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use strict;
use warnings;
use inc::Module::Install;
use File::Path ;
use Config;

my $DEBUG = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0 ;

my $name = 'App-Framework-Lite' ;

my $mod = $name ;
$mod =~ s%\-%::%g ;

my $modpath = $name ;
$modpath =~ s%\-%/%g ;

# Define metadata
name            $name;
abstract_from	"lib/$" ;
author_from		"lib/$" ;
version_from	"lib/$" ;
license_from	"lib/$" ;
perl_version	'5.8.4' ;
##all_from       "lib/$";
# Specific dependencies
requires       'Cwd'; 
requires       'File::Basename';
requires       'File::Path';
requires       'File::Temp';
requires       'File::Spec';
requires       'File::Find';
requires       'File::Copy';
requires       'File::DosGlob';
requires       'File::Which';
requires       'Pod::Usage'		=> 1.33 ;	# Need at least this version or -man won't work!
requires       'Date::Manip';
requires       'Getopt::Long';

test_requires  'Test::More'  => '0.42';
test_requires  'Test::Pod'  => '1.22';
test_requires  'Test::Pod::Coverage'  => '1.08';
test_requires  'File::Which' ;

no_index       'directory'   => 'examples';

## Optional modules
#my %optional = (
#	1 => {
#		'name'			=> 'Feature::Sql',
#		'description'	=> 'MySQL support',
#		'requires'		=> {
#			'DBI'			=> 0,
#			'DBD::mysql'	=> 0,
#		},
#	},
#	2 => {
#		'name'			=> 'Feature::Mail',
#		'description'	=> 'Mail support',
#		'requires'		=> {
#			'Net::SMTP'		=> 0,
#		},
#	},
##	3 => {
##		'name'			=> 'Extension::Daemon',
##		'description'	=> 'Daemon script extension',
##		'requires'		=> {
##			'Net::Server::Daemonize'		=> 0,
##		},
##	},
##	4 => {
##		'name'			=> 'Core::POE',
##		'description'	=> 'POE script personality',
##		'requires'		=> {
##			'POE'		=> 0,
##		},
##	},
#) ;
#$mod provides a number of optional modules which require additional CPAN modules. Please select
#from the following which $mod modules you would like to be fully installed and tested (any modules
#you do not select will still be available but you will have to manually install any module dependencies).
#The optional modules are:
#for my $num (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %optional) 
#	printf "    [%d] %s - %s\n", $num, $optional{$num}{'name'}, $optional{$num}{'description'} ;
#my $c = prompt("\nEnter your choices, separated by spaces (0=none, a=all):", 0); print "\n";

#my %to_install ;
#if ($c)
#	if ($c =~ /a/i)
#	{
#		for my $num (keys %optional) 
#		{
#			$to_install{$num} = 1 ;
#		}
#	}
#	else
#	{
#		for my $num (split /\s+/, $c) 
#		{
#			next unless exists($optional{$num}) ;
#			$to_install{$num} = 1 ;
#		}
#	}
#my $to_test_str = "" ;
#foreach my $num (keys %to_install)
#	## Add required modules
#	foreach my $req (keys %{$optional{$num}{'requires'}})
#	{
#		my @args = ($req) ;
#		push @args, $optional{$num}{'requires'}{$req} if $optional{$num}{'requires'}{$req} ;
#		requires(@args) ;
#	}
#	## Add module		
#	$to_test_str .= "$mod\:\:$optional{$num}{name} => 1,\n" ;
#open my $fh, ">t/" ;
#print $fh <<CONFIG;
#package config;
#our \%TO_TEST = (
#) ;
#close $fh ;

## create extra pod files
sub MY::postamble {

check_new_version() ;
check_old_version() ;


## clean out old installation

WriteAll() ;

sub check_old_version
	my $remove = "" ;
	my $version ;
	eval {
		no strict 'refs';
		require "$" ;
		$version = ${"${mod}::VERSION"} ;
	} ;
	if ($version)
		print "Found an existing installation: Version $version\n" ;
		$version =~ s/_//g ;

sub check_new_version
	my $version = ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version("lib/$");

	print "Installing Version: $version\n" ;
	## Check for newer version
	eval {
		require LWP::UserAgent;
	} ;
	if (!$@)
		print "Checking for later version...\n" ;
		## specify user name so that I can filter out my builds
		my $user = $ENV{USER} || $ENV{USERNAME} || 'nobody' ;
		# CPAN testers
		my $cpan = $ENV{'PERL5_CPAN_IS_RUNNING'}||0 ;

		## check for OS-specific versions
		my $os = $^O ;
		my $url = "$version&mod=$name&user=$user&os=$os&cpan=$cpan" ;
		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
		$ua->agent("CPAN-$name/$version") ;
		my $response = $ua->get($url);
		if ($response->is_success) 
			my $content = $response->content ;
			if ($content =~ m/Current version : ([\d\.]+)/m)
				print "Latest CPAN version is $1\n" ;
			if ($content =~ m/Newer version/m)
				print "** NOTE: A newer version than this is available. Please downloaded latest version **\n" ;
				print "Got latest version\n" ;
			print "Unable to connect, assuming latest\n" ;
			#print $response->status_line;