The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::Widgets::NavMenu;
use File::Path;
use Template;

my $css_style = <<"EOF";
a:hover { background-color : palegreen; }
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.breadcrumb :link
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.breadcrumb :link:hover
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my $nav_menu_tree =
    'host' => "default",
    'text' => "HTML-Widgets-NavMenu Example",
    'title' => "HTML-Widgets-NavMenu",
    'subs' =>
            'text' => "Home",
            'url' => "",
            'text' => "About Myself",
            'url' => "me/",
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "Bio",
                    'url' => "personal.html",
                    'title' => "A Short Biography of Myself",
                    'text' => "Contact",
                    'url' => "me/contact-me/",
                    'title'=> "How to Contact me in Every Conceivable Way",
                    'text' => "My Resum&eacute;s",
                    'url' => "me/resumes/",
                    'subs' =>
                            'text' => "English Resum&eacute;",
                            'url' => "resume.html",
                            'skip' => 1,
                            'text' => "Detailed English Resum&eacute;",
                            'url' => "resume_detailed.html",
                            'skip' => 1,
            'text' => "Humour",
            'url' => "humour/",
            'title' => "My Humorous Creations",
            'show_always' => 1,
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "The Enemy",
                    'url' => "humour/TheEnemy/",
                    'title' => "The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It",
                    'text' => "TOWTF",
                    'url' => "humour/TOWTF/",
                    'title' => "The One with the Fountainhead",
                    'text' => "The Pope",
                    'url' => "humour/Pope/",
                    'title' => "The Pope Died on Sunday",
                    'text' => "Humour Archive",
                    'title' => "Archive of Humorous Bits I came up with",
                    'url' => "humour.html",
                    'text' => "Fortune Cookies Collection",
                    'title' => "Collection of Files for Input to the UNIX 'fortune' Program",
                    'url' => "humour/fortunes/",
            'text' => "Math-Ventures",
            'url' => "MathVentures/",
            'title' => "Mathematical Riddles and their Solutions",
            'text' => "Computer Art",
            'url' => "art/",
            'title' => "Computer art I created while explaining how.",
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "Back to my Homepage",
                    'url' => "art/bk2hp/",
                    'title' => "A Back to my Homepage logo not unlike the one from the movie &quot;Back to the Future&quot;",
                    'text' => "Linux Banner",
                    'url' => "art/linux_banner/",
                    'title' => "Linux - Because Software Problems should not Cost Money",
            'text' => "Software",
            'url' => "open-source/",
            'expand' => { 're' => "^(open-source|perl)/", },
            'title' => "Pages related to Software (mostly Open-Source)",
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "Freecell Solver",
                    'url' => "open-source/projects/freecell-solver/",
                    'text' => "MikMod for Java",
                    'title' => "A Player for MOD Files (a type of Music Files) for the Java Environment",
                    'url' => "jmikmod/",
                    'text' => "FCFS RWLock",
                    'title' => "A First-Come First-Served Readers/Writers Lock",
                    'url' => "rwlock/",
                    'text' => "Quad-Pres",
                    'title' => "A Tool for Creating HTML Presentations",
                    'url' => "open-source/projects/quad-pres/",
                    'text' => "Favourite OSS",
                    'title' => "Favourite Open-Source Software",
                    'url' => "open-source/favourite/",
                    'text' => "Interviews",
                    'title' => "Interviews with Open-Source People",
                    'url' => "open-source/interviews/",
                    'text' => "Contributions",
                    'title' => "Contributions to Other Projects, that I did not Start",
                    'url' => "open-source/contributions/",
                    'text' => "Bits and Bobs",
                    'title' => "Various Small-Scale Open-Source Works",
                    'url' => "open-source/bits.html",
                    'text' => "Portability Libraries",
                    'title' => "Cross-Platform Abstraction Libraries",
                    'url' => "abstraction/",
                    'hide' => 1,
                    'text' => "Software Tools",
                    'title' => "Software Construction and Management Tools",
                    'url' => "software-tools/",
                    'hide' => 1,
            'text' => "Lectures",
            'url' => "lecture/",
            'expand' => { 're' => "^lecture/", },
            'title' => "Presentations I Wrote (Mostly Technical)",
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "Perl for Newbies",
                    'url' => "lecture/Perl/Newbies/",
                    'text' => "Freecell Solver",
                    'url' => "lecture/Freecell-Solver/",
                    'text' => "Lambda Calculus",
                    'title' => "A presentation about a Turing-complete programming environment with only two primitives",
                    'url' => "lecture/lc/",
                    'text' => "The Gimp",
                    'title' => "A Presentation about the GNU Image Manipulation Program",
                    'url' => "lecture/Gimp/",
                    'text' => "GNU Autotools",
                    'url' => "lecture/Autotools/",
                    'text' => "Web Meta Lecture",
                    'title' => "A Presentation about the Web Meta Language",
                    'url' => "lecture/WebMetaLecture/",
            'text' => "Essays",
            'url' => "essays/",
            'title' => "Various Essays and Articles about Technology and Philosophy in General",
            'subs' =>
                    'text' => "Index to Essays",
                    'url' => "essays/Index/",
                    'title' => "Index to Essays and Articles I wrote.",
                    'text' => "Open Source",
                    'url' => "essays/open-source/",
                    'title' => "Essays about Open-Source",
                    'text' => "Life",
                    'url' => "essays/life/",
                    'title' => "Essays about Life, the Universe and Everything",
            'text' => "Cool Links",
            'url' => "links.html",
            'title' => "An incomplete list of links I find cool and/or useful.",
            'text' => "Site Map",
            'url' => "site-map/",
            'title' => "A site map for the site with all the pages",


my %hosts =
    'hosts' =>
        'default' =>
            'base_url' => ("" .

my @page_paths =
("", "me/", "personal.html", "me/contact-me/", "me/resumes/", "resume.html",
"resume_detailed.html", "humour/", "humour/TheEnemy/", "humour/TOWTF/",
"humour/Pope/", "humour.html", "humour/fortunes/", "MathVentures/",
"art/", "art/bk2hp/", "art/linux_banner/", "open-source/",
"open-source/projects/freecell-solver/", "jmikmod/", "rwlock/",
"open-source/projects/quad-pres/", "open-source/favourite/",
"open-source/interviews/", "open-source/contributions/",
"open-source/bits.html", "abstraction/", "software-tools/", "lecture/",
"lecture/Perl/Newbies/", "lecture/Freecell-Solver/", "lecture/lc/",
"lecture/Gimp/", "lecture/Autotools/", "lecture/WebMetaLecture/",
"essays/", "essays/Index/", "essays/open-source/", "essays/life/",

my @pages =
    (map {
        +{ 'path' => $_, 'title' => "Title for $_",
        'content' => "<p>Content for $_</p>" }
    } @page_paths);

# Add the site-map page.
    my $site_map_path = "site-map/";
    my $site_map_generator =
            path_info => "/$site_map_path",
            current_host => "default",
            hosts => \%hosts,
            tree_contents => $nav_menu_tree
    push @pages,
        'path' => $site_map_path,
        'title' => "Site Map",
        'content' => join("\n", @{$site_map_generator->gen_site_map()}),

push @pages,
        'path' => "perl/japhs/",
        'title' => "Perl JAPHs",
        'content' => "<p>JAPHs for fun and profit.</p>",
        'path' => "open-source/yowza/",
        'title' => "A Wonderful Yowza",
        'content' => "<p>Yowza is da-bomb man!</p>",

foreach my $page (@pages)
    my $path = $page->{'path'};
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            path_info => "/$path",
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            hosts => \%hosts,
            tree_contents => $nav_menu_tree,

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        $file_path .= "index.html";
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    $full_path =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]+$};
    # mkpath() throws an exception if it isn't successful, which will cause
    # this program to terminate. This is what we want.
    mkpath($1, 0, 0755);
    open my $out, ">", $full_path or
        die "Could not open \"$full_path\" for writing!";

    my $template =
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        'nav_links' => $nav_menu_results->{'nav_links_obj'},

    my $nav_links_template = <<'EOF';
[% USE HTML %]
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[% css_style %]
[% FOREACH key = nav_links.keys.sort %]
<link rel="[% key %]"
href="[% HTML.escape(nav_links.$key.direct_url()) %]"
title="[% nav_links.$key.title() %]" />
[% END %]
<div class="breadcrumb">
[% FOREACH c = breadcrumbs %]
[% UNLESS loop.first %] &rarr; [% END %]
<a href="[% HTML.escape(c.direct_url) %]"
[% IF c.title %] title="[% c.title %]"[% END %]
>[% c.label %]</a>
[% END %]

<div class="navlinks">
[% FOREACH key = nav_links.keys.sort %]
<a href="[% HTML.escape(nav_links.$key.direct_url()) %]"
title="[% nav_links.$key.title() %]">[% key %]</a>
[% END %]
<div class="navbar">
[% nav_menu_text %]
<div class="body">
<h1>[% title %]</h1>
[% content %]

    $template->process(\$nav_links_template, $vars, $out);
