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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Although this file is bundled with Net::Chat::Daemon, it actually
# doesn't use it at all (although I probably ought to change it to use
# Net::Chat::Jabber). Instead, this is just a command-line utility
# based on Net::Jabber. This is not a robust tool by any means; I
# merely use it for testing.

use Net::Jabber qw(Client);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use strict;

my $hostname = "";
my $username = "sfink-test1";
my $password = "secret";
my $resource = "testresource";
my $subject = '';
my $verbose = 0;
my $help = 0;
my @file_attachments;
my @attachments;

GetOptions("hostname|host|H=s" => \$hostname,
           "username|user|u=s" => \$username,
           "password|p=s" => \$password,
           "resource|r=s" => \$resource,
           "subject|s=s" => \$subject,
           "verbose|v" => \$verbose,
           "attachment|a=s" => \@file_attachments,
           "data|d=s" => \@attachments,
           "help|h!" => \$help,

$resource = $1 if $username =~ s!/(\w+)$!!;
$hostname = $1 if $username =~ s!\@([^/]+)$!!;

if ($help) {
    print <<"END";
Usage: $0 options... send|receive|add|dump
  --hostname=HOST | -H HOST       Jabber server to connect to
  --username=USER | -u USER       The user to log into the server as
  --password=PASS | -p PASS       Password to authenticate with
  --resource=RSRC | -r RSRC       Resource to connect with
  --subject=SUBJ | -s SUBJ        Subject of message to be sent (if applicable)
  --verbose | -v                  Display additional status information
  --attachment=FILE | -a FILE     Attach a file to the message (may be repeated)
  --data=DATA | -d DATA           Attach the given data to the message (may be repeated)
  --help | -h                     Display this message
    exit 0;

print "host=$hostname user=$username resource=$resource\n";

my $Con = new Net::Jabber::Client(debugfile => 'stdout',
                                  debuglevel => $verbose);

my ($action, @args) = @ARGV;
$action ||= "receive";

$Con->SetCallBacks(message => \&handleMessage,
                   presence => \&handlePresence)
    if $action eq 'receive';

$Con->Connect(hostname => $hostname);

die "failed to connect to $hostname" unless $Con->Connected();

print "We are connected to the server... ($!)\n";

my @identity = (username => $username,
                password => $password,
                resource => $resource);

my @result = $Con->AuthSend(@identity);
print "auth status: " . join(" - ", @result) . "\n";

if ($result[0] eq "401") {
  @result = $Con->RegisterSend(@identity);
  print "register status: " . join(" - ", @result) . "\n";
  if ($result[0] eq 'ok') {
      @result = $Con->AuthSend(@identity);
      if ($result[0] ne 'ok') {
          exit 1;


# sub xml_escape {
#   local $_ = shift;
#   s/[\000-\011]//g;
#   s/[\016-\037]//g;
#   s/[\200-\377]//g;
#   return $_;
# #  XML::Parser::Expat->xml_escape(shift);
# }

sub xml_escape {
  local $_ = shift;
  s/([\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\200-\377])/sprintf("&#%d;", ord($1))/eg;
  return $_;

if ($action eq 'send') {
  my ($to, $message) = @args;
  $to .= "\@$hostname" unless $to =~ /@/;
  my $msg = new Net::Jabber::Message;
  $msg->SetMessage(to => $to, subject => $subject, body => $message);
  my $tree = $msg->{TREE};
  my $attachments = $tree->add_child("attachments");
  foreach my $attachment (@file_attachments) {
    open(DATA, $attachment) or die "open $attachment: $!";
    my $data = do { local $/; <DATA>; };
    close DATA;

    my $attach = $attachments->add_child("attachment");
    $attach->add_child("type", 'file');
    $attach->add_child("filename", $attachment);
    $attach->add_child("data", xml_escape($data));
  foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
    my $attach = $attachments->add_child("attachment");
    $attach->add_child("type", 'data');
    $attach->add_child("data", xml_escape($attachment));
  exit 0;

if ($action eq 'add') {
  my ($jid) = @args;
  $Con->Subscription(type => "subscribe", to => $jid);
  exit 0;

if ($action eq 'dump') {
  my ($jid) = @args;
  use Data::Dumper;
  print Dumper($Con->RosterGet());
  exit 0;

while (1) {
  print "receiving...\n";
  defined($Con->Process()) or terminate();


sub terminate {
  exit 0;

sub handleMessage {
  my $sid = shift;
  my $msg = shift;
  my $src = $msg->GetFrom("jid")->GetUserID();
  my $msgtxt = $msg->GetBody();
  print "GOT MESSAGE: $msgtxt\n";
  my $attachments = $msg->{TREE}->XPath("attachments");
  if ($attachments) {
    foreach my $node ($attachments->children()) {
      my %attachment;
      foreach ($node->children()) {
        $attachment{$_->get_tag()} = $_->get_cdata();

      print "Attachment type: $attachment{type}\n";
      local $_ = $attachment{data};
      s/^/= /g;
      print "\n";
  $Con->MessageSend(to=>$msg->GetFrom(), subject=>"Build of $msgtxt",

sub handlePresence {
  my $sid = shift;
  my $presence = shift;
  my $from = $presence->GetFrom();
  my $type = $presence->GetType();
  my $show = $presence->GetShow();
  my $status = $presence->GetStatus();
  print "$from is now $show/$status\n";