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package Test::Tiny;

=head1 NAME

Test::Tiny -- Write simple tests, simply.


    use Test::Tiny tests => NUMBER;
    ok(TEST [, MESSAGE]);    # pass if TEST is true, and print MESSAGE
    show(TEST);              # pass if eval(TEST) is true, print TEST
    SKIP: {
        skip(MESSAGE, N);
        # skip this code, including N tests
    BAIL_OUT([MESSAGE]);        # give up, printing MESSAGE.


$VERSION = '0.02';

sub import
    my $caller = caller;
    *{"$caller\::$_"} = \&$_ for qw(ok show skip BAIL_OUT done_testing);
    $PLAN = @_ == 3 ? 0+$_[2] : -1;
    print "1..", $PLAN < 0 ? 0 : $PLAN, "\n";

sub ok
    my $res = shift;
    if ($res) {
    } else {
        print "not ";
    (my $desc = shift || '') =~ s/\n/\n# /g;
    print "ok ", $SUCC + $FAIL, ($desc ? " - $desc" : ""), "\n";
    if (!$res) {
        my ($pack, $file, $line, $i);
        ($pack, $file, $line) = caller(++$i) while $pack eq 'Test::Tiny';
        print "# Failed at $file line $line\n";

sub show
    my $test = shift;
    ok(eval($test), $test);

sub skip
    my ($why, $n) = @_;
    ok(1, "skipped -- $why") while $n-- > 0;
    last SKIP;

    print "Bail out!", @_, "\n";
    exit 255;

sub done_testing
    undef $EXIT;
    exit $FAIL;

$EXIT = sub {
    exit($FAIL || abs($PLAN-$SUCC));

END { $EXIT->() if $EXIT; }



I I<thought> L<Test::Simple> was simple, but then I realized it relies
on L<Test::Builder> to implement the one function it exports.
Test::Tiny does more with less:

=head3 C<ok(TEST [, MESSAGE])>

Print C<"ok N - MESSAGE"> if C<TEST> is true, and C<"not ok N -
MESSAGE"> otherwise.  The C<MESSAGE> is optional.

=head3 C<show(EXPRESSION)>

C<show> is like C<ok>, but uses C<eval(EXPRESSION)> as the C<TEST>,
and uses C<EXPRESSION> as the C<MESSAGE>.  This is useful when your
test is self-explanatory:

    ok sqrt(4) == 2, 'sqrt(4) is 2'; # redundant
    show 'sqrt(4) == 2';             # non-redundant

=head3 C<skip(MESSAGE, NUMBER)>

Skip C<NUMBER> tests with reason C<MESSAGE>:

    SKIP: {
        skip "message", $number;
        # tests go here.


Stop testing for C<REASON>.

=head3 C<done_testing>

Indicate that you finished running your tests.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Test::Simple>, L<Test::More>, L<Test::Builder>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Sean O'Rourke C<< <> >>.

Bug reports welcome, patches even more welcome.

Test::Tiny doesn't try to be 100% compatible with Test::Simple, but
should stay clean, clear, and under 5% of Test::Simple's lines (from
F<>, F<>, and files in F<@INC/Builder>).  Current
counts are:

    Test::Tiny    52   SLOC, 144  lines
    Test::Simple  1345 SLOC, 3612 lines


Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, Sean O'Rourke.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
