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use strict ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/ ;
use File::Basename ;

++$! ;

use Linux::DVB::DVBT ;

our $VERSION = '2.005' ;

    my $progname = basename $0 ;

	my ($help, $man, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $config, $munin, $hwcheck, $mail) ;
	my $adapter=0;
	GetOptions('v|verbose=s' => \$VERBOSE,
			   'debug=s' => \$DEBUG,
			   'h|help' => \$help,
			   'man' => \$man,
			   'cfg=s' => \$config,
			   'a|adap|dvb=i' => \$adapter,
			   'munin=s' => \$munin,
			   'hw|hwcheck' => \$hwcheck,
			   'mail=s' => \$mail,
			   ) or pod2usage(2) ;

    pod2usage(1) if $help;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

    my $dvb_name = sprintf "DVB%d", $adapter ;

	info("===============================================================") if $VERBOSE ;
	info("$progname v$VERSION") if $VERBOSE ;
	info("Linux::DVB::DVBT v$Linux::DVB::DVBT::VERSION") if $VERBOSE ;

	Linux::DVB::DVBT->debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->dvb_debug($DEBUG) ;

	## Create dvb
	## NOTE: With default object settings, the application will
	## die on *any* error, so there is no error checking in this script
	my $dvb = Linux::DVB::DVBT->new(
		'adapter_num' => $adapter,
		'errmode' => 'message',
	) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("dvb=", $dvb) if $DEBUG ;

	my $errors_aref = $dvb->errors() ;
	if ( @$errors_aref )
		my $error = join(', ', @$errors_aref) ;
		failed("Adapter $adapter not working : $error", $dvb_name, $hwcheck, $mail) ;
	# use other config?
	$dvb->config_path($config) if $config ;

	info("== Locked $dvb_name ==") if $VERBOSE ;
	## get strength info
	my %info ;
	eval {
		%info = $dvb->tsid_signal_quality() ;
	} ;
	## Release DVB (for next recording)
	info("== Released $dvb_name ==") if $VERBOSE ;
	$dvb->dvb_close() ;
	if ($@)
		## expected this to work
		failed($@, $dvb_name, $hwcheck, $mail) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Info=", \%info) if $DEBUG ;
	## Check for device busy
	foreach my $tsid (keys %info)
		if ($info{$tsid}{'error'} && ($info{$tsid}{'error'} =~ /device busy/i)) 
			if ($VERBOSE)
				info("DVB IN USE") ;
				if (!$munin)
					print "DVB adapter is in use, please try again later.\n" ;
			exit 1 ;
	## output
	my $fh ;
	if ($munin)
		open $fh, ">>$munin" or die "Error: unable to write to munin log file $munin : $!" ;
		my $timestamp = timestamp() ;
		printf $fh "[$timestamp DVB%d] ", $adapter ;
		printf "%5s  : %8s %%\n", "TSID", "Strength" ;
	foreach my $tsid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %info)
		$info{$tsid}{'strength'} ||= 0 ;
		my $err = "" ;
		my $percent = ($info{$tsid}{'strength'} * 100.0) / 65535.0 ;
		if (!$munin)
			if ($info{$tsid}{'error'})
				$err = "# $info{$tsid}{'error'}" ;
			printf "%5d  : %8.2f %% $err\n", $tsid, $percent ;
			if ($info{$tsid}{'error'})
				$err = "($info{$tsid}{'error'}) " ;
			printf $fh "%d=%.2f $err", $tsid, $percent ;
		Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("TSID $tsid = ", $info{$tsid}) if $DEBUG ;

	if ($munin)
		print $fh "\n" ;
		close $fh if $fh ;

	## End
	info("COMPLETE") if $VERBOSE ;


# report error
sub failed
    my ($error, $dvbname, $hwcheck, $mail) = @_ ;

	## Expected this to work
	if ($hwcheck)
		info("FAILED : $error") ;
		if ($mail)
			`date | mail -s "$dvb_name failure" $mail` ;
		exit 3 ;
	info("FAILED : $error") if $VERBOSE ;
	exit 2 ;

# Format a timestamp for the reply
sub timestamp
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d", $hour,$min,$sec, $mday,$mon+1,$year+1900;

sub prompt
   my $timestamp = timestamp() ;
   my $prompt = "[$progname ($$) $timestamp $dvb_name]" ;

   return $prompt ;

sub info
   my ($msg) = @_ ;

   my $prompt = prompt() ;
   $msg =~ s/\n/\n$prompt /g ;
   print "$prompt $msg\n" ;


=head1 NAME

dvbt-strength - Show DVBT signal strengths


dvbt-strength [options]


       -debug level         set debug level
       -verbose level       set verbosity level
       -help                brief help message
       -man                 full documentation
       -a <num>             Use adapter <num>
=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-verbose>

Set verbosity level. Higher values show more information.

=item B<-debug>

Set debug level. Higher levels show more debugging information (only really of any interest to developers!)

=item B<-a>

Specify which adapter number to use



Script that uses the perl Linux::DVB::DVBT package to provide DVB-T adapter functions.
Shows the transmitter signal strengths for all transmitters currently configured (by a previous scan).


For full details of the DVBT functions, please see L<Linux::DVB::DVBT>:

   perldoc Linux::DVB::DVBT