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package Net::LastFM::Submission;
use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common 'GET', 'POST';
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Carp 'croak';

use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = 'encode_data';

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{'SUBMISSION_DEBUG'} || 0;

our $VERSION = '0.64';
our $URL     = '';

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $param = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
	my $self  = {
		'proto'  => '1.2.1',
		'limit'  => 50, # limit
		'client' => {
			'id'  => $param->{'client_id' } || 'tst', # test client id
			'ver' => $param->{'client_ver'} || '1.0', # test client version
		'user'   => {
			'name'     => $param->{'user'    } || croak('Need user name'),
			'password' => $param->{'password'},
		'api'    => {
			'key'     => $param->{'api_key'    },
			'secret'  => $param->{'api_secret' },
		'auth'   => {
			'session' => $param->{'session_key'},
		'ua'     => $param->{'ua' } || LWP::UserAgent->new('timeout' => 10, 'agent' => join '/', __PACKAGE__, $VERSION),
		'enc'    => $param->{'enc'} || 'cp1251',
	if (defined $self->{'user'}->{'password'}) {
		$self->{'auth'}->{'type'} = 'standard';
	} else {
		croak 'Need shared data (api_key/api_secret/session_key) for Web Services authentication' if grep { !$_ } @{$self->{'api'}}{'key', 'secret'}, $self->{'auth'}->{'session'};
		$self->{'auth'}->{'type'} = 'web';
	if (DEBUG) {
		warn " Submissions Protocol v$self->{'proto'}";
		warn "Client Identifier: $self->{'client'}->{'id'}/$self->{'client'}->{'ver'}";
		warn $self->{'auth'}->{'type'} eq 'web' ? 'Web Services Authentication' : 'Standard Authentication';
	bless $self, ref $class || $class;

	no strict 'refs';
	for my $m ('handshake', 'now_playing', 'submit') {
		*{$m} = sub {
			my $self = shift;
			my $r    = $self->${\"_request_$m"}(@_);
			return $r unless ref $r eq 'HTTP::Request';
			my $data = $self->_response($self->{'ua'}->request($r));
			$self->_save_handshake($data) if $m eq 'handshake'; # spesial action for handshake
			return $data;

# save handshake data

sub _save_handshake {
	my $self = shift;
	my $data = shift;
	if ($data->{'status'} && $data->{'url'} && $data->{'sid'}) {
		DEBUG && warn "Save handshake data: $data->{'url'}->{'np'}, $data->{'sid'}";
		$self->{'hs'} = $data;
	return $data;

# generate requests

sub _request_handshake {
	my $self = shift;
	my $time = time;
	$self->{'auth'}->{'token'} = md5_hex(($self->{'auth'}->{'type'} eq 'web' ? $self->{'api'}->{'secret'} : md5_hex $self->{'user'}->{'password'}).$time);
	my $r = GET(join '?', $URL, join '&',
		"p=$self->{'proto' }",
		"c=$self->{'client'}->{'id'  }",
		"v=$self->{'client'}->{'ver' }",
		"u=$self->{'user'  }->{'name'}",
		$self->{'auth'}->{'type'} eq 'web' ? ("api_key=$self->{'api'}->{'key'}", "sk=$self->{'auth'}->{'session'}") : (),
	DEBUG && warn $r->as_string;
	return $r;

sub _request_now_playing {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $param = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
	return $self->_error('Need a now-playing URL returned by the handshake request') unless $self->{'hs'}->{'url'}->{'np'};
	return $self->_error('Need session ID string returned by the handshake request') unless $self->{'hs'}->{'sid'};
	return $self->_error('Need artist/title name') if grep { !$param->{$_} } 'artist', 'title';
	my $enc = $param->{'enc'} || $self->{'enc'};
	$_ = encode_data($_, $enc) for grep { $_ } @$param{'artist', 'title', 'album'};
	my $r = POST($self->{'hs'}->{'url'}->{'np'}, [
		's' => $self->{'hs'}->{'sid'},
		'a' => $param->{'artist'},
		't' => $param->{'title' },
		'b' => $param->{'album' },
		'l' => $param->{'length'},
		'n' => $param->{'id'    },
		'm' => $param->{'mb_id' },
	DEBUG && warn $r->as_string;
	return $r;

sub _request_submit {
	my $self = shift;
	my $list = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? [@_] : [{@_}];
	return $self->_error('Need a submit URL returned by the handshake request'     ) unless $self->{'hs'}->{'url'}->{'sm'};
	return $self->_error('Need session ID string returned by the handshake request') unless $self->{'hs'}->{'sid'};
	DEBUG && warn "Use first $self->{'limit'} tracks for submissions";
	$list = [
		grep {
			my $enc = $_->{'enc'} || $self->{'enc'};
			$_ = encode_data($_, $enc) for grep { $_ } @$_{'artist', 'title', 'album'};
		grep { $_->{'title'} && $_->{'artist'} }
		splice @$list, 0, $self->{'limit'}
	return $self->_error('Need artist/title name') unless @$list;
	my $i;
	my $r = POST($self->{'hs'}->{'url'}->{'sm'}, [
		's' => $self->{'hs'}->{'sid'},
		map {
			$i = defined $i ? $i+1 : 0;
				"a[$i]" => $_->{'artist'},
				"t[$i]" => $_->{'title' },
				"i[$i]" => $_->{'time'  } || time,
				"o[$i]" => $_->{'source'} ||  'R',
				"r[$i]" => $_->{'rating'},
				"l[$i]" => $_->{'length'},
				"b[$i]" => $_->{'album' },
				"n[$i]" => $_->{'id'    },
				"m[$i]" => $_->{'mb_id' },
	DEBUG && warn $r->as_string;
	return $r;

# parse response

sub _response {
	my $self = shift;
	my $r    = shift;
	return $self->_error('No response object') unless $r && ref $r eq 'HTTP::Response';
	DEBUG && warn join "\n", $r->status_line, $r->content;
	return $r->is_success && $r->content =~ /^ (OK) ( \n (\w+) \n (\S+) \n (\S+) )? /sx
		? {'status' => $1, $2 ? ('sid' => $3, 'url' => {'np' => $4, 'sm' => $5} ) : ()}
		: {'code' => $r->code, map { ('error' => $_->[0], $_->[1] ? ('reason' => $_->[1]) : ()) } [$r->content =~ /^(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?/]}

# generate error

sub _error {
	return {'error' => 'ERROR', 'reason' => shift};

# encode data

sub encode_data($$) {
	my $data = shift;
	my $enc  = shift;
	use Encode ();
	DEBUG && warn("Encode data $enc to utf8"), $data = Encode::encode_utf8 Encode::decode($enc, $data) unless Encode::is_utf8($data);
	return $data;


=head1 NAME

Net::LastFM::Submission - Perl interface to the Submissions Protocol


    use Net::LastFM::Submission;
    my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new(
        user      => 'net_lastfm',
        password  => '12',
        artist => 'Artist name',
        title  => 'Track title',
        time   => time - 10*60, # 10 minutes ago
        artist => 'Artist name',
        title  => 'Track title',


The module provides a simple Perl interface to the Submissions Protocol (current version is 1.2.1).

The Submissions Protocol is designed for the submission of now-playing and recent historical track data to user profiles (aka 'Scrobbling'). 


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(I<%args>)

This is a constructor for Net::LastFM::Submission object. It takes list of parameters or hashref parameter.

    # list
    my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new(
        user     => 'net_lastfm',
        password => '12',
    # hashref
    my $submit = Net::LastFM::Submission->new({
        user     => 'net_lastfm',
        password => '12',

This is a list of support parameters:

=over 9

=item * I<user>

The name of the Last.FM user. Required.

=item * I<password>

The password of the Last.FM user. Required for Standard authentication only.
It is used for generate authentication token.
See L<>.

=item * I<api_key>

The API key from your Web Services account. Required for Web Services authentication only.

=item * I<api_secret>

The API secret from your Web Services account. Required for Web Services authentication only.
It is used for generate authentication token.
See L<>.

=item * I<secret_key>

The Web Services session key generated via the authentication protocol. Required for Web Services authentication only.

=item * I<client_id>

The identifier for the client. Optional.
Default value is B<tst>.
See L<>.

=item * I<client_ver>

The version of the client being used. Optional.
Default value is B<1.0>.

=item * I<ua>

The user agent of the client. Optional.
Default value is L<LWP::UserAgent> object with timeout 10 seconds.

=item * I<enc>

The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. See function I<encode_data>. Optional.
Default value is B<cp1251>.


=head2 handshake()

The initial negotiation with the submissions server to establish authentication and connection details for the session.
See L<>.


If the handshake is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

        'status' => 'OK',
        'sid'    => 'Session ID', # the scrobble session id
        'url'    => {
            'np'  => 'Now-Playing URL',
            'sm'  => 'Submission URL'


        'error'  => 'BANNED/BADAUTH/BADTIME/FAILED',
        'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
        'reason' => '...'      # reason of error

=head2 now_playing(I<%args>)

Optional lightweight notification of now-playing data at the start of the track for realtime information purposes.
See L<>.

It takes list of parameters or hashref parameter.

    # list
        artist => 'Artist name',
        title  => 'Track title',
    # hashref
        artist => 'Artist name',
        title  => 'Track title',

This is a list of support parameters:

=over 7

=item * I<artist>

The artist name. Required.

=item * I<title>

The track name. Required.

=item * I<album>

The album title, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<length>

The length of the track in seconds, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<id>

The position of the track on the album, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<mb_id>

The MusicBrainz Track ID, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<enc>

The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the  data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. See function I<encode_data>. Optional.


If the notification is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

        'status' => 'OK',


        'error'  => 'ERROR/BADSESSION',
        'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
        'reason' => '...'      # reason of error

=head2 submit(I<%args>)

Submission of full track data at the end of the track for statistical purposes.
See L<>.

It takes list of parameters (information about one track) or list of hashref parameters (limit of Last.FM is 50).

    # list
        artist => 'Artist name',
        title  => 'Track title',
    # hashref
        grep { $_->{'source'} = 'R' }
            artist => 'Artist name 1',
            title  => 'Track title 1',
            time   => time - 10*60,
            artist => 'Artist name 2',
            title  => 'Track title 2',

This is a list of support parameters:

=over 10

=item * I<artist>

The artist name. Required.

=item * I<title>

The track name. Required.

=item * I<time>

The time the track started playing, in UNIX timestamp format. Optional.
Default value is current time.

=item * I<source>

The source of the track. Optional.
Default value is B<R>.

=item * I<rating>

A single character denoting the rating of the track. Empty if not applicable. 

=item * I<length>

The length of the track in seconds. Required when the source is P, optional otherwise.

=item * I<album>

The album title, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<id>

The position of the track on the album, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<mb_id>

The MusicBrainz Track ID, or an empty string if not known.

=item * I<enc>

The encoding of the data, the module tries to encode the data (artist/title/album) unless the data is UTF-8. Optional.


If the submit is successful, the returned hashref should be the following format:

        'status' => 'OK',


        'error'  => 'ERROR/BADSESSION/FAILED',
        'code'   => '200/500', # code of status line response
        'reason' => '...'      # reason of error


=head2 encode_data($data, $enc)

Function tries encode $data from $enc to UTF-8 and remove BOM-symbol. See L<Encode>.

    use Net::LastFM::Submission 'encode_data';
    encode_data('foo bar in cp1251', 'cp1251');

Encoding of all data for must be UTF-8.


Module can generate a requests for handshake, now playing and submit operations. These methods return HTTP::Request instance.
One request has support parameters same as method.

=over 3

=item * I<_request_handshake()>

Generate I<GET> request for handshake. See I<handshake()> method.

=item * I<_request_now_playing(I<%args>)>

Generate I<POST> request for now playing. See I<now_playing(%args)> method.

=item * I<_request_submit(I<%args>)>

Generate I<POST> request for submit. See I<submit(%args)> method.


Also module can parse a response (HTTP::Response instance) of these requests.


	my $request  = $self->_request_handshake; # generate request for handshake, return HTTP::Request instance
	my $response = send_request($request); # send this request, return HTTP::Response instance
	$self->_response($response); # parse this request

This feature can use for async model (even-driven) such as L<POE>, L<IO::Lambda> or L<AnyEvent>.

See L<POE::Component::Net::Submission::LastFM>.


The module supports debug mode.

    use Net::LastFM::Submission;


See I<examples/*> in this distributive.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 3

=item * L<Net::LastFM>

A simple interface to the API. Moose-like interface. Very simple and powerful.

=item * L<Audio::Scrobbler>

Perl interface to Old interface for submit.

=item * L<Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit>

Module providing routines to submit songs to using 1.2 protocol. Use path to a track or Music::Tag or hashref. Very big :).



L<LWP::UserAgent> L<HTTP::Request::Common> L<Encode> L<Digest::MD5> L<Carp> L<Exporter>

=head1 AUTHOR

Anatoly Sharifulin, C<< <sharifulin at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-net-lastfm-submission at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Net::LastFM::Submission

You can also look for information at:

=over 6

=item * Github


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPANTS: CPAN Testing Service


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright (C) 2009 Anatoly Sharifulin

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
