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package Kafka::Connection;

=head1 NAME

Kafka::Connection - Object interface to connect to a kafka cluster.

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to C<Kafka::Connection> version 0.9001 .


#-- Pragmas --------------------------------------------------------------------

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

# ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------

our $DEBUG = 0;

our $VERSION = '0.9001';

use Exporter qw(
our @EXPORT = qw(

#-- load the modules -----------------------------------------------------------

use Carp;
use Data::Validate::Domain qw(
use Data::Validate::IP qw(
use Const::Fast;
use List::Util qw(
use Params::Util qw(
use Scalar::Util qw(
use Scalar::Util::Numeric qw(
use Storable qw(
use Time::HiRes qw(
use Try::Tiny;

use Kafka qw(



use Kafka::Exceptions;
use Kafka::Internals qw(
use Kafka::IO;
use Kafka::Protocol qw(

#-- declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------


    use 5.010;
    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Scalar::Util qw(
    use Try::Tiny;

    # A simple example of Kafka::Connection usage:
    use Kafka::Connection;

    # connect to local cluster with the defaults
    my $connection;
    try {
        $connection = Kafka::Connection->new( host => 'localhost' );
    } catch {
        my $error = $_;
        if ( blessed( $error ) && $error->isa( 'Kafka::Exception' ) ) {
            warn $error->message, "\n", $error->trace->as_string, "\n";
        } else {
            die $error;

    # Closes the connection and cleans up
    undef $connection;


The main features of the C<Kafka::Connection> class are:

=over 3

=item *

Provides API for communication with Kafka 0.9 cluster.

=item *

Performs requests encoding and responses decoding, provides automatic
selection or promotion of a leader server from Kafka cluster.

=item *

Provides information about Kafka cluster.



my %protocol = (
    "$APIKEY_PRODUCE"   => {
        decode                  => \&decode_produce_response,
        encode                  => \&encode_produce_request,
    "$APIKEY_FETCH"     => {
        decode                  => \&decode_fetch_response,
        encode                  => \&encode_fetch_request,
    "$APIKEY_OFFSET"    => {
        decode                  => \&decode_offset_response,
        encode                  => \&encode_offset_request,
    "$APIKEY_METADATA"  => {
        decode                  => \&decode_metadata_response,
        encode                  => \&encode_metadata_request,

=head2 EXPORT

The following constants are available for export



These are non-fatal errors, which when happen causes refreshing of meta-data from Kafka followed by
another attempt to fetch data.

# When any of the following error happens, a possible change in meta-data on server is expected.
const our %RETRY_ON_ERRORS => (
#   $ERROR_NO_ERROR                         => 1,   # 0 - No error
    $ERROR_UNKNOWN                          => 1,   # -1 - An unexpected server error
#   $ERROR_OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE              => 1,   # 1 - The requested offset is outside the range of offsets available at the server for the given topic/partition
   $ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE                  => 1,   # 2 - Retriable - Message contents does not match its control sum
   $ERROR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION       => 1,   # 3 - Retriable - Unknown topic or partition
#   $ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_SIZE             => 1,   # 4 - Message has invalid size
    $ERROR_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE             => 1,   # 5 - Retriable - Unable to write due to ongoing Kafka leader selection
    $ERROR_NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION         => 1,   # 6 - Retriable - Server is not a leader for partition
    $ERROR_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT                => 1,   # 7 - Retriable - Request time-out
    $ERROR_BROKER_NOT_AVAILABLE             => 1,   # 8 - Broker is not available
    $ERROR_REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE            => 1,   # 9 - Replica not available
#   $ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE_TOO_LARGE           => 1,   # 10 - Message is too big
    $ERROR_STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH_CODE      => 1,   # 11 - Stale Controller Epoch Code
#   $ERROR_OFFSET_METADATA_TOO_LARGE_CODE   => 1,   # 12 - Specified metadata offset is too big
    $ERROR_GROUP_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS_CODE      => 1,   # 14 - Retriable - Still loading offsets
    $ERROR_GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE_CODE => 1,   # 15 - Retriable - Topic has not yet been created
    $ERROR_NOT_COORDINATOR_FOR_GROUP_CODE   => 1,   # 16 - Retriable - Request for a consumer group that it is not a coordinator for

#    $ERROR_INVALID_TOPIC_CODE               => 1,   # 17 - A request which attempts to access an invalid topic
#    $ERROR_RECORD_LIST_TOO_LARGE_CODE       => 1,   # 18 - A message batch in a produce request exceeds the maximum configured segment size
    $ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS_CODE         => 1,   # 19 - Retriable - The number of in-sync replicas is lower than the configured minimum and requiredAcks is -1
    $ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS_AFTER_APPEND_CODE    => 1,   # 20 - Retriable - The message was written to the log, but with fewer in-sync replicas than required
#    $ERROR_INVALID_REQUIRED_ACKS_CODE       => 1,   # 21 - The requested requiredAcks is invalid (anything other than -1, 1, or 0)
#    $ERROR_ILLEGAL_GENERATION_CODE          => 1,   # 22 - The generation id provided in the request is not the current generation
#    $ERROR_INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL_CODE => 1,   # 23 - The member provides a protocol type or set of protocols which is not compatible with the current group
#    $ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_ID_CODE            => 1,   # 24 - The groupId is empty or null
#    $ERROR_UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID_CODE           => 1,   # 25 - The memberId is not in the current generation
#    $ERROR_INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT_CODE     => 1,   # 26 - The requested session timeout is outside of the allowed range on the broker
#    $ERROR_REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS_CODE       => 1,   # 27 - The coordinator has begun rebalancing the group
#    $ERROR_INVALID_COMMIT_OFFSET_SIZE_CODE  => 1,   # 28 - An offset commit was rejected because of oversize metadata
#    $ERROR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_CODE  => 1,   # 29 - The client is not authorized to access the requested topic
#    $ERROR_GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_CODE  => 1,   # 30 - The client is not authorized to access a particular groupId
#    $ERROR_CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_CODE    => 1,   # 31 - The client is not authorized to use an inter-broker or administrative API

#-- constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------


=head3 C<new>

Creates C<Kafka::Connection> object for interaction with Kafka cluster.
Returns created C<Kafka::Connection> object.

C<new()> takes arguments in key-value pairs. The following arguments are currently recognized:

=over 3

=item C<host =E<gt> $host>

C<$host> is any Apache Kafka cluster host to connect to. It can be a hostname or the
IP-address in the "xx.xx.xx.xx" form.

Optional. Either C<host> or C<broker_list> must be supplied.


Make sure that you always connect to brokers using EXACTLY the same address or host name
as specified in broker configuration ( in
Avoid using default value (when is commented out) in - always use explicit value instead.

=item C<port =E<gt> $port>

Optional, default = C<$KAFKA_SERVER_PORT>.

C<$port> is the attribute denoting the port number of the service we want to
access (Apache Kafka service). C<$port> should be an integer number.

C<$KAFKA_SERVER_PORT> is the default Apache Kafka server port constant (C<9092>) that can
be imported from the L<Kafka|Kafka> module.

=item C<broker_list =E<gt> $broker_list>

Optional, C<$broker_list> is a reference to array of the host:port or [IPv6_host]:port strings, defining the list
of Kafka servers. This list will be used to locate the new leader if the server specified
via C<host =E<gt> $host> and C<port =E<gt> $port> arguments becomes unavailable. Either C<host>
or C<broker_list> must be supplied.

=item C<ip_version =E<gt> $ip_version>

Specify version of IP for interpreting of passed IP address and resolving of host name.

Optional, undefined by default, which works in the following way: version of IP address
is detected automatically, host name is resolved into IPv4 address.

See description of L<$IP_V4|Kafka::IO/$IP_V4>, L<$IP_V6|Kafka::IO/$IP_V6>
in C<Kafka> L<EXPORT|Kafka/EXPORT>.

=item C<timeout =E<gt> $timeout>

Optional, default = C<$Kafka::REQUEST_TIMEOUT>.

C<$timeout> specifies how long we wait for the remote server to respond.
C<$timeout> is in seconds, could be a positive integer or a floating-point number not bigger than int32 positive integer.

Special behavior when C<timeout> is set to C<undef>:


=over 3

=item *

Alarms are not used internally (namely when performing C<gethostbyname>).

=item *

Default C<$REQUEST_TIMEOUT> is used for the rest of IO operations.


=over 3

=item C<CorrelationId =E<gt> $correlation_id>

Optional, default = C<undef> .

C<Correlation> is a user-supplied integer. It will be passed back with the response by
the server, unmodified. The C<$correlation_id> should be an integer number.

An exception is thrown if C<CorrelationId> in response does not match the one supplied
in request.

If C<CorrelationId> is not provided, it is set to a random negative integer.

=item C<SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS =E<gt> $attempts>

Optional, int32 signed integer, default = C<$Kafka::SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS> .

In some circumstances (leader is temporarily unavailable, outdated metadata, etc) we may fail to send a message.
This property specifies the maximum number of attempts to send a message.
The C<$attempts> should be an integer number.

=item C<RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS =E<gt> $attempts>

Optional, int32 signed integer, default = C<$Kafka::RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS> .

In some circumstances (temporarily network issues, server high load, socket error, etc) we may fail to
receive a response.
This property specifies the maximum number of attempts to receive a message.
The C<$attempts> should be an integer number.

=item C<RETRY_BACKOFF =E<gt> $backoff>

Optional, default = C<$Kafka::RETRY_BACKOFF> .

Since leader election takes a bit of time, this property specifies the amount of time,
in milliseconds, that the producer waits before refreshing the metadata.
The C<$backoff> should be an integer number.

=item C<AutoCreateTopicsEnable =E<gt> $mode>

Optional, default value is 0 (false).

Kafka BUG "[KAFKA-1124]" (Fixed in Kafka 0.8.2):
I<AutoCreateTopicsEnable> controls how this module handles the first access to non-existent topic
when C<auto.create.topics.enable> in server configuration is C<true>.
If I<AutoCreateTopicsEnable> is false (default),
the first access to non-existent topic produces an exception;
however, the topic is created and next attempts to access it will succeed.

If I<AutoCreateTopicsEnable> is true, this module waits
(according to the C<SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS> and C<RETRY_BACKOFF> properties)
until the topic is created,
to avoid errors on the first access to non-existent topic.

If C<auto.create.topics.enable> in server configuration is C<false>, this setting has no effect.

=item C<MaxLoggedErrors =E<gt> $number>

Optional, default value is 100.

Defines maximum number of last non-fatal errors that we keep in log. Use method L</nonfatal_errors> to
access those errors.


sub new {
    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;

    my $self = bless {
        host                    => q{},
        port                    => $KAFKA_SERVER_PORT,
        broker_list             => [],
        timeout                 => $REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
        ip_version              => undef,
        CorrelationId           => undef,
        RETRY_BACKOFF           => $RETRY_BACKOFF,
        AutoCreateTopicsEnable  => 0,
        MaxLoggedErrors         => 100,
    }, $class;

    while ( @args ) {
        my $k = shift @args;

        # legacy, will be removed in future releases
        if ( $k eq 'SEND_MAX_RETRIES' ) {
            carp "Parameter 'SEND_MAX_RETRIES' is deprecated, use 'SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS' instead";
            $k = 'SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS';
        } elsif ( $k eq 'RECEIVE_MAX_RETRIES' ) {
            $k = 'RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS';
            carp "Parameter 'RECEIVE_MAX_RETRIES' is deprecated, use 'RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS' instead";

        $self->{ $k } = shift @args if exists $self->{ $k };

    $self->{CorrelationId} //= _get_CorrelationId;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'host' )
        unless defined( $self->{host} ) && ( $self->{host} eq q{} || defined( _STRING( $self->{host} ) ) ) && !utf8::is_utf8( $self->{host} );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'port' )
        unless _POSINT( $self->{port} );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'timeout ('.( $self->{timeout} // '<undef>' ).')' )
        unless ( _NUMBER( $self->{timeout} ) && $self->{timeout} > 0 && $self->{timeout} <= $MAX_INT32 ) || !defined( $self->{timeout} );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'broker_list' )
        unless _ARRAY0( $self->{broker_list} );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'CorrelationId ('.( $self->{CorrelationId} // '<undef>' ).')' )
        unless isint( $self->{CorrelationId} ) && $self->{CorrelationId} <= $MAX_CORRELATIONID;
        unless _POSINT( $self->{SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS} );
        unless _POSINT( $self->{RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS} );
        unless _POSINT( $self->{RETRY_BACKOFF} );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'MaxLoggedErrors' )
        unless defined( _NONNEGINT( $self->{MaxLoggedErrors} ) );

    my $ip_version = $self->{ip_version};
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'ip_version ('.( $ip_version // '<undef>' ).')' )
        unless ( !defined( $ip_version ) || ( defined( _NONNEGINT( $ip_version ) ) && ( $ip_version == $IP_V4 || $ip_version == $IP_V6 ) ) );

    $self->{_metadata} = {};                # {
                                            #   TopicName => {
                                            #       Partition   => {
                                            #           'Leader'    => ...,
                                            #           'Replicas'  => [
                                            #               ...,
                                            #           ],
                                            #           'Isr'       => [
                                            #               ...,
                                            #           ],
                                            #       },
                                            #       ...,
                                            #   },
                                            #   ...,
                                            # }
    $self->{_leaders} = {};                 # {
                                            #   NodeId  => host:port or [IPv6_host]:port,
                                            #   ...,
                                            # }
    $self->{_nonfatal_errors} = [];
    my $IO_cache = $self->{_IO_cache} = {}; # host:port or [IPv6_host]:port => {
                                            #       'NodeId'    => ...,
                                            #       'IO'        => ...,
                                            #       'timeout'   => ...,
                                            #       'host'      => ...,
                                            #       'port'      => ...,
                                            #       'error'     => ...,
                                            #   },
                                            #   ...,

    # init IO cache
    foreach my $server ( ( $self->{host} ? $self->_build_server_name( $self->{host}, $self->{port} ) : (), @{ $self->{broker_list} } ) ) {
        $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'bad host:port or broker_list element' )
            unless $self->_is_like_server( $server );
        my ( $host, $port ) = _split_host_port( $server );
        my $correct_server = $self->_build_server_name( $host, $port );
        $IO_cache->{ $correct_server } = {
            NodeId  => undef,
            IO      => undef,
            host    => $host,
            port    => $port,

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'server is not specified' )
        unless keys( %$IO_cache );

    return $self;

#-- public attributes ----------------------------------------------------------

=head2 METHODS

The following methods are defined for the C<Kafka::Producer> class:


#-- public methods -------------------------------------------------------------

=head3 C<get_known_servers>

Returns the list of known Kafka servers (in host:port or [IPv6_host]:port format).

sub get_known_servers {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return keys %{ $self->{_IO_cache} };

=head3 C<get_metadata( $topic )>

If C<$topic> is present, it must be a non-false string of non-zero length.

If  C<$topic> is absent, this method returns metadata for all topics.

Updates kafka cluster's metadata description and returns the hash reference to metadata,
which can be schematically described as:

        TopicName => {
            Partition   => {
                'Leader'    => ...,
                'Replicas'  => [
                'Isr'       => [

Consult Kafka "Wire protocol" documentation for more details about metadata structure.

sub get_metadata {
    my ( $self, $topic ) = @_;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'topic' )
        unless !defined( $topic ) || ( ( $topic eq q{} || defined( _STRING( $topic ) ) ) && !utf8::is_utf8( $topic ) );

    $self->_update_metadata( $topic )
        # FATAL error
        or $self->_error( $ERROR_CANNOT_GET_METADATA, "topic = '".( $topic // '<undef>' )."'" );

    my $clone;
    if ( defined $topic ) {
        $clone = {
            $topic => dclone( $self->{_metadata}->{ $topic } )
    } else {
        $clone = dclone( $self->{_metadata} );

    return $clone;

=head3 C<is_server_known( $server )>

Returns true, if C<$server> (host:port  or [IPv6_host]:port) is known in cluster.

sub is_server_known {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT )
        unless $self->_is_like_server( $server );

    return exists $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server };

=head3 C<is_server_alive( $server )>

Returns true, if known C<$server> (host:port or [IPv6_host]:port) is accessible.
Checks the accessibility of the server.

sub is_server_alive {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT )
        unless $self->_is_like_server( $server );

    $self->_error( $ERROR_NO_KNOWN_BROKERS, 'has not yet received the metadata?' )
        unless $self->get_known_servers;

    my $io_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, "Unknown server '$server' (is not found in the metadata)" )
        unless exists( $io_cache->{ $server } );

    if ( my $io = $self->_connectIO( $server ) ) {
        return $io->is_alive;
    } else {

=head3 C<is_server_connected( $server )>

Returns true, if successful connection is established with C<$server> (host:port or [IPv6_host]:port).

sub is_server_connected {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT )
        unless $self->_is_like_server( $server );

    my $io_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};
    my $io;
    unless ( exists( $io_cache->{ $server } ) && ( $io = $io_cache->{ $server }->{IO} ) ) {

    return $io->is_alive;

=head3 C<receive_response_to_request( $request, $compression_codec )>

=over 3

=item C<$request>

C<$request> is a reference to the hash representing
the structure of the request.

This method encodes C<$request>, passes it to the leader of cluster, receives reply, decodes and returns
it in a form of hash reference.



=over 3

=item *

This method should be considered private and should not be called by an end user.

=item *

In order to achieve better performance, this method does not perform arguments validation.


=over 3

=item C<$compression_codec>


C<$compression_codec> sets the required type of C<$messages> compression,
if the compression is desirable.

Supported codecs:


sub receive_response_to_request {
    my ( $self, $request, $compression_codec ) = @_;

    my $api_key = $request->{ApiKey};

# WARNING: The current version of the module limited to the following:
# supports queries with only one combination of topic + partition (first and only).

    my $topic_data  = $request->{topics}->[0];
    my $topic_name  = $topic_data->{TopicName};
    my $partition   = $topic_data->{partitions}->[0]->{Partition};

    if (
           !%{ $self->{_metadata} }         # the first request
        || ( !$self->{AutoCreateTopicsEnable} && defined( $topic_name ) && !exists( $self->{_metadata}->{ $topic_name } ) )
    ) {
        $self->_update_metadata( $topic_name )  # hash metadata could be updated
            # FATAL error
            or $self->_error( $ERROR_CANNOT_GET_METADATA, "topic = '$topic_name'" );
    my $encoded_request = $protocol{ $api_key }->{encode}->( $request, $compression_codec );

    my $CorrelationId = $request->{CorrelationId} // _get_CorrelationId;

    my $attempts = $self->{SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS};
    my ( $ErrorCode, $partition_data, $server );
    while ( $attempts-- ) {
            $ErrorCode = $ERROR_NO_ERROR;
            if ( defined( my $leader = $self->{_metadata}->{ $topic_name }->{ $partition }->{Leader} ) ) {   # hash metadata could be updated
                unless ( $server = $self->{_leaders}->{ $leader } ) {
                    $ErrorCode = $ERROR_LEADER_NOT_FOUND;
                    $self->_remember_nonfatal_error( $ErrorCode, $ERROR{ $ErrorCode }, $server, $topic_name, $partition );
                    last REQUEST;       # go to the next attempt

                # Send a request to the leader
                if ( !$self->_connectIO( $server ) ) {
                    $ErrorCode = $ERROR_CANNOT_BIND;
                } elsif ( !$self->_sendIO( $server, $encoded_request ) ) {
                    $ErrorCode = $ERROR_CANNOT_SEND;
                if ( $ErrorCode != $ERROR_NO_ERROR ) {
                    $self->_remember_nonfatal_error( $ErrorCode, $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server }->{error}, $server, $topic_name, $partition );
                    last REQUEST;    # go to the next attempt

                my $response;
                if ( $api_key == $APIKEY_PRODUCE && $request->{RequiredAcks} == $NOT_SEND_ANY_RESPONSE ) {

                    # Do not receive a response, self-forming own response
                    $response = {
                        CorrelationId                           => $CorrelationId,
                        topics                                  => [
                                TopicName                       => $topic_name,
                                partitions                      => [
                                        Partition               => $partition,
                                        ErrorCode               => 0,
                                        Offset                  => $BAD_OFFSET,
                } else {
                    my $encoded_response_ref;
                    unless ( $encoded_response_ref = $self->_receiveIO( $server ) ) {
                        if ( $api_key == $APIKEY_PRODUCE ) {
# WARNING: Unfortunately, the sent package (one or more messages) does not have a unique identifier
# and there is no way to verify the delivery of data
                            $ErrorCode = $ERROR_SEND_NO_ACK;

                            # Should not be allowed to re-send data on the next attempt
                            # FATAL error
                            $self->_error( $ErrorCode, $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server }->{error} );
                        } else {
                            $ErrorCode = $ERROR_CANNOT_RECV;
                            $self->_remember_nonfatal_error( $ErrorCode, $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server }->{error}, $server, $topic_name, $partition );
                            last REQUEST;   # go to the next attempt
                    if ( length( $$encoded_response_ref ) > 4 ) {   # MessageSize => int32
                        $response = $protocol{ $api_key }->{decode}->( $encoded_response_ref );
                    } else {
                        $self->_error( $ERROR_RESPONSEMESSAGE_NOT_RECEIVED );

                $response->{CorrelationId} == $CorrelationId
                    # FATAL error
                    or $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_CORRELATIONID );
                $topic_data     = $response->{topics}->[0];
                $partition_data = $topic_data->{ $api_key == $APIKEY_OFFSET ? 'PartitionOffsets' : 'partitions' }->[0];

                if ( ( $ErrorCode = $partition_data->{ErrorCode} ) == $ERROR_NO_ERROR ) {
                    return $response;
                } elsif ( exists $RETRY_ON_ERRORS{ $ErrorCode } ) {
                    $self->_remember_nonfatal_error( $ErrorCode, $ERROR{ $ErrorCode }, $server, $topic_name, $partition );
                    last REQUEST;   # go to the next attempt
                } else {
                    # FATAL error
                    $self->_error( $ErrorCode, "topic = '$topic_name', partition = $partition" );

        # Expect to possible changes in the situation, such as restoration of connection
        say STDERR sprintf( '[%s] sleeping for %d ms before making request attempt #%d (%s)',
                scalar( localtime ),
                $self->{SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS} - $attempts + 1,
                $ErrorCode == $ERROR_NO_ERROR ? 'refreshing metadata' : "ErrorCode ${ErrorCode}",
            ) if $self->debug_level;
        sleep $self->{RETRY_BACKOFF} / 1000;

        $self->_update_metadata( $topic_name )
            # FATAL error
            or $self->_error( $ErrorCode || $ERROR_CANNOT_GET_METADATA, "topic = '$topic_name', partition = $partition" );

    # FATAL error
    if ( $ErrorCode ) {
        $self->_error( $ErrorCode, "topic = '".$topic_data->{TopicName}."'".( $partition_data ? ", partition = ".$partition_data->{Partition} : q{} ) );
    } else {
        $self->_error( $ERROR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION, "topic = '$topic_name', partition = $partition" );


=head3 C<exists_topic_partition( $topic, $partition )>

Returns true if the metadata contains information about specified combination of topic and partition.
Otherwise returns false.

C<exists_topic_partition()> takes the following arguments:

=over 3

=item C<$topic>

The C<$topic> must be a normal non-false string of non-zero length.

=item C<$partition>


sub exists_topic_partition {
    my ( $self, $topic, $partition ) = @_;

    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'topic' )
        unless defined( $topic ) && ( $topic eq q{} || defined( _STRING( $topic ) ) ) && !utf8::is_utf8( $topic );
    $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'partition' )
        unless defined( $partition ) && isint( $partition ) && $partition >= 0;

    unless ( %{ $self->{_metadata} } ) {    # the first request
        $self->_update_metadata( $topic )   # hash metadata could be updated
            # FATAL error
            or $self->_error( $ERROR_CANNOT_GET_METADATA, "topic = '$topic'" );

    return exists $self->{_metadata}->{ $topic }->{ $partition };

=head3 C<close_connection( $server )>

Closes connection with C<$server> (defined as host:port or [IPv6_host]:port).

sub close_connection {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    unless ( $self->is_server_known( $server ) ) {

    $self->_closeIO( $server );
    return 1;

=head3 C<close>

Closes connection with all known Kafka servers.

sub close {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    foreach my $server ( $self->get_known_servers ) {
        $self->_closeIO( $server );


=head3 C<cluster_errors>

Returns a reference to a hash.

Each hash key is the identifier of the server (host:port or [IPv6_host]:port), and the value is the last communication error
with that server.

An empty hash is returned if there were no communication errors.

sub cluster_errors {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my %errors;
    my $io_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};
    foreach my $server ( keys %$io_cache ) {
        if ( my $error = $io_cache->{ $server }->{error} ) {
            $errors{ $server } = $error;

    return \%errors;

=head3 C<nonfatal_errors>

Returns a reference to an array of the last non-fatal errors.

Maximum number of entries is set using C<MaxLoggedErrors> parameter of L<constructor|/new>.

A reference to the empty array is returned if there were no non-fatal errors or parameter C<MaxLoggedErrors>
is set to 0.

sub nonfatal_errors {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{_nonfatal_errors};

=head3 C<clear_nonfatals>

Clears an array of the last non-fatal errors.

A reference to the empty array is returned because there are no non-fatal errors now.

sub clear_nonfatals {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    @{ $self->{_nonfatal_errors} } = ();

    return $self->{_nonfatal_errors};

#-- private attributes ---------------------------------------------------------

#-- private functions ----------------------------------------------------------

sub _split_host_port {
    my ( $server ) = @_;

    my ( $host, $port ) = $server=~ /^(.+):(\d+)$/;
    $host = $1 if $host && $host =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/;

    return( $host, $port );

#-- private methods ------------------------------------------------------------

# Remember non-fatal error
sub _remember_nonfatal_error {
    my ( $self, $error_code, $error, $server, $topic, $partition ) = @_;

    my $max_logged_errors = $self->{MaxLoggedErrors}
        or return;

    shift( @{ $self->{_nonfatal_errors} } )
        if scalar( @{ $self->{_nonfatal_errors} } ) == $max_logged_errors;
    my $msg = sprintf( "[%s] Non-fatal error: %s (ErrorCode %s, server '%s', topic '%s', partition %s)",
        scalar( localtime ),
        $error      // ( defined( $error_code ) && exists( $ERROR{ $error_code } ) ? $ERROR{ $error_code } : '<undef>' ),
        $error_code // 'IO error',
        $server     // '<undef>',
        $topic      // '<undef>',
        $partition  // '<undef>',

    say STDERR $msg
        if $self->debug_level;

    push @{ $self->{_nonfatal_errors} }, $msg;

    return $msg;

# Returns identifier of the cluster leader (host:port or [IPv6_host]:port)
sub _find_leader_server {
    my ( $self, $node_id ) = @_;

    my $leader_server;
    my $IO_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};
    my $NodeId;
    foreach my $server ( keys %$IO_cache ) {
        $NodeId = $IO_cache->{ $server }->{NodeId};
        if ( defined( $NodeId ) && $NodeId == $node_id ) {
            $leader_server = $server;

    return $leader_server;

# Form a list of servers to attempt querying of the metadata
sub _get_interviewed_servers {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my ( @priority, @secondary, @rest );
    my $IO_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};
    my $server_data;
    foreach my $server ( $self->get_known_servers ) {
        $server_data = $IO_cache->{ $server };
        if ( defined $server_data->{NodeId} ) {
            if ( $server_data->{IO} ) {
                push @priority, $server;
            } else {
                push @secondary, $server;
        } else {
            push @rest, $server;

    return( shuffle( @priority ), shuffle( @secondary ), shuffle( @rest ) );

# Refresh metadata for given topic
sub _update_metadata {
    my ( $self, $topic, $is_recursive_call ) = @_;

    my $CorrelationId = $self->{CorrelationId};
    my $encoded_request = $protocol{ $APIKEY_METADATA }->{encode}->( {
            CorrelationId   => $CorrelationId,
            ClientId        => q{},
            topics          => [
                $topic // (),
        } );

    my $encoded_response_ref;
    my @brokers = $self->_get_interviewed_servers;

    # receive metadata
    foreach my $broker ( @brokers ) {
        last if  $self->_connectIO( $broker )
            &&   $self->_sendIO( $broker, $encoded_request )
            && ( $encoded_response_ref = $self->_receiveIO( $broker ) );

    unless ( $encoded_response_ref ) {
        # NOTE: it is possible to repeat the operation here

    my $decoded_response = $protocol{ $APIKEY_METADATA }->{decode}->( $encoded_response_ref );
    ( defined( $decoded_response->{CorrelationId} ) && $decoded_response->{CorrelationId} == $CorrelationId )
        # FATAL error
        or $self->_error( $ERROR_MISMATCH_CORRELATIONID );

    unless ( _ARRAY( $decoded_response->{Broker} ) ) {
        if ( $self->{AutoCreateTopicsEnable} ) {
            return $self->_attempt_update_metadata( $is_recursive_call, $topic, undef, $ERROR_NO_KNOWN_BROKERS );
        } else {
            # FATAL error
            $self->_error( $ERROR_NO_KNOWN_BROKERS, "topic = '".( $topic // '<undef>' )."'" );

    my $IO_cache = $self->{_IO_cache};

    # Clear the previous information about the NodeId in the IO cache
    $IO_cache->{ $_ }->{NodeId} = undef for @brokers;

    #  In the IO cache update/add obtained server information
    my $server;
    foreach my $received_broker ( @{ $decoded_response->{Broker} } ) {
        $server = $self->_build_server_name( @{ $received_broker }{ 'Host', 'Port' } );
        $IO_cache->{ $server } = {                      # can add new servers
            IO      => $IO_cache->{ $server }->{IO},    # IO or undef
            NodeId  => $received_broker->{NodeId},
            host    => $received_broker->{Host},
            port    => $received_broker->{Port},

    #NOTE: IO cache does not remove server that's missing in metadata

    # Collect the received metadata
    my $received_metadata   = {};
    my $leaders             = {};

    my ( $TopicName, $partition );
    my $ErrorCode = $ERROR_NO_ERROR;
    foreach my $topic_metadata ( @{ $decoded_response->{TopicMetadata} } ) {
        $partition = undef;

        $TopicName = $topic_metadata->{TopicName};
            if ( $ErrorCode = $topic_metadata->{ErrorCode} ) != $ERROR_NO_ERROR;

        foreach my $partition_metadata ( @{ $topic_metadata->{PartitionMetadata} } ) {
            $partition = $partition_metadata->{Partition};
            last METADATA_CREATION
                if ( $ErrorCode = $partition_metadata->{ErrorCode} ) != $ERROR_NO_ERROR
                    && $ErrorCode != $ERROR_REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE;
            $ErrorCode = $ERROR_NO_ERROR;

            my $received_partition_data = $received_metadata->{ $TopicName }->{ $partition } = {};
            my $leader = $received_partition_data->{Leader} = $partition_metadata->{Leader};
            $received_partition_data->{Replicas}            = [ @{ $partition_metadata->{Replicas} } ];
            $received_partition_data->{Isr}                 = [ @{ $partition_metadata->{Isr} } ];

            $leaders->{ $leader } = $self->_find_leader_server( $leader );
    if ( $ErrorCode != $ERROR_NO_ERROR ) {
        if ( exists $RETRY_ON_ERRORS{ $ErrorCode } ) {
            return $self->_attempt_update_metadata( $is_recursive_call, $TopicName, $partition, $ErrorCode );
        } else {
            # FATAL error
            $self->_error( $ErrorCode, "topic = '$TopicName'", defined( $partition ) ? ", partition = $partition" : () );

        # FATAL error
        or $self->_error( $ERROR_CANNOT_GET_METADATA, "topic = '".( $topic // '<undef>' )."'" );

    # Update metadata for received topics
    $self->{_metadata}->{ $_ }  = $received_metadata->{ $_ } foreach keys %{ $received_metadata };
    $self->{_leaders}->{ $_ }   = $leaders->{ $_ } foreach keys %{ $leaders };

    return 1;

# trying to get the metadata without error
sub _attempt_update_metadata {
    my ( $self, $is_recursive_call, $topic, $partition, $error_code ) = @_;

    return if $is_recursive_call;
    $self->_remember_nonfatal_error( $error_code, $ERROR{ $error_code }, undef, $topic, $partition );

    my $attempts = $self->{SEND_MAX_ATTEMPTS};
    while ( $attempts-- ) {
        say STDERR sprintf( '[%s] sleeping for %d ms before making update metadata attempt #%d',
                scalar( localtime ),
                $self->{RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS} - $attempts + 1,
            ) if $self->debug_level;
        sleep $self->{RETRY_BACKOFF} / 1000;
        return( 1 ) if $self->_update_metadata( $topic, 1 );
    # FATAL error
    $self->_error( $error_code, "topic = '".( $topic // '<undef>' )."'", defined( $partition ) ? ", partition = $partition" : () );


# forms server identifier using supplied $host, $port
sub _build_server_name {
    my ( $self, $host, $port ) = @_;

    $host = "[$host]" if is_ipv6( $host );

    return "$host:$port";

# remembers error communicating with the server
sub _on_io_error {
    my ( $self, $server_data, $error ) = @_;

    my $message;
    if ( !blessed( $error ) || !$error->isa( 'Kafka::Exception' ) ) {
        $message = $error;
    } else {
        $message = $error->message;

    $server_data->{error}   = $message;
    $server_data->{IO}      = undef;


# connects to a server (host:port or [IPv6_host]:port)
sub _connectIO {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    my $server_data = $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server };
    my $io;
    unless ( $server_data && ( $io = $server_data->{IO} ) && $io->is_alive ) {
        try {
            $server_data->{IO} = Kafka::IO->new(
                host        => $server_data->{host},
                port        => $server_data->{port},
                timeout     => $self->{timeout},
                ip_version  => $self->{ip_version},
            $server_data->{error} = undef;
        } catch {
            # NOTE: it is possible to repeat the operation here
            my $error = $_;
            $self->_on_io_error( $server_data, $error );

    return $server_data->{IO};

# Send encoded request ($encoded_request) to server ($server)
sub _sendIO {
    my ( $self, $server, $encoded_request ) = @_;

    my $server_data = $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server };
    my $sent;
    try {
        $sent = $server_data->{IO}->send( $encoded_request );
    } catch {
        # NOTE: it is possible to repeat the operation here
        my $error = $_;
        $self->_on_io_error( $server_data, $error );

    return $sent;

# Receive response from a given server
sub _receiveIO {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    my $server_data = $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server };
    my $response_ref;

    my $error;
    my $attempts = $self->{RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS};
    while ( $attempts-- ) {
        $error = undef;
        try {
            my $io = $server_data->{IO};
            $response_ref   = $io->receive( 4 ) unless $response_ref;
            $$response_ref .= ${ $io->receive( unpack( 'l>', $$response_ref ) ) };
        } catch {
            $error = $_;
        last unless $error;

        say STDERR sprintf( "[%s] sleeping for %d ms before making receive attempt #%d (error '%s')",
                scalar( localtime ),
                $self->{RECEIVE_MAX_ATTEMPTS} - $attempts + 1,
            ) if $self->debug_level;
        sleep $self->{RETRY_BACKOFF} / 1000;
    $self->_on_io_error( $server_data, $error )
        if $error;

    return $response_ref;

# Close connectino to $server
sub _closeIO {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    if ( my $server_data = $self->{_IO_cache}->{ $server } ) {
        if ( my $io = $server_data->{IO} ) {
            $server_data->{error}   = undef;
            $server_data->{IO}      = undef;


# check validity of an argument to match host:port format
sub _is_like_server {
    my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

    unless (
               defined( $server )
            && defined( _STRING( $server ) )
            && !utf8::is_utf8( $server )
        ) {

    my ( $host, $port ) = _split_host_port( $server );
    unless ( ( is_hostname( $host ) || is_ipv4( $host ) || is_ipv6( $host ) ) && $port ) {

    return $server;

# Handler for errors
sub _error {
    my $self = shift;

    Kafka::Exception::Connection->throw( throw_args( @_ ) );


#-- Closes and cleans up -------------------------------------------------------




When error is detected, an exception, represented by object of L<Kafka::Exception::Connection|Kafka::Exception::Connection> class,
is thrown (see L<Kafka::Exceptions|Kafka::Exceptions>).

L<code|Kafka::Exceptions/code> and a more descriptive L<message|Kafka::Exceptions/message> provide
information about exception. Consult documentation of the L<Kafka::Exceptions|Kafka::Exceptions>
for the list of all available methods.

Here is the list of possible error messages that C<Kafka::Connection> may produce:

=over 3

=item C<Invalid argument>

Invalid argument was provided to C<new> L<constructor|/CONSTRUCTOR> or to other L<method|/METHODS>.

=item C<Can't send>

Request cannot be sent to Kafka.

=item C<Can't recv>

Response cannot be received from Kafka.

=item C<Can't bind>

A successful TCP connection can't be established on given host and port.

=item C<Can't get metadata>

Error detected during parsing of response from Kafka.

=item C<Leader not found>

Failed to locate leader of Kafka cluster.

=item C<Mismatch CorrelationId>

Mismatch of C<CorrelationId> of request and response.

=item C<There are no known brokers>

Failed to locate cluster broker.

=item C<Can't get metadata>

Received meta data is incorrect or missing.


=head2 Debug mode

Debug output can be enabled by passing desired level via environment variable
using one of the following ways:

C<PERL_KAFKA_DEBUG=1>             - debug is enabled for the whole L<Kafka|Kafka> package.

C<PERL_KAFKA_DEBUG=Connection:1>  - enable debug for C<Kafka::Connection> only.

C<Kafka::Connection> prints to C<STDERR> information about non-fatal errors,
re-connection attempts and such when debug level is set to 1 or higher.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The basic operation of the Kafka package modules:

L<Kafka|Kafka> - constants and messages used by the Kafka package modules.

L<Kafka::Connection|Kafka::Connection> - interface to connect to a Kafka cluster.

L<Kafka::Producer|Kafka::Producer> - interface for producing client.

L<Kafka::Consumer|Kafka::Consumer> - interface for consuming client.

L<Kafka::Message|Kafka::Message> - interface to access Kafka message

L<Kafka::Int64|Kafka::Int64> - functions to work with 64 bit elements of the
protocol on 32 bit systems.

L<Kafka::Protocol|Kafka::Protocol> - functions to process messages in the
Apache Kafka's Protocol.

L<Kafka::IO|Kafka::IO> - low-level interface for communication with Kafka server.

L<Kafka::Exceptions|Kafka::Exceptions> - module designated to handle Kafka exceptions.

L<Kafka::Internals|Kafka::Internals> - internal constants and functions used
by several package modules.

A wealth of detail about the Apache Kafka and the Kafka Protocol:

Main page at L<>

Kafka Protocol at L<>


Kafka package is hosted on GitHub:

=head1 AUTHOR

Sergey Gladkov, E<lt>sgladkov@trackingsoft.comE<gt>


Alexander Solovey

Jeremy Jordan

Sergiy Zuban

Vlad Marchenko


Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by TrackingSoft LLC.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See I<perlartistic> at

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
