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package App::Framework::Base::Object ;

=head1 NAME

Object - Basic object


use App::Framework::Base::Object ;



Setting the debug flag to level 1 prints out (to STDOUT) some debug messages, setting it to level 2 prints out more verbose messages.

=head1 AUTHOR

Steve Price C<< <sdprice at> >>

=head1 BUGS

None that I know of!


=over 4


use strict ;
use Carp ;
use Cwd ;

our $VERSION = "2.002" ;


use App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj ;

my $global_debug = 0 ;
my $global_verbose = 0 ;
my $strict_fields = 0 ;

/ ;

	'debug'			=> undef,		# pseudo field
	'verbose'		=> undef,		# pseudo field
) ;

# Constant
#my @REQ_LIST ;


my %DEBUG ;


=item B<new([%args])>

Create a new object.

The %args are specified as they would be in the B<set> method, for example:

	'mmap_handler' => $mmap_handler

Special arguments are:

	'fields'	=> Either ARRAY list of valid field names, or HASH of field names with default values 


		'fields' => {
			'cmd'		=> undef,
			'status'	=> 0,
			'results'	=> [],

All defined fields have an accessor method created.


sub new
	my ($obj, %args) = @_ ;

	my $class = ref($obj) || $obj ;
	#my $class = $obj->class() ;

	print "== Object: Creating new $class object ========\n" if $global_debug ; 
	prt_data("ARGS=", \%args, "\n") if $global_debug>=2 ;

	# Initialise class variables

	# Create object
	my $this = {} ;
	bless ($this, $class) ;

	# Initialise object
	$this->init(%args) ;

#	# Check for required settings
#	foreach (@REQ_LIST)
#	{
#		do 
#		{ 
#			croak "ERROR: $class : Must specify setting for $_" ; 
#		} unless defined($this->{$_}) ;
#	}

	prt_data("== Created object=", $this, "================================================\n") if $global_debug ;
	return($this) ;


=item B<init([%args])>

Initialises the newly created object instance.


sub init
	my $this = shift ;
	my (%args) = @_ ;

	prt_data("init() ARGS=", \%args, "\n") if $global_debug>=3 ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	##my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
    $this = $this->check_instance() ;
	# Defaults
##	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	# May have default value for some or all fields
	my %field_copy ;
	foreach my $fld (keys %field_list)
		my $val = $field_list{$fld} ;
		# If value is an ARRAY ref or a HASH ref then we want a new copy of this per instance (otherwise
		# all instances will have a ref to the same HASH/ARRAY and one instance will change all instance's values!)
		if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY')
			$val = [@$val] ;
		elsif (ref($val) eq 'HASH')
			$val = { (%$val) } ;
		$field_copy{$fld} = $val ;	

	$this->set(%field_copy) ;

	## Handle special fields
	foreach my $special (@SPECIAL_FIELDS)
		if (exists($args{$special}))
			# remove from args list
			my $special_val = delete $args{$special} ;
			# call variable handler
			$this->$special($special_val) ;		

	## Set fields from parameters
	$this->set(%args) ;

	print "init() - done\n" if $global_debug>=3 ;



=item B<init_class([%args])>

Initialises the object class variables.


sub init_class
	my $this = shift ;
	my (%args) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

	prt_data("init_class() ARGS=", \%args, "\n") if $global_debug>=3 ;
#prt_data("init_class() ARGS (LIST)=", \@_, "\n") ;

	if (!$CLASS_INIT{$class})
		# Field list
		$FIELD_LIST{$class} = {};
		my $fields = delete($args{'fields'}) ;

	prt_data(" + fields=$fields", $fields, "ARGS=", \%args, "\n") if $global_debug>=4 ;
#prt_data(" init_class($class) FIELDS=", $fields, "\n") ;

		if ($fields)
print " + fields=$fields ref()=", ref($fields), "\n" if $global_debug>=4 ;

			my $class_fields_href = {} ;
			## Do the fields
			if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY')
				$class_fields_href = {
					map {$_ => undef} @$fields
				} ;
			elsif (ref($fields) eq 'HASH')
				$class_fields_href = {
				} ;
				$class_fields_href = {
					($fields => undef)
				} ;
			$FIELD_LIST{$class} = $class_fields_href ;

		# create accessors
		my $code = "package $class;\n" ;
		foreach my $field (keys %{$FIELD_LIST{$class}})
			if (!$class->can($field))
				$code .= qq{
					## get / set
			        sub $field 
						my \$this = shift ;
			            \@_  ? \$this->{$field} = \$_[0]  # set
			                 : \$this->{$field};          # get
			if (!$class->can("undef_$field"))
				$code .= qq{
					## undefine
			        sub undef_$field 
						my \$this = shift ;
			            \$this->{$field} = undef ;
		print "Created Accessors:\n$code\n" if $global_debug>=4 ;
	    eval $code;
	    if ($@) {
	       die  "ERROR defining accessors for '$class':" 
	            . "\n\t$@\n" 
	            . "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
	            . $code;

		## Create private fields
prt_data(" init_class: class=$class FIELD_LIST=", \%FIELD_LIST) if $global_debug>=4 ;

		# Finished

	print "init_class() - done\n" if $global_debug>=3 ;


=item B<add_fields($fields_href, $args_href)>

Adds the contents of the HASH ref $fields_href to the args HASH ref ($args_href) under the key
'fields'. Used by derived objects to add their fields to the parent object's fields.


sub add_fields
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($fields_href, $args_href) = @_ ;

	# Add extra fields
	foreach (keys %$fields_href)
		$args_href->{'fields'}{$_} = $fields_href->{$_} ;



=item B<init_class_instance([%args])>

Initialises the object class variables. Creates a class instance so that these
methods can also be called via the class (don't need a specific instance)


sub init_class_instance
	my $class = shift ;
	my (%args) = @_ ;

	$class->init_class(%args) ;

	# Create a class instance object - allows these methods to be called via class
	$class->class_instance(%args) ;
	# Set any global values
	$class->set(%args) ;

# Return global fields hash
sub _field_list
	my $class = shift ;

	return %FIELD_LIST ;



=item B<global_debug(level)>

Set global debug print options to I<level>. 

	0 = No debug
	1 = standard debug information
	2 = verbose debug information


sub global_debug
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($flag) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	##my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

	my $old = $global_debug ;
	$global_debug = $flag if defined($flag) ;

	return $old ;


=item B<global_verbose(level)>

Set global verbose print level to I<level>. 

	0 = None verbose
	1 = verbose information
	2 = print commands
	3 = print command results


sub global_verbose
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($flag) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	##my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

	my $old = $global_verbose ;
	$global_verbose = $flag if defined($flag) ;

	return $old ;


=item B<strict_fields($flag)>

Enable/disable strict field checking


sub strict_fields
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($flag) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	##my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

	my $old = $strict_fields ;
	$strict_fields = $flag if defined($flag) ;

	return $old ;


=item B<class_instance([%args])>

Returns an object that can be used for class-based calls - object contains
all the usual fields

sub class_instance
	my $this = shift ;
	my (@args) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

	if ($class->allowed_class_instance() && !$class->has_class_instance())
		$CLASS_INSTANCE{$class} = 1 ; # ensure we don't get here again (breaks recursive loop)

		print "-- Create class instance --\n" if $global_debug>=3 ;
		# Need to create one using the args
		$CLASS_INSTANCE{$class} = $class->new(@args) ;

	return $CLASS_INSTANCE{$class} ;


=item B<has_class_instance()>

Returns true if this class has a class instance object

sub has_class_instance
	my $this = shift ;
	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

#prt_data("has_class_instance($class) CLASS_INSTANCE=", \%CLASS_INSTANCE) if $global_debug>=5 ;

	return exists($CLASS_INSTANCE{$class}) ;


=item B<allowed_class_instance()>

Returns true if this class can have a class instance object

sub allowed_class_instance
	return 1 ;


=item B<field_list()>

Returns hash of object's field definitions.


sub field_list
	my $this = shift ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my $href ;
	$href = $FIELD_LIST{$class} if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	return $href ? %$href : () ;



=item B<debug(level)>

Set debug print options to I<level>. 


sub debug
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($level) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
#print "In debug() for $class\n" ;

	$DEBUG{$class} ||= 0 ;
	my $old = $DEBUG{$class} ;
	$DEBUG{$class} = $level if defined($level) ;

	return $old ;


=item B<undef_debug()>

Set debug print options flag to undefined. 


sub undef_debug
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($level) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
#print "In undef_debug() for $class\n" ;

	$DEBUG{$class} ||= 0 ;
	my $old = $DEBUG{$class} ;
	$DEBUG{$class} = undef ;

	return $old ;


=item B<verbose(level)>

Set verbose print options to I<level>. 


sub verbose
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($level) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
#print "In verbose() for $class\n" ;

	$VERBOSE{$class} ||= 0 ;
	my $old = $VERBOSE{$class} ;
	$VERBOSE{$class} = $level if defined($level) ;

	return $old ;


=item B<undef_verbose()>

Set verbose print options flag to undefined. 


sub undef_verbose
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($level) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
#print "In undef_verbose() for $class\n" ;

	$DEBUG{$class} ||= 0 ;
	my $old = $DEBUG{$class} ;
	$DEBUG{$class} = undef ;

	return $old ;


=item B<field_access($field, [$val])>

Get/set a field value. Used by derived objects to get/set the underlying object field
variable when they have overridden that field's access method.


sub field_access
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($field, $value) = @_ ;

	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;
	$this->throw_fatal("Attempting to access an invalid field \"$field\" for this object class \"$class\" ") unless (exists($field_list{$field})) ;

	$this->{$field} = $value if defined($value) ;
	return $this->{$field} ;


=item B<set(%args)>

Set one or more settable parameter.

The %args are specified as a hash, for example

	set('mmap_handler' => $mmap_handler)

Sets field values. Field values are expressed as part of the HASH (i.e. normal
field => value pairs).


sub set
	my $this = shift ;
	my (%args) = @_ ;

	prt_data("set() ARGS=", \%args, "\n") if $global_debug>=3 ;

    $this = $this->check_instance() ;
	# Args
##	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	foreach my $field (keys %field_list)
		if (exists($args{$field})) 
			print " + set $field = $args{$field}\n" if $global_debug>=3 ;

			# Need to call actual method (rather than ___set) so that it can be overridden
			if (!defined($args{$field}))
				# Set to undef
				my $undef_method = "undef_$field" ;
				$this->$undef_method()  ;
				$this->$field($args{$field})  ;

	## See if strict checks are enabled
	if ($strict_fields)
		# Check to ensure that only the valid fields are being set
		foreach my $field (keys %args)
			if (!exists($field_list{$field}))
				print "WARNING::Attempt to set invalid field \"$field\" \n" ;
				$this->dump_callstack() ;
	print "set() - done\n" if $global_debug>=3 ;



=item B<vars([@names])>

Returns hash of object's fields (i.e. field name => field value pairs).

If @names array is specified, then only returns the HASH containing the named fields.


sub vars
	my $this = shift ;
	my (@names) = @_ ;

##	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	my %fields ;

#prt_data("vars() names=", \@names) ;
	# If no names specified then get all of them
	unless (@names)
		@names = keys %field_list ;
	my %names = map {$_ => 1} @names ;
#prt_data(" + names=", \%names) ;
	# Get the value of each field
	foreach my $field (keys %field_list)
		# Store field if we've asked for it
		$fields{$field} = $this->$field() if exists($names{$field}) ;
#print " + + $field : " ;
#if (exists($fields{$field}))
#	print "ok ($fields{$field})\n" ;
#	print "not wanted\n" ;
	return %fields ;


=item B<DESTROY()>

Destroy object


	my $this = shift ;




=item B<check_instance()>

If this is not an instance (i.e. a class call), then if there is a class_instance
defined use it, otherwise error.


sub check_instance
	my $this = shift ;
	my (%args) = @_ ;

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	if (!ref($this))
		my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
		if ($class->has_class_instance())
			$this = $class->class_instance() ;
			croak "$this is not a usable object" ;

	return $this ;	


=item B<copy_attributes($target)>

Transfers all the supported attributes from $this object to $target object.


sub copy_attributes
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($target) = @_ ;

    $this = $this->check_instance() ;
    $target = $target->check_instance() ;
	# Get list of fields in the target
	my %target_field_list = $target->field_list() ;
	# Copy values from this object
	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	foreach my $field (keys %target_field_list)
		# see if can copy
		if (exists($field_list{$field}))
			$target->set($field => $this->$field()) ;


=item B<class()>

Returns name of object class.


sub class
	my $this = shift ;

	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	return $class ;


=item B<clone()>

Create a copy of this object and return the copy.


sub clone
	my $this = shift ;

	my $clone ;
	return $clone ;

# ============================================================================================
# ============================================================================================


=item B<quote_str($str)>

Returns a quoted version of the string.

sub quote_str
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($str) = @_ ;
	##my $class = $this->class() ;

	# skip on Windows machines
	unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
		# first escape any existing quotes
		$str =~ s%\\'%'%g ;
		$str =~ s%'%'\\''%g ;
		$str = "'".$str."'" ;
	return $str ;


=item B<expand_vars($string, \%vars)>

Work through string expanding any variables, replacing them with the value stored in the %vars hash.
If variable is not stored in %vars, then that variable is left.

Returns expanded string.


sub expand_vars 
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($string, $vars_href) = @_ ;

	# Do replacement
	$string =~ s{
				     \$                         # find a literal dollar sign
				     \{{0,1}					# optional brace
				    (\w+)                       # find a "word" and store it in $1
				     \}{0,1}					# optional brace
				    no strict 'refs';           # for $$1 below
				    if (defined $vars_href->{$1}) {
				        $vars_href->{$1};            # expand variable
				    } else {
				        "\${$1}";  				# leave it

	return $string ;


=item B<prt_data(@args)>

Use App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj to print out variable information. Automatically enables
object print out

sub prt_data 
	my $this = shift ;
	my (@args) = @_ ;
	App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj::print_objects_flag(1) ;
	App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj::prt_data(@args) ;

#=item B<_dbg_prt($items_aref [, $min_debug])>
#Print out the items in the $items_aref ARRAY ref iff the calling object's debug level is >0. 
#If $min_debug is specified, will only print out items if the calling object's debug level is >= $min_debug.
sub _dbg_prt
	my $obj = shift ;
	my ($items_aref, $min_debug) = @_ ;

	$min_debug ||= 1 ;
	## check debug level setting
	if ($obj->debug >= $min_debug)
		my $pkg = ref($obj) ;
		$pkg =~ s/App::Framework/ApFw/ ;
		my $prefix = App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj::prefix("$pkg ::  ") ;
		$obj->prt_data(@$items_aref) ;
		App::Framework::Base::Object::DumpObj::prefix($prefix) ;


=item B<dump_callstack()>

Print out the call stack. Useful for debug output at a crash site. 

sub dump_callstack 
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($package, $filename, $line, $subr, $has_args, $wantarray) ;
	my $i=0 ;
	print "\n-----------------------------------------\n";
		($package, $filename, $line, $subr, $has_args, $wantarray) = caller($i++) ;
		if ($subr)
			print "$filename :: $subr :: $line\n" ;	
	while($subr) ;
	print "-----------------------------------------\n\n";

# ============================================================================================
# ============================================================================================

# Set field value
sub ___set
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($field, $new_value) = @_ ;

## NEW	
if ($global_debug>=10)
print "Unexpected ___set($field, $new_value)\n" ;
$this->dump_callstack() ;
## NEW	

	#my $class = $this->class() ;
	my $value ;

	# Check that field name is valid
##	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	if (!exists($field_list{$field}))
##		my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

		prt_data("$class : ___set($field) invalid field. Valid fields=", \%field_list) if $global_debug>=5 ;
		$this->dump_callstack() if $global_debug>=10 ;

		# TODO: Do something more useful!
		croak "$class: Attempting to write invalid field $field" ;
		# get existing value
		$value = $this->{$field} ;
		# write
		$this->{$field} = $new_value ;
	print " + ___set($field) <= $new_value (was $value)\n" if $global_debug>=5 ;

	# Return previous value
	return $value ;

# get field value
sub ___get
	my $this = shift ;
	my ($field) = @_ ;

	my $value ;
	#my $class = $this->class() ;

## NEW	
if ($global_debug>=10)
print "Unexpected ___get($field)\n" ;
$this->dump_callstack() ;
## NEW	

	# Check that field name is valid
##	my %field_list = $this->field_list() ;
	my $class = ref($this) || $this ;
	my %field_list = ();
	%field_list = %{ $FIELD_LIST{$class} } if exists($FIELD_LIST{$class}) ;

	if (!exists($field_list{$field}))
##		my $class = ref($this) || $this ;

		prt_data("$class : ___get($field) invalid field. Valid fields=", \%field_list) if $global_debug>=5 ;
prt_data("$class : ___get($field) invalid field. Valid fields=", \%field_list) ;
		$this->dump_callstack() if $global_debug>=10 ;
$this->dump_callstack() ;

		# TODO: Do something more useful!
		croak "$class: Attempting to access invalid method $field (or read using invalid data accessor)" ;
		# get existing value
		$value = $this->{$field} ;

	print " + ___get($field) = $value\n" if $global_debug>=5 ;

	# Return previous value
	return $value ;

# ============================================================================================

# Autoload handle only field value set/undefine
# Set method = <name>
# Undefine method = undef_<name>
	print "AUTOLOAD ($AUTOLOAD)\n" if $global_debug>=5 ;

## NEW	
if ($global_debug>=10)
my $caller = (caller())[0] ;
print "Unexpected AUTOLOAD ($AUTOLOAD) from $caller\n" ;
## NEW	

    my $this = shift;
#	prt_data("AUTOLOAD ($AUTOLOAD) this=", $this) if $global_debug>=5 ;

#print "$this=",ref($this),"\n";
	if (!ref($this)||ref($this)eq'ARRAY')
		croak "AUTOLOAD ($AUTOLOAD) (@_): $this is not a valid object" ;

    $this = $this->check_instance() ;
#	prt_data(" + this=", $this) if $global_debug>=5 ;

    my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
    $name =~ s/.*://;   # strip fully-qualified portion
    my $class = $AUTOLOAD;
    $class =~ s/::[^:]+$//;  # get class

    my $type = ref($this) ;
#    if (!$type)
#    {
#    	# see if there is a class instance object defined
#    	if ($class->has_class_instance())
#    	{
#	    	$this = $class->class_instance() ;
#	    	$type = ref($this) ;
#    	}
#		else
#		{
#			croak "$this is not an object";
#		}
#    }

	# possibly going to set a new value
	my $set=0;
	my $new_value = shift;
	$set = 1 if defined($new_value) ;
	# 1st see if this is of the form undef_<name>
	if ($name =~ m/^undef_(\w+)$/)
		$set = 1 ;
		$name = $1 ;
		$new_value = undef ;

	my $value = $this->___get($name);

	if ($set)
		$this->___set($name, $new_value) ;

	# Return previous value
	return $value ;

# ============================================================================================



