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use strict ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/ ;

++$! ;

# Script illustrating the use of the Linux::DVB::DVBT package for recording channels

use Linux::DVB::DVBT ;
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Ffmpeg ;

our $VERSION = "2.01" ;

	my ($help, $man, $DEBUG, $DEBUG_FFMPEG, $VERBOSE, $config, $adap, $anypid, $info) ;
	my ($tsid, $lang, $lang_sub, $keep) ; #by rainbowcrypt
	my $out = 'av' ;

	GetOptions('v|verbose=s' => \$VERBOSE,
			   'debug=s' => \$DEBUG,
			   'dbg-ffmpeg=s' => \$DEBUG_FFMPEG,
			   'h|help' => \$help,
			   'man' => \$man,
			   'cfg=s' => \$config,
			   'a|adap|dvb=i' => \$adap,
			   'keep'		=> \$keep,
			   'out=s'		=> \$out,
			   'lang=s'		=> \$lang,
               'sublang=s'  => \$lang_sub, #by rainbowcrypt
			   'tsid=i'		=> \$tsid,
			   'anypid'		=> \$anypid,
			   'info'		=> \$info,
			   ) or pod2usage(2) ;

    pod2usage(1) if $help;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
    pod2usage("$0: No arguments given.")  if (@ARGV == 0) && !$tsid ;

	Linux::DVB::DVBT->debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->dvb_debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->verbose($VERBOSE) ;

	my $error ;
	## Create dvb
	## NOTE: With default object settings, the application will
	## die on *any* error, so there is no error checking in this script
	my $dvb = Linux::DVB::DVBT->new(
		'adapter_num'	=> $adap,
	) ;
	$dvb->config_path($config) if $config ;

	## Parse command line
	my @chan_spec ;
	my $error ;
	$error = $dvb->multiplex_parse(\@chan_spec, @ARGV);
	## Select the channel(s)
	my %options = (
		'lang'			=> $lang,
        'sublang'       => $lang_sub, #by rainbowcrypt
		'out'			=> $out,
		'tsid'			=> $tsid,
		'no-pid-check'	=> $anypid,
	) ;
	$error = $dvb->multiplex_select(\@chan_spec, %options) ;

	## Get multiplex info
	my %multiplex_info = $dvb->multiplex_info() ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("multiplex_info=", \%multiplex_info) if $DEBUG ;

	#display summary of recording settings
Recording Summary

Total record duration: $multiplex_info{'duration'} seconds

TSID: $multiplex_info{'tsid'}



	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		print "  $file\n" ;
		foreach my $pid_href (@{$href->{'demux'}})
			printf "    PID %5d [$pid_href->{'pidtype'}]\n", $pid_href->{'pid'} ;
		print "\n" ;

	exit 0 if $info ;
	## Record
	$dvb->multiplex_record(%multiplex_info) ;

	## Release the hardware (to allow a new recording to start)
	$dvb->dvb_close() ;

	print "Recording stats:\n" ;
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		print "  $file\n" ;
		foreach my $pid_href (@{$multiplex_info{'files'}{$file}{'pids'}})
			printf "    PID %5d [$pid_href->{'pidtype'}] : %s errors / %s overflows / %s packets\n", 
		print "\n" ;
	## Transcode the recordings (uses ffmpeg helper module)
	$error = $dvb->multiplex_transcode(%multiplex_info) ;



=head1 NAME

dvbt-multirec - Record streams from a multiplex


dvbt-multirec [options] [recording specification]


       -debug level         set debug level
       -verbose level       set verbosity level
       -help                brief help message
       -man                 full documentation
       -out outspec         set default output spec
       -lang langspec       set default language spec
       -sublang langspec    set default language spec for subtitles
       -tsid value          specify multiplex tsid
       -anypid              allow any pid value
       -info                display recording details
       -a <num>             Use adapter <num>
=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-verbose>

Set verbosity level. Higher values show more information.

=item B<-debug>

Set debug level. Higher levels show more debugging information (only really of any interest to developers!)

=item B<-a>

Specify which adapter number to use

=item B<-out>

Set the default output spec (normally "audio video"). See description for further details of output spec.

=item B<-lang>

Set the default language spec (normally just the default audio track). See description for further details of language spec.

=item B<-tsid>

The TSID definition defines the transponder (multiplex) to use. Use this when pids define the streams rather than 
channel names and the pid value(s) may occur in multiple TSIDs.

=item B<-anypid>

Allows specification of any pid number, skipping checks that the pid is valid for the multiplex.

=item B<-info>

Display recording information based on the specified options, then exit without recording. Useful to quickly get a list of pids for a channel.



Script that uses the perl Linux::DVB::DVBT package to record multiple programs at the same time (as long as they are within the same multiplex - use L<dvbt-chans|script::dvbt-chans> with -multi option to get
the list of programs grouped by multiplex).

=head2 Arguments

The arguments define the set of streams (all from the same multiplex, or transponder) that are to be recorded
at the same time into each file. 

Each stream definition must start with a filename, followed by either channel names or pid numbers. Also, 
you must specify the duration of the stream. Finally, an offset time can be specified that delays the start of 
the stream (for example, if the start time of the programs to be recorded are staggered).

A file defined by channel name(s) may optionally also contain a language spec and an output spec: 

The output spec determines which type of streams are included in the recording. By default, "video" and "audio" tracks are recorded. You can
override this by specifying the output spec. For example, if you also want the subtitle track to be recorded, then you need to
specify the output includes video, audio, and subtitles. This can be done either by specifying the types in full or by just their initials.

For example, any of the following specs define video, audio, and subtitles:

	"audio, video, subtitle"
	"a, v, s"

Note that, if the file format explicitly defines the type of streams required, then there is no need to specify an output spec. For example,
specifying that the file format is mp3 will ensure that only the audio is recorded.

In a similar fashion, the language spec determines the audio streams to be recorded in the program. Normally, the default audio stream is included 
in the recorded file. If you want either an alternative audio track, or additional audio tracks, then you use the language spec to 
define them. The spec consists of a space seperated list of language names. If the spec contains a '+' then the audio streams are 
added to the default; otherwise the default audio is B<excluded> and only those other audio tracks in the spec are recorded. Note that
the specification order is important, audio streams from the language spec are matched with the audio details in the specified order. Once a 
stream has been skipped there is no back tracking (see the examples below for clarification).

For example, if a channel has the audio details: eng:601 eng:602 fra:603 deu:604 (i.e. 2 English tracks, 1 French track, 1 German) then

=over 4

=item lang="+eng"

Results in the default audio (pid 601) and the next english track (pid 602) recorded

=item lang="fra"

Results in just the french track (pid 603) recorded

=item lang="eng fra"

Results in the B<second> english (pid 602) and the french track (pid 603) recorded

=item lang="fra eng"

Results in an error. The english tracks have already been skipped to match the french track, and so will not be matched again.


Note that the output spec overrides the language spec. If the output does not include audio, then the language spec is ignored.

=head3 Timeslip Specification
Timeslip recording uses the now/next live EPG information to track the start and end of the program being recorded. This information
is transmit by the broadcaster and (hopefully) is a correct reflection of the broadcast of the program. Using this feature should then
allow recordings to be adjusted to account for late start of a program (for example, due to extended news or sports events).

To use the feature you MUST specify the event id of the program to be recorded. This information is the same event id that is gathered
by the L</epg()> function. By default, the timeslip will automatically extend the end of the recording by up to 1 hour (recording stops
automatically when the now/next information indicates the real end of the program).

=over 4

=item event=41140

Sets the event id to be 41140


Optionally you can specify a different maximum timeslip time using the 'max_timeslip' argument. Specify the time in minutes (or HH:MM or HH:MM:SS).
Note that this has a different effect depending on the B<timeslip> setting (which specifies the program 'edge'):

=over 4

=item max_timeslip=2:00

Sets the maximum timslip time to be 2 hours (i.e. by default, the recording end can be extended by up to 2 hours)


Also, you can set the 'edge' of the program that is to be timeslipped using the B<timeslip> parameter:

=over 4

=item timeslip=end

Timeslips only the end of the recording. This means that the recording will record for the normal duration, and then check to see if
the specified event (B<event_id>) has finished broadcasting. If not, the recording continues until the program finishes OR the maximum timeslip
duration has expired.

This is the default.

=item timeslip=start

Timeslips only the start of the recording. This means that the recording will not start until the event begins broadcasting. Once started, the 
specified duration will be recorded.

Note that this can mean that you miss a few seconds at the start of the program (which is why the default is to just extend the end of the recording).

=item timeslip=both

Performs both start and end recording timeslipping.


=head3 Examples

Example valid sets of arguments are:

=over 4

=item file=f1.mpeg chan=bbc1 out=avs lang=+eng len=1:00 off=0:10

Record channel BBC1 into file f1.mpeg, include subtitles, add second English audio track, record for 1 hour, start recording 10 minutes from now

=item file=f2.mp3 chan=bbc2 len=0:30

Record channel BBC2 into file f2.mp3, audio only, record for 30 minutes

=item file=f3.ts pid=600 pid=601 len=0:30

Record pids 600 & 601 into file f3.ts, record for 30 minutes


=head3 TSID

The TSID definition defines the transponder (multiplex) to use. Use this when pids define the streams rather than 
channel names and the pid value(s) may occur in multiple TSIDs.

If you define default language or output specs, these will be used in all file definitions unless that file definition
has it's own output/language spec. For example, if you want all files to include subtitles you can specify it once as
the default rather than for every file.

The files are recorded as .ts files. If you specify one of the supported file extensions, then the .ts file will be transcoded using the <Linux::DVB::DVBT::Ffmpeg> helper module (which
requires ffmpeg to be installed). Supported extensions are:

=over 4

=item B<.mpeg> - mpeg2 video / audio / subtitles

=item B<.mp4> - mpeg4 video / audio

The mp4 settings are configured to ensure that the file is compatible with playback on the PS3
(server by Twonky media server).

Note: if you use this then be prepared for a long wait! On my system, a 2 hour film can take 13 hours to transcode.

=item B<.m2v> - mpeg2 video

=item B<.mp2> - mpeg2 audio

=item B<.mp3> - mpeg3 audio

You may notice ffmpeg reports the error:

	lame: output buffer too small
Apparently (accoriding to the ffmpeg developers) this is perfectly fine. For further details see (


=head2 Example Usage

For example, you want to record some programs starting at 13:00. The list of programs are:

=over 4

=item * ITV2 start 13:00, duration 0:30, event 41140

=item * FIVE start 13:15, duration 0:30, event 11134

=item * ITV1 start 13:30, duration 0:30

=item * More 4 start 13:15, duration 0:05

=item * E4 start 13:05, duration 0:30

=item * Channel 4+1 start 13:05, duration 1:30


To record these (running the script at 13:00) use:

   $ dvbt-multirec file=itv2.mpeg ch=itv2 len=0:30 event=41140 \
   	               file=five.mpeg ch=five len=0:30 off=0:15 event=11134 max_timeslip=2:00 \
   	               file=itv1.mpeg ch=itv1 len=0:30 off=0:30 \
   	               file=more4.mpeg ch=more4 len=0:05 off=0:15 \
   	               file=e4.mpeg ch=e4 len=0:30 off=0:05 \
   	               file=ch4+1.mpeg ch='channel4+1' len=1:30 off=0:05 
Note that the ITV2 program and the FIVE program will both have their end extended if the program is broadcast late. The ITV2 program
will extend by up to 1 hour (the default), whereas the FIVE program will extend by up to 2 hours (as specified).

=head2 Further Details

For full details of the DVBT functions, please see L<Linux::DVB::DVBT>:

   perldoc Linux::DVB::DVBT