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package Games::LMSolve::Numbers;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Games::LMSolve::Base;

use vars qw(@ISA);


my %cell_dirs =
        'N' => [0,-1],
        'S' => [0,1],
        'E' => [1,0],
        'W' => [-1,0],

sub input_board
    my $self = shift;

    my $filename = shift;

    my $spec =
        'dims' => {'type' => "xy(integer)", 'required' => 1},
        'start' => {'type' => "xy(integer)", 'required' => 1},
        'layout' => {'type' => "layout", 'required' => 1},

    my $input_obj = Games::LMSolve::Input->new();
    my $input_fields = $input_obj->input_board($filename, $spec);
    my ($width, $height) = @{$input_fields->{'dims'}->{'value'}}{'x','y'};
    my ($start_x, $start_y) = @{$input_fields->{'start'}->{'value'}}{'x','y'};
    my (@board);

    my $line;
    my $line_number=0;
    my $lines_ref = $input_fields->{'layout'}->{'value'};

    my $read_line = sub {
        if (scalar(@$lines_ref) == $line_number)
            return 0;
        $line = $lines_ref->[$line_number];
        return 1;

    my $gen_exception = sub {
        my $text = shift;
        die "$text on $filename at line " .
            ($input_fields->{'layout'}->{'line_num'} + $line_number + 1) .

    my $y = 0;

    INPUT_LOOP: while ($read_line->())
        if (length($line) != $width)
            $gen_exception->("Incorrect number of cells");
        if ($line =~ /([^\d\*])/)
            $gen_exception->("Unknown cell type $1");
        push @board, [ split(//, $line) ];
        if ($y == $height)

    if ($y != $height)
        $gen_exception->("Input terminated prematurely after reading $y lines");

    if (! defined($start_x))
        $gen_exception->("The starting position was not defined anywhere");

    $self->{'height'} = $height;
    $self->{'width'} = $width;
    $self->{'board'} = \@board;

    return [ $start_x, $start_y];

# A function that accepts the expanded state (as an array ref)
# and returns an atom that represents it.
sub pack_state
    my $self = shift;
    my $state_vector = shift;
    return pack("cc", @{$state_vector});

# A function that accepts an atom that represents a state
# and returns an array ref that represents it.
sub unpack_state
    my $self = shift;
    my $state = shift;
    return [ unpack("cc", $state) ];

# Accept an atom that represents a state and output a
# user-readable string that describes it.
sub display_state
    my $self = shift;
    my $state = shift;
    my ($x, $y) = @{ $self->unpack_state($state) };
    return sprintf("X = %i ; Y = %i", $x+1, $y+1);

sub check_if_final_state
    my $self = shift;

    my $coords = shift;
    return $self->{'board'}->[$coords->[1]][$coords->[0]] eq "*";

# This function enumerates the moves accessible to the state.
# If it returns a move, it still does not mean that it is a valid
# one. I.e: it is possible that it is illegal to perform it.
sub enumerate_moves
    my $self = shift;

    my $coords = shift;

    my $x = $coords->[0];
    my $y = $coords->[1];

    my $step = $self->{'board'}->[$y][$x];

    my @moves;

    if ($x + $step < $self->{'width'})
        push @moves, "E";

    # The ranges are [0 .. ($width-1)] and [0 .. ($height-1)]
    if ($x - $step >= 0)
        push @moves, "W";

    if ($y + $step < $self->{'height'})
        push @moves, "S";

    if ($y - $step >= 0)
        push @moves, "N";

    return @moves;

# This function accepts a state and a move. It tries to perform the
# move on the state. If it is succesful, it returns the new state.
# Else, it returns undef to indicate that the move is not possible.
sub perform_move
    my $self = shift;

    my $coords = shift;
    my $m = shift;

    my $step = $self->{'board'}->[$coords->[1]][$coords->[0]];

    my $offsets = [ map { $_  * $step } @{$cell_dirs{$m}} ];
    my @new_coords = @$coords;
    $new_coords[0] += $offsets->[0];
    $new_coords[1] += $offsets->[1];

    return [ @new_coords ];


=head1 NAME

Games::LMSolve::Numbers - driver for solving the number


NA - should not be used directly.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 $self->input_board()


=head2 $self->pack_state()


=head2 $self->unpack_state()


=head2 $self->display_state()


=head2 $self->check_if_unsolvable()


=head2 $self->check_if_final_state()


=head2 $self->enumerate_moves()


=head2 $self->perform_move()


=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHORS

Shlomi Fish, L<>
