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package CGI::Application::NetNewsIface::Cache::DBI;

use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI;

=head1 NAME

CGI::Application::NetNewsIface::Cache::DBI - an internally used class to
form a fast cache of the NNTP data.


    use CGI::Application::NetNewsIface::Cache::DBI;

    my $cache = CGI::Application::NetNewsIface::Cache::DBI->new(
            'nntp' => $nntp,
            'dsn' => "dbi:SQLite:dbname=foo.sqlite",


=head2 new({ %params })

Constructs a new cache object. Accepts a single argument - a hash ref with
named parameters. Required parameters are:

=over 4

=item 'nntp'

A handle to the Net::NNTP object that will be used for querying the NNTP

=item 'dsn'

The DBI 'dsn' for the DBI initialization.



sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;


    return $self;

sub _initialize
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    $self->{'nntp'} = $args->{'nntp'};

    my $dbh = $self->{'dbh'} = DBI->connect($args->{'dsn'}, "", "");

    $self->{'sths'}->{'select_group'} =
            "SELECT idx, last_art FROM groups WHERE name = ?"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'insert_group'} =
            "INSERT INTO groups (name, idx, last_art) VALUES (?, null, 0)"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'insert_art'} =
            "INSERT INTO articles (group_idx, article_idx, msg_id, parent, subject, frm, date)
             VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'update_last_art'} =
            "UPDATE groups SET last_art = ? WHERE idx = ?"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'get_index_of_id'} =
            "SELECT article_idx FROM articles WHERE (group_idx = ?) AND (msg_id = ?)"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'get_parent'} =
            "SELECT parent FROM articles WHERE (group_idx = ?) AND (article_idx = ?)"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'get_sub_thread'} =
            "SELECT article_idx, subject, date, frm" .
            " FROM articles" .
            " WHERE (group_idx = ?) AND (parent = ?)" .
            # We're ordering on (group_idx, article_idx) because that's what
            # the relevant index on the table is wired to.
            " ORDER BY group_idx, article_idx"

    $self->{'sths'}->{'get_art_info'} =
            "SELECT subject, date, frm FROM articles WHERE (group_idx = ?) AND (article_idx = ?)"

    return 0;

# This is a non-working workaround for the following DBD-SQLite bug:
# It can probably be removed afterwards.
    my $self = shift;
    my @stmts = keys(%{$self->{'sths'}});
    foreach my $s (@stmts)
        my $sth = delete($self->{'sths'}->{$s});

=head2 $cache->select( $group )

Selects the newsgroup $group.


sub select
    my ($self, $group) = @_;
    $self->{'group'} = $group;
    return $self->_update_group();

sub _update_group
    my $self = shift;

    my $group = $self->{'group'};
    my $nntp = $self->{'nntp'};
    my @info = $nntp->group($group);
    if (! @info)
        die "Unknown group \"$group\".";

    my ($num_articles, $first_article, $last_article) = @info;

    # TODO: Add a transaction here
    my $sth = $self->{sths}->{select_group};
    my $group_record = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
    if (!defined($group_record))
        $sth = $self->{sths}->{select_group};
        $group_record = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
    my $last_updated_art;
    my $group_idx;
    my $start_art;
    ($group_idx, $last_updated_art) = @$group_record;
    $self->{group_idx} = $group_idx;
    if ($last_updated_art == 0)
        $start_art = $first_article;
        $start_art = $last_updated_art+1;

    my $ins_sth = $self->{sths}->{insert_art};
    for (my $art_idx=$start_art; $art_idx <= $last_article;$art_idx++)
        my $head = $nntp->head($art_idx);
        if (!defined($head))

        my ($msg_id,$subject, $from, $date);
        my $parent = 0;
        foreach my $header (@$head)
            if ($header =~ m{^Subject: (.*)})
                $subject = $1;
            elsif ($header =~ m{^Message-ID: <(.*?)>$})
                $msg_id = $1;
            elsif ($header =~ m{In-reply-to: <(.*?)>$}i)
                $parent = $self->get_index_of_id($1);
            elsif ($header =~ m{^From: (.*)$})
                $from = $1;
            elsif ($header =~ m{^Date: (.*)$})
                $date = $1;
            $group_idx, $art_idx, $msg_id, $parent,
            $subject, $from, $date,

    if ($start_art <= $last_article)
             ->execute($last_article, $group_idx);

    return 0;

=head2 $cache->get_index_of_id($id)

Retrieves the index of the message with the id C<$id>.


sub get_index_of_id
    my ($self, $msg_id) = @_;
    my $sth = $self->{sths}->{get_index_of_id};
    $sth->execute($self->{'group_idx'}, $msg_id);
    my $ret = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
    return (defined($ret) ? $ret->[0] : 0);

sub _get_parent
    my ($self, $index) = @_;
    my $sth = $self->{sths}->{get_parent};
    $sth->execute($self->{'group_idx'}, $index);
    my $ret = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
    return (defined($ret) ? $ret->[0] : undef);

=head2 ($thread, $coords) = $cache->get_thread($index);

Gets the thread for the message indexed C<$index>. Thread is:

C<$thread> looks like this:

        'idx' => $index,
        'subject' => "Problem with Test::More",
        'date' => $date,
        'from' => "Shlomi Fish <>",
        'subs' =>
                'idx' => $index,
                'subs' =>

C<$coords> is the coordinates leading to the current article within the
thread. To access the current article from the coords use:



sub get_thread
    my ($self, $index) = @_;

    # Get the first ancestor of the thread.
    my $thread_head;
        my ($parent, $grandparent);
        $parent = $index;
        while (($grandparent = $self->_get_parent($parent)) != 0)
            $parent = $grandparent;
        $thread_head = $parent;

    # Make sure we retrieve information for the top-most node.
    my $sth = $self->{sths}->{get_art_info};
    $sth->execute($self->{group_idx}, $thread_head);
    my $info = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
    my $thread_struct =
        'idx' => $thread_head,
        'subject' => $info->[0],
        'date' => $info->[1],
        'from' => $info->[2],

    my $coords;
    $self->_get_sub_thread($thread_struct, $index, \$coords, []);
    return ($thread_struct, $coords);

sub _get_sub_thread
    my ($self, $struct_ptr, $requested, $coords_ptr, $coords) = @_;
    my $index = $struct_ptr->{idx};
    if ($index == $requested)
        $$coords_ptr = $coords;
    my $sth = $self->{sths}->{get_sub_thread};
    $sth->execute($self->{group_idx}, $index);
    my @subs;
    while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref())
        push @subs,
            'idx' => $row->[0],
            'subject' => $row->[1],
            'date' => $row->[2],
            'from' => $row->[3],
    if (@subs)
        $struct_ptr->{subs} = \@subs;
        foreach my $child_idx (0 .. $#subs)
                [@$coords, $child_idx],

=head1 AUTHOR

Shlomi Fish, L<> .

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.



Copyright 2006 Shlomi Fish, all rights reserved.

This program is released under the following license: MIT X11.

