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package Kafka::MockIO;

=head1 NAME

Kafka::MockIO - object interface to simulate communications with the Apache Kafka
server via socket.

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to C<Kafka::MockIO> version 0.9001 .


#-- Pragmas --------------------------------------------------------------------

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

# ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------

our $VERSION = '0.9001';

#-- load the modules -----------------------------------------------------------

use Carp;
use Const::Fast;
use List::Util qw(
use Params::Util qw(
use Scalar::Util qw(
use Sub::Install;

use Kafka qw(
use Kafka::Internals qw(
use Kafka::IO;
use Kafka::MockProtocol qw(

#-- declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------


This module is not a user module.

The main features of the C<Kafka::MockIO> class are:

=over 3

=item *

Emulates an object oriented model of communication (L<Kafka::IO|Kafka::IO> class).

=item *

Simplistically emulates interaction with kafka server.


Examples see C<t/*_mock_io.t>.


const my $MOCKED_PACKAGE            => 'Kafka::IO';

=head2 EXPORT

Use Kafka::MockIO only with the following information.

The following constants are available for export


=head3 C<$TOPIC>

Topic name.

const our $TOPIC                    => 'mytopic';

=head3 C<$PARTITION>

0 - Partition number.

const our $PARTITION                => 0;


C<$KAFKA_MOCK_SERVER_PORT> is the default Apache Kafka server port
that can be imported from the L<Kafka|Kafka> module and = 9092.



'localhost' - C<$KAFKA_MOCK_HOSTNAME> is the default local host name.

const our $KAFKA_MOCK_HOSTNAME      => 'localhost';

#-- Global data ----------------------------------------------------------------

my %_reinstall = (
    new                         => [ \&Kafka::IO::new,      \&new ],
    send                        => [ \&Kafka::IO::send,     \&send ],
    receive                     => [ \&Kafka::IO::receive,  \&receive ],
    close                       => [ \&Kafka::IO::close,    \&close ],
    is_alive                    => [ \&Kafka::IO::is_alive, \&is_alive ],
    _decoded_topic_partition    => [ sub {},                \&_decoded_topic_partition ],
    _verify_string              => [ sub {},                \&_verify_string ],
    add_special_case            => [ sub {},                \&add_special_case ],
    del_special_case            => [ sub {},                \&del_special_case ],
    special_cases               => [ sub {},                \&special_cases ],

my ( $ApiKey, $encoded_response );

our %_received_data;                                        # (
                                                            #   topic   => {
                                                            #       partition   => [
                                                            #           [ Key, Value ],
                                                            #           ...,
                                                            #       ],
                                                            #       ...,
                                                            #   }
                                                            #   ...,
                                                            # )

my %_special_cases;                                         # encoded_request => encoded_response, ...

my $decoded_produce_response = {
    CorrelationId                           => 0,           # for example
    topics                                  => [
            TopicName                       => $TOPIC,      # for example
            partitions                      => [
                    Partition               => $PARTITION,
                    ErrorCode               => 0,
                    Offset                  => 0,

my $decoded_fetch_response = {
    CorrelationId                           => 0,           # for example
    topics                                  => [
            TopicName                       => $TOPIC,      # for example
            partitions                      => [
                    Partition               => $PARTITION,
                    ErrorCode               => 0,
                    HighwaterMarkOffset     => 2,
                    MessageSet              => [
                        #    Offset          => 0,
                        #    MagicByte       => 0,
                        #    Attributes      => 0,
                        #    Key             => q{},
                        #    Value           => 'Hello!',
                        #    Offset          => 1,
                        #    MagicByte       => 0,
                        #    Attributes      => 0,
                        #    Key             => q{},
                        #    Value           => 'Hello, World!',

my $decoded_offset_response = {
    CorrelationId                       => 0,           # for example
    topics                              => [
            TopicName                   => $TOPIC,      # for example
            PartitionOffsets            => [
                    Partition           => $PARTITION,
                    ErrorCode           => 0,
                    Offset              => [
#                                           0,

my $decoded_metadata_response = {
    CorrelationId                       => 0,           # for example
    Broker                              => [
            NodeId                      => 2,
            Host                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_HOSTNAME,
            Port                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_SERVER_PORT + 2,
            NodeId                      => 0,
            Host                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_HOSTNAME,
            Port                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_SERVER_PORT,
            NodeId                      => 1,
            Host                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_HOSTNAME,
            Port                        => $KAFKA_MOCK_SERVER_PORT + 1,
    TopicMetadata                       => [
            ErrorCode                   => 0,
            TopicName                   => $TOPIC,      # for example
            PartitionMetadata           => [
                    ErrorCode           => 0,
                    Partition           => $PARTITION,
                    Leader              => 2,
                    Replicas            => [    # of ReplicaId
                    Isr                 => [    # of ReplicaId

#-- public functions -----------------------------------------------------------


The following methods are defined for the C<Kafka::MockIO> class:


=head3 C<override>

Override the C<Kafka::IO> class methods.

sub override {
    foreach my $method ( keys %_reinstall ) {
        Sub::Install::reinstall_sub( {
            code    => $_reinstall{ $method }->[1],
            into    => $MOCKED_PACKAGE,
            as      => $method,
        } );


=head3 C<restore>

Restore the C<Kafka::IO> class methods.

sub restore {
    foreach my $method ( keys %_reinstall ) {
        Sub::Install::reinstall_sub( {
            code    => $_reinstall{ $method }->[0],
            into    => $MOCKED_PACKAGE,
            as      => $method,
        } );


=head3 C<add_special_case( $cases )>

Adds special cases for use in the simulation of interaction with kafka server.

This function take argument. The following argument is currently recognized:

=over 3

=item C<$cases>

C<$cases> is a reference to the hash representing
the special cases.

The keys of the hash should be binary-encoded query string to kafka server.
The values of each key must be encoded binary string of the expected response.


sub add_special_case {
    my ( $cases ) = @_;

    blessed( $cases )
        and confess 'Do not use a class method as a method of the object';
    _HASH( $cases )
        or confess 'requires a hash request-response';
    foreach my $encoded_request ( keys %{ $cases } ) {
        _STRING( $cases->{ $encoded_request } )
            or confess 'hash must contain encoded responses';

    foreach my $encoded_request ( keys %{ $cases } ) {
        $_special_cases{ $encoded_request } = $cases->{ $encoded_request };


=head3 C<del_special_case( $encoded_request )>

Removes the special case.

This function take argument. The following argument is currently recognized:

=over 3

=item C<$encoded_request>

Binary string of the encoded request.


sub del_special_case {
    my ( $encoded_request ) = @_;

    blessed( $encoded_request )
        and confess 'Do not use a class method as a method of the object';

    delete $_special_cases{ $encoded_request };


=head3 C<special_cases>

Returns a reference to a hash of special cases.

The keys of the hash are binary strings encoded requests to kafka server.
The value of each key is encoded binary string of the expected response.

sub special_cases {
    return \%_special_cases;

#-- private functions ----------------------------------------------------------

#-- constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------


=head3 C<new>

Constructor emulation (C<Kafka::IO->new>).

sub new {
    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;

    my $self = bless {
        host        => q{},
        port        => $KAFKA_SERVER_PORT,
        timeout     => $REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
    }, $class;

    while ( @args ) {
        my $k = shift @args;
        next unless defined $k;
        $self->{ $k } = shift @args if exists $self->{ $k };

    if    ( !( defined( $self->{host} ) && defined( _STRING( $self->{host} ) ) && !utf8::is_utf8( $self->{host} ) ) )   { Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'Kafka::IO->new - host' ); }
    elsif ( !_POSINT( $self->{port} ) )                                 { Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'Kafka::IO->new - port' ); }
    elsif ( !( _NUMBER( $self->{timeout} ) && $self->{timeout} > 0 ) )  { Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'Kafka::IO->new - timeout' ); }
    else  {
        $self->{socket} = 'fake true value';

    return $self;

#-- public attributes ----------------------------------------------------------

#-- public methods -------------------------------------------------------------

=head2 METHODS

The following methods are defined for the C<Kafka::MockIO> class:


=head3 C<send>

Method emulation (C<Kafka::IO::send>).

sub send {
    my ( $self, $message ) = @_;

    my $description = 'Kafka::IO->send';
    defined( _STRING( $message ) )
        or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
    utf8::is_utf8( $message )
        and Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_NOT_BINARY_STRING, $description );
    ( my $len = length( $message .= q{} ) ) <= $MAX_SOCKET_REQUEST_BYTES
        or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );

    Kafka::IO::_debug_msg( $self, $message, 'Request to', 'green' )
        if Kafka::IO->debug_level == 1;

    if ( exists $_special_cases{ $message } ) {
        $encoded_response = $_special_cases{ $message };
        return length( $message );

    $ApiKey = unpack( q{
        x[l]                # Size
        s>                  # ApiKey
    }, $message );

    # Set up the response

    if ( $ApiKey == $APIKEY_PRODUCE ) {
        my $decoded_produce_request = decode_produce_request( \$message )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
        my ( $topic, $partition ) = $self->_decoded_topic_partition( $decoded_produce_request, $decoded_produce_response );
        $partition // return;

        if ( !exists( $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } ) ) {
            $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } = [];
        my $data = $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition };

        $decoded_produce_response->{topics}->[0]->{partitions}->[0]->{Offset} = scalar @{ $data };
        foreach my $Message ( @{ $decoded_produce_request->{topics}->[0]->{partitions}->[0]->{MessageSet} } ) {
            foreach my $key_name ( 'Key', 'Value' ) {
                if ( defined( my $value = $Message->{ $key_name } ) ) {
                    $self->_verify_string( $value, "$description ($key_name)" )
                        or return;
            push @{ $data }, [ $Message->{Key} // q{}, $Message->{Value} // q{} ];

        $encoded_response = encode_produce_response( $decoded_produce_response )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );

    elsif ( $ApiKey == $APIKEY_FETCH ) {
        my $decoded_fetch_request = decode_fetch_request( \$message )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
        my ( $topic, $partition ) = $self->_decoded_topic_partition( $decoded_fetch_request, $decoded_fetch_response );
        $partition // return;

        my $partition_data = $decoded_fetch_request->{topics}->[0]->{partitions}->[0];
        my $FetchOffset = $partition_data->{FetchOffset};
        my $MaxBytes    = $partition_data->{MaxBytes};

        $partition_data = $decoded_fetch_response->{topics}->[0]->{partitions}->[0];
        my $messages = $partition_data->{MessageSet} = [];
        my $data = $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } // [];
        my $HighwaterMarkOffset = $partition_data->{HighwaterMarkOffset} = scalar @{ $data };
        my $full_message_set_size = 0;
        for ( my $i = $FetchOffset; $i < $HighwaterMarkOffset; ++$i ) {
            my $Key     = $data->[ $i ]->[0];
            my $Value   = $data->[ $i ]->[1];
            my $message_set_size +=
                  8                         # [q]   Offset
                + 4                         # [l]   MessageSize
                + 4                         # [l]   Crc
                + 1                         # [c]   MagicByte
                + 1                         # [c]   Attributes
                + 4                         # [l]   Key length
                + length( $Key )            # Key
                + 4                         # [l]   Value length
                + length( $Value )          # Value
            if ( $full_message_set_size + $message_set_size <= $MaxBytes ) {
                push @{ $messages }, {
                    Offset      => $i,
                    MagicByte   => 0,
                    Attributes  => $COMPRESSION_NONE,
                    Key         => $Key,
                    Value       => $Value,
            } else {
# NOTE: not all messages can be returned
            $full_message_set_size += $message_set_size;

        $self->_verify_string( $topic, "$description (TopicName)" )
            or return;
        my $max_response_length = $MaxBytes
            + 4                         # [l]   Size
            + 4                         # [l]   CorrelationId
            + 4                         # [l]   topics array size
            + 2                         # [s]   TopicName length
            + length( $topic )          # TopicName
            + 4                         # [l]   partitions array size
            + 4                         # [l]   Partition
            + 2                         # [s]   ErrorCode
            + 8                         # [q]   HighwaterMarkOffset
            + 4                         # [l]   MessageSetSize
        $encoded_response = encode_fetch_response( $decoded_fetch_response )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
        $encoded_response = substr( $encoded_response, 0, $max_response_length );

    elsif ( $ApiKey == $APIKEY_OFFSET ) {
        my $decoded_offset_request = decode_offset_request( \$message )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
        my ( $topic, $partition ) = $self->_decoded_topic_partition( $decoded_offset_request, $decoded_offset_response );
        $partition // return;

        my $partition_data = $decoded_offset_request->{topics}->[0]->{partitions}->[0];
        my $MaxNumberOfOffsets = $partition_data->{MaxNumberOfOffsets};
        my $Time = $partition_data->{Time};

        my $offsets = $decoded_offset_response->{topics}->[0]->{PartitionOffsets}->[0]->{Offset} = [];
        if ( $Time == $RECEIVE_LATEST_OFFSET ) {
            push( @{ $offsets }, ( exists( $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } )
                ? scalar( @{ $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } } )
                : () ),
                0 );
        elsif ( $Time == $RECEIVE_EARLIEST_OFFSETS ) {
            push @{ $offsets }, 0;
        } else {
            if ( exists( $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } ) ) {
                my $max_offset = min $MaxNumberOfOffsets, $#{ $_received_data{ $topic }->{ $partition } };
# - always return starting at offset 0
# - not verified in practice, the order in which the kafka server returns the offsets
                push @$offsets, ( 0..$max_offset );

        $encoded_response = encode_offset_response( $decoded_offset_response )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );

    elsif ( $ApiKey == $APIKEY_METADATA ) {
        my $decoded_metadata_request = decode_metadata_request( \$message )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
        my $TopicName = $decoded_metadata_request->{topics}->[0] // $TOPIC;
        $self->_verify_string( $TopicName, "$description (TopicName)" )
            or return;
        $decoded_metadata_response->{TopicMetadata}->[0]->{TopicName} = $TopicName;
        $decoded_metadata_response->{CorrelationId} = $decoded_metadata_request->{CorrelationId};

        $encoded_response = encode_metadata_response( $decoded_metadata_response )
            or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );

    return $len;

=head3 C<receive>

Method emulation (C<Kafka::IO::receive>).

sub receive {
    my ( $self, $length ) = @_;

    _POSINT( $length )
        or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, 'Kafka::IO->receive' );

    my $message = substr( $encoded_response, 0, $length, q{} );

    Kafka::IO::_debug_msg( $self, $message, 'Response from', 'yellow' )
        if Kafka::IO->debug_level == 1;

    return \$message;

=head3 C<close>

Method emulation (C<Kafka::IO::close>).

sub close {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    delete $self->{$_} foreach keys %$self;


=head3 C<is_alive>

Method emulation (C<Kafka::IO::is_alive>).

sub is_alive {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return !!$self->{socket};

#-- private attributes ---------------------------------------------------------

#-- private methods ------------------------------------------------------------

# Determines the type of request, the topic and partition
sub _decoded_topic_partition {
    my ( $self, $decoded_request, $decoded_response ) = @_;

    my $topic_data = $decoded_request->{topics}->[0];
    my $topic = $topic_data->{TopicName};

    my $partition = $topic_data->{partitions}->[0]->{Partition};
    $partition == $PARTITION
        or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, "Use Kafka::MockIO only with partition = $PARTITION" );

    $topic_data = $decoded_response->{topics}->[0];
    $topic_data->{TopicName} = $topic;
    if ( $ApiKey == $APIKEY_OFFSET ) {
        $topic_data->{PartitionOffsets}->[0]->{Partition} = $partition;
    } else {
        $topic_data->{partitions}->[0]->{Partition} = $partition;

    $decoded_response->{CorrelationId} = $decoded_request->{CorrelationId};

    return $topic, $partition;

# Verifies that the first argument is the string does not contain Unicode data
sub _verify_string {
    my ( $self, $string, $description ) = @_;

    return 1
        if defined( $string ) && $string eq q{};
    defined( _STRING( $string ) )
        or Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT, $description );
    utf8::is_utf8( $string )
        and Kafka::IO::_error( $self, $ERROR_NOT_BINARY_STRING, $description );

    return 1;

#-- Closes and cleans up -------------------------------------------------------




Error diagnosis emulated methods corresponds to the work of class L<Kafka::IO|Kafka::IO/"DIAGNOSTICS">.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The basic operation of the Kafka package modules:

L<Kafka|Kafka> - constants and messages used by the Kafka package modules.

L<Kafka::Connection|Kafka::Connection> - interface to connect to a Kafka cluster.

L<Kafka::Producer|Kafka::Producer> - interface for producing client.

L<Kafka::Consumer|Kafka::Consumer> - interface for consuming client.

L<Kafka::Message|Kafka::Message> - interface to access Kafka message

L<Kafka::Int64|Kafka::Int64> - functions to work with 64 bit elements of the
protocol on 32 bit systems.

L<Kafka::Protocol|Kafka::Protocol> - functions to process messages in the
Apache Kafka's Protocol.

L<Kafka::IO|Kafka::IO> - low-level interface for communication with Kafka server.

L<Kafka::Exceptions|Kafka::Exceptions> - module designated to handle Kafka exceptions.

L<Kafka::Internals|Kafka::Internals> - internal constants and functions used
by several package modules.

A wealth of detail about the Apache Kafka and the Kafka Protocol:

Main page at L<>

Kafka Protocol at L<>


Kafka package is hosted on GitHub:

=head1 AUTHOR

Sergey Gladkov, E<lt>sgladkov@trackingsoft.comE<gt>


Alexander Solovey

Jeremy Jordan

Sergiy Zuban

Vlad Marchenko


Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by TrackingSoft LLC.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See I<perlartistic> at

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
