The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use 5.008001;

use strict;
use warnings;

    if (!eval { require Socket; 1 }) {
        print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval { require Convert::EBCDIC; 1 }) {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;

use Cwd;
print "1..20\n";

# for testing _readrc
$ENV{HOME} = Cwd::cwd();

# avoid "used only once" warning
local (*CORE::GLOBAL::getpwuid, *CORE::GLOBAL::stat);

*CORE::GLOBAL::getpwuid = sub ($) {
        ((undef) x 7, Cwd::cwd());

# for testing _readrc
my @stat;
*CORE::GLOBAL::stat = sub (*) {
        return @stat;

# for testing _readrc
$INC{''} = 1;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/\w+.t$/;
require $libnet_t;

# now that the tricks are out of the way...
eval { require Net::Netrc; };
ok( !$@, 'should be able to require() Net::Netrc safely' );
ok( exists $INC{'Net/'}, 'should be able to use Net::Netrc' );

        skip('incompatible stat() handling for OS', 4), next SKIP 
                if $^O =~ /os2|win32|macos|cygwin/i;

        my $warn;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
                $warn = shift;

        # add write access for group/other
        $stat[2] = 077; ## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitLeadingZeros)
        ok( !defined(Net::Netrc->_readrc()),
                '_readrc() should not read world-writable file' );
        ok( scalar($warn =~ /^Bad permissions:/),
                '... and should warn about it' );

        # the owner field should still not match
        $stat[2] = 0;

        if ($<) { 
          ok( !defined(Net::Netrc->_readrc()),
              '_readrc() should not read file owned by someone else' ); 
          ok( scalar($warn =~ /^Not owner:/),
                '... and should warn about it' ); 
        } else { 
          skip("testing as root",2);

# this field must now match, to avoid the last-tested warning
$stat[4] = $<;

# this curious mix of spaces and quotes tests a regex at line 79 (version 2.11)
FileHandle::set_lines(split(/\n/, <<LINES));
macdef   bar
login    baz
machine  "foo"
login    nigol "password" drowssap
machine  foo "login" l2
password p2
account  tnuocca
default  login "baz" password p2
default  "login" baz password p3

# having set several lines and the uid, this should succeed
is( Net::Netrc->_readrc(), 1, '_readrc() should succeed now' );

# on 'foo', the login is 'nigol'
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('foo')->{login}, 'nigol', 
        'lookup() should find value by host name' );

# on 'foo' with login 'l2', the password is 'p2'
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('foo', 'l2')->{password}, 'p2',
        'lookup() should find value by hostname and login name' );

# the default password is 'p3', as later declarations have priority
is( Net::Netrc->lookup()->{password}, 'p3', 
        'lookup() should find default value' );

# lookup() ignores the login parameter when using default data
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('default', 'baz')->{password}, 'p3',
        'lookup() should ignore passed login when searching default' );

# lookup() goes to default data if hostname cannot be found in config data 
is( Net::Netrc->lookup('abadname')->{login}, 'baz',
        'lookup() should use default for unknown machine name' );

# now test these accessors
my $instance = bless({}, 'Net::Netrc');
for my $accessor (qw( login account password )) {
        is( $instance->$accessor(), undef, 
                "$accessor() should return undef if $accessor is not set" );
        $instance->{$accessor} = $accessor;
        is( $instance->$accessor(), $accessor,
                "$accessor() should return value when $accessor is set" );

# and the three-for-one accessor
is( scalar( () = $instance->lpa()), 3, 
        'lpa() should return login, password, account');
is( join(' ', $instance->lpa), 'login password account', 
        'lpa() should return appropriate values for l, p, and a' );

package FileHandle;

sub new {
        tie *FH, 'FileHandle', @_;
        bless \*FH, $_[0];

        my ($class, $file, $mode) = @_[0,2,3];
        bless({ file => $file, mode => $mode }, $class);

my @lines;
sub set_lines {
        @lines = @_;

        shift @lines;

sub close { 1 }