The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#-- Pragmas --------------------------------------------------------------------

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw(

# ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------

use Test::More;

#-- verify load the module

    eval 'use Test::Exception';     ## no critic
    plan skip_all => "because Test::Exception required for testing" if $@;

    eval 'use Test::NoWarnings';    ## no critic
    plan skip_all => 'because Test::NoWarnings required for testing' if $@;

plan 'no_plan';

#-- load the modules -----------------------------------------------------------

use Kafka qw (

#-- setting up facilities ------------------------------------------------------

    skip 'You have a 64 bit system', 1, if $BITS64;

#-- declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------

#-- Global data ----------------------------------------------------------------

my $error_mismatch_argument = $ERROR{ $ERROR_MISMATCH_ARGUMENT };
my $qr = qr/$error_mismatch_argument/;

# INSTRUCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------

eval { my $ret = unpack( 'Q', 0xff x 8 ) };
if ( !$@ ) {
    ok( $BITS64, 'Your system supports 64-bit integer values' );
} else {
    ok( !$BITS64, 'Your system not supports 64-bit integer values' );

    our $n0;
    our $n4;
    our $n45;
    our $n_neg1;
    our $n_neg2;
    our $n_neg3;
    our $n_neg5;

    our $s       = q{};
    our $s4      = '4';
    our $ss      = 'abcd';

    BEGIN {
        unless ( $BITS64 ) {
            # numbers does not bigint
            $n0     = 0;
            $n4     = 4;
            $n45    = 4.5;
            $n_neg1 = -1;
            $n_neg2 = -2;
            $n_neg3 = -3;
            $n_neg5 = -5;

            # after the announcement of the new numbers will be bigint
            #use bigint;
            require bigint;
            import bigint;

            require Kafka::Int64;

    ok( !ref( $n0 ), 'number does not bigint' );

#-- intsum

    foreach my $pair (
            [ 0,        $n0,        0 ],
            [ 0,        $n4,        4 ],
            [ 2,        $n4,        6 ],
            [ 2,        $n0,        2 ],
            [ 2,        $n_neg5,    -3 ],
            [ $n0,      0,          0 ],
            [ $n4,      0,          4 ],
            [ $n4,      2,          6 ],
            [ $n0,      2,          2 ],
            [ $n_neg5,  2,          -3 ],
            [ $n4,      $n4,        8 ],
            [ $n0,      $n0,        0 ],
            [ $n_neg5,  $n_neg5,    -10 ],
        ) {
        my $ret;
        is( $ret = Kafka::Int64::intsum( $pair->[0], $pair->[1] ), $pair->[2],
            $pair->[0].' ('.( ref( $pair->[0] ) eq 'Math::BigInt' ? q{} : 'non ' ).'bigint) + '.$pair->[1].' ('.( ref( $pair->[1] ) eq 'Math::BigInt' ? q{} : 'non ' ).'bigint) is bigint 0' );
        isa_ok( $ret, 'Math::BigInt' );

#-- packq

    foreach my $num (
        ) {
        is( length( Kafka::Int64::packq( $num ) ), 8, 'binary string of length 64 bits ('.( ref( $num ) eq 'Math::BigInt' ? q{} : 'non ' )."bigint '$num)" );

    throws_ok { Kafka::Int64::packq( -3 ); } 'Kafka::Exception::Int64', 'error thrown';

#-- unpackq

    foreach my $pair (
            [ chr(0)    x 8, 0 ],
            [ chr(0xff) x 8, -1 ],
            [ chr(1)    x 8, 72340172838076673 ],
            [ chr(0x10) x 8, 1157442765409226768 ],
        ) {
        my $ret;
        is( $ret = Kafka::Int64::unpackq( $pair->[0] ), $pair->[1], 'bigint '.$pair->[1] );
        isa_ok( $ret, "Math::BigInt" );

# POSTCONDITIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------
