
use 5.008001;

use strict;
use warnings;

    if (!eval { require Socket }) {
        print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0;
    undef *{Socket::inet_aton};
    undef *{Socket::inet_ntoa};
    if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval { require Convert::EBCDIC }) {
        print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0;
    $INC{'Socket.pm'} = 1;

package Socket;

sub import {
        my $pkg = caller();
        no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
        *{ $pkg . '::inet_aton' } = \&inet_aton;
        *{ $pkg . '::inet_ntoa' } = \&inet_ntoa;

my $fail = 0;
my %names;

sub set_fail {
        $fail = shift;

sub inet_aton {
        return if $fail;
        my $num = unpack('N', pack('C*', split(/\./, $_[0])));
        $names{$num} = $_[0];
        return $num;

sub inet_ntoa {
        return if $fail;
        return $names{$_[0]};

package main;

(my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/config.t/libnet_t.pl/;
require $libnet_t;

print "1..10\n";

use Net::Config;
ok( exists $INC{'Net/Config.pm'}, 'Net::Config should have been used' );
ok( keys %NetConfig, '%NetConfig should be imported' );

undef $NetConfig{'ftp_firewall'};
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(), 0, 
        'requires_firewall() should return 0 without ftp_firewall defined' );

$NetConfig{'ftp_firewall'} = 1;
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall('a.host.not.there'), -1,
        '... should return -1 without a valid hostname' );

delete $NetConfig{'local_netmask'};
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
        '... should return 0 without local_netmask defined' );

$NetConfig{'local_netmask'} = '';
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
        '... should return false if host is within netmask' );
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 1,
        '... should return true if host is outside netmask' );

# now try more netmasks
$NetConfig{'local_netmask'} = [ '', '' ];
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 0,
        '... should find success with mutiple local netmasks' );
is( Net::Config->requires_firewall(''), 1,
        '... should handle failure with multiple local netmasks' );

is( \&Net::Config::is_external, \&Net::Config::requires_firewall,
        'is_external() should be an alias for requires_firewall()' );