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use 5.010;
#use strict;
use warnings;

use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Getopt::Long;

our $VERSION = '0.09'; # VERSION

my $err;
my $code_m = sub {
    my $imp   = $_[0] eq 'm' ? ' ()' : '';
    my $mod   = $_[1];
    my $is_no = $mod =~ s/^-//;
    if ($mod =~ /=/) {
        $imp = '';
        $mod =~ s!=(.*)! split(/,/,q{$1})!;
    my $code = ($is_no ? "no " : "use ") . "$mod$imp;";
    #say $code;
    eval $code;
    $err = $@ if $@;

my @codes;
my %opts = (n=>-1, help=>0);

Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_permute', 'no_ignore_case');
    'I=s'     => sub {
        eval "use lib q{$_[1]};";
        $err = $@ if $@;
    'm=s'     => sub { $code_m->(@_) },
    'M=s'     => sub { $code_m->(@_) },
    'e=s'     => sub { push @codes, $_[1] },
    'h'       => \$opts{help},
    'n=i'     => \$opts{n},
    'b=s'     => sub {
        eval $_[1];
        $err = $@ if $@;
    'v'     => sub {
        say "$0 version $main::VERSION";
        exit 0;
die $err if $err;

if (!@codes && !@ARGV || $help) {
    print <<'_';
bench - Benchmark running times of Perl code

  $0 [options] <perl-program> [program-args ...]
  $0 [options] <code> ...

  -n N       How many times (or how long in -N secs, if N < 0) to run the subs
  -e <code>  Add subroutine code to bench (can also add via arguments)
  -b <code>  Run code before benchmarking
  -I <dir>   Prepend dir to @INC
  -m <mod>
  -M <mod>   Load module, like perl's -m/-M
  -h         Show this help message and exit
  -v         Show version and exit

  exit !$help;

if (!@codes && (-f $ARGV[0])) {
    my $prog  = shift @ARGV;
    my $aprog = abs_path($prog); # or die "can't abs_path($prog): $!\n";
    say "Benchmarking $aprog ...";
    require Bench; Bench->import;
    do $aprog;
} else {
    push @codes, @ARGV;

    my $name = "a";
    my %subs;
    for (@codes) { eval "\$subs{".($name++)."} = sub { $_ };" }
    $name = "a";
    say "Benchmarking ",
        join(", ", map { $name++ . " => sub { $_ }" } @codes), " ...";
    for (@codes) {
        eval "push \@subs, sub { $_ };";
        die $@ if $@;
    require Bench;
    Bench::bench(\%subs, {n=>$opts{n}});

# ABSTRACT: Benchmark running times of Perl code
# PODNAME: bench


=head1 NAME

bench - Benchmark running times of Perl code

=head1 VERSION

version 0.09


 % bench -e 'some_code()'                    ; # -e is optional
 Benchmarking sub { some_code() } ...
 26 calls (28.98/s), 0.897s (34.51ms/call)

 % bench -MFoo::Bar 'code1()' 'code2()'      ; # multiple code
 Benchmarking sub { code1() }, sub { code2() } ...
 a: 26 calls (28.98/s), 0.897s (34.51ms/call)
 b: 14 calls (15.37/s), 0.911s (65.07ms/call)
 Fastest is a (1.886x b)

 % bench;                            ; # file is automatically detected
 Benchmarking /abs/path/to/ ...


This script is a command-line interface for L<Bench>.

For all available options, try C<bench -h>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
