The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/state say/;
use 5.010;

use Getopt::Declare;
use Finnigan;

my $args = new Getopt::Declare q{
  [mutex: -h -w]
  [mutex: -a -n]
  [mutex: -a -range]
  [mutex: -n -range]
  [mutex: -c -d]
  -a[ll]		        process all ScanEvent objects
  -c[oefficients]		print the table of conversion coefficients
  -n[unmber] <n:0+n>		extract ScanEvent number <n>
  -range <from:0+n> .. <to:0+n>	extract ScanEvent objects with numbers between <from> and <to>
  -d[ump]			dump all data in each ScanEvent
  -h[tml]			dump as html [requires: -d]
  -w[iki]			dump in wiki table format [requires: -d]
  -r[elative]			show relative addersess in dump [requires: -d]
  -p[reamble]			include the full listing of ScanEventPreamble
  <file>			input file [required]
  or exit(-1);

my $file = $args->{"<file>"};
-e $file or die "file '$file' does not exist";
-f $file or die "'$file' is not a plain file";
-s $file or die "'$file' has zero size";

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
open INPUT, "<$file" or die "can't open '$file': $!";
binmode INPUT;

my $header = Finnigan::FileHeader->decode(\*INPUT);
my $VERSION = $header->version;
my $seq_row = Finnigan::SeqRow->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
my $cas_info = Finnigan::CASInfo->decode(\*INPUT);
my $rfi = Finnigan::RawFileInfo->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);

my $data_addr = $rfi->preamble->data_addr;
my $run_header_addr = $rfi->preamble->run_header_addr;

# fast-forward to RunHeader
seek INPUT, $run_header_addr, 0;
my $run_header = Finnigan::RunHeader->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
my $scan_index_addr = $run_header->scan_index_addr;
my $trailer_addr = $run_header->trailer_addr;

# fast-forward to ScanIndex
seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr, 0;

my %index;
if ( $args->{-a} ) {
  # An alternative way to read all entries (assuming there ever are
  # more of them than the number between the first and the last
  # scans specified in SampleInfo) is to read everything between the
  # start address of ScanIndex and the address of the stream
  # following it. Since ScanIndexEntry is a static structure, the
  # number of entries is obtained by dividing the address offset by
  # the entry size

  my $stream_size = $trailer_addr - $scan_index_addr;
  die "nothing to read" unless $stream_size > 0;

  # Read one record and measure its size. We know it's 72, but
  # better be indirect, and there is no time to add a recursive size
  # method to Decoder, to calculate the expected size.
  my $entry = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
  my $record_size = $entry->size;
  $index{0} = $entry->values;

  my $nrecords = $stream_size / $record_size;
  die "can't fit the whole number of $record_size\-byte records between $scan_index_addr and $trailer_addr" if $stream_size % $record_size;
  foreach my $n ( 2 .. $nrecords ) {
    $index{$n - 1} = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION)->values;
else {
  # unless option --all is given, assume the index range specfied in SampleInfo is wanted

  # this code is not fool-proof and is not finished! It assumes that
  # there are exactly as many entries in ScanIndex as would fit
  # between $first_scan and $last_scan. In other words, the internal
  # indices and links are not checked.
  my $first_scan = $run_header->sample_info->first_scan;
  my $last_scan = $run_header->sample_info->last_scan;
  if ( exists $args->{-n} ) {
    my $n = $args->{-n}{"<n>"};
    die "index $n is not in the range of available scan numbers ($first_scan .. $last_scan)"
      unless $n >= $first_scan and $n <= $last_scan;

    # get the first entry
    my $entry = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
    my $size = $entry->size;
    if ($n > 1) {
      seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr + ($n - 1)*$size, 0;
      $entry = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);

    $index{$n-1} = $entry->values;
  else {
    my $from = exists $args->{-range} ? $args->{-range}{"<from>"} : $first_scan;
    my $to = exists $args->{-range} ? $args->{-range}{"<to>"} : $last_scan;
    die "inverted range: [$from .. $to]" if $from > $to;

    if ( $from > $first_scan) {
      my $size = 72; # this may be wrong!
      seek INPUT, $scan_index_addr + ($from - $first_scan)*$size, 0;
    foreach my $i ($from - 1 .. $to - 1) {
      $index{$i} = Finnigan::ScanIndexEntry->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION)->values;

# use Data::Dumper;
# print Dumper(\%index);

# Now go read the trailer. Because the trailer records are of variable
# size, they are not directly addressable and all of them must be
# read, up to the highest number in range.
seek INPUT, $trailer_addr, 0;

# read the number of ScanEvent records in the file
my $rec;
my $bytes_to_read = 4;
my $nbytes = read INPUT, $rec, $bytes_to_read;
$nbytes == $bytes_to_read
  or die "could not read all $bytes_to_read bytes of the trailer scan events count at $trailer_addr";
my $trailer_length = unpack 'V', $rec;

# determine the range to read

my @ix = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %index;
my $from = $ix[0];
my $to = $ix[-1];

foreach my $i ( 0 .. $trailer_length - 1) {
  my $n = $i + 1;
  my $e = Finnigan::ScanEvent->decode(\*INPUT, $VERSION);
  next if $i < $from;
  if (exists $args->{-p}) {
    say "$i\tpreamble: " . join " ", $e->preamble->list('decode');
  if ( exists $args->{-d} ) {
    say "\n$n:" if ( $to > $from ); # not a single record
    if ( exists $args->{-h} ) {
      $e->dump(style => 'html', relative => exists $args->{-r});
    elsif ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
      $e->dump(style => 'wiki', relative => exists $args->{-r});
    else {
      $e->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r});

    if ($e->precursors) {
      foreach my $p ( @{ $e->precursors } ) {
        say "---------------------- precursors --------------------";
        if ( exists $args->{-h} ) {
          $p->dump(style => 'html', relative => exists $args->{-r});
        elsif ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
          $p->dump(style => 'wiki', relative => exists $args->{-r});
        else {
          $p->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r});

  elsif ( exists $args->{-c} ) {
    if ( $e->nparam ) {
      if ($e->nparam == 4) {
        say join("\t", $n, $e->unknown_double, $e->A, $e->B, $e->C);
      elsif ($e->nparam == 7) {
        say join("\t", $n, $e->unknown_double, $e->I, $e->A, $e->B, $e->C, $e->D, $e->E);
    else {
      say STDERR "no raw profile in this scan";
  elsif ( exists $args->{-p} ) {
  else { # no arguments given
    say "$n\t$e"; # it stringifies itself
  last if $i == $to;

=head1 NAME

uf-trailer - examine the ScanEvent structures in a Finnigan raw file "trailer"


uf-trailer [options] file


  -a[ll]                         process all ScanEvent objects
  -c[oefficients]                print the table of conversion coefficients
  -n[unmber] <n:0+n>             extract ScanEvent number <n>
  -range <from:0+n> .. <to:0+n>  extract ScanEvent objects with numbers between <from> and <to>
  -d[ump]                        dump all data in each ScanEvent
  -h[tml]                        dump as html
  -w[iki]                        dump in wiki table format
  -r[elative]                    show relative addersess in dump
  -p[reamble]                    include the full listing of ScanEventPreamble
  <file>                         input file

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-d[ump]>

Prints a table listing all fields in ScanEvent entries, with their seek
addresses, sizes, names and values. Individual entries can be selected
with the B<-n[umber]> option or with the B<-range> option.

=item B<-n[umber]>

Gives the number of a single ScanEvent to process

=item B<-r[ange]>

Selects a range of the ScanEvent records to process

=item B<-h[tml]>

Format the dump output as an html table. When multiple entries are
specified, each will be rendered in its own table

=item B<-w[iki]>

Format the dump output as a wiki table.

=item B<-r[elative]>

Show relative addresses of all itmes in the dump. The default is to
show the absolute seek address. (works with the -d[ump] option)

=item B<-a[ll]>

Process all entries, including those that may lie outside the declared
range. It appears as though it can be possible to find more index
entries in the file than would fit between the first and the last scan
numbers specified in RunHeader/SampleInfo. In that case, in the
absence of the -all option, the entries will be enumerated according
to ScanIndex, which will be treated as a linked list -- starting with
the entry whose index matches the first scan number.

=item B<-p[reamble]>

Show the translated scan event preamble for each scan on one line (useful for comparison and for spotting changes).



B<uf-trailer> can be used to list or dump the ScanEvent records in a
Finnigan raw file. These records are stored in a stream Thermo calls a
"trailer", which occurs near the end of the file. Now, the "trailer"
containing scan event descriptions is not the only stream trailing the
data; apparently, new ones were added as the format evolved, but the
name stuck. The code in Thermo libraries refers to this stream as

=head1 SEE ALSO






=over 4

=item List all scan events in the file using Thermo's short-hand notation known as "filter line":

  uf-trailer sample.raw

=item List the first five records:

  uf-trailer -range 1 .. 5 sample.raw

=item Dump the fifth ScanEvent with relative addresses:

  uf-trailer -drn 5 sample.raw

