The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# -*- mode: cperl -*-
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

# PODNAME: bootstrap-perl
# ABSTRACT: Bootstrap Perl inclusive CPAN from git

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long ":config", "no_ignore_case", "bundling";
use Cwd "getcwd";
use Sys::Hostname;

my $HOME                = $ENV{HOME} || '/opt';
my $hostname            = hostname();

our $build_path          = "$HOME/.bootstrapperl/bootstrap-perl-build";
my $build_path_perl     = "$build_path/perl";
my $logfile             = "$build_path/bootstrap-perl.log";
my $logcommand          = "$build_path/command.log";
my $giturl              = "git://";

my $cpucount             = `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep bogomips | wc -l`; chomp $cpucount;
my $threadcount          = $cpucount + 1;

# getopt
my $dry;
my $prefix;
my $prefixbase          = "$HOME/.bootstrapperl/$hostname";
my $version             = "blead";
my $installdeps;
my $sourcetgz           = "/var/tmp/perl.tar.gz";
my $blead               = 0;
my $usethreads          = 1;
my $bit64               = 1;
my $help                = 0;
my $test                = 0;
my $cpan                = 1;
my $cleancpansources    = 0;
my $forcecpancfg        = 1;
my $perlformance        = 0;
my $perlformance_local  = 0;
my $perlformance_report = 0;
my $jobs                = $threadcount;
my @mirrors;
my @modules;
my @runscripts          = ();
my @runargs             = ();
my @confargs            = ();
my @exesuffixes         = ();
my $USER;

sub caller_line {
        my $i = 0;
        my ($rc, $rc_prev, $func);
        while (1) {
                my @v = caller($i);
                defined($v[0]) or last;
                $rc_prev = $rc;
                ($rc, $func) = @v[2..3];
        $func ne "(eval)"? $rc: $rc_prev;

sub setup_user {
        open($USER, ">&", \*STDOUT) || die;

sub setup_log {
        open($OLDSTDOUT, ">&", \*STDOUT) || die;
        open($OLDSTDERR, ">&", \*STDERR) || die;
        open($LOGFILE,   ">" , $logfile) || die;
        open($COMMAND,   ">",  $logcommand) || die;

# Execute a command via system(). Output goes to log file.
sub print_and_system {
        my ($cmd) = @_;
        my $exitcode;
        my $line = caller_line();

        my @cmd = split / +/, $cmd;
        my $bin = $cmd[0];
        my $is_cpan = $bin eq bin_cpan();

        if (! $is_cpan) {
                open(STDOUT, ">&", $LOGFILE) || die;
                open(STDERR, ">&", $LOGFILE) || die;

                print $COMMAND $cmd, "\n";
                print $LOGFILE $cmd, "\n";
                $exitcode = system ($cmd);

                open(STDOUT, ">&", $OLDSTDOUT) || die;
                open(STDERR, ">&", $OLDSTDERR) || die;

                $exitcode == 0 || warn "$0($line): $cmd ($exitcode>>".($exitcode>>8).")";
        } else {
                cpan_command(join(" ", @cmd[1..$#cmd]));

# Execute a command via system(). Output goes to normal stdout/stderr.
sub print_and_system_out {
        my ($cmd) = @_;
        my $line = caller_line();

        print $COMMAND $cmd, "\n";
        print $LOGFILE $cmd, "\n";
        print $USER    $cmd, "\n";
        system ($cmd) == 0 || warn "$0($line): $cmd ($?>>".($?>>8).")"; 

# Execute a command via qx(). Output goes to log file.
sub print_and_qx {
        my ($cmd) = @_;
        my $line = caller_line();
        my $exitcode;
        my $out;

        print $COMMAND $cmd, "\n";
        print $LOGFILE $cmd, "\n";
        $out = qx($cmd 2>&1);
        $exitcode = $?;
        print $LOGFILE $out, "\n";
        $exitcode == 0 || warn "$0($line): $cmd ($exitcode>>".($exitcode>>8).")";


# Execute a command via qx(). Output goes to normal stdout/stderr.
sub print_and_qx_chomp {
        my $out = print_and_qx @_;
        chomp $out;

sub _perl_base_name {
        my ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion, $usethreads, $bit64, $gitdescribe, $gitchangeset, $exe_suffixes, $blead) = @_;
        return join("-",
                    ($blead      ? "blead" : "$perl_revision.$perl_version"),
                    ($usethreads ? "" : "no" )."thread",
                    ($bit64      ? "" : "no" )."64bit",

sub _perl_exe_name {
        my ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion, $usethreads, $bit64, $gitdescribe, $gitchangeset, $exe_suffixes, $blead) = @_;

        return join("-",

sub _perl_pathprefix {
        my ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion, $usethreads, $bit64, $gitdescribe, $gitchangeset, $exe_suffixes, $blead) = @_;

        return join("-",

# ========== getopt ==========

my $ok = GetOptions (
                     "prefix=s"     => \$prefix,
                     "prefixbase=s" => \$prefixbase,
                     "version|commit|c=s" => \$version,
                     "installdeps=s" => \$installdeps,
                     "sourcetgz=s"  => \$sourcetgz,
                     "blead!"       => \$blead,
                     "usethreads!"  => \$usethreads,
                     "use64bit!"    => \$bit64,
                     "help|h"       => \$help,
                     "jobs|j=i"     => \$jobs,
                     "test|t"       => \$test,
                     "cpan!"        => \$cpan,
                     "cleancpansources!" => \$cleancpansources,
                     "forcecpancfg!" => \$forcecpancfg,
                     'perlformance' => \$perlformance,
                     'perlformance-local' => \$perlformance_local,
                     'perlformance-report' => \$perlformance_report,
                     'dry|n'        => \$dry,
                     'mirror|m=s@'  => \@mirrors,
                     'module|M=s@'  => \@modules,
                     'run|r=s@'     => \@runscripts,
                     'runargs=s@'   => \@runargs,
                     'confargs=s@'  => \@confargs,
                     'exesuffixes=s@' => \@exesuffixes,
                     'giturl|g=s'   => \$giturl,

if ($help) {
        exec("perldoc", "bootstrap-perl") or do {
                print $USER "\nPlease see 'perldoc bootstrap-perl' for help.\n";
                exit 0;

my $DISTROPREFSREPO     = "git://";
my $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE  = "$build_path";
my $DISTROPREFSSRC1     = "$DISTROPREFSSRCBASE/cpanpm-distroprefs/cpanpm/distroprefs";
my $DISTROPREFSSRC2     = "$DISTROPREFSSRCBASE/cpanpm-distroprefs/renormalist/distroprefs";
my $DISTROPREFSDIR      = $prefixbase."/cpan/prefs";
my $SOURCESDIR          = $prefixbase."/cpan/sources";
my $CPANBUILDDIR        = $prefixbase."/cpan/build";

# defaults
my @default_runscripts = ();
my @default_confargs   = ();
my @default_runargs    = ();
my @default_modules    = ();
my @default_mirrors    = (qw( ));

return if defined($::{"no_run"});
print $USER "\n";
print $USER "============================================================\n";
print $USER "Bootstrap Perl\n";
print $USER "============================================================\n";

# giturl "." means clone from local dir
if ($giturl eq '.') {
        $giturl = getcwd;
        my $firstcommit = qx!git log --oneline 8d063cd8450e59ea1c611a2f4f5a21059a2804f1 2> /dev/null!;
        if ($firstcommit !~ /a "replacement" for awk and sed/) {
                print $USER "Local git repo does not look like it is Perl's.\n";
                exit 1;

# version "." is replaced with current repo's HEAD
if ($version =~ /^\./) {
        my $rev = print_and_qx_chomp qq!git rev-parse HEAD!;
        $version =~ s/^\./$rev/ if $rev;

if ($perlformance_local) {
        $giturl             = ".";
        @default_modules    = qw(Benchmark::Perl::Formance);
        @default_mirrors    = qw(;
        @default_runscripts = qw(benchmark-perlformance);
        @default_runargs    = ("--plugins=Fib,FibOO,DPath,Mem,Rx,Shootout::fasta,Shootout::binarytrees,Shootout::nbody,Shootout::spectralnorm");
if ($perlformance or $perlformance_report) {
        @default_modules    = qw(Task::PerlFormance);
        @default_mirrors    = qw(;
        @default_runscripts = qw(benchmark-perlformance);
        @default_runargs    = qw(--plugins=ALL);
if ($perlformance_report) {
        @default_runscripts = qw(tapper-testsuite-benchmark-perlformance);
        @default_runargs    = qw(--plugins=ALL);
        @default_runargs    = ("-Doptimize='-O2 -falign-loops=8 -falign-jumps=8 -falign-functions=64 -falign-labels=8 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=8 -minline-all-stringops'");

# modules/mirros/runscripts can be comma-separated
my @MODULES     = map { chomp; $_ } map { split(qr/,/, $_) } (@modules    ? @modules    : @default_modules);
my @CPANMIRRORS = map { chomp; $_ } map { split(qr/,/, $_) } (@mirrors    ? @mirrors    : @default_mirrors);
my @RUNSCRIPTS  = map { chomp; $_ } map { split(qr/,/, $_) } (@runscripts ? @runscripts : @default_runscripts);
my @RUNARGS     = map { chomp; $_ } map { split(qr/;/, $_) } (@runargs    ? @runargs    : @default_runargs);
my @EXESUFFIXES = sort map { chomp; $_ } map { split(qr/,/, $_) } @exesuffixes;
my $CONFARGS    = join " ", map { chomp; $_ } (@confargs ? @confargs : @default_confargs); # repeatable, but no comma-separate

# ========== build dependencies ==========

sub installdeps_debian
        my $APTGETOPTIONS ='-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --yes';
        my $APTGET        = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; export DEBIAN_FRONTEND ; sudo apt-get $APTGETOPTIONS";
        my @DEPENDECIES   = (qw(make
        foreach my $dep (@DEPENDECIES) {
                print_and_system "$APTGET install $dep\n";

if ($installdeps) {
        my @SUPPORTED_DISTROS = (qw(debian));
        if (grep { /$installdeps/ } @SUPPORTED_DISTROS) {
                print $USER "*** Install dependencies for: $installdeps\n";
                eval "installdeps_$installdeps()";
        } else {
                print $USER "Unsupported dependency installation for distro: $installdeps\n";
                print $USER "Allowed distros: ".join(", ", @SUPPORTED_DISTROS), "\n";
                exit 1;

# ========== prepare ==========

system("mkdir -p $build_path") == 0 || die;

if (-d "$build_path_perl/.git") {
        print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git config remote.origin.url $giturl";
        if (-e $sourcetgz) {
                print_and_system_out "cd $build_path && tar xzf $sourcetgz";
        } else {
                print_and_system_out "cd $build_path && git clone $giturl perl";

chdir "$build_path_perl"; # important, I don't remember for what below
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && rm -f $build_path_perl/.git/index.lock";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git reset --hard";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git clean -dxf";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git checkout blead";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git pull";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git checkout $version";
print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl && git pull";

# ========= version =========

my $gitdescribe;
$gitdescribe = print_and_qx_chomp qq!cd $build_path_perl && git describe --all!;
$gitdescribe = print_and_qx_chomp qq!cd $build_path_perl && git describe! if ($gitdescribe =~ m,/, && $gitdescribe !~ m,tags/,);
$gitdescribe =~ s|^tags/||g;
my $gitchangeset = print_and_qx_chomp qq!cd $build_path_perl && git rev-parse HEAD!;
my ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion) = $gitdescribe =~ m/^\D*(\d+)[._](\d+)(?:[._](\d+))?.*$/g;
$perl_version    = sprintf("%02d", $perl_version);
$perl_subversion ||= 0;
$VERSION = eval("v$perl_revision.$perl_version.$perl_subversion");

# ========= cherry-picks  =========

# cherry pick several bugfixes in 5.8/5.9 that break building
if (v5.8.0 le $VERSION && $VERSION le v5.9.4) {
        print $USER "*** cherry-pick building fixes for older perl versions\n";
        # FIX: <command-line>
        print_and_system qq!cd $build_path_perl && git cherry-pick -n cf14425e2bd169ce935f76d359f3253b51e441a0!;
        # FIX: rebuild / gcc -g
        print_and_system qq!cd $build_path_perl && git cherry-pick -n a3d1be69db4c082c1b9cef14f51a6e7fe4a9dac9!;
        # FIX: makedepend.SH
        print_and_system qq!cd $build_path_perl && git cherry-pick -n 96a8704c85b1e14bb3d63195b0b720f2fd5b8182!;
        # FIX: create missing link (5.8.8)
        print_and_system q'sudo ln -sf `find  /usr/src -name page.h | grep arch/x86/include/asm/page.h | tail -1` /usr/include/asm/'  if ! -e "/usr/include/asm/page.h";

if ($VERSION lt v5.12.4) {
        print $USER "*** cherry-pick: fix search libs in configure\n";
        print_and_system qq!cd $build_path_perl && git cherry-pick -n 40f026236b9959b7ad3260fedc6c66cd30bb7abc!;
        print_and_system qq!cd $build_path_perl && git cherry-pick -n bcab1245a0693be445ce018352f6fbe4abc26e88!;

# ========== prepare paths ==========

unless (defined $perl_revision && defined $perl_version)
        no warnings 'uninitialized';
        print $USER "# Bummer! Unrecognized version schema ($gitdescribe).\n";
        print $USER "# ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion)\n";
        exit 1;

my $codespeed_executable =            _perl_exe_name  ($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion, $usethreads, $bit64, $gitdescribe, $gitchangeset, \@EXESUFFIXES, $blead);
my $PREFIX               = $prefix || _perl_pathprefix($perl_revision, $perl_version, $perl_subversion, $usethreads, $bit64, $gitdescribe, $gitchangeset, \@EXESUFFIXES, $blead);
my $USETHREADS           = $usethreads ? "-Dusethreads"  : "";
my $BIT64                = $bit64      ? "-Duse64bitall" : "";

print $USER "\n";
print $USER "============================================================\n\n";
print $USER "  Bootstrap Perl\n";
print $USER "  --------------\n\n";
print $USER "  version:        $version\n\n";
print $USER "  git-describe:   $gitdescribe\n\n";
print $USER "  git-changeset:  $gitchangeset\n\n";
print $USER "  codespeed name: $codespeed_executable\n\n";
print $USER "  PREFIX:         $PREFIX\n\n";
print $USER "  configureargs:  ".join("\n                  ", @confargs)."\n\n";
print $USER "  CPAN mirrors:   ".join("\n                  ", @CPANMIRRORS)."\n\n";
print $USER "  modules:        ".join("\n                  ", @MODULES)."\n\n";
print $USER "  scripts:        ".join("\n                  ", map { $_ ." ".join(" ", @RUNARGS) } @RUNSCRIPTS)."\n\n";
print $USER "============================================================\n\n";

my @in_blead = grep { / blead$/ }
               map  { chomp ; $_ }
               print_and_qx qq!git branch --contains $gitchangeset!;
if ($blead && !@in_blead) {
        print $USER "# Bummer!\n";
        print $USER "#   Use '--blead' only with commits in blead branch.\n";
        exit 1;
$ENV{PERL_AUTOINSTALL} = "--defaultdeps";
$ENV{TEST_JOBS}        = $threadcount;
$ENV{TWMC_TEST_PORT}   = "9876";

my $perl_gitdescribe = "$PREFIX/bin/perl-gitdescribe";
my $perl_gitchangeset = "$PREFIX/bin/perl-gitchangeset";
my $perl_codespeed = "$PREFIX/bin/perl-codespeed-executable";

my $THREADS = $jobs ? "-j $jobs" : "-j $threadcount";
my $DRY = $dry ? "-n" : "";

# ========== build ==========

if ( ! -e $perl_codespeed )
        print $USER "*** BUILD perl\n";

        # ========== metainfo in Perl Config ==========

        # This (mis-)uses a built-in mechanism in Configure.
        # Ultimately we want to inject meta information so it appears
        # later in Perl's %Config.
        # Instead of dumping metadata directly into "config.arch" it
        # generates script code in there that in turn appends variable
        # assignments to "UU/" which in turn pretend to
        # later Configure steps that there would be configuration data
        # of an earlier session which it then merges into %Config.
        # It should work for any ancient or future Perl 5 version.
        # Credits to Tux for help sorting this out.

        my $config_arch;
        print $USER "*** CONFIGURE meta information for Perl's \%Config via config.arch\n";
        open ($config_arch, ">>", "$build_path_perl/config.arch") and do {
                print $config_arch qq!\
: Meta information from bootstrap-perl for later Perl Config
bootstrap_perl_configureargs='!.join(";", @confargs)                                       .qq!'
bootstrap_perl_cpan_mirrors='! .join(";",  @CPANMIRRORS)                                   .qq!'
bootstrap_perl_modules='!      .join(";",  @MODULES)                                       .qq!'
bootstrap_perl_scripts='!      .join(";", map { $_ ." ".join(" ", @RUNARGS) } @RUNSCRIPTS) .qq!'
        close $config_arch;

        # ========== Configure ==========

        print_and_system_out "cd $build_path_perl; sh Configure -der -Dusedevel $USETHREADS $BIT64 $CONFARGS -Dprefix=$PREFIX";

        # ========== make ==========

        print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl; make $THREADS";

        if ($test)
                my $api_version = print_and_qx_chomp qq!cd $build_path_perl; . ./ && echo \$api_version!;

                my $TEST = $api_version >= 11 ? "test_harness" : "test"; # only Perl 5.11+
                my $TEST_JOBS = $jobs ? "TEST_JOBS=$jobs" : "TEST_JOBS=$threadcount";
                print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl; $TEST_JOBS make $TEST";

        # ========== install ==========

        print_and_system "cd $build_path_perl; make $DRY install";
} else {
        print $USER "*** SKIP building perl - already existing.\n";

# binaries
my $CPAN     = print_and_qx_chomp qq!ls -drt1 $PREFIX/bin/cpan5.*.*     | tail -1!;
my $PERL     = print_and_qx_chomp qq!ls -drt1 $PREFIX/bin/perl5.*.*     | tail -1!;
my $PERLDOC  = print_and_qx_chomp qq!ls -drt1 $PREFIX/bin/perldoc5.*.*  | tail -1!;
my $POD2TEXT = print_and_qx_chomp qq!ls -drt1 $PREFIX/bin/pod2text5.*.* | tail -1!;

print $USER "# CPAN:     $CPAN\n";
print $USER "# PERL:     $PERL\n";
print $USER "# PERLDOC:  $PERLDOC\n";
print $USER "# POD2TEXT: $POD2TEXT\n";

my $bin_perl     = "$PREFIX/bin/perl";
my $bin_cpan     = "$PREFIX/bin/cpan";
my $bin_perldoc  = "$PREFIX/bin/perldoc";
my $bin_pod2text = "$PREFIX/bin/pod2text";

# some dists don't find the versioned developer files
print_and_system "if [ ! -e $bin_perl     ] ; then ln -sf $PERL     $bin_perl     ; fi";
print_and_system "if [ ! -e $bin_cpan     ] ; then ln -sf $CPAN     $bin_cpan     ; fi";
print_and_system "if [ ! -e $bin_perldoc  ] ; then ln -sf $PERLDOC  $bin_perldoc  ; fi";
print_and_system "if [ ! -e $bin_pod2text ] ; then ln -sf $POD2TEXT $bin_pod2text ; fi";

my $bin_cpan_helper  = "$build_path/";
my $pipe_cpan_helper = "$build_path/cpan_helper.out";
my $log_cpan_helper  = "$build_path/cpan_helper.log";

my $text_cpan_helper = <<'END_HELPER';
        use App::Cpan;

        my ($result_pipe, $logfile) = @ARGV;

        open(my $LOGFILE, ">", $logfile) || die;
        open(STDOUT, ">&", $LOGFILE) || die;
        open(STDERR, ">&", \*STDOUT) || die;
        print "*** HELPER_START ".localtime()."\n";

        open(my $RESULT, ">", $result_pipe) || die;
        my $ofh = select($RESULT); $| = 1; select($ofh);

        my $has_cfg = 0;

        while (my $cmd = <STDIN>) {
                chomp $cmd;
                print "*** COMMAND_START [$cmd]\n";

                # pass cfg to run() only once
                # run() uses @ARGV
                @ARGV  = split / +/, $cmd;
                if ($ARGV[0] eq '-j') {
                        $has_cfg && do { @ARGV = @ARGV[2..$#ARGV] };
                        $has_cfg = 1;
                print "cmd now [", join(" ", @ARGV),"]\n";

                my $rc = App::Cpan->run(@ARGV);
                print "*** COMMAND_END [$rc] [$cmd]\n";
                print $RESULT $rc, "\n";

        END {
                print "*** HELPER_END [$?] ".localtime()."\n";

sub cpan_helper_setup {
        # create helper script
        open (my $fh_helper, ">", $bin_cpan_helper) || die;
        print $fh_helper $text_cpan_helper || die;
        close $fh_helper;

        # create fifo, helper outputs result code to it
        print_and_system("if [ ! -p $pipe_cpan_helper ]; then mkfifo $pipe_cpan_helper; fi");

        # start helper
        open ($CPAN_COMMAND, "|-", "$PERL $bin_cpan_helper $pipe_cpan_helper $log_cpan_helper") || die;
        my $ofh = select $CPAN_COMMAND; $| = 1; select $ofh;
        open ($CPAN_OUTPUT, "<", $pipe_cpan_helper) || die;

sub cpan_command {
        my ($cmd) = @_;
        $cmd =~ /\S+$/; my $mod = $&;
        local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "cpan helper pipe broke" };
        print $USER $mod, "\n";
        print $COMMAND "cpan_command ", $cmd, "\n";
        print $LOGFILE "cpan_command ", $cmd, "\n";
        print $CPAN_COMMAND $cmd, "\n";
        my $rc = <$CPAN_OUTPUT>;
        defined $rc || die "could not get cpan helper output";
        chomp $rc;
        $rc == 0 || die "rc is $rc";

sub bin_cpan { $bin_cpan || "" }

# ========== cpan ==========

if ($cpan)
        # distroprefs: get all from git
        print_and_system "mkdir -p $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE";
        print_and_system "cd $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE && git clone $DISTROPREFSREPO";
        print_and_system "cd $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE/cpanpm-distroprefs && git pull";
        print_and_system "cd $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE/cpanpm-distroprefs && git submodule update --init --recursive";
        print_and_system "cd $DISTROPREFSSRCBASE/cpanpm-distroprefs && git pull";
        # distroprefs: merge our flavour
        print_and_system qq!mkdir -p $DISTROPREFSDIR!;
        print_and_system qq!rsync -r $DISTROPREFSSRC1/ $DISTROPREFSDIR/!;
        print_and_system qq!rsync -r $DISTROPREFSSRC2/ $DISTROPREFSDIR/!;

        # Cleanup build dir
        print_and_system qq!rm -fr $CPANBUILDDIR!;

        # Configure CPAN initially
        my $CFG = print_and_qx_chomp qq!$PERLDOC -l CPAN | sed -e "s/CPAN\.pm/CPAN\\/"!;

        if ($forcecpancfg or ! -e $CFG) {
                my $CPANCFG = do { local $/; <DATA> };
                my $MIRRORSLIST = join(" ", @CPANMIRRORS);
                $CPANCFG =~ s/__MIRRORS__/$MIRRORSLIST/g;
                $CPANCFG =~ s/__PREFIXBASE__/$prefixbase/g;
                open CPANCFG, ">", $CFG or die "Can not create $CFG";
                print CPANCFG $CPANCFG;
                close CPANCFG;

        # remove stale cpan lock
        my $cpanlock = "$prefixbase/cpan/.lock";
        if (-e $cpanlock) {
                my ($pid, $host) = qx!cat $cpanlock!;
                chomp $pid;
                my $exists = kill 0, $pid;
                if (not $exists) {
                        print $USER "# Remove stale lock.\n";
                        print_and_system qq!rm -f $cpanlock!;

        # optionally remove sources cache to avoid conflicts,
        # like happening with hot-patched CPAN mirrors (via Pinto)
        if ($cleancpansources) {
                print $USER "# Remove $SOURCESDIR.\n";
                print_and_system qq!rm -fr '$SOURCESDIR'!;

        # force a with all features we need, assume old-school
        print_and_system qq{if [ -L $bin_cpan -o ! -e $bin_cpan ] ; then /bin/rm $bin_cpan ; echo "force install CPAN" | $PERL -MCPAN -e shell ; fi};

        # once upon a time the cpan exe missed the executable bit - set it to be sure
        print_and_system qq!chmod +x $CPAN!;
        print_and_system qq!chmod +x $bin_cpan!;


        # Our config fiddling seems to confuse ExtUtils::Config, probably due to cherry-picks, however it's not a real bug - so force it
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i ExtUtils::Config!;

        # install extended cpan toolchain; contains some "force" where we know they are really required
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG YAML::XS!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG YAML!;

        # try really hard with some modules until we find a version
        # that fits currrent Perl
        my %mod_dists = (
                         "YAML" => [qw(MSTROUT/YAML-0.84.tar.gz
                         # "Devel::Size" => [qw(NWCLARK/Devel-Size-0.78.tar.gz
                         #                      NWCLARK/Devel-Size-0.77.tar.gz
                         #                      NWCLARK/Devel-Size-0.76.tar.gz
                         #                      NWCLARK/Devel-Size-0.75.tar.gz
                         #                      BROWSERUK/Devel-Size-0.72.tar.gz
                         #                      TELS/devel/Devel-Size-0.71.tar.gz
                         #                      TELS/devel/Devel-Size-0.70.tar.gz)],

        foreach my $mod (keys %mod_dists) {
                foreach my $dist (@{$mod_dists{$mod}}) {
                        print_and_system qq{if ! $PERL -M$mod -e1 ; then $bin_cpan -j $CFG $dist ; fi };
                print_and_system qq{if ! $PERL -M$mod -e1 ; then $bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i $mod ; fi };

        print_and_system qq{if ! $PERL -MIO::Compress::Base -e1 ; then $bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i IO::Compress::Base ; fi };
        if ($gitdescribe =~ /perl-5\.8\.0/) {
                # ignore known failing tests
                print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i Module::Build!;
        if ($gitdescribe =~ /perl-5\.8\./) {
                # test failure on some of my machines
                print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i List::MoreUtils!;
        if ($gitdescribe =~ /perl-5\.9\./) {
                # ignore known hanging tests with utf8
                print_and_system qq! echo "notest install Test::Simple" | $bin_cpan -j $CFG!;
        # if ($gitdescribe =~ /perl-5\.15\./) {
        #         # ignore known failing tests
        #         print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i Devel::Size!;
        # }
        print_and_system qq{if ! $PERL -M"version 0.97" -e1 ; then $bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i version ; fi };
        #print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i CPAN::SQLite!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i YAML::Syck!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i IO::Tty!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i Expect!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i Bundle::CPAN!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i LWP!;
        print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG    -i AAAA::Mail::SpamAssassin! if $perlformance || $perlformance_report;

        # install modules from CPAN
        foreach my $module (@MODULES) {
                print_and_system qq!$bin_cpan -j $CFG -i $module!;
                if ($module =~ qr/^(Benchmark::Perl::Formance|Mail::SPF)$/) {
                        # That's the whole deal, so we force it.
                        print_and_system qq{if ! $PERL -M$module -e1 ; then $bin_cpan -j $CFG -f -i $module ; fi };
} # if ($cpan)

# Run scripts from inside the just installed Perl
foreach my $runscript (@RUNSCRIPTS) {
        print_and_system qq!$PREFIX/bin/$runscript !.join(" ", @RUNARGS);


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

bootstrap-perl - Bootstrap Perl inclusive CPAN from git


Install a threaded 64bit Perl using current "blead"
from git with CPAN config into a path like

  $ bootstrap-perl [ <OPTIONS> ]

=head2 Specify git revisions

=head3 latest "blead"

  $ bootstrap-perl --version blead  # same as default

=head3 tag

  # note the different tag forms before and after Perl 5.10
  $ bootstrap-perl --version perl-5.8.7
  $ bootstrap-perl --version v5.14.1

=head3 branch name

  $ bootstrap-perl --version remotes/origin/smoke-me/cpan
  $ bootstrap-perl --version remotes/origin/zefram/pad_api
  $ bootstrap-perl --version remotes/origin/maint-5.12
  $ bootstrap-perl --version remotes/origin/maint-5.12^
  $ bootstrap-perl --version remotes/origin/maint-5.12~3

=head3 by commit id

  $ bootstrap-perl --version c14f2f9db08de3f50fe2ff7438429153d6ceb9a5
  $ bootstrap-perl --version c14f2f9db08de3f50fe2ff7438429153d6ceb9a5^

=head3 current HEAD in local git repo

A leading C<.> is replaced with HEAD's commitid in current subdir; you
can still combine that like usual git revisions:

  $ bootstrap-perl --version .
  $ bootstrap-perl --version .^
  $ bootstrap-perl --version .~5

=head2 Installation options

=head3 specify giturl

  $ bootstrap-perl --giturl git://
  $ bootstrap-perl -g git:// # same
  $ bootstrap-perl -g .                                 # local dir

The giturl is always cloned from the specified giturl to a temporary
working directory, so your local subdir stays untouched.

=head3 install directory

Install into other install directory than the unified naming schema
(see below for more on this schema):

  $ bootstrap-perl --prefix <PREFIX>

Use the unified naming schema but not under C</$HOME/.bootstrapperl/$HOSTNAME>:

  $ bootstrap-perl --prefixbase /foo/bar

=head3 install build dependencies

Provide the distro for which to install known build dependencies, like
gcc, git, make, etc.:

 $ bootstrap-perl --installdeps=debian

Currently there is only one: C<debian>. Simply send me a patch for
your preferred distro, it's easy.

=head3 parallel build

Use this many parallel jobs to build:

  $ bootstrap-perl --jobs <n>
  $ bootstrap-perl -j <n>

Default is to use core count + 1.

=head3 test

Run the perl test suite:

  $ bootstrap-perl --test
  $ bootstrap-perl -t

Default is B<not> to run the tests.

=head3 use threads

Build a threaded Perl (C<-Dusethreads>):

  $ bootstrap-perl --usethreads

which is already the default. To build non-threaded Perl use:

  $ bootstrap-perl --nousethreads

=head3 use 64bit

Build a 64bit enabled Perl (C<-Duse64bitall>):

  $ bootstrap-perl --use64bit

which is already the default. To build Perl without 64bit use:

  $ bootstrap-perl --nouse64bit

=head3 version numbers vs. blead

By default the Perl version number is derived from git-describe and
kept for later reference (e.g., for codespeed exe name). However, if you

  $ bootstrap-perl --blead

then the version used in paths or codespeed executables is using
"blead" in order to generate a make it belong to to a common
development line besides the yearly segmented graphs.

It is only possible to use C<--blead> with development versions in
order to create consistent results from only the blead branch.

Note that C<--blead> does not set a version but only modifies the
formats of path prefix and how the version is reported to
Perl::Formance; it is B<not> the same as C<--version blead>.

=head3 configure CPAN and modules

Configure CPAN to use these mirrors:

  $ bootstrap-perl --mirror file:///home/ss5/MINICPAN/
  $ bootstrap-perl -m file:///home/ss5/MINICPAN/ -m
  $ bootstrap-perl -m file:///home/ss5/MINICPAN/,

(Option can be repeated and allow comma separated lists.)

Install these modules from CPAN:

  $ bootstrap-perl --module YAML::Syck
  $ bootstrap-perl -M YAML::Syck -M Digest::SHA1 -M IO::Tty -M LWP
  $ bootstrap-perl -M YAML::Syck,Digest::SHA1 -M IO::Tty,LWP

(Option can be repeated and allow comma separated lists.)

=head3 run scripts

Run these scripts relative to built <PREFIX>/bin/:

  $ bootstrap-perl --run tapper-testsuite-benchmark-perlformance
  $ bootstrap-perl --run tapper-testsuite-benchmark-perlformance --runargs="--plugins=Fib,FibOO;-vvv"
  $ bootstrap-perl -r tapper-testsuite-benchmark-perlformance -r

(Option C<--run> can be repeated and allows comma separated lists.)

(Option C<--runargs> can be repeated and allows semicolon[sic] separated lists.)

=head3 run Perl::Formance benchmarks

To do everything in one go needed for running
Benchmark::Perl::Formance do:

  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance

This sets defaults equivalent to C<-M Task::PerlFormance> C<-m> C<--run
benchmark-perlformance> C<--runargs=--plugins=ALL>.

You can override parts of that like this:

  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance --runargs="--plugins=Fib,FibOO"

to specify different set ob benchmarks.

To use current subdir as Perl's repo and run only
those benchmarks with no extra dependencies

  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance-local
  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance-local -c .
  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance-local -c .^
  $ bootstrap-perl --perlformance-local -c .~5

=head2 Unified installation prefix schema

It uses a unified naming schema for it's installation PREFIX:


which leads to paths like this:


This naming schema consist of the major version, basic configuration
and I<git-describe>.

=head1 ABOUT

The script B<bootstrap-perl> bootstraps Perl installations with
complete CPAN environment, inclusive distroprefs, from git.

It was originally developed to be used by
L<Benchmark::Perl::Formance|Benchmark::Perl::Formance> and now lives
on its own.

It should work for Perl versions from 5.8.6 to blead. Occasionally it
cherry-picks a very few patches to fix some known build issues, like
for 5.8.x.

=head1 AUTHOR

Steffen Schwigon <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Steffen Schwigon.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



# Have POD in it so perldoc -l can find its path.

=head1 ABOUT


This is's systemwide configuration file. This file provides
defaults for users, and the values can be changed in a per-user
configuration file. The user-config file is being looked for as


$CPAN::Config = {
  'applypatch' => q[/usr/bin/applypatch],
  'auto_commit' => q[1],
  'build_cache' => q[10],
  'build_dir' => q[__PREFIXBASE__/cpan/build],
  'build_dir_reuse' => q[0],
  'build_requires_install_policy' => q[yes],
  'bzip2' => q[/bin/bzip2],
  'cache_metadata' => q[0],
  'check_sigs' => q[0],
  'colorize_debug' => q[bold cyan],
  'colorize_output' => q[1],
  'colorize_print' => q[bold blue],
  'colorize_warn' => q[bold red],
  'commandnumber_in_prompt' => q[0],
  'connect_to_internet_ok' => q[0],
  'cpan_home' => q[__PREFIXBASE__/cpan],
  'dontload_hash' => {  },
  'ftp' => q[/usr/bin/ftp],
  'patch' => q[/usr/bin/patch],
  'ftp_passive' => q[1],
  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
  'getcwd' => q[cwd],
  'gpg' => q[/usr/bin/gpg],
  'gzip' => q[/bin/gzip],
  'halt_on_failure' => q[0],
  'histfile' => q[__PREFIXBASE__/cpan/histfile],
  'histsize' => q[100],
  'http_proxy' => q[],
  'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
  'index_expire' => q[0],
  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0],
  'keep_source_where' => q[__PREFIXBASE__/cpan/sources],
  'load_module_verbosity' => q[v],
  'lynx' => q[],
  'make' => q[/usr/bin/make],
  'make_arg' => q[],
  'make_install_arg' => q[],
  'make_install_make_command' => q[/usr/bin/make],
  'makepl_arg' => q[],
  'mbuild_arg' => q[],
  'mbuild_install_arg' => q[],
  'mbuild_install_build_command' => q[./Build],
  'mbuildpl_arg' => q[],
  'ncftp' => q[],
  'ncftpget' => q[],
  'no_proxy' => q[],
  'pager' => q[/usr/bin/less],
  'perl5lib_verbosity' => q[v],
  'prefer_installer' => q[MB],
  'prefs_dir' => q[__DISTROPREFSDIR__],
  'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow],
  'scan_cache' => q[atstart],
  'shell' => q[/bin/bash],
  'show_unparsable_versions' => q[0],
  'show_upload_date' => q[0],
  'show_zero_versions' => q[0],
  'tar' => q[/bin/tar],
  'tar_verbosity' => q[v],
  'term_is_latin' => q[0],
  'term_ornaments' => q[1],
  'test_report' => q[0],
  'trust_test_report_history' => q[0],
  'unzip' => q[],
  'urllist' => [qw[__MIRRORS__]],
  'use_sqlite' => q[0],
  'version_timeout' => q[15],
  'wget' => q[/usr/bin/wget],
  'yaml_load_code' => q[0],
  'yaml_module' => q[YAML],