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package Kafka::Cluster;

=head1 NAME

Kafka::Cluster - object interface to manage a test kafka cluster.

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to C<Kafka::Cluster> version 0.9001 .


#-- Pragmas --------------------------------------------------------------------

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

# ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------

our $VERSION = '0.9001';

use Exporter qw(

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(

#-- load the modules -----------------------------------------------------------

use Capture::Tiny qw(
use Carp;
use Config::IniFiles;
use Const::Fast;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(
use File::Path qw(
use FindBin qw(
use IO::File;
use Net::EmptyPort qw(
use Params::Util qw(
use Proc::Daemon;
use Try::Tiny;

use Kafka::IO;

#-- declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------


    # For examples see:
    # t/*_cluster.t, t/*_cluster_start.t, t/*_connection.t, t/*_cluster_stop.t


This module is not intended to be used by the end user.

The main features of the C<Kafka::Cluster> module are:

=over 3

=item *

Automatic start and stop of local zookeeper server for tests.

=item *

Start-up, re-initialize, stop cluster of kafka servers.

=item *

A free port is automatically selected for started servers.

=item *

Create, delete data structures used by servers.

=item *

Getting information about running servers.

=item *

Connection to earlier started cluster.

=item *

Perform query to a cluster.


=head2 EXPORT

The following constants are available for export


=head3 C<$START_PORT>

Initial port number to start search for a free port - 9094.
Zookeeper server uses the first available port.

const our   $START_PORT                     => 9094;    # Port Number 9094-9099 Unassigned


Default topic name.

const our   $DEFAULT_TOPIC                  => 'mytopic';
const our   $DEFAULT_REPLICATION_FACTOR     => 3;       # Cluster consists of 3 servers by default

const my    $MAX_START_ATTEMPT              => 10;
const my    $MAX_STOP_ATTEMPT               => 30;
const my    $INI_SECTION                    => 'GENERAL';
const my    $RELATIVE_LOG4J_PROPERTY_FILE   => catfile( '..', '..', 'config', '' );
const my    $ZOOKEEPER_PROPERTIES_FILE      => '';
const my    $KAFKA_PROPERTIES_FILE          => '';
const my    $KAFKA_LOGS_DIR_MASK            => 'kafka-logs-';
const my    $SERVER_START_CMD               => '';
const my    $START_KAFKA_ARG                => 'kafka.Kafka';
const my    $START_ZOOKEEPER_ARG            => 'org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain';

# File mask specific to version 0.8
const my    $KAFKA_0_8_REF_FILE_MASK        => catfile( 'bin', '' );

const our   $ZOOKEEPER_HOST                 => 'localhost';

const my    $RESTRICTED_PATH                => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';

my ( $start_dir, $kafka_properties_file, $kafka_host );

#-- constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------

# protection against re-creation of cluster object
our $_used = 0;


=head3 C<new>

Starts server required for cluster or provides ability to connect to a running cluster.
A zookeeper server is launched during the first call to start.
Creates a C<Kafka::Cluster> object.

An error causes program to halt.

Port is used to identify a particular server in the cluster.
The structures of these servers are created in the C<t/data>.

C<new()> takes arguments in key-value pairs.
The following arguments are recognized:

=over 3

=item C<kafka_dir =E<gt> $kafka_dir>

The root directory of local Kafka installation.

=item C<replication_factor =E<gt> $replication_factor>

Number of kafka servers to be started in cluster.

Optional, default = 3.

=item C<partition =E<gt> $partitions>

The number of partitions per created topic.

Optional, default = 1.

=item C<reuse_existing =E<gt> $reuse_existing>

Connect to previously created cluster instead of creating a new one.

Optional, default = false (creates and runs a new cluster).

=item C<t_dir =E<gt> $t_dir>

Required data structures are prepared to work in provided directory C<t/>.
When connecting to a cluster from another directory,
you must specify path to C<t/> directory.

Optional - not specified (operation carried out in the directory C<t/>).


sub new {
    my ( $class, %args ) = @_;

    # protection against re-creating of cluster object
        || confess "The object of class '$class' already exists";

    # The argument is needed because multiple versions can be installed simultaneously
    defined( _STRING( $args{kafka_dir} ) )      # must match local kafka insatll dir
        // confess( "The value of 'kafka_dir' should be a string" );

    my $kafka_replication_factor = $args{replication_factor} //= $DEFAULT_REPLICATION_FACTOR;
    _POSINT( $kafka_replication_factor )
        // confess( "The value of 'replication_factor' should be a positive integer" );
    _POSINT( $args{partition} //= 1 )
        // confess( "The value of 'partition' should be a positive integer" );

    $start_dir = $args{t_dir} // $Bin;

    $kafka_properties_file = $args{kafka_properties_file} // $KAFKA_PROPERTIES_FILE;

    my $self = {
        kafka   => {},                          # {
                                                #   'reuse_existing'        => ..., # boolean
                                                #   'base_dir'              => ...,
                                                #   'bin_dir'               => ...,
                                                #   'config_dir'            => ...,
                                                #   'data_dir'              => ...,
                                                #   'zookeeper_clientPort'  => ...,
                                                #   'is_first_run'          => ...,
                                                #   'partition'             => ...,
                                                # }
        cluster => {},                          # {
                                                #   server (port)   => {
                                                #       'node_id'               => ...,
                                                #   },
                                                #   ...,
                                                # }
    bless( $self, $class );

    $self->{kafka}->{partition} = $args{partition};

    # basic definitions (existence of most service directories is assumed)
    my ( $reuse_existing, $kafka_base_dir, $kafka_bin_dir, $kafka_config_dir, $kafka_data_dir );
    $reuse_existing         = $self->{kafka}->{reuse_existing}  = $args{reuse_existing};
    $kafka_base_dir         = $self->{kafka}->{base_dir}        = $args{kafka_dir};
    $kafka_bin_dir          = $self->{kafka}->{bin_dir}         = catdir( $start_dir, 'bin' );
    $kafka_config_dir       = $self->{kafka}->{config_dir}      = catdir( $start_dir, 'config' );
    my $run_in_base_dir     = $self->is_run_in_base_dir;
    if ( $run_in_base_dir ) {
        $kafka_data_dir     = $self->{kafka}->{data_dir}        = '/tmp';
    } else {
        $kafka_data_dir     = $self->{kafka}->{data_dir}        = catdir( $start_dir, 'data' );

    # verification of environment
    confess( "File does not exist (kafka version is not 0.8 ?): $KAFKA_0_8_REF_FILE_MASK" )
        unless $self->_is_kafka_0_8;

    # zookeeper
    my ( $inifile, $cfg, $zookeeper_client_port, $replication_factor );

    opendir( my $dh, $kafka_data_dir )
        or confess "can't opendir $kafka_data_dir: $!";
    foreach my $file ( readdir( $dh ) ) {
        next if $file !~ /^$KAFKA_LOGS_DIR_MASK/;
        if ( !$cfg && -e ( $inifile = catfile( $kafka_data_dir, $file, $kafka_properties_file ) ) ) {
            if ( !( $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(
                    -file       => $inifile,
                    -fallback   => $INI_SECTION,
                ) ) ) {
                $self->_ini_error( $inifile );
            } else {
                ( undef, $zookeeper_client_port ) = split( /:/, $cfg->val( $INI_SECTION, 'zookeeper.connect' ) );
                if ( !check_port( { host => $ZOOKEEPER_HOST, port => $zookeeper_client_port } ) ) {
                    if ( $reuse_existing || $run_in_base_dir ) {
                        # We expect that Zookeeper server must be running
                        confess( "Zookeeper server is not running on port $zookeeper_client_port" );
                    } else {
                        undef $zookeeper_client_port;   # zookeeper must be started
                } else {
                    # port at which clients will be able to connect to Zookeeper server
                    $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_clientPort} = $zookeeper_client_port;
    closedir $dh;

    confess 'Desired cluster factor does not correspond to the number existing data directories'
        if $replication_factor && $replication_factor != $kafka_replication_factor;

    unless ( $zookeeper_client_port ) {
        confess( "Zookeeper server is not running" )
            if $reuse_existing;
        # port at which clients will connect to Zookeeper server
        $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_clientPort} = $zookeeper_client_port = $self->_start_zookeeper;

    # Configuring
    my @ini_files;
            wanted  => sub {
                push( @ini_files, $File::Find::name ) if $_ eq $KAFKA_PROPERTIES_FILE;
            untaint => 1,

    if ( $reuse_existing ) {
        foreach my $inifile ( @ini_files ) {
            if ( !( my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(
                    -file       => $inifile,
                    -fallback   => $INI_SECTION,
                ) ) ) {
                $self->_ini_error( $inifile );
            else {
                my $port            = $cfg->val( $INI_SECTION, 'port' );
                my $server          = $self->{cluster}->{ $port } = {};
                $server->{node_id}  = $cfg->val( $INI_SECTION, '' );
    } else {
        my $port    = $START_PORT;
        my $node_id = 0;
        for ( 1..$kafka_replication_factor ) {
            $port = empty_port( $port - 1 );
            my $server = $self->{cluster}->{ $port } = {};  # server in the cluster identify by its port
            $server->{node_id} = $node_id;


    my $ini_file;
            wanted  => sub {
                $ini_file = $File::Find::name if $_ eq $kafka_properties_file;
            untaint => 1,
    if ( !( my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(
            -file       => $ini_file,
            -fallback   => $INI_SECTION,
        ) ) ) {
        $self->_ini_error( $ini_file );
    } else {
        $kafka_host = $cfg->val( $INI_SECTION, '' );

    $self->start if !$reuse_existing;

    return $self;

#-- public attributes ----------------------------------------------------------

=head2 METHODS

The following methods are defined for C<Kafka::Cluster> class:


=head3 C<base_dir>

Returns the root directory of local installation of Kafka.

sub base_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{kafka}->{base_dir};

=head3 C<log_dir( $port )>

Constructs and returns the path to kafka server data directory with specified port.

This function takes argument. The following arguments are supported:

=over 3

=item C<$port>

C<$port> denoting port number of the kafka service.
The C<$port> should be a number.


sub log_dir {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    return catdir( $self->_data_dir, "$KAFKA_LOGS_DIR_MASK$port" );

=head3 C<servers>

Returns a sorted list of ports of all kafka servers in the cluster.

sub servers {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return( sort keys %{ $self->_cluster } );

=head3 C<node_id( $port )>

Returns node ID assigned to kafka server in the cluster.
Returns C <undef>, if  server does not have an ID
or no server with the specified port is present in the cluster.

This function takes argument the following argument:

=over 3

=item C<$port>

C<$port> denoting port number of the kafka service.
The C<$port> should be a number.


sub node_id {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    return $self->_server( $port )->{node_id};

=head3 C<zookeeper_port>

Returns port number used by zookeeper server.

sub zookeeper_port {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_clientPort};

#-- public methods -------------------------------------------------------------

=head3 C<init>

Initializes data structures used by kafka servers.
At initialization all servers are stopped and data structures used by them are deleted.
Zookeeper server does not get stopped, its data structures is not removed.

sub init {
    my ( $self ) = @_;


    # WARNING: Deleting old Kafka server log directories
    say '[', scalar( localtime ), '] Removing the kafka log tree: ', $self->_data_dir;

    return 1;

=head3 C<stop( $port )>

Stops kafka server specified by port.
If port is omitted stops all servers in the cluster.

This function takes the following argument:

=over 3

=item C<$port>

C<$port> denoting port number of the kafka service.
The C<$port> should be a number.


sub stop {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    unless ( $port ) {
        my $cwd = _clear_cwd();
        chdir _clear_tainted( $self->_data_dir );

        $self->stop( $_ ) for map { /(\d+)/ } glob 'kafka-*.pid';

        chdir $cwd;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    my $pid_file = $self->_get_pid_file_name( $port );
    $self->_stop_server( $pid_file, 'kafka', $port );


=head3 C<start( $port )>

Starts (restarts) kafka server with specified port.
If port is not specified starts (restarts) all servers in the cluster.

This function takes the following argument:

=over 3

=item C<$port>

C<$port> denoting port number of kafka service.
The C<$port> should be a number.


sub start {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    unless ( $port ) {
        $self->_start_zookeeper unless $self->zookeeper_port;
        $self->start( $_ ) for $self->servers;

        if ( $self->{kafka}->{is_first_run} ) {
            # Create a topic with proper replication factor
            delete $self->{kafka}->{is_first_run};


    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    $self->stop( $port );

    $self->_create_kafka_log_dir( $port );

    my $pid_file = $self->_get_pid_file_name( $port );

        $self->log_dir( $port ),

    # Try sending request to make sure that Kafka server is really working now
    my $attempts = $MAX_START_ATTEMPT;
    while ( $attempts-- ) {
        my $error;
        try {
            my $io = Kafka::IO->new(
                host       => $kafka_host,
                port       => $port,

# ***** A MetadataRequest example:
# Hex Stream: 000000300003000000000000000C746573742D726571756573740000000100146E6F745F7265706C696361626C655F746F706963
# **** Common Request and Response
# RequestOrResponse => Size (RequestMessage | ResponseMessage)
# 00:00:00:30:                    # MessageSize => int32 (a size 0x30 = 48 bytes)
# *** Request header
# RequestMessage => ApiKey ApiVersion CorrelationId ClientId RequestMessage
# 00:03:                          # ApiKey => int16
# 00:00:                          # ApiVersion => int16
# 00:00:00:00:                    # CorrelationId => int32
# 00:0C:                          # ClientId => string (a length 0xC = 12 bytes)
# 74:65:73:74:2D:72:65:71:75:65:  #   content = 'test-request'
# 73:74:
# **** MetadataRequest
# MetadataRequest => [TopicName]
# *** Array data for 'topics':
# 00:00:00:01:                    # int32 array size containing the length N (repetitions of the structure)
#     [ the first element of the 'topics' array
#     00:14:                          # TopicName => string (a length 0x14 = 20 bytes)
#     6E:6F:74:5F:72:65:70:6C:69:63:  #   content = 'not_replicable_topic'
#     61:62:6C:65:5F:74:6F:70:69:63
#     ] the end of the first element of 'topics' the array
            $io->send( pack( 'H*', '000000300003000000000000000C746573742D726571756573740000000100146E6F745F7265706C696361626C655F746F706963' ) );

            my $response = $io->receive( 4 );
            my $tail = $io->receive( unpack( 'N', $$response ) );
            $$response .= $$tail;
        } catch {
#            confess "Could not send control message: $_\n" unless $attempts;

#        last unless $error;
        sleep 1;


=head3 C<request( $port, $bin_stream, $without_response )>

Transmits a string of binary query to Kafka server and returns a binary response.
When no response is expected functions returns an empty string if argument C<$without_response> is set to true.

Kafka server is identified by specified port.

This function takes the following argument:

=over 3

=item C<$port>

C<$port> denoting port number of kafka service.
The C<$port> should be a number.

=item C<$bin_stream>

C<$bin_stream> denoting an empty binary string of request to kafka server.


sub request {
    my ( $self, $port, $bin_stream, $without_response ) = @_;

    defined( _STRING( $bin_stream ) )
        // confess( "The value of '\$bin_stream' should be a string" );

    my $io = Kafka::IO->new(
        host       => $kafka_host,
        port       => $port,

    $io->send( pack( q{H*}, $bin_stream ) );
    my $response = q{};
    unless ( $without_response ) {
        $response = $io->receive( 4 );
        my $tail = $io->receive( unpack( q{l>}, $$response ) );
        $$response .= $$tail;

    return $response;

=head3 C<is_run_in_base_dir>

Returns true, if work is performed in the root of Kafka installation directory.

sub is_run_in_base_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->base_dir eq $start_dir;

=head3 C<close>

Stops all production servers (including zookeeper server).
Deletes all data directories used by servers.

sub close {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    unless ( $self->is_run_in_base_dir ) {
        say '[', scalar( localtime ), '] Removing zookeeper log tree: ', $self->_data_dir;
        remove_tree( catdir( $self->_data_dir, 'zookeeper' ) );

    $_used = 0;


#-- public functions -----------------------------------------------------------

=head3 C<data_cleanup>

This function stops all running servers processes, deletes all data directories and
service files in C<t/data> directory.

Returns number of deleted files.

C<data_cleanup()> takes arguments in key-value pairs.
The following arguments are recognized:

=over 3

=item C<kafka_dir =E<gt> $kafka_dir>

The root directory of Kafka installation.

=item C<t_dir =E<gt> $t_dir>

Required data structures are prepared to work in the directory C<t/>.
When connected to a cluster from another directory, you must specify path to the
C<t/> directory.

Optional - if not specified operation is carried out in the C<t/> directory.


my %_ignore_names = (
    '.'             => 1,
    '..'            => 1,
    '.gitignore'    => 1,

sub data_cleanup {
    my ( %args ) = @_;

    # The argument is needed because multiple versions can be installed simultaneously
    my $kafka_dir = $args{kafka_dir};
    defined( _STRING( $kafka_dir ) )  # must match kafka dir of your local system
        // confess( "The value of 'kafka_dir' should be a string" );

    my $t_dir = $args{t_dir};
    !defined( $t_dir ) || defined( _STRING( $t_dir ) )
        // confess( "The value of 't_dir' should be a string" );

    my $start_dir = $args{t_dir} // $Bin;

    my $run_in_base_dir = $kafka_dir eq $start_dir;
    my $kafka_data_dir = $run_in_base_dir
        ? '/tmp'
        : catdir( $start_dir, 'data' )

    my $removed = 0;

    if ( -d $kafka_data_dir ) {
        my $cwd = getcwd();
        if ( chdir( $kafka_data_dir ) && getcwd() eq $kafka_data_dir ) {
            foreach my $pid_file ( glob '*.pid' ) {
                my $pid;
                if ( !( my $PID = IO::File->new( $pid_file, 'r' ) ) ) {
                    carp( "Cannot read pid file $pid_file: $!" );
                } else {
                    $pid = <$PID>;

                    chomp $pid if $pid;
                next unless $pid && $pid =~ /^\d+$/;

                kill 'KILL', $pid;

                my $cnt = $MAX_STOP_ATTEMPT;
                while ( kill( 0 => $pid ) && $cnt-- ) {
                    sleep 1;

            foreach my $file_or_dir ( glob '*' ) {
                next if exists $_ignore_names{ $file_or_dir };

                if ( -d $file_or_dir ) {
                    $removed += remove_tree( $file_or_dir );
                } else {
                    $removed += unlink $file_or_dir;

            chdir $cwd;
        } else {
            confess "Cannot change directory to $kafka_data_dir";

    return $removed;

#-- private functions ----------------------------------------------------------

sub _clear_tainted {
    my ( $str ) = @_;

    $str =~ /(.+)/;

    return $1;

sub _clear_cwd {
    return _clear_tainted( getcwd() );

#-- private attributes ---------------------------------------------------------

# Returns a reference to a hash describing kafka servers in the cluster.
sub _cluster {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{cluster};

# Returns hash with the details of kafka server by provided port.
sub _server {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    if ( !( my $server = $self->_cluster->{ $port } ) ) {
        confess "Server '$port' does not exists";
    } else {
        return $server;

# Constructs and returns the path to the metrics-directory of Kafka server by specified port.
sub _metrics_dir {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    return catdir( $self->_data_dir, "metrics-logs-$port" );

# Returns path to Kafka bin directory.
sub _bin_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{kafka}->{bin_dir};

# Returns path to the configuration templates.
sub _config_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{kafka}->{config_dir};

# Returns path to the data directory.
sub _data_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return $self->{kafka}->{data_dir};

#-- private methods ------------------------------------------------------------

# Kills process by specified pid (argument $pid), sending a signal ($signal).
# Argument specifies name of the process.
sub _kill_pid {
    my ( $self, $pid, $what, $signal ) = @_;

    unless ( $pid ) {
        carp( 'Invalid pid' );

    $what //= 'process';
    $signal //= 'TERM';

    if ( !kill( 0, $pid ) ) {
        carp( "$what $pid does not seem to be running" );
    } else {
        say '[', scalar( localtime ), "] Stopping $what: pid = $pid, signal = $signal";
        kill $signal, $pid;


# Terminates program on configuration file error.
sub _ini_error {
    my ( $self, $inifile ) = @_;

    my $error = "$inifile error:";
    map { $error .= "\n$_" } @Config::IniFiles::errors;
    confess $error;

# Checks for proper Kafka version.
sub _is_kafka_0_8 {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my $file_mask = catfile( $self->base_dir, $KAFKA_0_8_REF_FILE_MASK );
    my $cwd = _clear_cwd();

    chdir _clear_tainted( $self->_config_dir );
    my $ref_file = ( glob $file_mask )[0];
    chdir $cwd;

    return -f $ref_file;

# Returns true, if argument is a valid port number.
sub _verify_port {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    return( _NONNEGINT( $port ) // confess 'The argument must be a positive integer' );

# Terminates program if working in an invalid directory.
sub _verify_run_dir {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    confess 'Operation is not valid because running in base Kafka server directory - perform operation manually'
        if $self->is_run_in_base_dir;

# Constructs and returns path to the pid-file (using specified port).
sub _get_pid_file_name {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );;

    return catfile( $self->_data_dir, "kafka-$" );

# Constructs and returns path to the pid-file used by zookeeper server.
sub _get_zookeeper_pid_file_name {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return catfile( $self->_data_dir, "" );

# reads pid from supplied pid-file.
sub _read_pid_file {
    my ( $self, $pid_file ) = @_;

    if ( !( my $PID = IO::File->new( $pid_file, 'r' ) ) ) {
        carp( "Cannot read pid file $pid_file: $!" );
    } else {
        my $pid = <$PID>;

        chomp $pid if $pid;
        return $pid if $pid && $pid =~ /^\d+$/;
        carp( "Invalid PID file: $pid_file" );

    return; # no pid found

# Deletes kafka server data directory tree.
sub _remove_log_tree {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;


    unless ( $port ) {
        my $cwd = _clear_cwd();
        chdir _clear_tainted( $self->_data_dir );

        $self->_remove_log_tree( $_ ) for map { /(\d+)/ } glob "$KAFKA_LOGS_DIR_MASK*";

        chdir $cwd;

    $self->_verify_port( $port );

    remove_tree( $self->log_dir( $port ) );
    remove_tree( $self->_metrics_dir( $port ) );


# Starts zookeeper server.
sub _start_zookeeper {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return if $self->is_run_in_base_dir;

    # the port for connecting to Zookeeper server
    my $zookeeper_client_port = empty_port( $START_PORT - 1 );
    my $log_dir = $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_dataDir} = catdir( $self->_data_dir, 'zookeeper' );

    unless ( -d $log_dir ) {
        $self->{kafka}->{is_first_run} = 1;
        mkdir $log_dir
            or confess "Cannot create directory '$log_dir': $!";

    my $property_file = catfile( $log_dir, $ZOOKEEPER_PROPERTIES_FILE );
    if ( !-e $property_file ) {
        my $src = catfile( $self->_config_dir, $ZOOKEEPER_PROPERTIES_FILE );
        copy( $src, $property_file )
            or confess "Copy failed '$src' -> '$property_file' : $!";
    my $pid_file = $self->_get_zookeeper_pid_file_name;

    if ( !( my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(
            -file       => $property_file,
            -fallback   => $INI_SECTION,
        ) ) ) {
        $self->_ini_error( $property_file );
    } else {
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'clientPort'    => $zookeeper_client_port );
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'dataDir'       => $log_dir );
        $cfg->RewriteConfig( $property_file );


    $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_clientPort} = $zookeeper_client_port;

    return $zookeeper_client_port;

# Creates data directories for kafka server.
sub _create_kafka_log_dir {
    my ( $self, $port ) = @_;

    my $log_dir = $self->log_dir( $port );

    mkdir $log_dir
        or confess "Cannot create directory '$log_dir': $!";
    my $metrics_dir = $self->_metrics_dir( $port );
    mkdir $metrics_dir
        or confess "Cannot create directory '$metrics_dir': $!";

    my $inifile = catfile( $log_dir, $kafka_properties_file );
    if ( !-e $inifile ) {
        my $src = catfile( $self->_config_dir, $kafka_properties_file );
        copy( $src, $inifile )
            or confess "Copy failed '$src' -> '$inifile' : $!";
    if ( !( my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(
            -file       => $inifile,
            -fallback   => $INI_SECTION,
        ) ) ) {
        $self->_ini_error( $inifile );
    } else {
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'port'                  => $port );
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'log.dir'               => $log_dir );
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'kafka.csv.metrics.dir' => $metrics_dir );
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, ''             => $self->node_id( $port ) );
        $cfg->setval( $INI_SECTION, 'zookeeper.connect'     => "$ZOOKEEPER_HOST:".$self->zookeeper_port );
        $cfg->RewriteConfig( $inifile );


# Starts server. Possible arguments:
#   $server_name    - Name of the server.
#   $property_file  - Path to the configuration file.
#   $arg            - Additional arguments.
#   $pid_file       - Name of new pid-file.
#   $log_dir        - Path to the data directory.
#   $port           - Port that should be used to run server.
sub _start_server {
    my ( $self, $server_name, $property_file, $arg, $pid_file, $log_dir, $port ) = @_;

    my $server_host = $server_name eq 'zookeeper' ? $ZOOKEEPER_HOST : $kafka_host;

    my $cwd = _clear_cwd();
    chdir _clear_tainted( $log_dir );

    $ENV{KAFKA_BASE_DIR} = $self->base_dir;
    $ENV{KAFKA_OPTS} = "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:$RELATIVE_LOG4J_PROPERTY_FILE";

    my $proc_daemon = Proc::Daemon->new;
    my $pid = _clear_tainted( $proc_daemon->Init( {
        work_dir     => $log_dir,
        child_STDOUT => '>>'.catfile( $log_dir, 'stdout.log' ),
        child_STDERR => '>>'.catfile( $log_dir, 'stderr.log' ),
    } ) );

    my $server_start_cmd = catfile(             # we are in the $log_dir, the full directory name may contain spaces
        '..',                                   # $data_dir
        '..',                                   # $Bin
        'bin',                                  # bin dir
    $property_file = catfile( $log_dir, $property_file );
    my $cmd_str = "$server_start_cmd $arg $property_file";
    if ( $pid ) {
        say '[', scalar( localtime ), "] Starting $server_name: port = ", $port, ", pid = $pid";

        my $attempts = $MAX_START_ATTEMPT;
        while ( $attempts-- ) {
            sleep 1;    # give it some time to warm up

            unless ( kill 0, $pid ) {
                # not running?
                confess "Not running: $cmd_str";

            # Find real pid using process table, because kafka uses sequence of bash
            # scripts calling each other which do not end with 'exec' and do not trap
            # signals. Proc::Daemon returns pid of the top-level script and killing it
            # won't work (no signals are trapped there) - actual java process keeps
            # running.
            my $script_pid = _clear_tainted( $proc_daemon->get_pid( qr/.*java.+$server_name.+\Q$property_file\E.*/ ) );
            if ( !( my $real_pid = $proc_daemon->Status( $script_pid ) ) ) {
                confess 'Could not find server pid' unless $attempts;
            } else {
                my $fh = IO::File->new( $pid_file, 'w' )
                    or confess "Cannot write $pid_file: $!";
                say $fh $real_pid;

        # Wait for port to be ready
        $attempts = $MAX_START_ATTEMPT;
        while ( $attempts-- ) {
            # The simplified test as readiness for operation will be evaluated on Kafka server availability
            last if check_port( { host => $server_host, port => $port } );
            sleep 1;
    } else {
        local $ENV{PATH} = $RESTRICTED_PATH;
        exec( $server_start_cmd, $arg, $property_file )
            or confess "Cannot execute '$cmd_str': $!";

    delete $ENV{KAFKA_OPTS};
    delete $ENV{KAFKA_BASE_DIR};

    chdir $cwd;

    confess "Port $port is available after starting $server_name"
        unless check_port( { host => $server_host, port => $port } );

# Shuts down zookeeper server.
sub _stop_zookeeper {
    my ( $self ) = @_;


    my $port = $self->zookeeper_port;
    my $pid_file = $self->_get_zookeeper_pid_file_name;

    confess 'Trying to stop zookeeper server while it is not running'
        unless -e $pid_file;

    $self->_stop_server( $pid_file, 'zookeeper', $port );
    delete $self->{kafka}->{zookeeper_clientPort};


# Kills server process. Take the following arguments:
#   $pid_file       - Path to pid-file.
#   $server_name    - Server name.
#   $port           - Port used by the server.
sub _stop_server {
    my ( $self, $pid_file, $server_name, $port ) = @_;

    my $server_host = $server_name eq 'zookeeper' ? $ZOOKEEPER_HOST : $kafka_host;

    my $attempt = 0;
    while ( -e $pid_file ) {
        my $pid = _clear_tainted( $self->_read_pid_file( $pid_file ) );
        sleep 1 if $attempt;    # server is rather slow to respond to signals
        if ( $pid && kill( 0, $pid ) ) {
            confess "Cannot terminate running $server_name server\n" if ++$attempt > $MAX_STOP_ATTEMPT;
            $self->_kill_pid( $pid, $server_name, 'TERM' );
        } else {
            warn "Pid file $pid_file overwritten. Unclean shutdown?..\n"
                unless $attempt;
        unlink $pid_file;

    confess "Port $port is not available after stopping $server_name"
        if check_port( { host => $server_host, port => $port } );

# Creates a new topic with specified replication factor.
sub _create_topic {
    my ( $self ) = @_;


    my @servers = $self->servers;
    # choose server port that was launched first
    # log will be recorded in the appropriate directory
    my $port    = $servers[0];
    my $log_dir = $self->log_dir( $port );
    my $partitions = $self->{kafka}->{partition};

    my $cwd = _clear_cwd();
    chdir _clear_tainted( $self->base_dir );

    my (
    $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_FILE = catfile( 'bin', '' );             # kafka 0.8.0
    if ( -e $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_FILE ) {
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_CREATE_OPT        = '',
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_REPLICAS_OPT      = '--replica';
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_PARTITIONS_OPT    = '--partition';
    } else {
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_FILE              = catfile( 'bin', '' );  # kafka 0.8.1
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_CREATE_OPT        = '--create',
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_REPLICAS_OPT      = '--replication-factor';
        $KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_PARTITIONS_OPT    = '--partitions';

    my @args = (
        "--zookeeper $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:".$self->zookeeper_port,
        "$KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_REPLICAS_OPT ".scalar( @servers ),
        "$KAFKA_TOPICS_CMD_PARTITIONS_OPT $partitions",
        "--topic $DEFAULT_TOPIC",


    say '[', scalar( localtime ), "] Creating topic '$DEFAULT_TOPIC': replication factor = ", scalar( @servers ), ", partition = $partitions";
    my ( $exit_status, $child_error );
        my $out_fh = IO::File->new( catfile( $log_dir, 'kafka-create-topic-stdout.log' ), 'w+' );
        my $err_fh = IO::File->new( catfile( $log_dir, 'kafka-create-topic-stderr.log' ), 'w+' );

        local $ENV{PATH} = $RESTRICTED_PATH;
        capture {
            $exit_status = system( @args );
            $child_error = $?;
        } stdout => $out_fh, stderr => $err_fh;


    chdir $cwd;

    confess "system( @args ) failed: $child_error"
        if $exit_status;

#-- Closes and cleans up -------------------------------------------------------




An error causes script to die automatically.
Error message will be displayed on console.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The basic operation of the Kafka package modules:

L<Kafka|Kafka> - constants and messages used by Kafka package modules.

L<Kafka::Connection|Kafka::Connection> - interface to connect to a Kafka cluster.

L<Kafka::Producer|Kafka::Producer> - interface for producing client.

L<Kafka::Consumer|Kafka::Consumer> - interface for consuming client.

L<Kafka::Message|Kafka::Message> - interface to access Kafka message

L<Kafka::Int64|Kafka::Int64> - functions to work with 64 bit elements of the
protocol on 32 bit systems.

L<Kafka::Protocol|Kafka::Protocol> - functions to process messages in
Apache Kafka's Protocol.

L<Kafka::IO|Kafka::IO> - low-level interface for communication with Kafka server.

L<Kafka::Exceptions|Kafka::Exceptions> - module designated to handle Kafka exceptions.

L<Kafka::Internals|Kafka::Internals> - internal constants and functions used
by several package modules.

A wealth of detail about Apache Kafka and Kafka Protocol:

Main page at L<>

Kafka Protocol at L<>


Kafka package is hosted on GitHub:

=head1 AUTHOR

Sergey Gladkov, E<lt>sgladkov@trackingsoft.comE<gt>


Alexander Solovey

Jeremy Jordan

Sergiy Zuban

Vlad Marchenko


Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by TrackingSoft LLC.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See I<perlartistic> at

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
