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package Finance::Bank::ID::Mandiri;

use 5.010001;

use Moo;
use DateTime;

use HTTP::Headers;
use HTTP::Headers::Patch::DontUseStorable -load_target=>0;
extends 'Finance::Bank::ID::Base';

our $VERSION = '0.27'; # VERSION

has _variant => (is => 'rw');
has _re_tx   => (is => 'rw');

my $re_acc         = qr/(?:\d{13})/;
my $re_currency    = qr/(?:\w{3})/;
my $re_money       = qr/(?:\d+(?:\.\d\d?)?)/;
my $re_moneymin    = qr/(?:-?\d+(?:\.\d\d?)?)/; # allow negative
my $re_date1       = qr!(?:\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})!; # 25/12/2010
my $re_txcode      = qr!(?:\d{4})!;

# original version when support first added
my $re_mcm_v201009 = qr!^(?<acc>$re_acc);(?<currency>$re_currency);
# what's new: third line argument
my $re_mcm_v201103 = qr!^(?<acc>$re_acc);(?<currency>$re_currency);
# what's new: txcode moved to 3rd column, credit & debit amount split into 2
# fields
my $re_mcm_v201107 = qr!^(?<acc>$re_acc);(?<currency>$re_currency);
                        (?<bal>$re_moneymin)!mx; # maybe? no more DR marker

sub _make_readonly_inputs_rw {
    my ($self, @forms) = @_;
    for my $f (@forms) {
        for my $i (@{ $f->{inputs} }) {
            $i->{readonly} = 0 if $i->{readonly};

sub BUILD {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    $self->site("") unless $self->site;
    $self->https_host("") unless $self->https_host;

sub login {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return 1 if $self->logged_in;
    die "400 Username not supplied" unless $self->username;
    die "400 Password not supplied" unless $self->password;

    $self->logger->debug('Logging in ...');
    $self->_req(get => [$self->site . "/retail/"],
                    id => 'login_form',
                    after_request => sub {
                        my ($mech) = @_;
                        $mech->content =~ /LoginForm/ or return "no login form";
    $self->_req(submit => [],
                    id => 'login',
                    after_request => sub {
                        my ($mech) = @_;
                        $mech->content =~ m!<font class="errorMessage">(.+?)</font>! and return $1;
                        $mech->content =~ /<frame\s.+Welcome/ and return; # success
                        $mech->content =~ m!<font class="alert">(\w.+?)</font>! and return $1;
                        $mech->content =~ /LoginForm/ and
                            return "submit failed, still getting login form, probably problem with image button";
                        "unknown login result page";
    $self->_req(get => [$self->site . "/retail/"],
                    id => 'welcome',
                    after_request => sub {
                        my ($mech) = @_;
                        $mech->content !~ /SELAMAT DATANG/ and
                            return "failed getting welcome screen";

sub logout {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return 1 unless $self->logged_in;
    $self->logger->debug('Logging out ...');
    $self->_req(get => [$self->site . "/retail/"],
                {id => 'logout'});

sub _parse_accounts {
    my ($self, $retrieve) = @_;
    $self->logger->debug("Parsing accounts from transaction history form page ...");
    $self->_req(get => [$self->site . "/retail/"],
            {id => 'txhist_form-parse_accounts'}) if $retrieve;
    my $ct = $self->mech->content;
        die "failed getting transaction history form page";
    $ct =~ m!<select name="fromAccountID">(.+?)</select>!si or
        die "failed getting the list of accounts select box (fromAccountID)";
    my $opts = $1;
    my $accts = {};
    while ($opts =~ /<option value="(\d+)">(\d+)/g) {
        $accts->{$2} = $1;

# if $account is not supplied, will choose the first id
sub _get_an_account_id {
    my ($self, $account, $retrieve) = @_;
    my $accts = $self->_parse_accounts($retrieve);
    for (keys %$accts) {
        if (!$account || $_ eq $account) {
            return $accts->{$_};
    die "cannot find any account ID";

sub list_accounts {
    my ($self) = @_;
    keys %{ $self->_parse_accounts(1) };

sub check_balance {
    my ($self, $account) = @_;
    my $s = $self->site;

    my $acctid = $self->_get_an_account_id($account, 1);
    my $bal;
    $self->_req(get => ["$s/retail/$acctid"],
                    id => "check_balance",
                    after_request => sub {
                        my ($mech) = @_;
                        $mech->content =~ m!>Informasi Saldo(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*:\s*(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*(?:Rp\.)&nbsp;([0-9.]+),(\d+)<!s
                            or return "cannot grep balance in result page";
                        $bal = $self->_stripD($1)+0.01*$2;

sub get_statement {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $s = $self->site;


    $self->logger->debug('Getting statement ...');
    my $mech = $self->mech;
    $self->_req(get => ["$s/retail/"],

    my $today = DateTime->today;
    my $end_date = $args{end_date} || $today;
    my $start_date = $args{start_date};
    if (!$start_date) {
        if (defined $args{days}) {
            $start_date = $end_date->clone->subtract(days=>($args{days}-1));
                'Setting start_date to %04d-%02d-%02d (end_date - %d days)',
                $start_date->year, $start_date->month, $start_date->day,
        } else {
            $start_date = $end_date->clone->subtract(months=>1);
                'Setting start_date to %04d-%02d-%02d (end_date - 1mo)',
                $start_date->year, $start_date->month, $start_date->day);

        fromAccountID => $self->_get_an_account_id($args{account}, 0),
        fromDay   => $start_date->day,
        fromMonth => $start_date->month,
        fromYear  => $start_date->year,
        toDay     => $end_date->day,
        toMonth   => $end_date->month,
        toYear    => $end_date->year,

    # to shut up HTML::Form's read-only warning

    $mech->set_fields(action => "result");

    $self->_req(submit => [],
                    id => "get_statement",
                    after_request => sub {
                        my ($mech) = @_;
                        $mech->content =~ /saldo/i and return "";
                        $mech->content =~ m!<font class="alert">(.+)</font>!
                            and return $1;
                        return "failed getting statement";

    my $resp = $self->parse_statement($self->mech->content);
    return if !$resp || $resp->[0] != 200;

sub _ps_detect {
    my ($self, $page) = @_;
    if ($page =~ /(?:^|"header">)(HISTORI TRANSAKSI|MUTASI REKENING)/m) {
        return '';
    } elsif ($page =~ /^CMS-Mandiri/ms) {
        return '';
    #} elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201009/) {
    #    $self->_variant('mcm-v201009');
    #    $self->_re_tx($re_mcm_v201009);
    #    return '';
    } elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201103/) {
        return '';
    } elsif ($page =~ /$re_mcm_v201107/) {
        return '';
    } else {
        return "No Mandiri statement page signature found";

sub _ps_get_metadata {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    if ($self->_variant eq 'ib') {
    } elsif ($self->_variant eq 'cms') {
    } elsif ($self->_variant =~ /^mcm/) {
    } else {
        return "internal bug: _variant not yet set";

sub _ps_get_metadata_ib {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    unless ($page =~ /Tampilkan Berdasarkan(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Tanggal(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Urutkan Berdasarkan(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)Mulai dari yang kecil/s) {
      return "currently only support descending order ('Mulai dari yang kecil')";

    my $adv1 = "maybe statement format changed or input incomplete";

    unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Nomor Rekening(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)(\d+) (Rp\.|[A-Z]+)/m) {
      return "can't get account number, $adv1";
    $stmt->{account} = $1;
    $stmt->{currency} = ($2 eq 'Rp.' ? 'IDR' : $2);

    # check completeness, because the latest transactions are displayed first
    unless ($page =~ /(?:|>)Saldo Akhir(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)\d/m) {
      return "statement page probably truncated in the middle, try to input the whole page";

    # along with their common misspellings, these are not in DateTime::Locale
    my %shortmon_id = (Jan=>1, Feb=>2, Peb=>2, Mar=>3, Apr=>4, Mei=>5, Jun=>6,
                       Jul=>7, Agu=>8, Agt=>8, Agus=>8, Agust=>8, Sep=>9,
                       Sept=>9, Okt=>10, Nov=>11, Nop=>11, Des=>12);
    my %shortmon_en = (Jan=>1, Feb=>2, Mar=>3, Apr=>4, May=>5, Jun=>6,
                       Jul=>7, Aug=>8, Sep=>9, Oct=>10, Nov=>11, Dec=>12);
    my %shortmon = (%shortmon_id, %shortmon_en);
    my $shortmon_re = join "|", keys(%shortmon);
    $shortmon_re = qr/(?:$shortmon_re)/;

    unless ($page =~ m!(?:^|>)Periode Transaksi(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)(\d\d?) ($shortmon_re) (\d\d\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d\d?) ($shortmon_re) (\d\d\d\d)!m) {
      return "can't get period, $adv1";
    return "can't parse month name: $2" unless $shortmon{$2};
    return "can't parse month name: $5" unless $shortmon{$5};
    $stmt->{start_date} = DateTime->new(day=>$1, month=>$shortmon{$2}, year=>$3);
    $stmt->{end_date}   = DateTime->new(day=>$4, month=>$shortmon{$5}, year=>$6);

    # for safety, but i forgot why
    my $today = DateTime->today;
    if (DateTime->compare($stmt->{start_date}, $today) == 1) {
        $stmt->{start_date} = $today;
    if (DateTime->compare($stmt->{end_date}, $today) == 1) {
        $stmt->{end_date} = $today;

    unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Total Kredit(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)([0-9,.]+)[.,](\d\d)/m) {
      return "can't get total credit, $adv1";
    $stmt->{_total_credit_in_stmt} = $self->_stripD($1) + 0.01*$2;

    unless ($page =~ /(?:^|>)Total Debet(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*):(?:\s+|(?:<[^>]+>\s*)*)([0-9,.]+)[.,](\d\d)/m) {
      return "can't get total debit, $adv1";
    $stmt->{_total_debit_in_stmt} = $self->_stripD($1) + 0.01*$2;


sub _ps_get_metadata_cms {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    unless ($page =~ /^- End Of Statement -/m) {
        return "statement page truncated in the middle, please input the whole page";

    unless ($page =~ /^Account No\s*:\s*(\d+)/m) {
        return "can't get account number";
    $stmt->{account} = $1;

    unless ($page =~ /^Account Name\s*:\s*(.+?)[\012\015]/m) {
        return "can't get account holder";
    $stmt->{account_holder} = $1;

    unless ($page =~ /^Currency\s*:\s*([A-Z]+)/m) {
        return "can't get account holder";
    $stmt->{currency} = $1;

    my $adv1 = "maybe statement format changed, or input incomplete";

    unless ($page =~ m!Period\s*:\s*(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)/(\d\d\d\d)\s*-\s*(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)/(\d\d\d\d)!m) {
        return "can't get statement period, $adv1";
    $stmt->{start_date} = DateTime->new(day=>$1, month=>$2, year=>$3);
    $stmt->{end_date}   = DateTime->new(day=>$4, month=>$5, year=>$6);

    # for safety, but i forgot why
    my $today = DateTime->today;
    if (DateTime->compare($stmt->{start_date}, $today) == 1) {
        $stmt->{start_date} = $today;
    if (DateTime->compare($stmt->{end_date}, $today) == 1) {
        $stmt->{end_date} = $today;

    # Mandiri sucks, doesn't provide total credit/debit in statement
    my $n = 0;
    while ($page =~ m!^\d\d?/\d\d?\s!mg) { $n++ }
    $stmt->{_num_tx_in_stmt} = $n;

sub _ps_get_metadata_mcm {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    my $re_tx = $self->_re_tx;

    $page =~ m!$re_tx!
        or return "can't get account number & currency & date";
    $stmt->{account} = $+{acc};
    $stmt->{currency} = $+{currency};
    $stmt->{start_date} = DateTime->new(
        day=>$+{date_d}, month=>$+{date_m}, year=>$+{date_y});

    # we'll just assume the first and last transaction date to be start and
    # end date of statement, because the semicolon format doesn't include
    # any other metadata.
    $page =~ m!.*$re_tx!s or return "can't get end date";
    $stmt->{end_date} = DateTime->new(
        day=>$+{date_d}, month=>$+{date_m}, year=>$+{date_y});

    # Mandiri sucks, doesn't provide total credit/debit in statement
    my $n = 0;
    while ($page =~ m!^\d{13};!mg) { $n++ }
    $stmt->{_num_tx_in_stmt} = $n;

sub _ps_get_transactions {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    if ($self->_variant eq 'ib') {
    } elsif ($self->_variant eq 'cms') {
    } elsif ($self->_variant =~ /^mcm/) {
    } else {
        return "internal bug: _variant not yet set";

sub _ps_get_transactions_ib {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    my @e;
    # text version
    while ($page =~ m!^(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)\s*\t\s*((?:[^\t]|\n)*?)\s*\t\s*([0-9.]+),(\d\d)\s*\t\s*([0-9.]+),(\d\d)!mg) {
        push @e, {day=>$1, mon=>$2, year=>$3, desc=>$4, db=>$5, dbf=>$6, cr=>$7, crf=>$8};
    if (!@e) {
        # HTML version
        while ($page =~ m!^\s+<tr[^>]*>\s*
<td[^>]+> (\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d) \s* </td>\s*
<td[^>]+> ((?:[^\t]|\n)*?)     </td>\s*
<td[^>]+> ([0-9.]+),(\d\d)     </td>\s*
<td[^>]+> ([0-9.]+),(\d\d)     </td>\s*
</tr>!smxg) {
          push @e, {day=>$1, mon=>$2, year=>$3, desc=>$4, db=>$5, dbf=>$6, cr=>$7, crf=>$8};
        for (@e) { $_->{desc} =~ s!<br ?/?>!\n!ig }

    # when they say "kecil ke besar" they actually mean showing the latest transactions first
    @e = reverse @e;

    my @tx;
    my @skipped_tx;
    my $seq;
    my $i = 0;
    my $last_date;
    for my $e (@e) {
        my $tx = {};
        $tx->{date} = DateTime->new(day=>$e->{day}, month=>$e->{mon}, year=>$e->{year});
        $tx->{description} = $e->{desc};
        my $db = $self->_stripD($e->{db}) + 0.01*$e->{dbf};
        my $cr = $self->_stripD($e->{cr}) + 0.01*$e->{crf};
        if ($db == 0) { $tx->{amount} = $cr }
        elsif ($cr == 0) { $tx->{amount} = -$db }
        else { return "check failed in tx#$i: debit and credit both exist" }

        if (!$last_date || DateTime->compare($last_date, $tx->{date})) {
            $seq = 1;
            $last_date = $tx->{date};
        } else {
        $tx->{seq} = $seq;

        # skip reversal pair (tx + tx') because tx' is just a correction
        # reversal and the pair will be removed anyway by Mandiri in the next
        # day's statement. currently can only handle pair in the same day and in
        # succession.
        if ($seq > 1 && $tx->{description} =~ /^Reversal \(Error Correction\)/ &&
            $tx->{amount} == -$tx[-1]{amount}) {
            push @skipped_tx, pop(@tx);
            push @skipped_tx, $tx;
            $seq -= 2;
        } else {
            push @tx, $tx;
    $stmt->{transactions} = \@tx;
    $stmt->{skipped_transactions} = \@skipped_tx;

sub _ps_get_transactions_cms {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    if ($page =~ /<br|<p/i) {
        return "sorry, HTML version is not yet supported";

    my @e;
    # text version
    while ($page =~ m!^(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)\s+(\d\d?)/(\d\d?)\s+(.*?)\t(.*)\s+([0-9.]+),(\d\d) ([CD])\s+([0-9.]+),(\d\d) ([CD])!mg) {
        # date (=tgl transaksi), value date (=tgl pembukuan?), description ("Setor Tunai"), description 2 ("DARI Andi Budi"), amount, balance
        push @e, {daytx=>$1, montx=>$2, daybk=>$3, monbk=>$4, desc1=>$5, desc2=>$6,
                  amt=>$7, amtf=>$8, amtc=>$9, bal=>$10, balf=>11, balc=>12};

    my @tx;
    my $seq;
    my $last_date;
    for my $e (@e) {
        my $tx = {};
        $tx->{tx_date} = DateTime->new(
            day   => $e->{daytx},
            month => $e->{montx},
            year  => (($e->{montx} <  $stmt->{start_date}->mon ||
                       $e->{montx} == $stmt->{start_date}->mon && $e->{daytx} == $stmt->{start_date}->day) ?
                      $stmt->{end_date}->year : $stmt->{start_date}->year)
        $tx->{book_date} = DateTime->new(
            day   => $e->{daybk},
            month => $e->{monbk},
            year  => (($e->{monbk} <  $stmt->{start_date}->mon ||
                       $e->{monbk} == $stmt->{start_date}->mon && $e->{daybk} == $stmt->{start_date}->day) ?
                      $stmt->{end_date}->year : $stmt->{start_date}->year)
        $tx->{date} = $tx->{book_date};

        $tx->{amount}  = ($e->{amtc} eq 'C' ? 1:-1) * $self->_stripD($e->{amt}) + 0.01 * $e->{amtf};
        $tx->{balance} = ($e->{balc} eq 'C' ? 1:-1) * $self->_stripD($e->{bal}) + 0.01 * $e->{balf};
        $tx->{description} = $e->{desc1} . "\n" . $e->{desc2};

        if (!$last_date || DateTime->compare($last_date, $tx->{date})) {
            $seq = 1;
            $last_date = $tx->{date};
        } else {
        $tx->{seq} = $seq;

        push @tx, $tx;
    $stmt->{transactions} = \@tx;

sub _ps_get_transactions_mcm {
    my ($self, $page, $stmt) = @_;

    my $re_tx = $self->_re_tx;

    my @rows;
    my $i = 0;
    for (split /\r?\n/, $page) {
        next unless /\S/;
        m!$re_tx! or die "Invalid data in line $i: '$_' doesn't match pattern".
            " (variant = ".$self->_variant.")";
        my $row = {
            account   => $+{acc},
            currency  => $+{currency},
            txcode    => $+{txcode},
            day       => $+{date_d},
            month     => $+{date_m},
            year      => $+{date_y},
            desc1     => $+{desc1},
            desc2     => $+{desc2},
        $row->{desc3}   = $+{desc3} if defined($+{desc3});
        if ($+{amount_cr}) {
            my $cr = $+{amount_cr}+0;
            my $dr = $+{amount_db}+0;
            $row->{amount} = $cr ? $cr : -$dr;
        } else {
            $row->{amount} = $+{amount} * ($+{amount_dbmarker} ? -1 : 1);
        $row->{balance} = $+{bal} * ($+{bal_dbmarker} ? -1 : 1);
        push @rows, $row;

    my @tx;
    my $seq;
    my $last_date;
    for my $row (@rows) {
        my $tx = {};

        $row->{account} eq $stmt->{account} or
            return "Can't handle multiple accounts in transactions yet";
        $row->{currency} eq $stmt->{currency} or
            return "Can't handle multiple currencies in transactions yet";

        $tx->{date} = DateTime->new(
            day=>$row->{day}, month=>$row->{month}, year=>$row->{year});

        $tx->{txcode} = $row->{txcode};

        $tx->{description} = $row->{desc1} .
            ($row->{desc2} ? "\n" . $row->{desc2} : "") .
                ($row->{desc3} ? "\n" . $row->{desc3} : "");

        $tx->{amount}  = $row->{amount}+0;

        if (!$last_date || DateTime->compare($last_date, $tx->{date})) {
            $seq = 1;
            $last_date = $tx->{date};
        } else {
        $tx->{seq} = $seq;

        push @tx, $tx;
    $stmt->{transactions} = \@tx;

# ABSTRACT: Check your Bank Mandiri accounts from Perl



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Finance::Bank::ID::Mandiri - Check your Bank Mandiri accounts from Perl

=head1 VERSION

version 0.27


If you just want to download banking statements, and you use Linux/Unix, you
might want to use the L<download-mandiri> script instead of having to deal with
this library directly.

If you want to use the library in your Perl application:

    use Finance::Bank::ID::Mandiri;

    # FBI::Mandiri uses Log::Any. to show logs, use something like:
    use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
    use Log::Any::Adapter;

    my $ibank = Finance::Bank::ID::Mandiri->new(
        username => '....', # optional if you're only using parse_statement()
        password => '....', # idem
        verify_https => 1,          # default is 0
        #https_ca_dir => '/etc/ssl/certs', # default is already /etc/ssl/certs

    eval {
        $ibank->login(); # dies on error

        my $accts = $ibank->list_accounts();

        my $bal = $ibank->check_balance($acct); # $acct is optional

        my $stmt = $ibank->get_statement(
            account    => ..., # opt, default account used if not undef
            days       => 30,  # opt
            start_date => DateTime->new(year=>2009, month=>10, day=>6),
                               # opt, takes precedence over 'days'
            end_date   => DateTime->today, # opt, takes precedence over 'days'

        print "Transactions: ";
        for my $tx (@{ $stmt->{transactions} }) {
            print "$tx->{date} $tx->{amount} $tx->{description}\n";

    # remember to call this, otherwise you will have trouble logging in again
    # for some time
    if ($ibank->logged_in) { $ibank->logout() }

    # utility routines
    my $res = $ibank->parse_statement($html);


This module provide a rudimentary interface to the web-based online banking
interface of the Indonesian B<Bank Mandiri> at
(henceforth IB). You will need either L<Crypt::SSLeay> or L<IO::Socket::SSL>
installed for HTTPS support to work (and strictly L<Crypt::SSLeay> to enable
certificate verification). L<WWW::Mechanize> is required but you can supply your
own mech-like object.

Aside from the above site for invididual accounts, there are also 2 other sites
for corporate accounts: (henceforth
CMS) and (henceforth MCM). CMS is the older
version and as of the end of Sept, 2010 has been discontinued.

This module currently can only login to IB and not CMS/MCM, but this module can
parse statement page from all 3 sites. For CMS version, only text version [copy
paste result] is currently supported and not HTML. For MCM, only semicolon
format is currently supported.

Warning: This module is neither offical nor is it tested to be 100% safe!
Because of the nature of web-robots, everything may break from one day to the
other when the underlying web interface changes.

=head1 WARNING

This warning is from Simon Cozens' C<Finance::Bank::LloydsTSB>, and seems just
as apt here.

This is code for B<online banking>, and that means B<your money>, and that means
B<BE CAREFUL>. You are encouraged, nay, expected, to audit the source of this
module yourself to reassure yourself that I am not doing anything untoward with
your banking data. This software is useful to me, but is provided under B<NO
GUARANTEE>, explicit or implied.


Most methods die() when encountering errors, so you can use eval() to trap them.

This module uses L<Log::Any>, so you can see more debugging statements on
your screen, log files, etc.

Full response headers and bodies are dumped to a separate logger. See
documentation on C<new()> below and the sample script in examples/ subdirectory
in the distribution.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(%args)

Create a new instance. %args keys:


=item * username

Optional if you are just using utility methods like C<parse_statement()> and not
C<login()> etc.

=item * password

Optional if you are just using utility methods like C<parse_statement()> and not
C<login()> etc.

=item * mech

Optional. A L<WWW::Mechanize>-like object. By default this module instantiate a
new L<Finance::BankUtils::ID::Mechanize> (a WWW::Mechanize subclass) object to
retrieve web pages, but if you want to use a custom/different one, you are
allowed to do so here. Use cases include: you want to retry and increase timeout
due to slow/unreliable network connection (using
L<WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Retry>), you want to slow things down using
L<WWW::Mechanize::Sleepy>, you want to use IE engine using
L<Win32::IE::Mechanize>, etc.

=item * verify_https

Optional. If you are using the default mech object (see previous option), you
can set this option to 1 to enable SSL certificate verification (recommended for
security). Default is 0.

SSL verification will require a CA bundle directory, default is /etc/ssl/certs.
Adjust B<https_ca_dir> option if your CA bundle is not located in that

=item * https_ca_dir

Optional. Default is /etc/ssl/certs. Used to set HTTPS_CA_DIR environment
variable for enabling certificate checking in Crypt::SSLeay. Only used if
B<verify_https> is on.

=item * logger

Optional. You can supply a L<Log::Any>-like object here. If not specified,
this module will use a default logger.

=item * logger_dump

Optional. You can supply a L<Log::Any>-like object here. This is just
like C<logger> but this module will log contents of response bodies
here for debugging purposes. You can use with something like
L<Log::Dispatch::Dir> to save web pages more conveniently as separate


=head2 login()

Login to the net banking site. You actually do not have to do this explicitly as
login() is called by other methods like C<check_balance()> or

If login is successful, C<logged_in> will be set to true and subsequent calls to
C<login()> will become a no-op until C<logout()> is called.

Dies on failure.

=head2 logout()

Logout from the net banking site. You need to call this at the end of your
program, otherwise the site will prevent you from re-logging in for some time
(e.g. 10 minutes).

If logout is successful, C<logged_in> will be set to false and subsequent calls
to C<logout()> will become a no-op until C<login()> is called.

Dies on failure.

=head2 list_accounts()

=head2 check_balance([$acct])

=head2 get_statement(%args) => $stmt

Get account statement. %args keys:


=item * account

Optional. Select the account to get statement of. If not specified, will use the
already selected account.

=item * days

Optional. Number of days. If days is 1, then start date and end date will be the

=item * start_date

Optional. Default is C<end_date> - 1 month, which seems to be the current limit
set by the bank (for example, if C<end_date> is 2013-03-08, then C<start_date>
will be set to 2013-02-08). If not set and C<days> is set, will be set to
C<end_date> - C<days>.

=item * end_date

Optional. Default is today (or some 1+ days from today if today is a
Saturday/Sunday/holiday, depending on the default value set by the site's form).


=head2 parse_statement($html, %opts) => $res

Given the HTML of the account statement results page, parse it into structured

 $stmt = {
    start_date     => $start_dt, # a DateTime object
    end_date       => $end_dt,   # a DateTime object
    account_holder => STRING,
    account        => STRING,    # account number
    currency       => STRING,    # 3-digit currency code
    transactions   => [
        # first transaction
          date        => $dt, # a DateTime object, book date ("tanggal pembukuan")
          seq         => INT, # a number >= 1 which marks the sequence of transactions for the day
          amount      => REAL, # a real number, positive means credit (deposit), negative means debit (withdrawal)
          description => STRING,
          branch      => STRING, # 4-digit branch/ATM code, only for MCM
        # second transaction


 [$status, $err_details, $stmt]

C<$status> is 200 if successful or some other 3-letter code if parsing failed.
C<$stmt> is the result (structure as above, or undef if parsing failed).


=over 4

=item * return_datetime_obj => BOOL

Default is true. If set to false, the method will return dates as strings with
this format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH::mm::SS' (produced by DateTime->dmy . ' ' .
DateTime->hms). This is to make it easy to pass the data structure into YAML,
JSON, MySQL, etc. Nevertheless, internally DateTime objects are still used.


Additional notes:

The method can also (or used to) handle copy-pasted text from the GUI browser,
but this is no longer documented or guaranteed to keep working.


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
