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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw( all );
use feature qw/state say/;
use 5.010;

use Digest::SHA1;
use File::Temp;
use Finnigan;
use Getopt::Declare;
use MIME::Base64;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use Tie::IxHash;
use XML::Generator;

my $args = new Getopt::Declare q{
  -a[ctivationMethod] <symbol>		specify ion activation method [CID by default]
  -c[entroids]				prefer peak centroids to scan profiles, if available
  -r[ange] <from:0+n> .. <to:0+n>	write only scans with numbers between <from> and <to>
  -q[uiet]				suppress the instrument error messages
  <file>				input file [required]
  or exit(-1);

my $file = $args->{"<file>"};
-e $file or die "file '$file' does not exist";
-f $file or die "'$file' is not a plain file";
-s $file or die "'$file' has zero size";

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Finnigan::activationMethod = lc $args->{-a}{"<symbol>"} if exists $args->{-a};

open INPUT, "<$file" or die "can't open '$file': $!";
binmode INPUT;

my $header = Finnigan::FileHeader->decode(\*INPUT);
my $VERSION = $header->version;
my $seq_row = Finnigan::SeqRow->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
my $cas_info = Finnigan::CASInfo->decode(\*INPUT);
my $rfi = Finnigan::RawFileInfo->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);

my $data_addr = $rfi->preamble->data_addr;
my $run_header_addr = $rfi->preamble->run_header_addr;

# fast-forward to RunHeader
seek INPUT, $run_header_addr, 0;
my $run_header = Finnigan::RunHeader->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
my $scan_index_addr = $run_header->scan_index_addr;
my $trailer_addr = $run_header->trailer_addr;
my $params_addr = $run_header->params_addr;

# InstID follows immediately
my $inst = Finnigan::InstID->decode(\*INPUT);

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# fast-forward to ScanIndex
seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr, 0;

my %scan_index;
# this code is not fool-proof and is not finished! It assumes that
# there are exactly as many entries in ScanIndex as would fit
# between $first_scan and $last_scan. In other words, the internal
# indices and links are not checked.
my $first_scan = $run_header->sample_info->first_scan;
my $last_scan = $run_header->sample_info->last_scan;

# get the first entry
my $entry = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
my $size = $entry->size;
seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr, 0; # step back for simplicity; we just
                                 # need to know the record size at
                                 # this point, to be able to skip records
my $from = exists $args->{-r} ? $args->{-r}{"<from>"} : $first_scan;
my $to = exists $args->{-r} ? $args->{-r}{"<to>"} : $last_scan;
die "inverted range: [$from .. $to]" if $from > $to;

if ( $from > $first_scan) {
  # skip these entries
  seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr + ($from - $first_scan)*$size, 0;
foreach my $i ($from - 1 .. $to - 1) {
  $scan_index{$i} = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION)->values;

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now go read the trailer. Because the trailer records are of variable
# size, they are not directly addressable and all of them must be
# read, up to the highest number in the range.
seek INPUT, $trailer_addr, 0;

# read the number of ScanEvent records in the file
my $rec;
my $bytes_to_read = 4;
my $nbytes = read INPUT, $rec, $bytes_to_read;
$nbytes == $bytes_to_read
  or die "could not read all $bytes_to_read bytes of the trailer scan events count at $trailer_addr";
my $trailer_length = unpack 'V', $rec;

my %scan_event;
my %ms_power;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $trailer_length - 1) {
  my $n = $i + 1;
  my $e = Finnigan::ScanEvent->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION)->purge_unused_data;
  next if $n < $from;
  if ($n == $from and $e->preamble->dependent) {
    say STDERR "Range error: cannot form valid mzXML starting with the dependent scan $n";
    exit -1;

  $scan_event{$i} = $e;
  last if $n == $to;

# say STDERR "memory used: " . get_stat_info()->{vsize}/1024/1024 . " Mb";

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now read the ScanParameters stream. Its records have variable size
# and are not directly addressable, so all of them must be read, up to
# the highest number in the range.

# First, in order to reach the ScanParameters header, the error
# log and the scan hierarchy must be read.

# error log
my $error_log_addr = $run_header->error_log_addr;
seek INPUT, $error_log_addr, 0;

# read the number of ErrorLog records
my $error_log_length = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['length' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{length}->{value};
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $error_log_length - 1) {
  my $e = Finnigan::Error->decode(\*INPUT);
  unless ( exists $args->{'-q'} ) {
    say STDERR "Error: (time = " . $e->time . "): " . $e->message;

# Read the scan even hierarchy, even though it is not used -- just to
# reach the next object in the stream.  This is unlike uf-mzml, where
# the event template for each segment is used to write out controller
# type and number.
my $nsegs = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['nsegs' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{nsegs}->{value};
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $nsegs - 1) {
  my $n = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['n' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{n}->{value};
  foreach my $j ( 0 .. $n - 1) {
    Finnigan::ScanEventTemplate->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);

# now the file pointer is at the start of GenericDataHeader for ScanParameters
my $params_header = Finnigan::GenericDataHeader->decode(\*INPUT);

# With the header on hand, skip to the ScanParameters stream and grab
# a few values for each scan (just the required ones, to reduce memory
# use).  MzML needs more per-scan parameters; we only need charge
# state here, but will still use the same storage as in uf-mzml, for
# uniformity.
seek INPUT, $params_addr, 0;

my $param;
foreach my $i ( $first_scan - 1 .. $last_scan - 1) {
  my $n = $i + 1;
  my $p = Finnigan::ScanParameters->decode(\*INPUT, $params_header->field_templates);
  next if $n < $from;
  my $charge = $p->charge_state;
  $param->{charge_state}->{$i} = $charge if $charge;
  last if $n == $to;

# say STDERR "memory used: " . get_stat_info()->{vsize}/1024/1024 . " Mb";

# This is a reasonably good point to start generating the output. We
# know everything about the data, but haven't started reading the scan
# data itself

my $parent_scan_data; # for looking up the precursor ion for each of
                      # the dependent MS2 scans

my %scan_data;
my $scandata_fh = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.dat' );
binmode $scandata_fh;

my $x = XML::Generator->new(
                            pretty => 1,
                            # conformance => 'strict',
                            namespace => [''],

tie my %msRunAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msRunAttr = (
              scanCount => $last_scan - $first_scan + 1,
              startTime => sprintf("PT%.4fS", 60 * $run_header->sample_info->start_time),
              endTime   => sprintf("PT%.4fS", 60 * $run_header->sample_info->end_time),

tie my %parentFileAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%parentFileAttr = (
              fileName => decode_string($seq_row->file_name),
              fileType => 'RAWData',
              fileSha1 => '0',

tie my %msManufacturerAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msManufacturerAttr = (
              category => 'msManufacturer',
              value => 'Thermo Scientific', # although it does not come from the file

tie my %msModelAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msModelAttr = (
              category => 'msModel',
              value => decode_string($inst->model),

tie my %msIonisationAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msIonisationAttr = (
              category => 'msIonisation',
              value => $scan_event{$from - 1}->preamble->ionization(decode => 1), # not knowing better;
                                                 # it can probably be found in the method file

tie my %msAnalyzerAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msAnalyzerAttr = (
              category => 'msMassAnalyzer',
              value => $scan_event{$from - 1}->preamble->analyzer(decode => 1), # not knowing better;
                                                 # it can probably be found in the method file

tie my %msDetectorAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%msDetectorAttr = (
              category => 'msDetector',
              value => $scan_event{$from - 1}->preamble->detector(decode => 1), # not knowing better;
                                                 # it can probably be found in the method file

tie my %acqSoftwareAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%acqSoftwareAttr = (
                 type => 'acquisition',
                 name => 'Xcalibur',     # what else?
                 version => decode_string($inst->software_version),

tie my %dataProcessingAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
if ( exists $args->{-c} ) {

tie my %convSoftwareAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
%convSoftwareAttr = (
                     type => 'conversion',
                     name => 'unfinnigan',
                     version => $Finnigan::VERSION,

my $xml = $x->mzXML(
   'xmlns:xsi' => '',
   'xsi:schemaLocation' => ''
    map {
      my $n = $_;
      # say STDERR "in outer map ($n)";
      my ( $attr ) = read_scan($n, $args, \%scan_index, \%scan_event, \%scan_data);
      # say STDERR "memory at scan $n: " . get_stat_info()->{vsize}/1024/1024 . " Mb";
      tie my %peakAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
      %peakAttr = (
        precision       => 32,
        byteOrder       => "network",
        contentType     => "m/z-int",
        compressionType => "none",
        compressedLen   => 0,
        $x->peaks(\%peakAttr, "=== cut ==="),
        map {
          my $n = $_;
          my $isMS2 = ($scan_event{$n-1}->preamble->ms_power == 2);

          # say STDERR "  in inner map ($n)";
          my ( $attr, $precursor_peak ) = read_scan($n, $args, \%scan_index, \%scan_event, \%scan_data);

          tie my %precursorAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
          if ( $isMS2 ) {
            %precursorAttr = (
              precursorIntensity  => sprintf("%.2f",$precursor_peak->{intensity}),
              precursorCharge     => $param->{charge_state}->{$n-1},
              activationMethod    => uc $Finnigan::activationMethod,
            delete $precursorAttr{precursorCharge} unless $param->{charge_state}->{$n-1};

          tie my %peaksAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
          %peaksAttr = (
            precision       => 32,
            byteOrder       => "network",
            contentType     => "m/z-int",
            compressionType => "none",
            compressedLen   => 0,
          if ( $isMS2 ) {
              $x->precursorMz(\%precursorAttr, $precursor_peak->{Mz}),
              $x->peaks(\%peaksAttr, "=== cut ===")
          else { # for MS1 scans like SIM or zoom scans
              $x->peaks(\%peaksAttr, "=== cut ===")
        } dependent_scans(\%scan_event, $n)
    } grep { not $scan_event{$_ - 1}->preamble->dependent } $from .. $to

my @xml_chunk = split "=== cut ===", "$xml";

say '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';

my %xml_scan_offset;
foreach my $n ( $from .. $to ) {
  my $i = $n - 1;
  my $chunk_no = $n - $from;

  my $rec;
  my ($pos, $bytes_to_read) = @{$scan_data{$i}};
  seek $scandata_fh, $pos, 0;
  my $nbytes = read $scandata_fh, $rec, $bytes_to_read;
  $nbytes == $bytes_to_read
    or die "could not read all $bytes_to_read bytes of the saved scan data at $pos";
  my $peaks = thaw $rec;

  my $buf;
  foreach my $peak ( @$peaks ) {
    $buf .= pack("NN", unpack("VV", pack("ff", @$peak)));
  print $xml_chunk[$chunk_no];
  $xml_scan_offset{$i} = tell STDOUT;
  if ( $buf ) {
    print encode_base64($buf, "");
  else {
    say STDERR "no data in scan $n";
substr($xml_chunk[-1], -length("</mzXML>\n")) = "";
say $xml_chunk[-1];

my $index_offset = tell STDOUT;
say qq( <index name="scan" >);
foreach my $i (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %xml_scan_offset ) {
  my $n = $i + 1;
  say qq(   <offset id="$n">$xml_scan_offset{$i}</offset>);
say " </index>";
say " <indexOffset>$index_offset</indexOffset>";
say " <sha1></sha1>";
say "</mzXML>";

close $scandata_fh;

sub min($$) { $_[$_[0] > $_[1]] }

sub decode_string {
  my $buf = shift;
  $buf =~ s/\x00//g;
  return $buf;

sub dependent_scans {
  my ($scan_event, $scan_no) = @_;
  my @list = ();
  return unless $scan_event->{$scan_no - 1};
  my $ms_power = $scan_event->{$scan_no - 1}->preamble->ms_power;
  return unless $ms_power == 1; # assume ms2 scans have no further dependents
  for ( my $i = $scan_no; 1; $i++ ) {
    last unless $scan_event{$i};
    last unless $scan_event->{$i}->preamble->dependent;
    push @list, $i + 1;
  return @list;

sub read_scan {
  my ($n, $args, $scan_index, $scan_event, $scan_data) = @_;
  my $i = $n-1;

  seek INPUT, $data_addr + $scan_index->{$i}->{offset}, 0;

  my $scan = Finnigan::Scan->decode( \*INPUT );
  my $ph = $scan->header;
  my $profile;
  $profile = $scan->profile if $ph->profile_size;
  if ( $profile ) {
  my $peaks;
  $peaks = $scan->centroids if $ph->peak_list_size;
  my $ms_power = $scan_event->{$i}->preamble->ms_power;
  my $dependent = $scan_event->{$i}->preamble->dependent;
  if ( not $dependent ) {
    $parent_scan_data = $profile ? $profile : $peaks;
    $parent_scan_data->{type} = $profile ? 'profile' : 'centroid';
    $parent_scan_data->{"scan number"} = $n;

  # the M/z range; use the full range for now; consider adding a command-line argument;
  my $range = [$scan_index->{$i}->{"low mz"}, $scan_index->{$i}->{"high mz"}];

  my $peakCount;
  if ( exists $args->{-c} ) {
    $peakCount = $peaks->count;
    my $pos = tell $scandata_fh;
    if ( $peakCount ) {
      # say STDERR "freezing peak list $scan_event->{$i} at $i";
      print $scandata_fh freeze $peaks->list;
    elsif ( $profile ) {
      # if there are no called peaks, treat the profile as a set of peaks
      my $bins;
      if ( $profile->nchunks > 1) {
        $bins = $profile->bins($range, "add empty bins"); # this call implicitly uses the forward converter
      else { # the profile is stored as one huge set of bins
        $bins = $profile->bins($range); # this call implicitly uses the forward converter
        require Data::Dumper;
        print Dumper($bins);
      $peakCount = scalar @$bins;
      say STDERR "freezing profile ($peakCount) $scan_event->{$i} at $i";
      my $pos = tell $scandata_fh;
      print $scandata_fh freeze $bins;
    else {
      my $scan_no = $i + 1;
      print $scandata_fh freeze [];
    $scan_data->{$i} = [$pos, tell($scandata_fh) - $pos];
  else {
    say STDERR "reading the profile...";
    # simply read the profile and ignore the centroids
    if ( $profile ) {
      my $bins;
      if ( $profile->nchunks > 1) {
        $bins = $profile->bins($range, "add empty bins"); # this call implicitly uses the forward converter
      else {
        $bins = $profile->bins($range); # this call implicitly uses the forward converter
      $peakCount = scalar @$bins;      
      say STDERR "freezing profile ($peakCount) $scan_event->{$i} at $i";
      my $pos = tell $scandata_fh;
      print $scandata_fh freeze $bins;
      $scan_data->{$i} = [$pos, tell($scandata_fh) - $pos];
    else {
      say STDERR "No profile in scan $n? Try to extract centroids by adding the -c option";
      exit -1;
  my %polarity_symbol = (
                         0 => "-",
                         1 => "+",
                         2 => "any",

  tie my %scanAttr, 'Tie::IxHash';
  %scanAttr = (
               num           => $n,
               msLevel       => $ms_power,
               peaksCount    => $peakCount,
               polarity      => $polarity_symbol{$scan_event->{$i}->preamble->polarity},
               scanType      => $scan_event->{$i}->preamble->scan_type(decode => 1),
               filterLine    => "$scan_event->{$i}",
               retentionTime => sprintf("PT%.4fS", 60 * $scan_index->{$i}->{"start time"}),
               lowMz         => $scan_index->{$i}->{"low mz"},
               highMz        => $scan_index->{$i}->{"high mz"},
               basePeakMz    => $scan_index->{$i}->{"base mz"},
               basePeakIntensity => $scan_index->{$i}->{"base intensity"},
               totIonCurrent => $scan_index->{$i}->{"total current"},
  if ( $ms_power == 2 ) {
    $scanAttr{collisionEnergy} = $scan_event{$i}->reaction->energy;
    my $prec_mz = $scan_event{$i}->reaction->precursor;
    my $intensity = 0;
    $parent_scan_data->{"dependent scan number"} = $n;
    $intensity = $parent_scan_data->find_peak_intensity($prec_mz);
    return (\%scanAttr, {
                         Mz => $prec_mz,
                         intensity => $intensity
  else {
    return (\%scanAttr);

sub get_stat_info {  ## this will only work in Linux
  my $ref = {};

  ### open and read the main stat file
  if( ! open(_INFO,"</proc/$$/stat") ){
    die "Couldn't open /proc/$$/stat [$!]";
  my @info = split(/\s+/,<_INFO>);

  ### these are all the props (skip some)
  # pid(0) comm(1) state ppid pgrp session tty
  # tpgid(7) flags minflt cminflt majflt cmajflt
  # utime(13) stime cutime cstime counter
  # priority(18) timeout itrealvalue starttime vsize rss
  # rlim(24) startcode endcode startstack kstkesp kstkeip
  # signal(30) blocked sigignore sigcatch wchan

  ### get the important ones
  $ref = {utime  => $info[13] / 100,
          stime  => $info[14] / 100,
          cutime => $info[15] / 100,
          cstime => $info[16] / 100,
          vsize  => $info[22],
          rss    => $info[23] * 4};

  return $ref;

# Local Variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# tab-width: 2
# End:

=head1 NAME

uf-mzxml - convert a Finnigan raw file to mzXML


uf-mzxml [options] <file>


  -a[ctivationMethod] <symbol>     specify ion activation method [CID by default]
  -c[entroids]                     write peak centroids instead of scan profiles where possible
  -r[ange] <from> .. <to>          write only scans with numbers between <from> and <to>
  <file>                           input file

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-help>

Prints a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-a[ctivationMethod] <symbolE<gt>>

Since the native storage location of the data element corresponding to the activation method is unknown at this time, the required B<mzXML> attribute is set to 'CID' (Collision-Induced Dissociation). It is a valid assumption in most Orbitrap experiments. The B<-a> option overrides the default value. The symbol specified on the command line is simply copied into the C<activationMethod> attribute of the C<precursorMz> element, and there is no constraint on what it can be.

=item B<-c[entroids]>

Prefer centroids to raw profiles.

B<Note:> presently, B<uf-mzxml> does not do its own centroiding. If a scan contains no centroid data, the profile is written out.

=item B<-r[ange] E<lt>from:0+nE<gt> .. E<lt>to:0+nE<gt>>

Selects a range of scans to process.

B<Note:> in order to form the nested structure of dependent scans required in B<mzXML>, the first scan in the selected range has be a full MS1 scan. Otherwise, the program will exit with the following message:

  C<Range error: cannot form valid mzXML starting with the dependent scan ###>

To determine the appropriate range of scans, list all scans in the file using B<uf-trailer>.

=item B<-q[uiet]>

Suppress the instrument error messages stored in the input file. Without this option, the error messages will be printed to STDERR.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 EXAMPLE

 uf-mzxml -c -r 350 .. 352 20070522_NH_Orbi2_HelaEpo_05.RAW > test.xml

  (extract peak centroids from scans 350 through 352)
