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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# test Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz

use Test::More;
use strict;
use utf8;

   plan tests => 126;
   chdir 't' if -d 't';
   use lib '../lib';
   use_ok ("Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz") or die($@);

can_ok ("Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz", qw/

binmode (STDERR, ':utf8') or die ("Cannot do binmode(':utf8') on STDERR: $!");
binmode (STDOUT, ':utf8') or die ("Cannot do binmode(':utf8') on STDOUT: $!");

# parser object

my $c = 'Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz';

my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->new( debug => 0 );

is (ref($parser), $c);
is ($parser->error(), '', 'no error yet');

# from_text() and from_file() with Class->method style calling

my $graph = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->from_text('digraph G1 { "A" }');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy');
is ($graph->nodes(), 1, 'one node');

$graph = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->from_text('graph G { run -- init }');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy');
is ($graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
is ($graph->edges(), 1, 'one edge');

my @a = $graph->nodes(); for (@a) { $_ = $_->{name}; }
is (join (",", sort @a), 'init,run', 'two nodes');

# matching nodes

my $node_qr = $parser->_match_node();

like ('"A"', $node_qr, '"A" is a node');
like ('Bonn12', $node_qr, 'Bonn12 is a node');
like ('"Bonn"', $node_qr, '"Bonn" is a node');

# scopes and scope attributes

$graph = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->from_text( <<EOG
 digraph GRAPH_0 {
  node [ color=red ]
  node [ color=green ]
  { node [ color=blue ] Blue }

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 4, 'scopes: four nodes');

for my $n (qw/Red Green Green2 Blue/)
  my $node = $graph->node($n);
  my $color = lc($node->{name});
  $color =~ s/\d//g;
  is ($node->attribute('color'), $color, "scopes: $n => $color");

# test new scope only overriding new attributes plus one source attribute
# mapping to two target attributes (shape=doublecircle => shape: circle,
# border-style: double)

$graph = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->from_text( <<EOG1
 digraph GRAPH_0 {
  node [ color=red, shape=doublecircle ]
  node [ color=green ]
  { node [ color=blue ] Blue }

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 4, 'scopes: four nodes');

for my $n (qw/Red Green Green2 Blue/)
  my $node = $graph->node($n);
  my $color = lc($node->{name});
  $color =~ s/\d//g;
  is ($node->attribute('color'), $color, 
    "scopes: $n => $color");
  is ($node->attribute('shape'), 'circle', 
    "scopes: ${n}'s shope is 'circle'");
  is ($node->attribute('border-style'), 'double',
    "scopes: ${n}'s border-style is 'doube'");

# test "a -> { b c d }

$graph = Graph::Easy::Parser::Graphviz->from_text( <<EOG2
digraph GRAPH_0 {

  a -> { b c d }

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 4, 'scopes: four nodes');
is (scalar $graph->edges(), 3, 'scopes: three egdes');

# color parsing

my $tests = {
  '1.0,0.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(255,255,255)',		# white
  '1.0,0.0,0.5' 	=> 'rgb(128,128,128)',		# grey
  '1.0,0.0,0.0' 	=> 'rgb(0,0,0)',		# black
  '0.0,1.0,1.0'		=> 'rgb(255,0,0)',		# red
  '1.0,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(255,0,0)',		# red
  '1.0,1.0,0.5' 	=> 'rgb(128,0,0)',		# darkred
  '0.1666,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(255,255,0)',		# yellow
  '0.3333,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(0,255,0)',		# green
  '0.3333,1.0,0.5' 	=> 'rgb(0,128,0)',		# darkgreen
  '0.5,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(0,255,255)',		# cyan
  '0.6666,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(0,0,255)',		# blue
  '0.8333,1.0,1.0' 	=> 'rgb(255,0,255)',		# magenta

  '0.482,0.714,0.878'	=> 'rgb(64,224,207)',		# turquoise
  '0.051,0.718,0.627'	=> 'rgb(160,80,45)',		# sienna

for my $test (keys %$tests)
  my $color = 'rgb(' . join(",", Graph::Easy::_hsv_to_rgb(split/,/, $test) ) . ')';

  my $result = $tests->{$test};

  is ($color, $result, "hsv('$test') results in '$result'");

  $result =~ /([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/;
  my $hex = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $1, $2, $3);

  $color = Graph::Easy->color_as_hex( 'hsv(' . $test .')' );
  is ($color, $hex, "color_as_hex(hsv($test))");
my $color = 
is ($color, '#ffff99', "/accent4/4 works");

# HSL colors

my $hsl_tests = {
  '0,0.0,1.0' 		=> 'rgb(255,255,255)',		# white
  '0,0.0,0.5' 		=> 'rgb(128,128,128)',		# grey
  '0,0.0,0.0' 		=> 'rgb(0,0,0)',		# black
  '0,1.0,0.5'		=> 'rgb(255,0,0)',		# red
  '0,1.0,0.75'		=> 'rgb(255,128,128)',		# lightred
  '360,1.0,0.5'		=> 'rgb(255,0,0)',		# red
  '120,1.0,0.75'	=> 'rgb(128,255,128)',		# light green
  '240,1.0,0.25'	=> 'rgb(0,0,128)',		# medium blue
  '60,1.0,0.5'		=> 'rgb(255,255,0)',		# yellow
  '300,1.0,0.5'		=> 'rgb(255,0,255)',		# magenta

for my $test (keys %$hsl_tests)
  my $color = 'rgb(' . join(",", Graph::Easy::_hsl_to_rgb(split/,/, $test) ) . ')';

  my $result = $hsl_tests->{$test};

  is ($color, $result, "hsl('$test') results in '$result'");

  $result =~ /([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/;
  my $hex = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $1, $2, $3);

  $color = Graph::Easy->color_as_hex( 'hsl(' . $test .')' );

# general pattern tests

my $line = 0;

foreach (<DATA>)
  next if $_ =~ /^\s*\z/;			# skip empty lines
  next if $_ =~ /^#/;				# skip comments


  die ("Illegal line $line in testdata") unless $_ =~ /^(.*)\|([^\|]*)$/;
  my ($in,$result) = ($1,$2);

  my $txt = "digraph G {\n" . $in . "\n}";
  $txt =~ s/\\n/\n/g;				# insert real newlines

  eval {
  $graph = $parser->from_text($txt);		# reuse parser object

  if (!defined $graph)
  if ($graph->error)
  my $got = scalar $graph->nodes();

  my @edges = $graph->edges();

  my $es = 0;
  foreach my $e (sort { $a->label() cmp $b->label() } @edges)
    $es ++ if $e->label() ne '';

  $got .= '+' . $es if $es > 0;

  for my $n ( sort { $a->name() cmp $b->name() || $b->{att}->{label} cmp $a->{att}->{label} }
   ($graph->nodes(), $graph->edges()) )
    $got .= "," . $n->label() unless $n->label() =~ /^\s?\z/ || $n->label() eq $n->name();
    $got .= "," . $n->name() unless $n->name() eq '';
  my @groups = $graph->groups();

  for my $gr ( @groups )
    $got .= ',' . $gr->name();

  is ($got, $result, $in);

# anon nodes
# lines starting with '#' are discared
# First "#0" and "#1" are created, and ID 2 goes to the edge.
# then "#3" is created, and ID 4 goes to the second edge. Therefore
# "#0" and "#3" are the two anon nodes.
# nodes with _ and reserved text "node"
node_1 -> node_2 |2,node_1,node_2
# "foo"+"bar style continuations
"frankfurt"+" (oder)"|1,frankfurt (oder)
"frankfurt" + " (oder)"|1,frankfurt (oder)
 "frankfurt"  +  " (oder)"|1,frankfurt (oder)
"frank" + "furt" + " (oder)"|1,frankfurt (oder)
# multiple spaces in nodes
" Bonn and Berlin "|1,Bonn and Berlin
" Bonn  and  Berlin  "|1,Bonn and Berlin
"  Bonn   and  Berlin  "|1,Bonn and Berlin
"  Bonn \n  and  Berlin  "|1,Bonn and Berlin
"  Bonn \n\n  and  Berlin  "|1,Bonn and Berlin
# normal tests
" Berlin "|1,Berlin
  "  Dresden  "  |1,Dresden
" Pirna " [ color="red" ]|1,Pirna
" Bonn " -> " Berlin "|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn " -> " Berlin "\n"Berlin" -> "Frankfurt"|3,Berlin,Bonn,Frankfurt
" Bonn \( \#1 \) " -> " Berlin "\n"Berlin" -> "Frankfurt"|3,Berlin,Bonn ( #1 ),Frankfurt
" Bonn " [ color=red ]\n"Berlin" -> "Frankfurt"|3,Berlin,Bonn,Frankfurt
" Bonn " -> " Berlin "\n"Berlin" -> "Frankfurt"|3,Berlin,Bonn,Frankfurt
" Bonn " -> "Berlin" [color=blue] \n"Berlin" -> "Frankfurt"|3,Berlin,Bonn,Frankfurt
Bonn -> Berlin [color=blue] \nBerlin -> Frankfurt|3,Berlin,Bonn,Frankfurt
# funky node names and colors
_exit -- run [ color = "0.001 0.002 0.4" ]|2,_exit,run
# comments
" Bonn " -> " Berlin " [ color="#A0a0A0" ] // failed " Bonn " -> [ Ulm ]|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn " -> " Berlin " [ color="#A0a0A0" ] //80808080 failed [ Bonn ] -> [ Ulm ]|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn " -> " Berlin " [ color="#A0a0A0" ] //808080 failed [ Bonn ] -> [ Ulm ]|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn " -> " Berlin " [ color="#A0a0A0" ] /*808080 failed [ Bonn ] -> [ Ulm ]*/|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn " -> " Berlin " [ color="#A0a0A0" ] /*808080 failed\n [ Bonn ] -> [ Ulm ]*/|2,Berlin,Bonn
" Bonn /* * comment * */ " -> " Berlin " /*808080 failed\n [ Bonn ] -> [ Ulm ]*/|2,Berlin,Bonn /* * comment * */
# node chains
" Bonn " -> " Berlin "\n -> " Kassel "|3,Berlin,Bonn,Kassel
# node chains across line-endings
a1 -> a2\na2 -> a3|3,a1,a2,a3
# attributes w/ and w/o value
graph [ center ]|0
graph [ center=1 ]|0
graph [ center="" ]|0
graph [ center="1" ]|0
graph [ center, truecolor ]|0
graph [ center=1, truecolor ]|0
graph [ center="", truecolor ]|0
graph [ center="1", truecolor ]|0
edge [ ]|0
edge [\n ]|0
edge [ f=1 ]|0
# ']' inside attributes
"node" [ shape="box" label="[U]" color="red" ]|1,[U],node
node [ label="[U]" ]|0
# HTML entities names
"&gt; &uuml; &euro; &nbsp; &lt; &amp; &;; &$;"|1,> ü € < & ; $
#                                                              v--  non-breakable-space!
"HTML" [label="&gt; &uuml; &euro; &nbsp; &lt; &amp; &;; &$;"]|1,> ü €   < & ; $,HTML
# color with no leading 0:
"node" [ color=".7 .2 1.2"]|1,node