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use strict ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/ ;

++$! ;

use Linux::DVB::DVBT ;

our $VERSION = "1.01" ;
our $RECORD_SECS = 4 ;

	my ($help, $man, $DEBUG, $DEBUG_SCRIPT, $VERBOSE, $config, $tsid_only, $adap) ;
	GetOptions('v|verbose=i' => \$VERBOSE,
			   'dbg-script=i' => \$DEBUG_SCRIPT,
			   'debug=i' => \$DEBUG,
			   'h|help' => \$help,
			   'man' => \$man,
			   'cfg=s' => \$config,
			   'tsid=s' => \$tsid_only,
			   'a|adap|dvb=i' => \$adap,
			   'len=i' => \$RECORD_SECS,
			   ) or pod2usage(2) ;

    pod2usage(1) if $help;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

	Linux::DVB::DVBT->debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->dvb_debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->verbose($VERBOSE) ;

	## Create dvb 
	## NOTE: With default object settings, the application will
	## die on *any* error, so there is no error checking in this script
	my $dvb = Linux::DVB::DVBT->new(
		'adapter_num' 	=> $adap,
		'add_si'		=> 0,				# Do NOT add SI tables
		'errmode'		=> 'message',
	) ;
	$dvb->config_path($config) if $config ;
	# read config
	my $tuning_href = $dvb->get_tuning_info() ;
	my $channels_aref = $dvb->get_channel_list() ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Current tuning info=", $tuning_href) if $DEBUG>=5 ;
	my $ok = 1 ;
	# Set displayed widths
	my %widths = (
		'check'		=> 1,
		'lcn'		=> 3,
		'chan'		=> 30,
		'tsid'		=> 6,
		'pnr'		=> 5,
		'type'		=> 7,
		'pids'		=> 56,
	) ;
	# calc seperators
	my $horiz_bar = "" ;
	$horiz_bar .= "-"x$widths{'check'} ;
	$widths{'total'} = $widths{'check'} ;
	$horiz_bar .= "-"x$widths{'lcn'} ;
	$widths{'total'} = $widths{'lcn'} ;
#	foreach (qw/chan tsid pnr type pids/)
	foreach (qw/chan type pids/)
		# vert sep
		if ($_ eq 'pnr')
			$horiz_bar .= "-" ;
			$widths{'total'}++ ;
			$horiz_bar  .= "-+-" ;
			$widths{'total'} += 3 ;
		# column
		$horiz_bar .= "-"x$widths{$_} ;
		$widths{'total'} += $widths{$_} ;
	my $tsid_bar = "."x$widths{'total'} ;

	print <<HEAD ;
 LCN | Channel Name                   | Type    | Channel Quality                                                 
	my %summary ;

	## print channels grouped into multiplexes
	my %multi ;
	foreach my $ch_href (@$channels_aref)
		my $chan = $ch_href->{'channel'} ;
		my $tsid = $tuning_href->{'pr'}{$chan}{'tsid'} ;
		$multi{$tsid} ||= [] ;
		push @{$multi{$tsid}}, $ch_href ;
	my $tsids=0;
	my @tsid_list = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %multi ;
	if ($tsid_only)
		if (exists($multi{$tsid_only}))
			@tsid_list = ($tsid_only) ;
			print "Error : Requested TSID $tsid_only is not a valid value for this tuner\n" ;
			exit 1 ; 
	foreach my $tsid (@tsid_list)
		if ($tsids)
			print <<SEP ;
		my $tsid_info = "" ;
			$tsid_info .= "Freq: $tuning_href->{'ts'}{$tsid}{'frequency'} Hz" ;
			$tsid_info .= " $tuning_href->{'ts'}{$tsid}{'modulation'}QAM" ;
			$tsid_info = "[$tsid_info]" ;
		print <<TSID ;
TSID $tsid   $tsid_info
		++$tsids ;
		my %totals = (
			'chans'			=> 0,
			'pkts'			=> 0.0,
			'unrecorded'	=> 0,
			'errors'		=> 0,
			'overflows'		=> 0,
		) ;
		foreach my $ch_href (@{$multi{$tsid}})
			my ($tv, $radio) = (0, 0) ;
			my %info = print_chan($tuning_href, $ch_href, \$tv, \$radio) ;
			$totals{'chans'} += ($tv || $radio ? 1 : 0) ;
			foreach my $type (qw/video audio/)
				if ($info{$type}{'recorded'})
					foreach my $field (qw/errors overflows/)
						$totals{$field} += $info{$type}{$field} ;
					$totals{'pkts'} += 1.0*$info{$type}{'pkts'} ;
					++$totals{'unrecorded'} ;

		my $summary = sprintf "%3d chans %5.0f pkts %3d unrecorded %4d errors %4d overflows",
			$totals{'pkts'} / $totals{'chans'},
		$summary{$tsid} = $summary ;
		print <<TSID ;
TSID $tsid Summary: $summary



	print <<TAIL ;


	## Show summary table
	print <<TSID_SUMMARY ;
	foreach my $tsid (sort {Linux::DVB::DVBT::Config::tsid_sort($a,$b)} keys %summary)
		my $tsid_str = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Config::tsid_str($tsid);
		print "TSID $tsid_str : $summary{$tsid}\n" ;
	print <<TSID_SUMMARY ;

sub print_chan
	my ($tuning_href, $ch_href, $tv_ref, $radio_ref) = @_ ;

	my $error = 0 ;
	my %info = (
		'audio'		=> {
			'recorded'		=> 0,
			'errors'		=> 0,
			'overflows'		=> 0,
			'pkts'			=> 0,
		'video'		=> {
			# don't mess up the stats!
			'recorded'		=> 1,
			'errors'		=> 0,
			'overflows'		=> 0,
			'pkts'			=> 0,
	) ;	
	my $chan = $ch_href->{'channel'} ;

	print STDERR "print_chan($chan) - $ch_href->{type}\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;

	if ($ch_href->{type} eq 'radio')
		$$radio_ref = 1 ;
	elsif ($ch_href->{type} =~ /tv/)
		$$tv_ref = 1 ;

	my $qualstr = "**Unable to record**" ;
	if ($$tv_ref || $$radio_ref)
		my %multiplex_info ;
		## Check we can record
		my $file = "/tmp/test.ts" ;
		my $duration_secs = $RECORD_SECS ;
		my $duration = "0:0:$duration_secs" ;
		unlink $file ;
		## Parse command line
		print STDERR " + multiplex_parse\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
		my @chan_spec ;
		$error = $dvb->multiplex_parse(\@chan_spec, "f=$file", "ch='$chan'", "len=$duration");
		print STDERR "ERROR: $error\n" if $error && $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
		if (!$error)
			print STDERR " + multiplex_select\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;

			## Select the channel(s)
			my %options = (
				'out'			=> "av",
			) ;
			$error ||= $dvb->multiplex_select(\@chan_spec, %options) ;
			print STDERR "ERROR: $error\n" if $error && $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
		if (!$error)
			print STDERR " + multiplex_info\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			## Get multiplex info
			%multiplex_info = $dvb->multiplex_info() ;
			if ($DEBUG_SCRIPT >= 2)
				Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("info", \%multiplex_info) ;
			if ($ch_href->{type} eq 'tv')
				$info{'video'}{'recorded'}=0 ;
			## Record
			print STDERR " + multiplex_record\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			eval {
				my $stderr ;
				local *STDERR ;
				open(STDERR, '>', \$stderr) or die "Can't open STDERR: $!";
				## Record
				$error ||= $dvb->multiplex_record(%multiplex_info) ;
			} ;
			if ($@)
				print STDERR "ERROR: $@\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			if ($DEBUG_SCRIPT >= 2)
				Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("info", \%multiplex_info) ;
		if (!$error)
			my $pids = 0 ;
			print STDERR " + process results...\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
				my $href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
				print STDERR "  $file\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
				foreach my $pid_href (@{$multiplex_info{'files'}{$file}{'pids'}})
					++$pids ;
					if ($DEBUG_SCRIPT)
						printf STDERR "    PID %5d [$pid_href->{'pidtype'}] : %s errors / %s overflows / %s packets\n", 
					if ($pid_href->{'pidtype'} =~ /video|audio/)
						$info{$pid_href->{'pidtype'}}{'recorded'} = 1 ;
						foreach (qw/errors overflows pkts/)
							$info{$pid_href->{'pidtype'}}{$_} = $pid_href->{$_} ;
				print STDERR "\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			if (!$pids)
				$error = "No pids recorded\n" ;
				print STDERR "No pids recorded\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
		unlink $file ;
		if (!$error)
			print STDERR " + create string...\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
			my $vstr = "" ;
			if ($info{'video'}{'recorded'})
				$vstr = sprintf "video: %5d (%3d e %3d o) ", 
					$info{'video'}{'overflows'} ;
			my $astr = "" ;
			if ($info{'audio'}{'recorded'})
				$astr = sprintf "audio: %5d (%3d e %3d o) ", 
					$info{'audio'}{'overflows'} ;
			$qualstr = "$vstr$astr" ;
		print STDERR " + skipped special\n" if $DEBUG_SCRIPT ;
		$qualstr = "**Special channel skipped**" ;
	printf "%-$widths{check}s%$widths{lcn}d | %-$widths{chan}s | %-$widths{type}s | $qualstr \n", 
		$error ? "*" : " ",
		$ch_href->{type} ;

	return %info ;



=head1 NAME

dvbt-tsid-qual - Show signal quality of DVBT channels


dvbt-tsid-qual [options]


       -debug level         set debug level
       -verbose level       set verbosity level
       -help                brief help message
       -man                 full documentation
       -cfg <config>        use specified configuration directory
       -tsid <tsid>         show only the specified multiplex
=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-verbose>

Set verbosity level. Higher values show more information.

=item B<-debug>

Set debug level. Higher levels show more debugging information (only really of any interest to developers!)

=item B<-cfg>

Specify an alternate configuration directory (containing the dvb-ts, dvb-pr files) to use, rather than using the default.

=item B<-tsid>

Specify the TSID and only the results for that multiplex will be shown



Script that uses the perl Linux::DVB::DVBT package to provide DVB-T adapter functions.
Reads the config files (either default set or specified using the -cfg option) and then records a few seconds for each
channel, displaying the results showing any errors.

The displayed channel information contains:

=over 4

=item B<LCN>

The logical channel number (where supported) or just an incrementing index.

=item B<Channel Name>

The channel name as broadcast

=item B<Type>

Whether this is a TV channel (i.e. contains video), or a radio station (audio only)

=item B<Statistics>

The statistics column shows the results of recording this channel. It is in two parts: video and audio. Each part contains 
the number of recorded packets, the number of errors (shown as B<I<number> e>) and the number of buffer overflows  
(shown as B<I<number> o>)


For example:

   2 | Yesterday | tv | video: 5252 ( 0 e 0 o) audio: 436 ( 0 e 0 o)

Once the full set has completed, a summary table showing statistics for each multiplex is shown.

=head2 Example output 

	 LCN | Channel Name                   | Type   | Channel Quality                                                 
	TSID 4107   [Freq: 578000000 Hz 16QAM]
	   1 | BBC ONE                        | tv     | video: 10367 (  0 e   0 o) audio:   763 (  0 e   0 o)  
	   2 | BBC TWO                        | tv     | video:  6190 (  0 e   0 o) audio:   870 (  0 e   0 o)  
	  70 | CBBC Channel                   | tv     | video: 21687 (  0 e   0 o) audio:   872 (  0 e   0 o)  
	  80 | BBC NEWS                       | tv     | video:  6470 (  0 e   0 o) audio:   656 (  0 e   0 o)  
	TSID 4107 Summary:   4 chans 11969 pkts   0 unrecorded    0 errors    0 overflows
	TSID  12290 : 12 chans 4992 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows
	TSID  16384 : 16 chans 3344 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows
	TSID  20480 : 9 chans 6422 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows
	TSID  24576 : 17 chans 3050 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows
	TSID   4107 : 4 chans 11750 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows
	TSID   8199 : 8 chans 7476 pkts 0 unrecorded 0 errors 0 overflows


For full details of the DVBT functions, please see L<Linux::DVB::DVBT>:

   perldoc Linux::DVB::DVBT