The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# Test $!

print "1..48\n";

$test_count = 1;
$teststring = "1\n12\n123\n1234\n1234\n12345\n\n123456\n1234567\n";
$teststring2 = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";

# Create our test datafile
1 while unlink 'foo';                # in case junk left around
rmdir 'foo';
open TESTFILE, ">./foo" or die "error $! $^E opening";
binmode TESTFILE;
print TESTFILE $teststring;
close TESTFILE or die "error $! $^E closing";

$test_count_start = $test_count;  # Needed to know how many tests to skip
open TESTFILE, "<./foo";
binmode TESTFILE;
unlink "./foo";

# try the record reading tests. New file so we don't have to worry about
# the size of \n.
open TESTFILE, ">./foo";
print TESTFILE $teststring2;
binmode TESTFILE;
open TESTFILE, "<./foo";
binmode TESTFILE;
$test_count_end = $test_count;  # Needed to know how many tests to skip

# Now for the tricky bit--full record reading
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
  # Create a temp file. We jump through these hoops 'cause CREATE really
  # doesn't like our methods for some reason.
  open FDLFILE, "> ./foo.fdl";
  close FDLFILE;
  open CREATEFILE, "> ./";
  print CREATEFILE '$ CLOSE YOW', "\n";
  print CREATEFILE "\$EXIT\n";
  $throwaway = `\@\[\]foo`, "\n";
  open(TEMPFILE, ">./") or print "# open failed $! $^E\n";
  print TEMPFILE "foo\nfoobar\nbaz\n";
  close TEMPFILE;

  open TESTFILE, "<./";
  $/ = \10;
  $bar = <TESTFILE>;
  if ($bar eq "foo\n") {print "ok $test_count\n";} else {print "not ok $test_count\n";}
  $bar = <TESTFILE>;
  if ($bar eq "foobar\n") {print "ok $test_count\n";} else {print "not ok $test_count\n";}
  # can we do a short read?
  $/ = \2;
  $bar = <TESTFILE>;
  if ($bar eq "ba") {print "ok $test_count\n";} else {print "not ok $test_count\n";}
  # do we get the rest of the record?
  $bar = <TESTFILE>;
  if ($bar eq "z\n") {print "ok $test_count\n";} else {print "not ok $test_count\n";}

  close TESTFILE;
  1 while unlink qw( foo.fdl);
} else {
  # Nobody else does this at the moment (well, maybe OS/390, but they can
  # put their own tests in) so we just punt
  foreach $test ($test_count..$test_count + 3) {
      print "ok $test # skipped on non-VMS system\n";

$/ = "\n";

# see if open/readline/close work on our and my variables
    if (open our $T, "./foo") {
        my $line = <$T>;
	print "# $line\n";
	length($line) == 40 or print "not ";
        close $T or print "not ";
    else {
	print "not ";
    print "ok $test_count # open/readline/close on our variable\n";

    if (open my $T, "./foo") {
        my $line = <$T>;
	print "# $line\n";
	length($line) == 40 or print "not ";
        close $T or print "not ";
    else {
	print "not ";
    print "ok $test_count # open/readline/close on my variable\n";

 # If we do not include the lib directories, we may end up picking up a
 # binary-incompatible previously-installed version. The eval won’t help in
 # intercepting a SIGTRAP.
 local @INC = ("../lib", "lib", @INC);
 if (not eval q/use PerlIO::scalar; use PerlIO::via::scalar; 1/) {
  # In-memory files necessitate PerlIO::via::scalar, thus a perl with
  # perlio and dynaloading enabled. miniperl won't be able to run this
  # test, so skip it

  # PerlIO::via::scalar has to be tested as well.
  # use PerlIO::scalar succeeds with ./TEST and with ./perl harness but not with ./perl

  for $test ($test_count .. $test_count + ($test_count_end - $test_count_start - 1)) {
    print "ok $test # skipped - Can't test in memory file with miniperl/without PerlIO::Scalar\n";
 else {
  # Test if a file in memory behaves the same as a real file (= re-run the test with a file in memory)
  open TESTFILE, "<", \$teststring;
  close TESTFILE;

  open TESTFILE, "<", \$teststring2;
  close TESTFILE;

# Get rid of the temp file
END { unlink "./foo"; }

sub test_string {
  *FH = shift;

  # Check the default $/
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "1\n") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # default \$/\n";

  # explicitly set to \n
  $/ = "\n";
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "12\n") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \"\\n\"\n";

  # Try a non line terminator
  $/ = 3;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "123") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = 3\n";

  # Eat the line terminator
  $/ = "\n";
  $bar = <FH>;

  # How about a larger terminator
  $/ = "34";
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "1234") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \"34\"\n";

  # Eat the line terminator
  $/ = "\n";
  $bar = <FH>;

  # Does paragraph mode work?
  $/ = '';
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "1234\n12345\n\n") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = ''\n";

  # Try slurping the rest of the file
  $/ = undef;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "123456\n1234567\n") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = undef\n";

sub test_record {
  *FH = shift;

  # Test straight number
  $/ = \2;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "12") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \\2\n";

  # Test stringified number
  $/ = \"2";
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "34") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \"2\"\n";

  # Integer variable
  $foo = 2;
  $/ = \$foo;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "56") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \\\$foo (\$foo = 2)\n";

  # String variable
  $foo = "2";
  $/ = \$foo;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "78") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \\\$foo (\$foo = \"2\")\n";

  # Naughty straight number - should get the rest of the file
  $/ = \0;
  $bar = <FH>;
  if ($bar ne "90123456789012345678901234567890") {print "not ";}
  print "ok $test_count # \$/ = \\0\n";

sub test_bad_setting {
  if (eval {$/ = []; 1}) {
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = []; should die\n";
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = []; produced expected error message\n";
  } else {
    my $msg= $@ || "Zombie Error";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = []; should die\n";
    if ($msg!~m!Setting \$\/ to an ARRAY reference is forbidden!) {
      print "not ";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = []; produced expected error message\n";
  if (eval {$/ = {}; 1}) {
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = {}; should die\n";
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = {}; produced expected error message\n";
  } else {
    my $msg= $@ || "Zombie Error";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = {}; should die\n";
    if ($msg!~m!Setting \$\/ to a HASH reference is forbidden!) {print "not ";}
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = {}; produced expected error message\n";
  if (eval {$/ = \\1; 1}) {
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\\\1; should die\n";
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\\\1; produced expected error message\n";
  } else {
    my $msg= $@ || "Zombie Error";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\\\1; should die\n";
    if ($msg!~m!Setting \$\/ to a REF reference is forbidden!) {print "not ";}
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\\\1; produced expected error message\n";
  if (eval {$/ = qr/foo/; 1}) {
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = qr/foo/; should die\n";
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = qr/foo/; produced expected error message\n";
  } else {
    my $msg= $@ || "Zombie Error";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = qr/foo/; should die\n";
    if ($msg!~m!Setting \$\/ to a REGEXP reference is forbidden!) {print "not ";}
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = qr/foo/; produced expected error message\n";
  if (eval {$/ = \*STDOUT; 1}) {
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\*STDOUT; should die\n";
    print "not ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\*STDOUT; produced expected error message\n";
  } else {
    my $msg= $@ || "Zombie Error";
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\*STDOUT; should die\n";
    if ($msg!~m!Setting \$\/ to a GLOB reference is forbidden!) {print "not ";}
    print "ok ",$test_count++," # \$/ = \\*STDOUT; produced expected error message\n";