Improvement history for AUBBC

v2.10 - 08/31/2010 11:17:13

Addition - adding type 4 to add_build_tag this will use style 3 but will work
different then the other built functions. Type 4 will print the text defined in
function and not point to a defined Perl subroutine.

Addition - added line_break setting to have control over the script_escape and
html_to_text methods converting html line break <br> and new line \n

Addition - added fix_amp this setting finds all the & that need to covert to the amp; html code name
so the w3c xhtml validation checks ok.

Addition - added no_img this setting will allow some control for using [img] tags
for security reasons

Fixed - bug in settings_prep when a setting gets changed html_type could change

Fixed - Better support for XHTML 1.0 Strict for some tags having issues in do_ubbc

Fixed - in do_ubbc the [url] tag produces a bug if a link is used as a name
the fix converts the period and/or colon of the name so its not seen as a new

Improvement - in do_unicode removed then changed the two regexs to do a 3 in 1 filter.

Improvement - in html_to_text added a code to fix a <br> bug if ppl use html or xhtml line break.

Improvement - moved the pattern building code from do_build_tag to add_build_tag
so it only runs one time

Improvement - in add_build_tag using a hash array to store the build tag data so
there is no need to use split in do_build_tag

Improvement - in do_all_ubbc moved script_escape to a location where one call
to the function is needed

Improvement - in do_all_ubbc added check for undefined "$message" variable

Improvement - in script_escape added check for undefined "$text" variable

Improvement - in html_to_text added check for undefined "$html" variable

Improvement - in escape_aubbc converting the brackets one time with the html
code name so the filter will only need to run one time in do_all_ubbc. This
also fixes one bug in escape_aubbc

Removed - In script_escape removed the \cM regex, it is very rare that anyone will need
it so it wont be missed.

v2.0 - 10/07/2008 13:52:11

Fixed single tag [name] for build tags

Changed the regex in plain URL's

Removed bad patter setting and now using a more standard way to detect bad image tags

Fixed dynamic view in XHTML for the protect email method.

Added js_print method which will print out the javascript needed for the new protect email method

Added values for the code highlighter so it can support CSS classes

Added highlighting of variables and changed 2 quote regex to allow multi line quotes

and a few other things that make this 2.0

v1.30 - 09/08/2008 14:12:10

Fixed the function check in add_build_tag(), when the 1.20 changes where made this check was neglected

Edited add_build_tag() Error messages, hopefully they make more sence.

Now add_build_tag() name allows - and _ in it.

v1.20 09/07/2008 09:23:09

Fixed bug that bypassed utf tag converter if square bracket wasn't detected

Fixed Makefile.PL

v1.10 - 09/02/2008 09:49:46

Added two more tags [big]..[/big] and [small]..[/small].

Removed utf tag style [ux23] and [u://0931] to make more tag names available.

Changed add_build_tag() to use hash variable, see "Build your own tags" for the new style.

Changed the way functions should work for built tags, the custom function for built tags will receive the tag name and data of the tag. This is so one function can handle many tags.

Removed other site tags and setting other_sites_pattern, an example of them are in "Build your own tags"

Removed [time] tag, example in "Build your own tags".

Email now allows names with & sign

Now every message that is passed to do_all_ubbc() gets escaped before being returned if script_escape is Enabled.

All tags in %AUBBC_TAGS will only convert if lowercase.

"new" now uses the most standard referenced object method.

Removed DOS_prevent() method, since the script has been tested more and was causing a timing problem.

Removed [cd]#code[/cd] code tag, which had no code_class or code_extra.

Commented bad_pattern check for [email] tags, this security check is not needed because the next line will take care of all email tag security.

Added missing $AUBBC{image_border}, $AUBBC{html_type} and $AUBBC{image_wrap} to the none icon image.

Changed names of left and right align images to [left_img]..[/img] and [right_img]..[/img], also updated examples to show tags.
Added missing $AUBBC{html_type} to quote, code tags and code_highlight function.

v1.0 01/20/2008 08:46:08
