The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!./perl -w

# test method calls and autoloading.

    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = qw(. ../lib ../cpan/parent/lib);
    require "./"; require './';

use strict;
use utf8;
use open qw( :utf8 :std );
no warnings 'once';

plan(tests => 62);

#Can't use bless yet, as it might not be clean

sub F::b { ::is shift, "F";  "UTF8 meth"       }
sub F::b { ::is shift, "F";  "UTF8 Stash"     }
sub F::b { ::is shift, "F"; "UTF8 Stash&meth" }

is(F->b, "UTF8 meth", "If the method is in UTF-8, lookup works through explicitly named methods");
is(F->${\"b"}, "UTF8 meth", ' does for ->${\""}');
eval { F->${\"b\0nul"} };
ok $@, "If the method is in UTF-8, lookup is nul-clean";

is(F->b, "UTF8 Stash", "If the stash is in UTF-8, lookup works through explicitly named methods");
is(F->${\"b"}, "UTF8 Stash", ' does for ->${\""}');
eval { F->${\"b\0nul"} };
ok $@, "If the stash is in UTF-8, lookup is nul-clean";

is(F->b, "UTF8 Stash&meth", "If both stash and method are in UTF-8, lookup works through explicitly named methods");
is(F->${\"b"}, "UTF8 Stash&meth", ' does for ->${\""}');
eval { F->${\"b\0nul"} };
ok $@, "Even if both stash and method are in UTF-8, lookup is nul-clean";

eval { my $ref = \my $var; $ref->method };
like $@, qr/Can't call method "method" on unblessed reference /u;

    use utf8;
    use open qw( :utf8 :std );

    my $e;
    eval '$e = bless {}, "E::A"; E::A->foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::A" at/u);
    eval '$e = bless {}, "E::B"; $e->foo()';  
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::B" at/u);
    eval 'E::C->foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::C" (perhaps /u);
    eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::D::foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::D" (perhaps /u);
    eval 'my $e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::E::foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::E" (perhaps /u);
    $e = bless {}, "E::F";  # force package to exist
    eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::F::foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/u);
    eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::F::foo()';
    like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/u);

is(do { use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); eval 'Foo->boogie()';
	  $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "boogie" via package "Foo" (perhaps /u ? 1 : $@}, 1);

#This reimplements a bit of _fresh_perl() from, as we want to decode
#the output of that program before using it.
    skip_if_miniperl('no dynamic loading on miniperl, no Encode');

    my $prog = q!use utf8; use open qw( :utf8 :std ); sub T::DESTROY { $x = $_[0]; } bless [], "T";!;

    my $tmpfile = tempfile();
    my $runperl_args = {};
    $runperl_args->{progfile} = $tmpfile;
    $runperl_args->{stderr} = 1;

    open TEST, '>', $tmpfile or die "Cannot open $tmpfile: $!";

    print TEST $prog;
    close TEST or die "Cannot close $tmpfile: $!";

    my $results = runperl(%$runperl_args);

    require Encode;
    $results = Encode::decode("UTF-8", $results);

            qr/DESTROY created new reference to dead object 'T' during global destruction./u,
            "DESTROY creating a new reference to the object generates a warning in UTF-8.");

package Føø::Bær {
    sub new { bless {}, shift }
    sub nèw { bless {}, shift }

like( Føø::Bær::new("Føø::Bær"), qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access new directly through a UTF-8 package.' );
like( Føø::Bær->new, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access new as a method through a UTF-8 package.' );
like( Føø::Bær::nèw("Føø::Bær"), qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access nèw directly through a UTF-8 package.' );
like( Føø::Bær->nèw, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access nèw as a method through a UTF-8 package.' );

is( ref Føø::Bær->new, 'Føø::Bær');

my $new_ascii = "new";
my $new_latin = "nèw";
my $e_with_grave = byte_utf8a_to_utf8n("\303\250");
my $new_utf8  = "n${e_with_grave}w";
my $newoct    = "n${e_with_grave}w";

like( Føø::Bær->$new_ascii, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_ascii, [$new_ascii], stored in a scalar, as a method, through a UTF-8 package." );
like( Føø::Bær->$new_latin, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_latin, [$new_latin], stored in a scalar, as a method, through a UTF-8 package." );
like( Føø::Bær->$new_utf8, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_utf8, [$new_utf8], stored in a scalar, as a method, through a UTF-8 package." );
    local $@;
    eval { Føø::Bær->$newoct };
    like($@, qr/Can't locate object method "n${e_with_grave}w" via package "Føø::Bær"/u, "Can't access [$newoct], stored in a scalar, as a method through a UTF-8 package." );

like( nèw Føø::Bær, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access [nèw] as a method through a UTF-8 indirect object package.");

my $pkg_latin_1 = 'Føø::Bær';

like( $pkg_latin_1->new, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access new as a method when the UTF-8 package name is in a scalar.');
like( $pkg_latin_1->nèw, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, 'Can access nèw as a method when the UTF-8 package name is in a scalar.');

like( $pkg_latin_1->$new_ascii, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_ascii, [$new_ascii], stored in a scalar, as a method, when the UTF-8 package name is also in a scalar.");
like( $pkg_latin_1->$new_latin, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_latin, [$new_latin], stored in a scalar, as a method, when the UTF-8 package name is also in a scalar.");
like( $pkg_latin_1->$new_utf8, qr/Føø::Bær=HASH/u, "Can access \$new_utf8, [$new_utf8], stored in a scalar, as a method, when the UTF-8 package name is also in a scalar." );
    local $@;
    eval { $pkg_latin_1->$newoct };
    like($@, qr/Can't locate object method "n${e_with_grave}w" via package "Føø::Bær"/u, "Can't access [$newoct], stored in a scalar, as a method, when the UTF-8 package name is also in a scalar.");

ok !!Føø::Bær->can($new_ascii), "->can works for [$new_ascii]";
ok !!Føø::Bær->can($new_latin), "->can works for [$new_latin]";
ok((not !!Føø::Bær->can($newoct)), "->can doesn't work for [$newoct]");

package クラス {
    sub new { bless {}, shift }
    sub ニュー { bless {}, shift }

like( クラス::new("クラス"), qr/クラス=HASH/u);
like( クラス->new, qr/クラス=HASH/u);

like( クラス::ニュー("クラス"), qr/クラス=HASH/u);
like( クラス->ニュー, qr/クラス=HASH/u);

like( ニュー クラス, qr/クラス=HASH/u, "Indirect object is UTF-8, as is the class.");

is( ref クラス->new, 'クラス');
is( ref クラス->ニュー, 'クラス');

package Foo::Bar {
    our @ISA = qw( Føø::Bær );

package Foo::Bàz {
    use parent qw( -norequire Føø::Bær );

package ฟọ::バッズ {
    use parent qw( -norequire Føø::Bær クラス );

ok(Foo::Bar->new, 'Simple inheritance works by pushing into @ISA,');
ok(Foo::Bar->nèw, 'Even with UTF-8 methods');

ok(Foo::Bàz->new, 'Simple inheritance works with parent using -norequire,');
ok(Foo::Bàz->nèw, 'Even with UTF-8 methods');

ok(ฟọ::バッズ->new, 'parent using -norequire, in a UTF-8 package.');
ok(ฟọ::バッズ->nèw, 'Also works with UTF-8 methods');
ok(ฟọ::バッズ->ニュー, 'Even methods from an UTF-8 parent');

BEGIN {no strict 'refs';
       ++${"\xff::foo"} if $::IS_ASCII;
       ++${"\xdf::foo"} if $::IS_EBCDIC;
       } # autovivify the package
package ÿ {                                 # without UTF8
  if ($::IS_ASCII) {
    ::is our $AUTOLOAD,
      "\xff::\x{100}", '$AUTOLOAD made from Latin1 package + UTF8 sub';
  else {
    ::is our $AUTOLOAD,
      "\xdf::\x{100}", '$AUTOLOAD made from Latin1 package + UTF8 sub';

#This test should go somewhere else.
#DATA was being generated in the wrong package.
package ʑ;
no strict 'refs';

::ok( *{"ʑ::DATA"}{IO}, "DATA is generated in the right glob");
::ok !defined(*{"main::DATA"}{IO});
::is scalar <DATA>, "Some data\n";

Some data