The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package t::lib::Test;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Exporter   ();
use File::Spec ();
use Test::More ();

use vars qw{@ISA @EXPORT};
    @ISA    = qw{ Exporter };
    @EXPORT = qw{
        tests  yaml_ok  yaml_error slurp  load_ok

# Do we have the authorative YAML to test against
eval {
    require YAML;

    # This doesn't currently work, but is documented to.
    # So if it ever turns up, use it.
    $YAML::UseVersion = 1;
my $HAVE_YAMLPM = !! (
    $YAML::VERSION >= 0.66
sub have_yamlpm { $HAVE_YAMLPM }

# Do we have YAML::Perl to test against?
eval {
    require YAML::Perl;
my $HAVE_YAMLPERL = !! (
    $YAML::Perl::VERSION >= 0.02
sub have_yamlperl { $HAVE_YAMLPERL }

# Do we have YAML::Syck to test against?
eval {
    require YAML::Syck;
my $HAVE_SYCK = !! (
    $YAML::Syck::VERSION >= 1.05
sub have_syck { $HAVE_SYCK }

# Do we have YAML::XS to test against?
eval {
    require YAML::XS;
my $HAVE_XS = !! (
    $YAML::XS::VERSION >= 0.29
sub have_xs{ $HAVE_XS }

# 22 tests per call to yaml_ok
# 4  tests per call to load_ok
sub tests {
    return ( tests => count(@_) );

sub test_data_directory {
    return File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'data' );

sub count {
    my $yaml_ok = shift || 0;
    my $load_ok = shift || 0;
    my $single  = shift || 0;
    my $count   = $yaml_ok * 38 + $load_ok * 4 + $single;
    return $count;

sub yaml_ok {
    my $string  = shift;
    my $object  = shift;
    my $name    = shift || 'unnamed';
    my %options = ( @_ );
    bless $object, 'CPAN::Meta::YAML';

    # If YAML itself is available, test with it
    SKIP: {
        unless ( $HAVE_YAMLPM ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping, not available for testing", 7 );
        if ( $options{noyamlpm} ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping for known-broken feature", 7 );

        # Test writing with
        my $yamlpm_out = eval { YAML::Dump( @$object ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: saves without error" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 4 ) if $@;
                !!(defined $yamlpm_out and ! ref $yamlpm_out),
                "$name: serializes correctly",
            my @yamlpm_round = eval { YAML::Load( $yamlpm_out ) };
            Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: round-trips without error" );
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
            my $round = bless [ @yamlpm_round ], 'CPAN::Meta::YAML';
            Test::More::is_deeply( $round, $object, "$name: round-trips correctly" );

        # Test reading with
        my $yamlpm_copy = $string;
        my @yamlpm_in   = eval { YAML::Load( $yamlpm_copy ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: loads without error" );
        Test::More::is( $yamlpm_copy, $string, "$name: does not modify the input string" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 1 ) if $@;
            Test::More::is_deeply( \@yamlpm_in, $object, "$name: parses correctly" );

    # If YAML::Syck itself is available, test with it
    SKIP: {
        unless ( $HAVE_SYCK ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::Syck, not available for testing", 7 );
        if ( $options{nosyck} ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::Syck for known-broken feature", 7 );
        unless ( @$object == 1 ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::Syck for unsupported feature", 7 );

        # Test writing with YAML::Syck
        my $syck_out = eval { YAML::Syck::Dump( @$object ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Syck saves without error" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 4 ) if $@;
                !!(defined $syck_out and ! ref $syck_out),
                "$name: YAML::Syck serializes correctly",
            my @syck_round = eval { YAML::Syck::Load( $syck_out ) };
            Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Syck round-trips without error" );
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
            my $round = bless [ @syck_round ], 'CPAN::Meta::YAML';
            Test::More::is_deeply( $round, $object, "$name: YAML::Syck round-trips correctly" );

        # Test reading with YAML::Syck
        my $syck_copy = $string;
        my @syck_in   = eval { YAML::Syck::Load( $syck_copy ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Syck loads without error" );
        Test::More::is( $syck_copy, $string, "$name: YAML::Syck does not modify the input string" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 1 ) if $@;
            Test::More::is_deeply( \@syck_in, $object, "$name: YAML::Syck parses correctly" );

    # If YAML::XS itself is available, test with it
    SKIP: {
        unless ( $HAVE_XS ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::XS, not available for testing", 7 );
        if ( $options{noxs} ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::XS for known-broken feature", 7 );

        # Test writing with YAML::XS
        my $xs_out = eval { YAML::XS::Dump( @$object ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::XS saves without error" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 4 ) if $@;
                !!(defined $xs_out and ! ref $xs_out),
                "$name: YAML::XS serializes correctly",
            my @xs_round = eval { YAML::XS::Load( $xs_out ) };
            Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::XS round-trips without error" );
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
            my $round = bless [ @xs_round ], 'CPAN::Meta::YAML';
            Test::More::is_deeply( $round, $object, "$name: YAML::XS round-trips correctly" );

        # Test reading with YAML::XS
        my $xs_copy = $string;
        my @xs_in   = eval { YAML::XS::Load( $xs_copy ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::XS loads without error" );
        Test::More::is( $xs_copy, $string, "$name: YAML::XS does not modify the input string" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 1 ) if $@;
            Test::More::is_deeply( \@xs_in, $object, "$name: YAML::XS parses correctly" );

    # If YAML::Perl is available, test with it
    SKIP: {
        unless ( $HAVE_YAMLPERL ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::Perl, not available for testing", 7 );
        if ( $options{noyamlperl} ) {
            Test::More::skip( "Skipping YAML::Perl for known-broken feature", 7 );

        # Test writing with
        my $yamlperl_out = eval { YAML::Perl::Dump( @$object ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Perl saves without error" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 4 ) if $@;
                !!(defined $yamlperl_out and ! ref $yamlperl_out),
                "$name: YAML::Perl serializes correctly",
            my @yamlperl_round = eval { YAML::Perl::Load( $yamlperl_out ) };
            Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Perl round-trips without error" );
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
            my $round = bless [ @yamlperl_round ], 'CPAN::Meta::YAML';
            Test::More::is_deeply( $round, $object, "$name: YAML::Perl round-trips correctly" );

        # Test reading with YAML::Perl
        my $yamlperl_copy = $string;
        my @yamlperl_in   = eval { YAML::Perl::Load( $yamlperl_copy ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: YAML::Perl loads without error" );
        Test::More::is( $yamlperl_copy, $string, "$name: YAML::Perl does not modify the input string" );
        SKIP: {
            Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 1 ) if $@;
            Test::More::is_deeply( \@yamlperl_in, $object, "$name: YAML::Perl parses correctly" );

    # Does the string parse to the structure
    my $yaml_copy = $string;
    my $yaml      = eval { CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string( $yaml_copy ); };
    Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML parses without error" );
    Test::More::is( $yaml_copy, $string, "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML does not modify the input string" );
    SKIP: {
        Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
        Test::More::isa_ok( $yaml, 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' );
        Test::More::is_deeply( $yaml, $object, "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML parses correctly" );

    # Does the structure serialize to the string.
    # We can't test this by direct comparison, because any
    # whitespace or comments would be lost.
    # So instead we parse back in.
    my $output = eval { $object->write_string };
    Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML serializes without error" );
    SKIP: {
        Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 5 ) if $@;
            !!(defined $output and ! ref $output),
            "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML serializes correctly",
        my $roundtrip = eval { CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string( $output ) };
        Test::More::is( $@, '', "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML round-trips without error" );
        Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting after failure", 2 ) if $@;
        Test::More::isa_ok( $roundtrip, 'CPAN::Meta::YAML' );
        Test::More::is_deeply( $roundtrip, $object, "$name: CPAN::Meta::YAML round-trips correctly" );

        # Testing the serialization
        Test::More::skip( "Shortcutting perfect serialization tests", 1 ) unless $options{serializes};
        Test::More::is( $output, $string, 'Serializes ok' );

    # Return true as a convenience
    return 1;

sub yaml_error {
    my $string = shift;
    my $like   = shift;
    my $yaml   = CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string( $string );
    Test::More::is( $yaml, undef, '->read_string returns undef' );
    Test::More::ok( CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr =~ /$like/, "Got expected error" );
    # NOTE: like() gives better diagnostics (but requires 5.005)
    # Test::More::like( $@, qr/$_[0]/, "CPAN::Meta::YAML throws expected error" );

sub slurp {
    my $file = shift;
    local $/ = undef;
    open( FILE, " $file" ) or die "open($file) failed: $!";
    binmode( FILE, $_[0] ) if @_ > 0 && $] > 5.006;
    # binmode(FILE); # disable perl's BOM interpretation
    my $source = <FILE>;
    close( FILE ) or die "close($file) failed: $!";

sub load_ok {
    my $name = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my $size = shift;
    Test::More::ok( -f $file, "Found $name" );
    Test::More::ok( -r $file, "Can read $name" );
    my $content = slurp( $file );
    Test::More::ok( (defined $content and ! ref $content), "Loaded $name" );
    Test::More::ok( ($size < length $content), "Content of $name larger than $size bytes" );
    return $content;
