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use strict ;

# Local
use App::Framework ;

use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Apps::QuartzPVR::Config::Constants ;

use Linux::DVB::DVBT ;
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::TS ;
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert ;

use MP3::Tag ;
use DBI ;
use DBD::mysql ;

#use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Ffmpeg ;
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Config ;

our $VERSION = '5.03' ;

## Global
our $DEBUG = 0 ;
our $DBG_FFMPEG = 0 ;
our $DBG_SQL = 0 ;
our $VERBOSE = 0 ;

## Global data
our %file_info ;
our @info_lines ;
our %dbh ;
our $progname ;
our $dvb_name ;

# Default to recording TS (do not transcode)
our $force_ts = 0 ;

# margin on video length checks (in seconds) - allow for 3 minutes of padding
our $DURATION_MARGIN = 180 ;

	# Create application and run it
	App::Framework->new() ;
	go() ;


# Main execution
sub app
	my ($app, $opts_href, $args_href) = @_ ;

	my $ok = 1 ;
	my $user = $opts_href->{'user'}	|| Linux::DVB::DVBT::Apps::QuartzPVR::Config::Constants::SQL_USER ;
	my $password = $opts_href->{'password'}	|| Linux::DVB::DVBT::Apps::QuartzPVR::Config::Constants::SQL_PASSWORD ;
	if (!$user || !$password)
		print "Error: You must specify the MySQL username AND password when using this script outside the PVR suite\n" ;
		exit 1 ;
	$DEBUG = $opts_href->{'debug'} ;
	$DBG_FFMPEG = $opts_href->{'dbg-ffmpeg'} ;
	$DBG_SQL = $opts_href->{'dbg-sql'} ;
	$VERBOSE = $opts_href->{'verbose'} ;
	my $adskip = $opts_href->{'advert'} ;
	my $rec_file = $opts_href->{'file'} ;
	my $event = $opts_href->{'event'};
	my $timeslip = $opts_href->{'timeslip'}  ;
	my $sliptype = $opts_href->{'sliptype'} ;
	my $title = $opts_href->{'title'} ;
	my $episode = $opts_href->{'episode'} ;
	my $id = $opts_href->{'id'} ; 
	my $rootdir = $opts_href->{'root'} ;
	my $trash = $opts_href->{'trash'} ;
	my $mailto = $opts_href->{'mailto'} ;
	my $log = "$opts_href->{'log_dir'}/dvbt-multirecord.log" ;
	%dbh = (
		'host' 		=> 'localhost',
		'db' 		=> $opts_href->{'database'},
		'tbl' 		=> $opts_href->{'table'},
		'user' 		=> $user,
		'password' 	=> $password,
	) ;
	my $adap = $opts_href->{'adapter'} ;
	my $config = $opts_href->{'cfg'} ;

#	## Add alternate encoder - use vlc
#	unshift @{$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Ffmpeg::COMMANDS{'mpeg'}},
#		'vlc -I dummy "$src" --sout "#standard{mux=ps,dst=\"$dest.$ext\",access=file}" vlc://quit' ;

	$progname = $app->name() ;
	$dvb_name = "DVB$adap" ;
	info("===============================================================") ;
	info("$progname v$VERSION") ;
	info("Linux::DVB::DVBT v$Linux::DVB::DVBT::VERSION") ;
	info("Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert v$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::VERSION") ;

	my @args ;
    if (!$rec_file)
    	## Get arguments
    	foreach my $arg (qw/channel file duration/)
    		push @args, $args_href->{$arg} if ($args_href->{$arg} ne 'optional');
    	unless ((@{$args_href->{'extra'}} == 1) && ($args_href->{'extra'}[0] eq 'optional'))
    		push @args, @{$args_href->{'extra'}} ;
    	## Check args
	    die("$progname: No arguments given.")  if (@args == 0) ;
	    die("$progname: No filename given.")  if (@args <= 1) ;
	    die("$progname: No duration given.")  if (@args <= 2) ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Args=", $args_href, "Opts=", $opts_href, "prog args=", \@args) if $DEBUG >= 5 ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->dvb_debug($DEBUG) ;
	Linux::DVB::DVBT->verbose($VERBOSE) ;
#	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Ffmpeg::DEBUG = $DBG_FFMPEG if $DBG_FFMPEG ;

	## Create dvb (use first found adapter). 
	## NOTE: With default object settings, the application will
	## die on *any* error, so there is no error checking in this script
	my $dvb = Linux::DVB::DVBT->new(
		'adapter'		=> $adap,
		'errmode'		=> 'message',
	) ;
	$dvb->config_path($config) if $config ;
	my $dev = $dvb->dvr_name ;

	## adapter
	info("selected $dvb_name") ;

	my @recargs ;	
	my ($channel) ;
	my ($file) ;
	my ($duration) ;
	my %file_options ;
	## Get recordings from file
	if ($rec_file)
		open my $fh, "<$rec_file" or die_error_mail($mailto, "Failed to open recording list file $rec_file : $!", "UNKNOWN", $rec_file, $log) ;		
		my $line ;
		while (defined($line=<$fh>))
			chomp $line ;
			# skip comments
			next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/) ;

			# Line includes an offset
			my ($off, $ch, $f, $len) = (0, undef, undef, undef) ;				
			if ($line =~ /\+(\d+)\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]\s+(\d+)/g)
				($off, $ch, $f, $len) = ($1, $2, $3, $4) ;				
				$channel ||= $ch ;
				$file ||= $f ;
				$duration ||= $len ;
			# no offset
			elsif ($line =~ /['"]([^'"]+)['"]\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]\s+(\d+)/g)
				($ch, $f, $len) = ($1, $2, $3, $4) ;				
				$channel ||= $ch ;
				$file ||= $f ;
				$duration ||= $len ;

			## process if got something
			if ($f)
				## check for extra options
				my %options ;
				while ($line =~ /\s*\-(\w+)\s+(\S+)/g)
					$options{$1} = $2 ;
				$file_options{$f} = {%options} ;
				## process
				process_args($rootdir, $ch, $f, $len, $off, \@recargs, \%options, \%file_info) ;
		close $fh ;
	## Get recordings from command line
		# process default args
		$channel = shift @args ;
		$file = shift @args ;
		$duration = shift @args ;
		my %options = () ;
		if ($timeslip && defined($event) )
			$options{'event'} = $event ;
			$options{'timeslip'} = $timeslip ;
			$options{'sliptype'} = $sliptype || 'end' ;
		$options{'title'} = $title if $title ;
		$options{'episode'} = $episode if $episode ;
		$options{'id'} = $id if $id ;
		process_args($rootdir, $channel, $file, $duration, 0, \@recargs, \%options, \%file_info) ;

		$file_options{$file} = {%options} ;

		# can only specify options for the first file
		$options{'event'} = 0 ;
		$options{'timeslip'} = 0 ;
		$options{'title'} = '';
		$options{'episode'} = '' ;
		$options{'id'} = '' ;
		while (scalar(@args) >= 4)
			my ($offset) = shift @args ;
			$channel = shift @args ;
			$file = shift @args ;
			$duration = shift @args ;
			process_args($rootdir, $channel, $file, $duration, $offset, \@recargs, \%options, \%file_info) ;

			$file_options{$file} = {} ;

    pod2usage("$0: No channel given.")  unless $channel ;
    pod2usage("$0: No filename given.")  unless $file ;
    pod2usage("$0: No duration given.")  unless $duration ;

Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("File Info=", \%file_info) if $DEBUG >= 2 ;

	## Check dirs are available
	my @dirs = ($trash) ;
	push @dirs, $rootdir if $rootdir ;
	foreach my $dir (@dirs)
		if (! -d $dir)
			if (!mkpath([$dir], 0, 0755))
				die_error_mail($mailto, "unable to create dir $dir : $!", $channel, $file, $log) ;
	## Parse command line
	my @chan_spec ;
	my $error ;
	$error = $dvb->multiplex_parse(\@chan_spec, @recargs);

Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Multiplex parse args=", \@recargs, "chan_spec=", \@chan_spec) if $DEBUG >= 2 ;
	## Select the channel(s)
	info("selecting channel $channel...") ;
	$error = $dvb->multiplex_select(\@chan_spec) ;
	die_error_mail($mailto, "Failed to select channel : $error", $channel, $file, $log) if $error ;
	info("== Locked $dvb_name ==") ;

	## Get multiplex info
	my %multiplex_info = $dvb->multiplex_info() ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Multiplex info=", \%multiplex_info) if $DEBUG >= 2  ;

	foreach my $file (sort { ($multiplex_info{'files'}{$a}{'offset'}||0) <=> ($multiplex_info{'files'}{$b}{'offset'}||0) } keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		info("  $file") ;

		my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
		if ($prog_id)
			info("    ID      $prog_id") ;

		info("    Chan     $multiplex_href->{channels}[0]") ;
		my $len = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::secs2time($multiplex_href->{'duration'}) ;
		info("    Duration $len") ;
		if ($multiplex_href->{'offset'})
			my $offset = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::secs2time($multiplex_href->{'offset'}) ;
			info("    Offset  +$offset") ;
		foreach my $pid_href (@{$multiplex_href->{'demux'}})
			my $info = sprintf "    PID %5d [$pid_href->{'pidtype'}]", $pid_href->{'pid'} ;
			info($info) ;
		info("") ;
		## Mark as started
		sql_start_status(\%dbh, $prog_id) ;

	## Record
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		info("recording to \"$multiplex_href->{destfile}\" for $multiplex_href->{duration} secs ...") ;
	my $record_error = $dvb->multiplex_record(%multiplex_info) ;
	## Release DVB (for next recording)
	info("== Released $dvb_name ==") ;
	$dvb->dvb_close() ;
	## Stats
	info("Recording stats:") ;
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		info("  $file") ;
		my %stats ;
		foreach my $pid_href (@{$multiplex_info{'files'}{$file}{'pids'}})
			my $info = sprintf "    PID %5d [$pid_href->{'pidtype'}] : %s errors / %s overflows / %s packets : Timeslip start %s secs, end %s secs", 
			info($info) ;
			foreach my $map_aref (
				['errors', 'statErrors'],
				['overflows', 'statOverflows'],
				my ($src, $dest) = @$map_aref ;
				my $val = int($pid_href->{$src}) ;	
				$stats{$dest} ||= 0 ;				
				$stats{$dest} += $val ;			
			foreach my $map_aref (
				['timeslip_start_secs', 'statTimeslipStart'],
				['timeslip_end_secs', 'statTimeslipStart'],
				my ($src, $dest) = @$map_aref ;
				my $val = int($pid_href->{$src}) ;	
				$stats{$dest} ||= 0 ;				
				if ($stats{$dest} < $val)
					$stats{$dest} = $val ;		
		info("") ;
		## Mark as recorded
		my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
		sql_update_status(\%dbh, $prog_id, 'recorded') ;
		sql_set_stats(\%dbh, $prog_id, \%stats) ;
	# check for errors
	if ($record_error)
		## whatever the error, report it then allow it through and use the length checking to see if we failed
		info("Warning: recording error $record_error") ;

Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Post-Record Multiplex info=", \%multiplex_info) if $DEBUG >= 2  ;
	## Fix any errors
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		## filename 
		my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($file, '\..*') ;
		my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		$multiplex_href->{'original_ts'} = '' ;
		my $this_ok = 1 ;
		if ($multiplex_href->{'tsfile'})
			$this_ok = repair_ts($multiplex_href->{'tsfile'}, $dir, $name, \$multiplex_href->{'original_ts'}) ;
		elsif ($ext eq '.ts')
			$this_ok = repair_ts($file, $dir, $name, \$multiplex_href->{'original_ts'}) ;
		$ok &&= $this_ok ;
		if ($this_ok)
			## Mark as repaired
			my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
			sql_update_status(\%dbh, $prog_id, 'repaired') ;
	$error = 1 unless $ok ;
	## length check
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		my $tsfile = $multiplex_href->{'destfile'} ;
		$multiplex_href->{'srcfile'} = $tsfile ;
		info("Checking \"$tsfile\" ...") ;
		my %info = Linux::DVB::DVBT::TS::info($tsfile) ;
		my $file_duration = 3600*$info{'duration'}{'hh'} + 60*$info{'duration'}{'mm'} + $info{'duration'}{'ss'} ;
		if ($file_duration < $multiplex_href->{'duration'} - $DURATION_MARGIN)
			my $this_error = "Duration of final \"$tsfile\" ($file_duration secs) not as expected ($multiplex_href->{'duration'} secs)" ;
			info("ERROR: $this_error") ;
			$error = 1 ;

Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Post-Transcode Multiplex info=", \%multiplex_info) if $DEBUG >= 2  ;

	# now check error	
	if (!$error)
		info("File durations have been checked ... OK") ;
		foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
			my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
			## Move TS file into trash dir
			if (!$force_ts)
				if ($multiplex_href->{'tsfile'})
					info("moving \"$multiplex_href->{srcfile}\" to TRASH ($trash) ...") ;
					my $this_ok = move("$multiplex_href->{srcfile}", "$trash") ;
					$ok &&= $this_ok ;
			if ($multiplex_href->{'original_ts'})
				info("moving \"$multiplex_href->{'original_ts'}\" to TRASH ($trash) ...") ;
				my $this_ok = move($multiplex_href->{'original_ts'}, "$trash") ;
				$ok &&= $this_ok ;
			die_error_mail($mailto, "failed to move : $!", $channel, $file, $log) unless $ok ;
	$error = 1 unless $ok ;
	if ($error)
		## End
		die_error_mail($mailto, "Failed to complete", $channel, $file, $log) ;

Linux::DVB::DVBT::prt_data("Pre-Addskip Multiplex info=", \%multiplex_info) if $DEBUG >= 2  ;

	## Advert removal
	if ($adskip)
		foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
			my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
			if ($multiplex_href->{'video'})
				my $split = remove_adverts($dvb, $config, $multiplex_href->{'destfile'}, $multiplex_href->{'channels'}[0], $trash) ;
				if ($split)
					## Mark as split
					my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
					sql_update_status(\%dbh, $prog_id, 'split') ;
	## Tag any MP3
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		my $multiplex_href = $multiplex_info{'files'}{$file} ;
		if (!$multiplex_href->{'video'} && $multiplex_href->{'audio'} && ($multiplex_href->{'destext'} eq '.mp3') )
			my $ok = mp3tag($multiplex_href->{'destfile'}, $multiplex_href, $file_options{$file}) ;	
			if ($ok)
				## Mark as tagged
				my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
				sql_update_status(\%dbh, $prog_id, 'mp3tag') ;
	## End
	info("COMPLETE") ;
	foreach my $file (sort keys %{$multiplex_info{'files'}})
		## Mark as complete
		my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
		sql_update_status(\%dbh, $prog_id, 'complete') ;



sub process_args
	my ($rootdir, $channel, $file, $duration, $offset, $recargs_aref, $opts_href, $info_href) = @_ ;
	$opts_href ||= {} ;
	$offset =~ s/\+//g ;
	info("Channel:  $channel") ;
	info("File:     $file") ;
	info("Duration: $duration") ;
	info("Offset:   $offset") if $offset ;
	foreach my $opt (sort keys %$opts_href)
		info("$opt = $opts_href->{$opt}") ;

	## filename 
	my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($file, '\..*') ;
#	if ($force_ts)
#	{
#		$ext = '.ts' ;
#		$file = "$dir$name$ext" ;
#	}

	## Convert duration to seconds
	my $seconds = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::timesec2secs($duration) ;

	## Ensure duration is in correct format
	$duration = "0:0:$seconds" ;

	## Convert offset to seconds
	$seconds = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Utils::timesec2secs($offset) ;

	## Ensure duration is in correct format
	$offset = "0:0:$seconds" ;

	my $path = $file ;
	$path = "$rootdir/$file" if $rootdir ;
	push @$recargs_aref, "f=$path";
	push @$recargs_aref, "ch=$channel";
	push @$recargs_aref, "len=$duration";
	push @$recargs_aref, "offset=$offset";
	if ($opts_href->{'timeslip'})
		my $timeslip_secs = $opts_href->{'timeslip'} ;		# timeslip specified in minutes
		push @$recargs_aref, "max_timeslip=$timeslip_secs";
		push @$recargs_aref, "event=$opts_href->{'event'}";
		if ($opts_href->{'sliptype'})
			push @$recargs_aref, "timeslip=$opts_href->{'sliptype'}";
	## Track options
	$info_href->{$file} = { %$opts_href } ;

sub repair_ts
	my ($tsfile, $dir, $name, $original_ts_ref) = @_ ;
	## Check for zero-length file
	if (! -s "$tsfile")
		info("[tsrepair] Error: zero-length file \"$tsfile\"") ;
	$$original_ts_ref = "$dir$name-original.ts" ;
	info("[tsrepair] Repairing \"$tsfile\" ...") ;
	my $this_ok = move("$tsfile", $$original_ts_ref) ;
	if ($this_ok)
#		my @lines = `tsrepair '$$original_ts_ref' '$tsfile'` ;
#		foreach my $line (@lines)
#		{
#			chomp $line ;
#			info("[tsrepair] $line") ;
#		}

		## get information (including file duration)
		my %info = Linux::DVB::DVBT::TS::info($$original_ts_ref) ;
		my $info = sprintf "Duration: %02d:%02d:%02d, ", $info{'duration'}{'hh'}, $info{'duration'}{'mm'}, $info{'duration'}{'ss'} ;
		info("[tsrepair] $info") ;
		$info =	sprintf "Packets: %08d, ", $info{'total_pkts'} ;
		info("[tsrepair] $info") ;

		## Now repair the file
		my %stats = Linux::DVB::DVBT::TS::repair($$original_ts_ref, $tsfile) ;
		if (keys %stats)
			my $error = "" ;
			my $errorcode = 0 ;
			if (exists($stats{'error'}))
				$error = delete $stats{'error'} ;
				$errorcode = delete $stats{'errorcode'} ;
				## Ignore general TS error flag
				if ($error =~ /file/i)
					# abort
					$errorcode = 0 ;
			$this_ok = 0 unless $errorcode==0;
			info("[tsrepair] Repair Statistics:") ;
			if ($errorcode)
				info("[tsrepair] ERROR: $error") ;
				info("[tsrepair] INFO: $error") ;
			foreach my $pid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %stats)
				info("[tsrepair]   PID $pid : $stats{$pid}{'errors'} errors repaired") ;
				foreach my $error_str (sort keys %{$stats{$pid}{'details'}})
					info("[tsrepair]    * $error_str ($stats{$pid}{'details'}{$error_str})") ;
			info("[tsrepair] No error statistics") ;
	info("[tsrepair] Repair done") ;

	return $this_ok ;

sub remove_adverts
	my ($dvb, $config, $tsfile, $channel, $trash) = @_ ;
	my $split = 0 ;

	my $tuning_href = $dvb->get_tuning_info() ;

	## Get combined settings for this channel
	my $advert_settings_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::channel_settings({}, $channel, $tuning_href) ;
	if (!Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ok_to_detect($advert_settings_href))
		info("[Advert] Skipping Ad Removal for \"$tsfile\" due to config settings") ;
		return $split ;

	info("[Advert] Ad Removal for \"$tsfile\"") ;
	## create names
	my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($tsfile, '\..*') ;
	$dir = "$dir/$name" ;
	if (! -d $dir)
		if (!mkpath([$dir], 0, 0755))
			info("ERROR: unable to create dir $dir : $!") ;
			return $split ;
	my $detfile = "$dir/$name.det" ;
	my $csvfile = "$dir/$name.adv" ;
	my $cutfile = "$dir/$name.cut" ;
	my $dstfile = "$dir/$name.ts" ;
	## Set nice level
	my $pid = $$ ;
	my @nice = `renice +19 $pid` ;
	info("[Advert] set nice-ness:") ;
	foreach my $line (@nice)
		info("[Advert] nice: $line") ;
	# Read tuning info
	my $tuning_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Config::read($config); 
	# Add debug
	my $settings_href = {
		'debug' => $DEBUG,
	} ;
	## Detect
	info("[Advert] Detecting (saving as \"$detfile\")") ;
	my $results_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::detect($tsfile, $settings_href, $channel, $tuning_href, $detfile) ;

	## save cut log
	open (STDOUT, ">$cutfile") ;
	# pipe advert debug into log file
	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::DEBUG = 1 ;
	## Analyse
	info("[Advert] Analysing (saving as \"$csvfile\")") ;
	my $expected_aref = undef ;
	my @cut_list = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::analyse($tsfile, $results_href, $tuning_href, $channel, $csvfile, $expected_aref, $settings_href) ;
	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::DEBUG = 0 ;

	## save cut list
	print "Cut List:\n" ;
	foreach (@cut_list)
		print "  pkt=$_->{start_pkt}:$_->{end_pkt}\n" ;
	print "\n" ;

	## Cut
	if ($dstfile && $tsfile && @cut_list)
		info("[Advert] Splitting into \"$dstfile\"") ;
		my $error = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ad_split($tsfile, $dstfile, \@cut_list) ;
		## I'll assume all is well and remove the original
		if (!$error)
			++$split ;
			##info("moving \"$tsfile\" to TRASH ($trash) ...") ;
			##my $this_ok = move("$tsfile", "$trash/$name-ads.ts") ;
		info("[Advert] No valid adverts found for cutting. Advert removal stopping.") ;
	return $split ;

sub mp3tag
	my ($file, $multiplex_href, $opts_href) = @_ ;
	my $ok = 1 ;

	info("[MP3TAG] Tagging \"$file\"") ;
	my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($file);

	my $this_year = (localtime(time))[5] + 1900 ;

	# Evoke flow displays:
	#  TIT2
	#  TALB
	# TPE1 == Artist
	# TIT2 == Title
	# TALB == Album
	# TYER == Year
	$mp3->select_id3v2_frame_by_descr('TYER', $this_year); 
	$mp3->select_id3v2_frame_by_descr('TPE1', $multiplex_href->{'channels'}[0]); 
	$mp3->select_id3v2_frame_by_descr('TIT2', $opts_href->{'title'}) if $opts_href->{'title'} ; 
	$mp3->select_id3v2_frame_by_descr('TALB', $opts_href->{'episode'}) if $opts_href->{'episode'} ; 

	$mp3->update_tags();                  # Commit to file
	my ($title, $track, $artist, $album, $comment, $year, $genre) = $mp3->autoinfo() ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Title:  	$title") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Artist:  $artist") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Album:  	$album") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Year:  	$year") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Genre:  	$genre") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Comment: $comment") ;
	info("[MP3TAG] Completed tagging \"$file\"") ;

	return $ok ;


## NOTE: For SQL table, 'pid' refers to the program id

#UPDATE tbl SET flags=TRIM(',' FROM CONCAT(flags, ',', 'flagtoadd'))
#UPDATE tbl SET flags=TRIM(',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',flagtoremove,', ','))

sub sql_connect
	my ($db_href) = @_ ;

	$db_href->{'dbh'} = 0 ;
		# Connect
		my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=".$db_href->{'db'}.
					$db_href->{'user'}, $db_href->{'password'},
					{'RaiseError' => 1}) ;
		$db_href->{'dbh'} = $dbh ;
	if ($@)
		print STDERR "Unable to connect to database : $@\n" ;
	return $db_href->{'dbh'} ;

sub sql_send
	my ($db_href, $sql) = @_ ;
	my $dbh = sql_connect($db_href) ;
	if ($dbh)
		# Do query
			print STDERR "sql_send($sql)\n" if $DBG_SQL ;			
			$dbh->do($sql) ;
		if ($@)
			print STDERR "SQL do error $@\nSql=$sql" ;

sub sql_update_status
	my ($db_href, $pid, $status) = @_ ;

	print STDERR "sql_update_status(pid=$pid, status=$status)\n" if $DBG_SQL ;
	return unless $pid ;
	# UPDATE tbl SET flags=TRIM(',' FROM CONCAT(flags, ',', 'flagtoadd'))
	my $sql = "UPDATE $db_href->{tbl} SET `status`=TRIM(',' FROM CONCAT(`status`, ',', '$status')), `changed`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" ;
	$sql .= " WHERE `pid`='$pid' AND `rectype`='dvbt'" ;
	sql_send($db_href, $sql) ;

sub sql_start_status
	my ($db_href, $pid) = @_ ;

	print STDERR "sql_start_status(pid=$pid)\n" if $DBG_SQL ;

	return unless $pid ;
	# UPDATE tbl SET flags=TRIM(',' FROM CONCAT(flags, ',', 'flagtoadd'))
	my $sql = "UPDATE $db_href->{tbl} SET `status`='started', `changed`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" ;
	$sql .= " WHERE `pid`='$pid' AND `rectype`='dvbt'" ;
	sql_send($db_href, $sql) ;

sub sql_set_stats
	my ($db_href, $pid, $stats_href) = @_ ;

	print STDERR "sql_set_stats(pid=$pid)\n" if $DBG_SQL ;

	return unless $pid ;
	my $values = "" ;
	foreach my $var (sort keys %$stats_href)
		$values .= ", " if $values ;
		$values .= "`$var`='$stats_href->{$var}'" ;
	my $sql = "UPDATE $db_href->{tbl} SET $values, `changed`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" ;
	$sql .= " WHERE `pid`='$pid' AND `rectype`='dvbt'" ;
	sql_send($db_href, $sql) ;

sub sql_set_error
	my ($db_href, $pid, $error) = @_ ;
	print STDERR "sql_set_error(pid=$pid, error=$error)\n" if $DBG_SQL ;

	return unless $pid ;
	sql_update_status($db_href, $pid, 'error') ;
	my $sql = "UPDATE $db_href->{tbl} SET `errorText`='$error', `changed`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" ;
	$sql .= " WHERE `pid`='$pid' AND `rectype`='dvbt'" ;
	sql_send($db_href, $sql) ;


# Format a timestamp for the reply
sub timestamp
	my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
	return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d", $hour,$min,$sec, $mday,$mon+1,$year+1900;

sub prompt
	my $timestamp = timestamp() ;
	my $prompt = "[$progname ($$) $timestamp $dvb_name]" ;
	return $prompt ;

sub info
	my ($msg) = @_ ;

	my $prompt = prompt() ;
	$msg =~ s/\n/\n$prompt /g ;
	print STDERR "$prompt $msg\n" ;
	my $timestamp = timestamp() ;
	push @info_lines, "$prompt $msg" ;

# send error email
sub error_mail
	my ($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) = @_ ;
	my $prompt = prompt() ;
	my $data = "echo '$error'" ;
	my $tmpfile = "/tmp/dvbt-ffrec.$$" ;
	if (open my $fh, ">$tmpfile")
		print $fh "$error\n\n" ;
		foreach (@info_lines)
			print $fh "$_\n" ;
		close $fh ;
		$data = "cat $tmpfile" ;	
		$tmpfile = undef ;
	`$data | mail -s '$prompt $channel $file Error' $to` ;
	# clean up
	unlink $tmpfile if $tmpfile ;

# send error email then exit
sub die_error_mail
	my ($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) = @_ ;

	## Mark as failed
	if (exists($file_info{$file}))
		my $prog_id = $file_info{$file}{'id'} ;
		sql_set_error(\%dbh, $prog_id, $error) ;
	error_mail($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) ;

	info("FATAL: $error") ;
	exit 1 ;



Record program(s) to file


*channel=s		Channel	[default=optional]

Specify the TV/Radio channel to be recorded (or use the -file option to read this information from a file)

*file=s			Filename	[default=optional]

Specify the full path of the recorded transport stream file (or use the -file option to read this information from a file)

*duration=s		Record duration	[default=optional]

Specify the record duration in seconds or HH:MM:SS format (or use the -file option to read this information from a file)

*extra=s*		Repeat [default=optional]

Optionally repeat the above triplet of information for every other file you want to record


-mailto=s				Mail destination [default=$DEF_MAIL_TO]

If any errors occur, then this is where they will be mailed to

-db|'database'=s		Database [default=$DEF_DATABASE]

Specify database name

-tbl|'table'=s			Table [default=$DEF_TBL_RECORDED]

Specify database table name

-u|'user'=s		User

Specify Mysql user name

-p|'password'=s		Password

Specify Mysql user password

-dbg-sql=i	Debug sql module

-a|'adapter'=s		DVB-T adapter number [default=0]

-root=s				Top directory

Specify a top-level directory that all recording file paths will be realtive to (or leave blank)

-trash=s			Trash directory [default=$DEF_VIDEO_TRASH]

This is where raw transport stream files are moved (rather than being deleted). After recording the transport streams
are repaired and replaced with the repaired version. The original file is available in this directory just in case the repair 
corrupts the recording in any way. 

-log_dir=s		Log directory [default=$DEF_PVR_LOGDIR]

Log files location

-file=s				Recording specification file

Instead of specifying the recording information on the command line, use a file to store the list of files

-event=s			Event id

Only useful for single file recordings. Specifies the event id so that the recording can be timeslipped.

-timeslip=s			Max timeslip time

Specify the time in HH:MM format that is the maximum time that the recording can slip

-sliptype=s			Timeslip type

Can be start, end, or both. Specifies whether the start or the program, the end of the program, or both are timeslipped

-title=s			Recording title

-episode=s			Episode number

-id=s				Program id

-cfg=s				Alternate DVB config file

-advert=i			Advert detect [default=0]

Set to 1 to enable advert detection


Script that uses the perl Linux::DVB::DVBT package to record multiple programs at the same time (as long as they are within the same multiplex - use L<dvbt-chans|script::dvbt-chans> with -multi option to get
the list of programs grouped by multiplex).

=head2 Arguments

The arguments define the set of streams (all from the same multiplex, or transponder) that are to be recorded
at the same time into each file. 

Each stream definition must start with a filename, followed by either channel names or pid numbers. Also, 
you must specify the duration of the stream. Finally, an offset time can be specified that delays the start of 
the stream (for example, if the start time of the programs to be recorded are staggered).

A file defined by channel name(s) may optionally also contain a language spec and an output spec: 

The output spec determines which type of streams are included in the recording. By default, "video" and "audio" tracks are recorded. You can
override this by specifying the output spec. For example, if you also want the subtitle track to be recorded, then you need to
specify the output includes video, audio, and subtitles. This can be done either by specifying the types in full or by just their initials.

For example, any of the following specs define video, audio, and subtitles:

	"audio, video, subtitle"
	"a, v, s"

Note that, if the file format explicitly defines the type of streams required, then there is no need to specify an output spec. For example,
specifying that the file format is mp3 will ensure that only the audio is recorded.

In a similar fashion, the language spec determines the audio streams to be recorded in the program. Normally, the default audio stream is included 
in the recorded file. If you want either an alternative audio track, or additional audio tracks, then you use the language spec to 
define them. The spec consists of a space seperated list of language names. If the spec contains a '+' then the audio streams are 
added to the default; otherwise the default audio is B<excluded> and only those other audio tracks in the spec are recorded. Note that
the specification order is important, audio streams from the language spec are matched with the audio details in the specified order. Once a 
stream has been skipped there is no back tracking (see the examples below for clarification).

For example, if a channel has the audio details: eng:601 eng:602 fra:603 deu:604 (i.e. 2 English tracks, 1 French track, 1 German) then

=over 4

=item lang="+eng"

Results in the default audio (pid 601) and the next english track (pid 602) recorded

=item lang="fra"

Results in just the french track (pid 603) recorded

=item lang="eng fra"

Results in the B<second> english (pid 602) and the french track (pid 603) recorded

=item lang="fra eng"

Results in an error. The english tracks have already been skipped to match the french track, and so will not be matched again.


Note that the output spec overrides the language spec. If the output does not include audio, then the language spec is ignored.

=head3 Timeslip Specification
Timeslip recording uses the now/next live EPG information to track the start and end of the program being recorded. This information
is transmit by the broadcaster and (hopefully) is a correct reflection of the broadcast of the program. Using this feature should then
allow recordings to be adjusted to account for late start of a program (for example, due to extended news or sports events).

To use the feature you MUST specify the event id of the program to be recorded. This information is the same event id that is gathered
by the L</epg()> function. By default, the timeslip will automatically extend the end of the recording by up to 1 hour (recording stops
automatically when the now/next information indicates the real end of the program).

=over 4

=item event=41140

Sets the event id to be 41140


Optionally you can specify a different maximum timeslip time using the 'max_timeslip' argument. Specify the time in minutes (or HH:MM or HH:MM:SS).
Note that this has a different effect depending on the B<timeslip> setting (which specifies the program 'edge'):

=over 4

=item max_timeslip=2:00

Sets the maximum timslip time to be 2 hours (i.e. by default, the recording end can be extended by up to 2 hours)


Also, you can set the 'edge' of the program that is to be timeslipped using the B<timeslip> parameter:

=over 4

=item timeslip=end

Timeslips only the end of the recording. This means that the recording will record for the normal duration, and then check to see if
the specified event (B<event_id>) has finished broadcasting. If not, the recording continues until the program finishes OR the maximum timeslip
duration has expired.

This is the default.

=item timeslip=start

Timeslips only the start of the recording. This means that the recording will not start until the event begins broadcasting. Once started, the 
specified duration will be recorded.

Note that this can mean that you miss a few seconds at the start of the program (which is why the default is to just extend the end of the recording).

=item timeslip=both

Performs both start and end recording timeslipping.


=head3 Examples

Example valid sets of arguments are:

=over 4

=item file=f1.mpeg chan=bbc1 out=avs lang=+eng len=1:00 off=0:10

Record channel BBC1 into file f1.mpeg, include subtitles, add second English audio track, record for 1 hour, start recording 10 minutes from now

=item file=f2.mp3 chan=bbc2 len=0:30

Record channel BBC2 into file f2.mp3, audio only, record for 30 minutes

=item file=f3.ts pid=600 pid=601 len=0:30

Record pids 600 & 601 into file f3.ts, record for 30 minutes


=head3 TSID

The TSID definition defines the transponder (multiplex) to use. Use this when pids define the streams rather than 
channel names and the pid value(s) may occur in multiple TSIDs.

If you define default language or output specs, these will be used in all file definitions unless that file definition
has it's own output/language spec. For example, if you want all files to include subtitles you can specify it once as
the default rather than for every file.

=head2 Further Details

For full details of the DVBT functions, please see L<Linux::DVB::DVBT>:

   perldoc Linux::DVB::DVBT