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# This script tests the inlining and prototype of CORE:: subs.  Any generic
# tests that are not specific to &foo-style calls should go in this
# file, too.

    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = qw(. ../lib);
    require "";
    $^P |= 0x100;

use B::Deparse;
my $bd = new B::Deparse '-p';

my %unsupported = map +($_=>1), qw (
  cmp default do dump else elsif eq eval for foreach
  format ge given goto grep gt if last le local lt m map my ne next
  no  or  our  package  print  printf  q  qq  qr  qw  qx  redo  require
  return s say sort state sub tr unless until use
  when while x xor y
my %args_for = (
  dbmopen  => '%1,$2,$3',
  dbmclose => '%1',
  delete   => '$1[2]',
  exists   => '$1[2]',
my %desc = (
  pos => 'match position',

use File::Spec::Functions;
my $keywords_file = catfile(updir,'regen','');
open my $kh, $keywords_file
   or die "$0 cannot open $keywords_file: $!";
while(<$kh>) {
  if (m?__END__?..${\0} and /^[+-]/) {
    chomp(my $word = $');
    if($unsupported{$word}) {
      $tests ++;
      ok !defined &{"CORE::$word"}, "no CORE::$word";
    else {
      $tests += 4;

      ok defined &{"CORE::$word"}, "defined &{'CORE::$word'}";

      my $proto = prototype "CORE::$word";
      *{"my$word"} = \&{"CORE::$word"};
      is prototype \&{"my$word"}, $proto, "prototype of &CORE::$word";

      CORE::state $protochar = qr/([^\\]|\\(?:[^[]|\[[^]]+\]))/;
      my $numargs =
            $word eq 'delete' || $word eq 'exists' ? 1 :
            (() = $proto =~ s/;.*//r =~ /\G$protochar/g);
      my $code =
         "#line 1 This-line-makes-__FILE__-easier-to-test.
          sub { () = (my$word("
             . ($args_for{$word} || join ",", map "\$$_", 1..$numargs)
       . "))}";
      my $core = $bd->coderef2text(eval $code =~ s/my/CORE::/r or die);
      my $my   = $bd->coderef2text(eval $code or die);
      is $my, $core, "inlinability of CORE::$word with parens";

      $code =
         "#line 1 This-line-makes-__FILE__-easier-to-test.
          sub { () = (my$word "
             . ($args_for{$word} || join ",", map "\$$_", 1..$numargs)
       . ")}";
      $core = $bd->coderef2text(eval $code =~ s/my/CORE::/r or die);
      $my   = $bd->coderef2text(eval $code or die);
      is $my, $core, "inlinability of CORE::$word without parens";

      # High-precedence tests
      my $hpcode;
      if (!$proto && defined $proto) { # nullary
         $hpcode = "sub { () = my$word + 1 }";
      elsif ($proto =~ /^;?$protochar\z/) { # unary
         $hpcode = "sub { () = my$word "
                           . ($args_for{$word}||'$a') . ' > $b'
      if ($hpcode) {
         $tests ++;
         $core = $bd->coderef2text(eval $hpcode =~ s/my/CORE::/r or die);
         $my   = $bd->coderef2text(eval $hpcode or die);
         is $my, $core, "precedence of CORE::$word without parens";

      next if ($proto =~ /\@/);
      # These ops currently accept any number of args, despite their
      # prototypes, if they have any:
      next if $word =~ /^(?:chom?p|exec|keys|each|not

      $tests ++;
      $code =
         "sub { () = (my$word("
             . (
                 ? $args_for{$word}.',$7'
                 : join ",", map "\$$_", 1..$numargs+5+(
                      $proto =~ /;/
                       ? () = $' =~ /\G$protochar/g
                       : 0
       . "))}";
      eval $code;
      my $desc = $desc{$word} || $word;
      like $@, qr/^Too many arguments for $desc/,
          "inlined CORE::$word with too many args"
        or warn $code;


# This subroutine is outside the warnings scope:
sub foo { goto &CORE::abs }
use warnings;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { like shift, qr\^Use of uninitialized\ };

is runperl(prog => 'print CORE->lc, qq-\n-'), "core\n",
 'methods calls autovivify coresubs';
is runperl(prog => '@ISA=CORE; print main->uc, qq-\n-'), "MAIN\n",
 'inherted method calls autovivify coresubs';

{ # RT #117607
  like runperl(prog => '$foo/; \&CORE::lc', stderr => 1),
    qr/^syntax error/, "RT #117607: \\&CORE::foo doesn't crash in error context";

ok eval { *CORE::exit = \42 },
  '[ #74289] *CORE::foo is not accidentally made read-only';

is "just another "->ucfirst . "perl hacker,\n"->ucfirst,
   "Just another Perl hacker,\n", 'coresubs do not return TARG';

done_testing $tests;