> 3400 out
        if ($xy -> [$i] >= 0) {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)+$G_epsilon);}
        else                  {push @xyTmp,int((($xy -> [$i])*$resolution)-$G_epsilon);}
    $self -> printGds2Record(-type => 'XY',-data => \@xyTmp);

=head1 Low Level Specific Evaluation Methods


=head2 returnFilePosition - return current byte position (NOT zero based)

    my $position = $gds2File -> returnFilePosition;


sub returnFilePosition()
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> {'BytesDone'};

sub tellSize() ## old name
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> {'BytesDone'};

=head2 returnBgnextn - returns bgnextn if record is BGNEXTN else returns 0



sub returnBgnextn
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isBgnextn) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 returnDatatype - returns datatype # if record is DATATYPE else returns -1

    $dataTypesFound[$gds2File -> returnDatatype] = 1;


sub returnDatatype
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isDatatype) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }

=head2 returnEndextn- returns endextn if record is ENDEXTN else returns 0



sub returnEndextn
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isEndextn) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 returnLayer - returns layer # if record is LAYER else returns -1

    $layersFound[$gds2File -> returnLayer] = 1;


sub returnLayer
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isLayer) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }

=head2 returnPathtype - returns pathtype # if record is PATHTYPE else returns -1



sub returnPathtype
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isPathtype) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }

=head2 returnPropattr - returns propattr # if record is PROPATTR else returns -1



sub returnPropattr
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isPropattr) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }

=head2 returnPropvalue - returns propvalue string if record is PROPVALUE else returns ''



sub returnPropvalue
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> isPropvalue) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { ''; }

=head2 returnSname - return string if record type is SNAME else ''


sub returnSname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> isSname) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { ''; }

=head2 returnString - return string if record type is STRING else ''


sub returnString
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> isString) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { ''; }

=head2 returnStrname - return string if record type is STRNAME else ''


sub returnStrname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> isStrname) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { ''; }

=head2 returnTexttype - returns texttype # if record is TEXTTYPE else returns -1

    $TextTypesFound[$gds2File -> returnTexttype] = 1;


sub returnTexttype
    my $self = shift;
    ## 2 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isTexttype) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }

=head2 returnWidth - returns width # if record is WIDTH else returns -1



sub returnWidth
    my $self = shift;
    ## 4 byte signed integer
    if ($self -> isWidth) { $self -> {'RecordData'}[0]; }
    else { UNKNOWN; }


=head1 Low Level Specific Boolean Methods



=head2 isAref - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is an aref


sub isAref
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == AREF) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBgnlib - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a bgnlib


sub isBgnlib
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BGNLIB) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBgnstr - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a bgnstr


sub isBgnstr
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BGNSTR) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBoundary - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a boundary


sub isBoundary
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOUNDARY) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isDatatype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is datatype


sub isDatatype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == DATATYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEndlib - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is endlib


sub isEndlib
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDLIB) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEndel - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is endel


sub isEndel
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDEL) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEndstr - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is endstr


sub isEndstr
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDSTR) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isHeader - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a header


sub isHeader
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == HEADER) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLibname - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a libname


sub isLibname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LIBNAME) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPath - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a path


sub isPath
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PATH) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isSref - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is an sref


sub isSref
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SREF) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isSrfname - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is an srfname


sub isSrfname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SRFNAME) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isText - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a text


sub isText
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXT) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isUnits - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is units


sub isUnits
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == UNITS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLayer - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is layer


sub isLayer
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LAYER) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isStrname - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is strname


sub isStrname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STRNAME) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isWidth - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is width


sub isWidth
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == WIDTH) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isXy - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is xy


sub isXy
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == XY) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isSname - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is sname


sub isSname
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SNAME) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isColrow - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is colrow


sub isColrow
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == COLROW) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isTextnode - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a textnode


sub isTextnode
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXTNODE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isNode - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a node


sub isNode
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == NODE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isTexttype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a texttype


sub isTexttype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TEXTTYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPresentation - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a presentation


sub isPresentation
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PRESENTATION) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isSpacing - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a spacing


sub isSpacing
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == SPACING) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isString - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a string


sub isString
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STRING) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isStrans - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a strans


sub isStrans
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STRANS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isMag - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a mag


sub isMag
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == MAG) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isAngle - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a angle


sub isAngle
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ANGLE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isUinteger - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a uinteger


sub isUinteger
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == UINTEGER) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isUstring - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a ustring


sub isUstring
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == USTRING) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isReflibs - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a reflibs


sub isReflibs
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == REFLIBS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isFonts - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a fonts


sub isFonts
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == FONTS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPathtype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a pathtype


sub isPathtype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PATHTYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isGenerations - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a generations


sub isGenerations
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == GENERATIONS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isAttrtable - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a attrtable


sub isAttrtable
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ATTRTABLE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isStyptable - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a styptable


sub isStyptable
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STYPTABLE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isStrtype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a strtype


sub isStrtype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STRTYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEflags - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a eflags


sub isEflags
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == EFLAGS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isElkey - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a elkey


sub isElkey
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ELKEY) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLinktype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a linktype


sub isLinktype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LINKTYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLinkkeys - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a linkkeys


sub isLinkkeys
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LINKKEYS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isNodetype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a nodetype


sub isNodetype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == NODETYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPropattr - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a propattr


sub isPropattr
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PROPATTR) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPropvalue - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a propvalue


sub isPropvalue
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PROPVALUE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBox - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a box


sub isBox
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOX) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBoxtype - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a boxtype


sub isBoxtype
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BOXTYPE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isPlex - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a plex


sub isPlex
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == PLEX) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isBgnextn - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a bgnextn


sub isBgnextn
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == BGNEXTN) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEndextn - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a endextn


sub isEndextn
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDEXTN) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isTapenum - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a tapenum


sub isTapenum
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TAPENUM) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isTapecode - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a tapecode


sub isTapecode
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == TAPECODE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isStrclass - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a strclass


sub isStrclass
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == STRCLASS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isReserved - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a reserved


sub isReserved
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == RESERVED) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isFormat - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a format


sub isFormat
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == FORMAT) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isMask - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a mask


sub isMask
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == MASK) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isEndmasks - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a endmasks


sub isEndmasks
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == ENDMASKS) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLibdirsize - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a libdirsize


sub isLibdirsize
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LIBDIRSIZE) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

=head2 isLibsecur - return 0 or 1 depending on whether current record is a libsecur


sub isLibsecur
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == LIBSECUR) { 1; }
    else { 0; }

## support functions

sub getRecordData
    my $self = shift;
    my $dt = $self -> {'DataType'};
    if ($dt==NO_REC_DATA)
        return '';
    elsif ($dt==INTEGER_2 || $dt==INTEGER_4 || $dt==REAL_8)
        my $stuff = $self -> {'CurrentDataList'};
        $stuff =~ s|^,||;
    elsif ($dt==ACSII_STRING)
        my $stuff = $self -> {'CurrentDataList'};
        $stuff =~ s|\0||g;
    else ## bit_array
        return ($self -> {'CurrentDataList'});

sub readRecordTypeAndData
    my $self = shift;
    return ($RecordTypeStrings[$self -> {'RecordType'}],$self -> {'RecordData'});

sub skipGds2RecordData
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> readGds2RecordHeader() if ($self -> {'INHEADER'} != TRUE); ## safety - need to read HEADER if INHEADER == UNKNOWN or FALSE
    $self -> {'INHEADER'} = FALSE;
    $self -> {'INDATA'}   = TRUE;  # in DATA - actually will be at the end of data by the time we test this...
    ## 4 should have been just read by readGds2RecordHeader
    seek($self -> {'FileHandle'},$self -> {'Length'} - 4,SEEK_CUR); ## seek seems to run a little faster than read
    $self -> {'DataIndex'} = UNKNOWN;
    return 1;

### return number of XY coords if XY record
sub returnNumCoords
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> {'RecordType'} == XY)  ## 4 byte signed integer
        int(($self -> {'Length'} - 4) / 8);

sub roundNum
    my $self = shift;
    my $num = shift;
    my $places = shift;

sub scaleNum($$)
    my $num=shift;
    my $scale=shift;
    die "1st number passed into scaleNum() must be an integer $!" if ($num !~ m|^-?\d+|);
    $num = $num * $scale;
    $num = int($num+0.5) if ($num =~ m|\.|);

sub snapNum($$)
    my $num=shift;
    die "1st number passed into snapNum() must be an integer $!" if ($num !~ m|^-?\d+$|);
    my $snap=shift;
    my $snapLength = length("$snap");
    my $lean=1; ##init
    $lean = -1 if($num < 0);
    ## snap to grid..
    my $littlePart=substr($num,-$snapLength,$snapLength);
        $littlePart = -$littlePart;
    $littlePart = int(($littlePart/$snap)+(0.5*$lean))*$snap;
    my $bigPart=substr($num,0,-$snapLength);
    if ($bigPart =~ m|^[-]?$|)
        $bigPart *= 10**$snapLength;
    $num = $bigPart + $littlePart;

    my $self = shift;
    #warn "DESTROYing $self";

## some vendor tools have trouble w/ negative angles and angles >= 360
## so we normalize to positive equivalent
sub posAngle($)
    my $angle = shift;
    $angle += 360.0 while ($angle < 0.0);
    $angle -= 360.0 while ($angle >= 360.0);
    $angle = cleanFloatNum($angle);

=head2 recordSize - return current record size

    my $len = $gds2File -> recordSize;


sub recordSize()
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> {'Length'};

=head2 dataSize - return current record size - 4 (length of data)

    my $dataLen = $gds2File -> dataSize;


sub dataSize()
    my $self = shift;
    $self -> {'Length'} - 4;

=head2 returnUnitsAsArray - return user units and database units as a 2 element array

    my ($uu,$dbu) = $gds2File -> returnUnitsAsArray;


sub returnUnitsAsArray
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self -> isUnits) { ($self -> {'UUnits'}, $self -> {'DBUnits'}); }
    else { () }

sub subbyte() ## GDS2::version();
    my($what,$where,$howmuch) = @_;
    unpack("x$where C$howmuch", $what);

=head2 version - return GDS2 module version string


sub version() ## GDS2::version();
    return $GDS2::VERSION;

=head2 version - return GDS2 module revision string


sub revision() ## GDS2::revision();
    return $GDS2::revision;

sub getElmSpace
    return $ElmSpace;

sub putElmSpace
    $ElmSpace = shift;

sub getStrSpace
    return $StrSpace;

sub putStrSpace
    $StrSpace = shift;



=head1 GDS2 Stream Format

 # Gds2 stream format is composed of variable length records. The mininum
 # length record is 4 bytes. The 1st 2 bytes of a record contain a count (in 8 bit
 # bytes) of the total record length.  The 3rd byte of the header is the record
 # type. The 4th byte describes the type of data contained w/in the record. The
 # 5th through last bytes are data.
 # If the output file is a mag tape, then the records of the library are written
 # out in 2048-byte physical blocks. Records may overlap block boundaries.
 # For this reason I think gds2 is often padded with null bytes so that the
 # file size ends up being a multiple of 2048.
 # A null word consists of 2 consecutive zero bytes. Use null words to fill the
 # space between:
 #     o the last record of a library and the end of its block
 #     o the last record of a tape in a mult-reel stream file.
 # ---------        -----  -----------------------
 # no data present     0   4 byte header + 0
 # Bit Array           1   4 byte header + 2 bytes data
 # 2byte Signed Int    2  SMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM  -> S - sign ;  M - magnitude.
 #                        Twos complement format, with the most significant byte first.
 #                        I.E.
 #                        0x0001 = 1
 #                        0x0002 = 2
 #                        0x0089 = 137
 #                        0xffff = -1
 #                        0xfffe = -2
 #                        0xff77 = -137
 # 8byte Real          5  SEEEEEEE MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM E-expon in excess-64
 #                        MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM representation
 #                        Mantissa == pos fraction >=1/16 && <1 bit 8==1/2, 9==1/4 etc...
 #                        The first bit is the sign (1 = negative), the next 7 bits
 #                        are the exponent, you have to subtract 64 from this number to
 #                        get the real value. The next seven bytes are the mantissa in
 #                        4 word floating point representation.
 # string              6  odd length strings must be padded w/ null character and
 #                        byte count++

=head1 Backus-naur representation of GDS2 Stream Syntax

 #                     LIBNAME [REFLIBS] [FONTS] [ATTRTABLE] [GENERATIONS]      #
 #                     [<FormatType>] UNITS {<structure>}* ENDLIB               #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <FormatType>::=    FORMAT | FORMAT {MASK}+ ENDMASKS                         #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <structure>::=     BGNSTR STRNAME [STRCLASS] {<element>}* ENDSTR            #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <element>::=       {<boundary> | <path> | <SREF> | <AREF> | <text> |        #
 #                      <node> | <box} {<property>}* ENDEL                      #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <boundary>::=      BOUNDARY [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER DATATYPE XY              #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <path>::=          PATH [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER DATATYPE [PATHTYPE]          #
 #                     [WIDTH] [BGNEXTN] [ENDEXTN] [XY]                         #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <SREF>::=          SREF [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] SNAME [<strans>] XY                #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <AREF>::=          AREF [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] SNAME [<strans>] COLROW XY         #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <text>::=          TEXT [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER <textbody>                   #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <textbody>::=      TEXTTYPE [PRESENTATION] [PATHTYPE] [WIDTH] [<strans>] XY #
 #                     STRING                                                   #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <strans>::=        STRANS [MAG] [ANGLE]                                     #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <node>::=          NODE [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER NODETYPE XY                  #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <box>::=           BOX [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER BOXTYPE XY                    #
 #                                                                              #
 #  <property>::=      PROPATTR PROPVALUE                                       #

=head1 GDS2 Stream Record Datatypes

 NO_REC_DATA   =  0;
 BIT_ARRAY     =  1;
 INTEGER_2     =  2;
 INTEGER_4     =  3;
 REAL_4        =  4; ## NOT supported, never really used
 REAL_8        =  5;

=head1 GDS2 Stream Record Types

 HEADER        =  0;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 BGNLIB        =  1;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 LIBNAME       =  2;   ## ASCII String
 UNITS         =  3;   ## 8-byte Real
 ENDLIB        =  4;   ## no data present
 BGNSTR        =  5;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 STRNAME       =  6;   ## ASCII String
 ENDSTR        =  7;   ## no data present
 BOUNDARY      =  8;   ## no data present
 PATH          =  9;   ## no data present
 SREF          = 10;   ## no data present
 AREF          = 11;   ## no data present
 TEXT          = 12;   ## no data present
 LAYER         = 13;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 DATATYPE      = 14;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 WIDTH         = 15;   ## 4-byte Signed Integer
 XY            = 16;   ## 4-byte Signed Integer
 ENDEL         = 17;   ## no data present
 SNAME         = 18;   ## ASCII String
 COLROW        = 19;   ## 2 2-byte Signed Integer <= 32767
 TEXTNODE      = 20;   ## no data present
 NODE          = 21;   ## no data present
 TEXTTYPE      = 22;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 PRESENTATION  = 23;   ## Bit Array. One word (2 bytes) of bit flags. Bits 11 and
                       ##   12 together specify the font 00->font 0 11->font 3.
                       ##   Bits 13 and 14 specify the vertical presentation, 15
                       ##   and 16 the horizontal presentation. 00->'top/left' 01->
                       ##   middle/center 10->bottom/right bits 1-10 were reserved
                       ##   for future use and should be 0.
 SPACING       = 24;   ## discontinued
 STRING        = 25;   ## ASCII String <= 512 characters
 STRANS        = 26;   ## Bit Array: 2 bytes of bit flags for graphic presentation
                       ##   The 1st (high order or leftmost) bit specifies
                       ##   reflection. If set then reflection across the X-axis
                       ##   is applied before rotation. The 14th bit flags
                       ##   absolute mag, the 15th absolute angle, the other bits
                       ##   were reserved for future use and should be 0.
 MAG           = 27;   ## 8-byte Real
 ANGLE         = 28;   ## 8-byte Real
 UINTEGER      = 29;   ## UNKNOWN User int, used only in Calma V2.0
 USTRING       = 30;   ## UNKNOWN User string, used only in Calma V2.0
 REFLIBS       = 31;   ## ASCII String
 FONTS         = 32;   ## ASCII String
 PATHTYPE      = 33;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 GENERATIONS   = 34;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer
 ATTRTABLE     = 35;   ## ASCII String
 STYPTABLE     = 36;   ## ASCII String "Unreleased feature"
 STRTYPE       = 37;   ## 2-byte Signed Integer "Unreleased feature"
 EFLAGS        = 38;   ## BIT_ARRAY  Flags for template and exterior data.
                       ## bits 15 to 0, l to r 0=template, 1=external data, others unused
 ELKEY         = 39;   ## INTEGER_4  "Unreleased feature"
 LINKTYPE      = 40;   ## UNKNOWN    "Unreleased feature"
 LINKKEYS      = 41;   ## UNKNOWN    "Unreleased feature"
 NODETYPE      = 42;   ## INTEGER_2  Nodetype specification. On Calma this could be 0 to 63,
                       ##   GDSII allows 0 to 255. Of course a 16 bit integer allows up to 65535...
 PROPATTR      = 43;   ## INTEGER_2  Property number.
 PROPVALUE     = 44;   ## STRING     Property value. On GDSII, 128 characters max, unless an
                       ##   SREF, AREF, or NODE, which may have 512 characters.
 BOX           = 45;   ## NO_DATA    The beginning of a BOX element.
 BOXTYPE       = 46;   ## INTEGER_2  Boxtype specification.
 PLEX          = 47;   ## INTEGER_4  Plex number and plexhead flag. The least significant bit of
                       ##   the most significant byte is the plexhead flag.
 BGNEXTN       = 48;   ## INTEGER_4  Path extension beginning for pathtype 4 in Calma CustomPlus.
                       ##   In database units, may be negative.
 ENDEXTN       = 49;   ## INTEGER_4  Path extension end for pathtype 4 in Calma CustomPlus. In
                       ##   database units, may be negative.
 TAPENUM       = 50;   ## INTEGER_2  Tape number for multi-reel stream file.
 TAPECODE      = 51;   ## INTEGER_2  Tape code to verify that the reel is from the proper set.
                       ##   12 bytes that are supposed to form a unique tape code.
 STRCLASS      = 52;   ## BIT_ARRAY  Calma use only.
 RESERVED      = 53;   ## INTEGER_4  Used to be NUMTYPES per Calma GDSII Stream Format Manual, v6.0.
 FORMAT        = 54;   ## INTEGER_2  Archive or Filtered flag.  0: Archive 1: filtered
 MASK          = 55;   ## STRING     Only in filtered streams. Layers and datatypes used for mask
                       ##   in a filtered stream file. A string giving ranges of layers and datatypes
                       ##   separated by a semicolon. There may be more than one mask in a stream file.
 ENDMASKS      = 56;   ## NO_DATA    The end of mask descriptions.
 LIBDIRSIZE    = 57;   ## INTEGER_2  Number of pages in library director, a GDSII thing, it seems
                       ##   to have only been used when Calma INFORM was creating a new library.
 SRFNAME       = 58;   ## STRING     Calma "Sticks"(c) rule file name.
 LIBSECUR      = 59;   ## INTEGER_2  Access control list stuff for CalmaDOS, ancient. INFORM used
                       ##   this when creating a new library. Had 1 to 32 entries with group
                       ##   numbers, user numbers and access rights.
