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package Sepia::Xref;

=head1 NAME

Sepia::Xref - Generates cross reference database for use by Perl programs.


    use Sepia::Xref qw(rebuild defs callers);

    for (defs 'foo') {
        printf "%s:%d: sub %s\::foo() defined\n", @{$_}[0..2];

    for (callers 'foo') {
        printf "%s:%d: sub foo() called by %s\::%s().\n", @{$_}[0..3];


C<Sepia::Xref> is intended as a programmatic interface to the
information supplied by L<B::Xref>.  It is intended to be a component
for interactive Perl development, with other packages providing a
friendly interface to the raw information it extracts.  C<B::Xref>
could be seen as an example of this sort of user-level tool, if it
weren't for the fact that this module was created later, and stole
most of its code.


# use Sepia '_apropos_re';
require Sepia;
BEGIN { *_apropos_re = *Sepia::_apropos_re; }

use strict;
use Config;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use B qw(peekop class comppadlist main_start svref_2object walksymtable
# stupid warnings...
no warnings 'uninitialized';

=head2 Variables


=item C<%call>

A map of subs to call locations and callers

=item C<%callby>

A map of subs to subs called.

=item C<%var_use>

A map of global/package variables to uses.

=item C<%var_def>

A map of global/package variables to definitions (usually empty, since
it only picks up local (...) declarations.



our %call;
our %callby;
our %var_def;
our %var_use;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = 'Exporter';
my @most = qw(redefined forget rebuild callers callees
	      var_defs var_uses
our @EXPORT_OK = (@most,
    qw(xref_definitions xref_object xref_main
       %call %callby %var_use %var_def));

    (':all' => \@EXPORT_OK,
     ':most' => \@most);

## Xref state variables:

sub UNKNOWN { ["?", "?", "?"] }

my @pad;			# lexicals in current pad
				# as ["(lexical)", type, name]
my @padval;
our %done;			# keyed by $$op: set when each $op is done
my $top = UNKNOWN;		# shadows top element of stack as
				# [pack, type, name] (pack can be "(lexical)")
our $file;			# shadows current filename
my $line;			# shadows current line number
our $subname;			# shadows current sub name
our @todo = ();			# List of CVs that need processing
my $lastclass;                  # last bareword seen after entersub.

our $DEBUG = 0;
sub dprint {
    my $type = shift;
    my $res = "@_";
    $res =~ s/%//g;             # XXX: work around EPL's misuse of (message)
    print STDERR "@_" if $DEBUG =~ /$type/;

my %code = (intro => "i", used => "",
	    subdef => "s", subused => "&",
	    formdef => "f", meth => "->");

=head2 Functions

=over 4

=item C<guess_module_file($pack, $ofile)>

XXX: it turns out that rooting around trying to figure out the file
ourselves is more reliable than what we grab from the op.  Are we
doing this wrong?


sub guess_module_file {
    my ($pack, $ofile) = @_;
    my $file;

    # XXX: is this why we get the bogus defs?
    return undef if $ofile =~ /Exporter\.pm$/;
    # Try for standard translation in %INC:
    (my $fn = $pack) =~ s/::/\//g;
    return unless $fn;          # stupid warnings...
    if (exists $INC{"$"}) {
	return $INC{"$"};

    # Try what they told us:
    chomp $ofile;
    return $ofile if -f $ofile;

    # Try "parent" packages:
    while ($fn =~ s|/?[^/]+$|| && !$file) {
	$file ||= $INC{"$"};

    if ($file && $file !~ /^\//) {
	$file = abs_path($file);

    if (!$file || !-f $file) {
	undef $file;

# XXX: should weed through the code below so it only generates decent
# package names, but this will fix it for now.
sub realpack {
    my $p = shift;
    if (!defined $p || $p eq '?' || $p eq '(method)') {
	return undef;
    } elsif ($p eq '') {
	return 'main';
    } else {
	return $p;

# Turn a possibly-qualified name into a package and basename.
sub split_name {
    local $_ = shift;
    my ($p, $s);
    if (/^(.*)::(.+)$/) {
	($p, $s) = ($1, $2);
    } else {
	($p, $s) = ('main', $_);
    undef $s if $s eq '?';
    ($p, $s);

sub process {
    my ($var, $event) = @_;
    my ($pack, $type, $name) = @$var;
    $pack = realpack($pack);
    dprint 'loud', "Processing $event: @$var ($subname)";
    if ($type eq "*") {
	if ($event eq "used" || $event eq 'set') {
	} elsif ($event eq "subused") {
	    $type = "&";
	} elsif ($event eq "meth") {
	    $type = '->';
    $type =~ s/(.)\*$/$1/g;
    $file = guess_module_file($pack, $file);

    if (($type eq '&' || $type eq '->') && $subname ne '(definitions)') {
	# Handle caller/callee relations
	my ($spack, $sname) = split_name($subname);

	$call{$name}{$pack}{$subname} = 1;
	$callby{$sname}{$spack}{"$pack\::$name"} = 1;
    } elsif ($type eq 's' || $subname eq '(definitions)') {
	# definition
    } elsif ($name !~ /^[\x00-\x1f^] | ^\d+$ | ^[\W_]$
		       | ^(?:ENV|INC|STD(?:IN|OUT|ERR)|SIG)$ /x
	     && realpack($pack)) {
	# Variables, but ignore specials and lexicals
	my ($spack, $sname) = split_name($subname);
	if ($event eq 'intro') {
	    $var_def{$name}{$pack} =
	    { file => $file,
	      package => $spack,
	      line => $line,
	      sub => $sname,
	} elsif ($event eq 'used' || $event eq 'set') {
	    push @{$var_use{$name}{$pack}},
	    { file => $file,
	      package => $spack,
	      line => $line,
	      sub => $sname,
	      assign => ($event eq 'set'),
	} else {
	    dprint 'ignore', "Ignoring var event $event";
    } else {
	dprint 'ignore', "Ignoring $type event $event";

sub load_pad {
    my $padlist = shift;
    my ($namelistav, $vallistav, @namelist, $ix);
    @pad = ();
    @padval = ();
    return if class($padlist) eq "SPECIAL";
    ($namelistav,$vallistav) = $padlist->ARRAY;
    @namelist = $namelistav->ARRAY;
    for ($ix = 1; $ix < @namelist; $ix++) {
	my $namesv = $namelist[$ix];
	next if class($namesv) eq "SPECIAL";
	my ($type, $name) = $namesv->PV =~ /^(.)([^\0]*)(\0.*)?$/;
	$pad[$ix] = [undef, $type, $name];
    if ($Config{useithreads}) {
	my (@vallist);
	@vallist = $vallistav->ARRAY;
	for ($ix = 1; $ix < @vallist; $ix++) {
	    my $valsv = $vallist[$ix];
	    next unless class($valsv) eq "GV";
	    # these pad GVs don't have corresponding names, so same @pad
	    # array can be used without collisions

            # XXX: for some reason, on 5.10 $valsv->STASH can be a
            # B::SPECIAL, which doesn't have a name.

            # XXX: this segfaults on 5.10 for some reason while
            # traversing File::Find::contract_name from main

            next if ref $valsv->STASH eq 'B::SPECIAL';
	    $pad[$ix] = [$valsv->STASH->NAME, "*", $valsv->NAME];
    @padval = $vallistav->ARRAY;

sub xref {
    my $start = shift;
    my $op;
    for ($op = $start; $$op; $op = $op->next) {
	last if $done{$$op}++;
	my $opname = $op->name;
	if ($opname =~ /^(or|and|mapwhile|grepwhile|range|cond_expr)$/) {
	} elsif ($opname eq "match" || $opname eq "subst") {
	} elsif ($opname eq "substcont") {
	    $op = $op->other;
	} elsif ($opname eq "enterloop") {
	} elsif ($opname eq "subst") {
	} else {
	    no strict 'refs';
	    my $ppname = "pp_$opname";
	    &$ppname($op) if defined(&$ppname);

sub xref_cv {
    my $cv = shift;
    my $pack = $cv->GV->STASH->NAME;
    local $subname = ($pack eq "main" ? "" : "$pack\::") . $cv->GV->NAME;

sub xref_object {
    my $cvref = shift;
    local (@todo, %done);
    my $cv = svref_2object($cvref);
    dprint 'todo', "todo = (@todo)";
    my $gv = $cv->GV;
    process([$gv->STASH->NAME, '&', $gv->NAME], 'subdef');

sub xref_main {
    $subname = "(main)";
    while (@todo) {
	xref_cv(shift @todo);

sub pp_pushmark {
    my $op = shift;
    my ($class, $meth);
    if (($class = $op->next)->name eq 'const') {
        my $sv = $class->sv;
        my $classname;
        # constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
        if (class($sv) ne "SPECIAL" && $sv->FLAGS & SVf_POK) {
            $classname = $sv->PV;
        } else {
            my $pv = $padval[$class->targ];
            if (class($pv) =~ /^PV/ && class($sv) eq 'SPECIAL'
                ## bareword flag -- should use this?
#                 && ($op->private & 64)
               ) {
                $classname = $pv->PV;
        $lastclass = $classname;

sub pp_nextstate {
    my $op = shift;
    $file = $op->file;
    die "pp_nextstate: $file" if $file =~ /::/;
    $line = $op->line;
    $top = UNKNOWN;

sub use_type($) {
    my ($op) = @_;
    if ($op->private & (OPpLVAL_INTRO | OPpOUR_INTRO)) {
    } elsif ($op->flags & OPf_MOD
	     && !($op->private & (OPpDEREF_HV | OPpDEREF_AV))) {
    } else {

sub pp_padsv {
    my $op = shift;
     $top = $pad[$op->targ];
#     process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");

sub pp_padav { pp_padsv(@_) }
sub pp_padhv { pp_padsv(@_) }

sub deref {
    my ($op, $var, $as) = @_;
    $var->[1] = $as . $var->[1];
    process($var, use_type $op);

sub pp_rv2cv { deref(shift, $top, "&"); }
sub pp_rv2hv { deref(shift, $top, "%"); }
sub pp_rv2sv { deref(shift, $top, "\$"); }
sub pp_rv2av { deref(shift, $top, "\@"); }
sub pp_rv2gv { deref(shift, $top, "*"); }

sub pp_gvsv {
    my $op = shift;
    my $gv;
    if ($Config{useithreads}) {
	$top = $pad[$op->padix];
	$top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
	$top->[1] = '$';
    else {
	$gv = $op->gv;
	$top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, '$', $gv->SAFENAME];
    process($top, use_type $op);

sub pp_gv {
    my $op = shift;
    my $gv;
    if ($Config{useithreads}) {
	$top = $pad[$op->padix];
	$top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
	$top->[1] = '*';
    else {
	$gv = $op->gv;
	$top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, "*", $gv->SAFENAME];
    process($top, use_type $op);

sub pp_method {
    my $op = shift;
    $top = [$lastclass || "(method)", "->".$top->[1], $top->[2]];
    dprint 'method', "pp_method($top->[1])";
    undef $lastclass;

sub pp_method_named {
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $op = shift;
    my $sv = $op->sv;
    my $pviv = $padval[$op->targ];
    if ($pviv && class($pviv) =~ /^PV/) {
	my $name = $pviv->PV;
	dprint 'method_named', $op->targ.": $name";
	undef $top->[2] if $top->[2] eq '?';
	$top = [$lastclass || "(method)", '->', $name];
	undef $lastclass;
    } else {
	dprint 'method_named', "method_named: wtf: sizeof padval = ".@padval;

sub pp_entersub {
    my $op = shift;
    if ($top->[1] =~ /^(?:m$|->)/) {
	dprint 'method', "call to (@$top) from $subname";
	process($top, "meth");
    } else {
	process($top, "subused");
    undef $lastclass;
    $top = UNKNOWN;

# Stuff for cross referencing definitions of variables and subs

sub B::GV::xref {
    my $gv = shift;
    my $cv = $gv->CV;
    $file = $gv->FILE;
    # XXX: sometimes the "file" is a module.  Why?
    $line = $gv->LINE;
    if ($$cv) {
	#return if $done{$$cv}++;
	process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "&", $gv->NAME], "subdef");
	push(@todo, $cv);
    my $form = $gv->FORM;
    if ($$form) {
	return if $done{$$form}++;
	process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "", $gv->NAME], "formdef");

## Exclude all pragmatic modules (lowercase first letter) and the
## following problematic things, which tend to cause more harm than
## good when they get xref'd:
my %exclude;
    undef $exclude{"$_\::"}
        for qw(B O AutoLoader DynaLoader XSLoader Config DB VMS
               FileHandle Exporter Carp PerlIO::Layer);

sub xref_exclude {
    my $x = shift;
    $x =~ /^[a-z]/ || exists $exclude{$x};

sub xref_definitions {
    my ($pack, %exclude);
    $subname = "(definitions)";
    no strict qw(vars refs);
    walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "xref", sub { !xref_exclude($_[0]) });

=item C<rebuild()>

Rebuild the Xref database.


sub rebuild {
    %call = (); %callby = ();
    %var_def = (); %var_use = ();
    local (@todo, %done);

sub unmention {
    my ($h, $K, $V, $pack) = @_;
    dprint 'unmention', "Unmentioning $K => $V";
    while (my ($k, $v) = each %$h) {
	while (my ($k2, $v2) = each %$v) {
	    if (ref $v2 eq 'ARRAY') {
		$v->{$k2} = [grep {
		    $_->{$K} ne $V || !$pack || $pack ne $_->{package}
		} @$v2];
		delete $v->{$k2} unless @{$v->{$k2}};
	    } else {
		delete $v->{$k2} if $k2 eq $V;
	delete $h->{$k} unless keys %{$h->{$k}};

sub unmention_sub {
    my ($h, $sub, $pack) = @_;
    dprint 'unmention', "Unmentioning $pack\::$sub";
    if ($pack) {
	delete $h->{$sub}{$pack};
	delete $h->{$sub} unless keys %{$h->{$sub}};
    } else {
	delete $h->{$sub};

=item C<forget($func [, $mod])>

Forget that C<$func> was defined.


sub forget {
    my ($obj, $pack) = @_;
    unmention_sub \%callby, @_;
    unmention \%call, 'sub', @_;
    unmention \%var_use, 'sub', @_;
    unmention \%var_def, 'sub', @_;

=item C<redefined($func [, $pack])>

Recompute xref info for C<$func>, or C<$pack::$func> if C<$pack> given.


sub redefined {
    forget @_;
	no strict 'refs';
	my ($sub, $pack) = @_;
	$pack ||= 'main';
	$sub = $pack eq 'main' ? $sub : "$pack\::$sub";
	local $subname = '(definitions)';
	xref_object \&$sub;

# Apropos and definition-finding:

sub _ret_list
    my ($h, $sub, $mod) = @_;
    if ($sub =~ /^(.*)::([^:]+)$/) {
        $sub = $2;
        $mod = $1;
    $h = $h->{$sub};
    my @r;
    if ($mod) {
        @r = keys %{$h->{$mod}};
    } else {
#        @r = map { @$_ } values %$h;
        my %h;
        @h{keys %$_} = 1 for values %$h;
        @r = keys %h;
    @r = sort @r;
    return wantarray ? @r : \@r;

sub _var_ret_list
    my ($h, $v, $mod, $assign) = @_;
    if ($v =~ /^(.*)::([^:]+)$/) {
        $mod = $1;
        $v = $2;
    $h = $h->{$v};
    my @r;
    if ($mod) {
        @r = exists $h->{$mod} ? @{$h->{$mod}} : ();
    } else {
        ## XXX: Need to revisit when this is/isn't an array!
        @r = map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } values %$h;
    @r = grep $_->{assign}, @r if $assign;
    @r = map { [@{$_}{qw(file line sub package)}] } @r;
    return wantarray ? @r : \@r;

=item C<callers($func)>

List callers of C<$func>.


sub callers {
    _ret_list \%call, @_;

=item C<callees($func)>

List callees of C<$func>.


sub callees {
    _ret_list \%callby, @_;

=item C<var_defs($var)>

Find locations where C<$var> is defined.


sub var_defs {
    return _var_ret_list \%var_def, @_;

=item C<var_uses($var)>

Find locations where C<$var> is used.


sub var_uses {
    return _var_ret_list \%var_use, @_;

=item C<var_assigns($var)>

Find locations where C<$var> is assigned to.


sub var_assigns {
    my ($v, $pack) = @_;
    return _var_ret_list \%var_use, $v, $pack, 1;

=item C<file_modules($file)>

List the modules defined in file C<$file>.


sub file_modules {
    my $file = shift;
    eval {
        require Module::Info;
        my $mod = Module::Info->new_from_file(abs_path($file));
        if ( $mod ) {
            return $mod->packages_inside();

=item C<var_apropos($expr)>

Find variables matching C<$expr>.


sub _apropos {
    my ($h, $re, $mod) = @_;
    my @r = do {
	if($re) {
	    $re = _apropos_re($re);
	    sort grep /$re/, keys %$h;
	} else {
	    sort keys %$h;
    if ($mod) {
	$mod = _apropos_re($mod);
	my %r;
	for (@r) {
	    my $sn = $_;
	    for (keys %{$h->{$_}}) {
		$r{$_ eq 'main' ? $sn : "$_\::$sn"} = 1 if /$mod/;
	@r = sort keys %r;
    return wantarray ? @r : \@r;

sub var_apropos {
    _apropos \%var_use, @_;




=head1 EXPORTS

Nothing by default, but all sub and variable described above can be
imported.  C<Sepia::Xref> also defines the tags C<:most> for the
above-listed functions, and C<:all> for those and the variables as

=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item See L<B::Xref>.

=item module names are ignored when looking up a sub.

=item file and line number guessing is evil

Both should be done more cleanly and effectively.  This is a hack
because I don't quite understand what perl saves.  We should be able
to do as well as its warning messages.

=item Some packages are not xref'd.

Some "internal" packages are deliberately not cross-referenced, either
because they are hairy and cause us problems, or because they are so
commonly included as to be uninteresting.  The current list includes
all pragmatic modules, plus: B, O, AutoLoader, DynaLoader, XSLoader,
Config, DB, VMS, FileHandle, Exporter, Carp, PerlIO::Layer.

=item Tree-view is not fully functional

Ideally, clicking the function names in tree view would take you to
that function.  This doesn't work.  Also, more keys (like "q" to quit)
should be implemented.


=head1 SEE ALSO

C<B::Xref>, of which C<Sepia::Xref> is a bastard child.

=head1 AUTHOR

L<B::Xref> by Malcolm Beattie, m(angl|odifi)ed by Sean O'Rourke
